attired.a 🔎
- The `Weed don't take themselves too seriously, either, as demonstrated by Lenny's sleeve artwork, which invariably depicts outrageouslyattiredpukeutuneitahippy freakshippikummajaisiain various states of narcotic oblivion.
- He had seemed too good to be true -- the perfectlyattiredpukeutunutgolfergolffari, with check cap, patterned pullover, tartan trousers and, most improbable of all, a Royal and Ancient tie.
- It came from the direction of the strangelyattiredpukeutunutmanmiesin the dock, and the more observant members of the jury could see that this bell was attached to the end of the man's hat.
bare-armed.a 🔎
- Oban was a different kind of noise and fatbare-armedpaljaskäsivartisiapeopleihmisiäwearing far too much white, joilla oli yllään aivan liikaa valkoistaand doing nothing but staring.
bare-breasted.a 🔎
- His naked riders on the beach andbare-breastedpaljasrintaisetwomennaisetladen with flowers and fruit were nostalgic celebrations of a vanishing world.
- It was a place to associate withbare-breastedpaljasrintaisetmaidensneidot, the bohemian European artists of the thirties who immortalised them, floral garlands, towering cloud peaks.
bare-chested.a 🔎
- Even without a shirt, andhehänwas oftenoli useinbare-chestedilman paitaabeneath his jacket.
- `This, ``he says slapping down a copy of THE FACE --bare-chestedilman paitaaMarky MarkMarky Markon its cover -- with an air of triumphalism, `is more homoerotic than our pictures!
- Also in attendance were PERRY FARRELL and abare-chestedilman paitaaSLASHSLASH, although neither stayed for the after-show party at a sleazy ten-pin bowling alley, where a fun knock-out contest was held.
- Man shuffled along over the cold floors, some dressed in grey prison-issue pyjamas,othersmuutbare-chestedilman paitaaor in boxer shorts.
bare.a 🔎
- I stretchedmy<empty>barepaljaatarmskäsivarteni.
- Onlyhis<empty>barepaljasheadpäänsäremained clear, level with the deck.
- With her sensuous smile andher<empty>barepaljaineshouldersolkapäineen, she could be likened to a contented cat who knows she has found a good home.
- He felt the inch ofbarepaljastaskinihoaabove his socks as two cold metal bands.
barefoot.a 🔎
- They support Cory Aquino; but thebarefootpaljasjalkaisethealth workersterveydenhoitotyöntekijät' small supply of free drugs has been curtailed by her administration.
- THE OTHER day Bruce Kendrick of Haughton Fine Wines found abarefootpaljasjalkaisencustomerasiakkaandangling a pendulum over the wines in his shop.
- Is it any wonder that our streets are full ofbarefootpaljasjalkaisia, starvingchildrenlapsia?
- I hear the panting of abarefootpaljasjalkaistenwomannaistenbehind me.
- I<empty>'m not walkingbarefootpaljain jaloin.
barefooted.a 🔎
- This meant a four-hour wait in Boaventura where we were observed by amusedbarefootedpaljasjalkaisetchildrenlapset, obviously unused to foreigners.
- And now,MavisMavisstoodbarefootedpaljain jaloinon the beach, looking at the moody grey sea in the dawn light.
- Late in the evening, she finally slipped up to her bedroom, walkingbarefootedpaljain jaloinso that she wouldn't be heard.
bareheaded.a 🔎
- She shut her eyes and tugged at the rope, sending the boat soaring high up over the scruffy, stinking little fair and thebare-headedpaljaspäisiäpeopleihmisiäand the wide, comfortable, pleasure-loving river.
- In the secondhehänstoodbareheadedpaljain päin, dressed in a swirling black cloak, fastened at the throat by a gold and enamel clasp.
barelegged.a 🔎
- WhenJohn CampbellJohn Campbell--who, jokahad refused to gobare-leggedpaljain säärinunder his breacan-feileskottiasussaan; there were limits! -- saw them, he blinked at the dazzle of colours, the triple-layered jewels before controlling himself and advancing steadily.
- It was a warm day, soshehänwasolibareleggedpaljain säärin, with white sandals.
braless.a 🔎
- Why else gobralessilman rintaliivejä?
clad.a 🔎
- A bearish, messianicfigurehahmowith mutton-chop whiskers, frequentlycladpuettuin cowboy boots and `bolo ``tiecowboy-saappaisiin ja kaulanauhaan, Asimov was stoically resigned to his own eccentricity.
- With an effort she pulled her gaze away from the tallfigurehahmosta, joka olicladpuettuin blue trousers and black T-shirtsinisiin housuihin ja mustaan T-paitaan.
- A dozenmen and womenmiehiä ja naisiacladverhoutuneitain fursturkiksiinwere polishing axes and broadswords monotonously, mindlessly.
- The third cell (82d) contains a handsome youngmanmiescladpukeutuneenain (very dated) Estalian clothing(erittäin vanhanaikaisiin) estalialaiseen vaatteisiinwho suffers an eternal curse on the vanity which Drachenfels now mocks.
- Her long legsHänen pitkät jalkansawereolicladverhottuin denimsfarkkuihin.
- From out the dark, abluesiniseencladpuettufigurehahmoappeared,
- Their heads lowered to avoid the outstretched hand and pale features of a thinleathernahkaancladpuetunfigurehahmonhunched over in a shop doorway.
- It wasLori herselfLori itsewho let her in,cladpukeutuneenain a satin robesatiiniseen aamutakkiinand nothing else.
- He was standing in the doorway,his lean framehoikka olemuksensacladpuettunain a loose-fitting tawny-coloured suit that seemed to emphasise the taut muscle that lay beneathlöysään, kellanruskeaan pukuun, joka korosti sen alta pullottavia lihaksiait.
- One of the people to mastermind thejeansfarkkuihincladpukeutuneestamechanicmekaanikostatransformed into a sex symbol was the Sydney fashion guru.
clothed.a 🔎
- I remember nothing from the film except a lot of droning talk and afullykokonaanclothedpuettuwomannainenwith dark lashes lying down.
- The residents were confident that wartime experience would convert many more of theirclothedpuetuistacountrymenmaanmiehistäänto shed their garments too -- presumably for no other reason than that it eased the problems caused by clothes rationing.
- There was a brief exchange of hoots, and theclothedpuetuthumanihmisetput down the tray and went out again.
- The door to Suzy's bedroom was wide open andherhänenpartlyosittainclothedverhottubodykehonsawas spreadeagled on the bed.
- He foundhehänwasolifullytäysissäclothedpukeissaunder the duvet.
- Even whenhehänwasoliclothedpukeissa, the firelight played up his flexing muscles as he removed his jumper to use as a pillow.
coatless.a 🔎
- HeHänwasolicoatlessilman takkiaand shivering.
costumed.a 🔎
- Lessons are taken by a blackcostumedpukeutunutMrs Lesley Haymanrouva Lesley Hayman, the education authority's living history projects teacher, who poses as the stern `Miss Bracegirdle ``.
- In the capital there's a magnificent parade of roughly caparisoned elephants, floats andcostumedasuihin pukeutuneitawalkersjalankulkijoita, culminating in a fly-past decorating the sky with the colours of the national flag.
- We were, after all, in the huge personnel carrier area, with pods, shuttles and other small vehicles coming down in a steady stream, every one of them disgorging masked andcostumedasuihin pukeutuneitarevellersjuhlijoita.
- She'd reached a floodlit clearing where a group ofcostumedasuihin pukeutuneitadancerstanssijoitawere performing, brilliant in pink skirts, white petticoats, black bodices and bright head-scarves.
dressed.a 🔎
- When I looked up I saw it was coming from twosmartlyfiksustidressedpukeutunuttamenmiestäon the long bench-seat opposite.
- The collection at Woodstock has goodness knows how many silk wedding dresses, but it would be wrong to assume that every Victorian woman went rounddressedpukeutuneenain a white silk wedding dressvalkoiseen, silkkiseen vihkipukuun, because they didn't.
- After Marilyn, she'd be the bestdressedpukeutunutwomannainenat the wedding, blonde, shapely, in the green dress Marilyn had got so superstitious about.
- But these were not just facsimiles of Big Ted and Little Ted, no: this timeHambleHamblewasolidressedpukeutunuthead to toekiireestä kantapäähänin leathernahkaanastride a miniature Harley Davidson.
- She was asmartlyfiksustidressedpukeutunutwomannainen, different from the other women in our district, but then she could afford to be because they were very comfortably off.
- Is that what thebestparhaitendressedpukeutunutgardenerpuutarhuriwears these days?
- JamieJamieisonhalfpuoliksidressedpukeissa, one knee bent up towards his stomach.
- Igot<empty>dressedPukeuduinand they got slightly worse.
- We can easily picture therespectablykunniallisestidressedpukeutunutgirltyttö, swinging her skirts as she approached, and as she not-quite-accidentally brushed the `common ``girls to one side.
- On the left-hand side of the hall stood a solitary desk behind which asmartlyfiksustidressedpukeutunutyoung mannuori mieswas seated.
- I have always felt helpless and hopeless desire for beautiful, rich,elegantlytyylikkäästidressedpukeutuneitawomennaisia.
- He turned to order another drink and as he did so, threeprettilysievästidressedpukeutunuttawomennaistawandered into the room, and the hubbub of conversation momentarily became subdued.
- During the later years of the century, it was also common to showthe deceasedvainajaadressedpuettunain Roman costumeroomalaispukuun.
- The door opened, and asmartlyhyvindressedpukeutunutmaidpalvelustyttöappeared on the threshold.
- I rang the bell and aneatlysiististidressedpukeutunutparlourmaidsisäkköopened the door.
- She was aware that she was being closely observed by theformallyvirallisestidressedpukeutunutstaffhenkilökunta.
- `I don't know! ``she grinned, absorbed in watching a group ofbeautifullykauniistidressedpukeutuneitaVenetiansvenetsialaisiastepping into a gondola.
- SheHänfeltfar morepaljon enemmän…dressedpukeutuneeksi… than she had thought she would.
- `HeHänetwas founddressedpukeutuneenaas some kind of animal.
- `She was such a beautiful little baby; and because things were a bit easier by the time she came alongshehänetwasolialwaysainadressedpuettuin pretty clotheskauniisiin vaatteisiin, not second-hand things and hand-me-downs as we were.
- The young princesNuoret prinssit,dressed, jotka olivat pukeutuneetsmartlytyylikkäästiin dark blazerstummiin bleisereihin, helped their grandmother collect the flowers and were later rewarded by a lady in the crowd who offered them gift-wrapped bars of chocolate.
- Our escorts,bothmolemmatdressedpukeutuneinain blazers and boatersbleisereihin ja olkihattuihinjumped on-board -- and promptly steered us straight for a garden wall.
- HeHänisondressedpukeutunutin expensive clothingkalliisiin vaatteisiinand drives a new car: Judy Gomez refers to him as a pimp, thus indicating his involvement in sexual as well as social exploitation.
- The downstairs restaurant where breakfast is served, has walls decorated with paintings ofpeopleihmisistädressedpukeutuneinain traditional local costumespaikallisiin kansallispukuihin.
- HeHänwas carefullyoli huolellisestidressedpukeutunutin a dandified fashionkeikarimaiseen tyyliinin white flannels, valkoiseen flanelliinand a large panama hat protected his head.
- Upstairs I found that all the balconies led off one long room, wherechildrenlapset,dressedpukeutuneinain green kerchiefs and black-and-red culottesvihreisiin päähuiveihin ja punamustiin housuhameisiin, were dancing to the accompaniment of a guitar band.
garbed.a 🔎
- I<empty>shall gogarbedpukeutuneenaas a maidservantnaispalvelijaksiand, if seen and questioned, shall concoct a tale about having a message for one of the guards.
- But as I drew nearer the crag became smaller still, the stature of the brightlygarbedpukeutuneidenclimberskiipeilijöiden, who were smaller still, creating the optical illusion.
- Joseph looked out through the windows and saw three small Annamese children dressed in traditional silk tunics like their parents walking on the lawns below the terrace in the company of a plainlygarbedpukeutuneidenAnnamese servantannamilaisten palvelijoiden.
- Then a momentary thinning of the swirling fog revealed to his horrified gaze the alarming sight of theblackmustiingarbedpukeutuneenfigurehahmonsliding over the platform rail to drop on his unsuspecting colleague.
gloved.a 🔎
- Moreover, pulling the foil tops off the spray containers can be very awkward withglovedkäsineethandskädessä, as many sprayer operators will ruefully admit.
- Flakes of snow settled on the muzzle of my rifle, and smoking a cigarette while wearing leather gloves left a gingery smell of burnt, nicotined hide inmy<empty>glovedkäsineen verhoamassapalmkämmenessäni.
- He twirled his paint gun around oneglovedkäsineen verhoamanfingersormen.
- Now he saw againKerrison'sKerrisoninglovedhansikoidutfingerssormet, sleek as eels, busying themselves at the body's orifices.
- He grippedherhänenglovedhansikoituunarmkäteensäfastidiously in his gloved fingers and said, confidentially, `He told me not to mention his name.
gloveless.a 🔎
- `The train had no heating, ``he said, blowing onhis<empty>glovelesspaljaisiinhandskäsiinsä.
hatless.a 🔎
- Instead of a wild,hatlessilman hattua olevangirltytön, we saw a beautiful, carefully dressed young lady.
- HeHänwasolihatlessilman hattua, his silver hair awry, his eyes glowing with insane fury.
hatted.a 🔎
- He realised that he was, in fact, looking ata manmiestä, so heavily clothed,hattedhattuunand bootedin fursturkiksiinthat he could have made a fortune doing tricks at the Glasgow Fair.
- A man's shout pierced the mist, and the first pursuer rushed out of the end of the alley and cut with his sword at thehattedhattupäiseenshapehahmoonwhich he saw dimly ahead of him.
- Five minutes later she was coming downstairs again, almost hurriedly,stillyhähattedhattupäiseenand coated.
- Suddenly there it was, right in front of him, fleeing in the dark,a faint glowing figure seeming to float over the groundkalpeana hehkuva hahmo, joka näytti leijuvan maasta irti,hattedhattu päässäänand cloaked.
- Sweeney's Brittenesque, atmospheric score provided a counterpart to McGuinness's vision of suitablyhattedhattupäisistädancerstanssijoista, as chromosomes and genes, swishing about in a vibrant multi-coloured womb.
have on.v 🔎
- SheHänstillyhähad onkäyttithe revealing silk blouse she had worn in the showpaljastavaa silkkipuseroa, jota hän oli käyttänyt näytöksessä, with stage jewellery sparkling at her throat and breast.
- When it was all overI<empty>had onylläni olia wet blousemärkä pusero, but Shirnette had one on too.
- I<empty>'veOlenhadpitänytmy hathattuaonpäässäfor fully five minutes.
hooded.a 🔎
- He regarded the Robemaker and Fenella, peeping out cautiously, saw him smile a bit vacantly at thehoodedhuppupäisellefigurehahmolle.
- Thehoodedhuppupäinenfigurehahmosaid no more, but sat carefully down and applied himself to the oars.
- At the same time, Brother, a cowled andhoodedhuppupäinenfigurehahmowas seen in the tavern near the Tower, and the same person, probably Burghgesh, also seen in Woodforde.
- Another witness had earlier reported seeing fourhoodedhuppupäistäand shackledmenmiestäunder arrest at the military section of the airport during the coup, but there was no way of identifying them.
- Only when they saw thehoodedhuppupäisenmenmiehenwith blood-covered knives approaching their cars did they realise what lay in store for them.
- AHOODEDhuppupäinenmanmieswho raped a 19-year-old student is thought to be responsible for at least six other sex attacks over the past two years.
- A 26-year-old man admitted to being thehoodedhuppupäinenrapistraiskaajawho terrorised women in a town's bed-sit area.
- There followed the horror ofhoodedhuppupäistenArabsarabienbargaining from the Israeli balcony.
in.prep 🔎
- I cut it out of Cosmopolitan magazine: an article entitled `Think Yourself Thin ``, illustrated bya blonde womanvaalea nainenin<empty>a bikinibikineissäänbeing carried on the arms of two grinning, solid young men.
- There are evenpeopleihmisiäin<empty>beretsbaskereissa, but no one minds.
- A sailor stood beside the captain, behind thema dozen mentusina mieniäin<empty>jungle fatigues and black beretsmaastopuvuissa ja mustissa bareteissa.
- The group leaderRyhmänjohtajain<empty>beautiful bootsupeissa saappaissa
- Men in jeans and leather jackets go by, men limping, men lighting cigarettes, veiled women,womennaisetin<empty>flesh-coloured tightsihonvärisissä trikoissa, lugging shopping, men in leather jackets …
- This must be a taste of how it was to be aMarinemerisotilasin<empty>armourunivormussaan, whose servo-suit responded to the motions of his body, magnifying these …
- We shallallkaikkibein<empty>ragsrääsyissä… ”
- `Five over here, ``saida big fat maniso, lihava miesin<empty>a shameless wighärskissä peruukissaan.
- LANDED GENTLY:FergieFergie,nownytin<empty>a one-piece bathing costumeyksiosaisessa uimapuvussa, and friend crawl out of their hideaway swimming pool after a refreshing dip
masked.a 🔎
- One was a tall, large-featured and forbidding man, dressed in black velvet, and the other was amaskednaamioitunutladynainen, obviously in the last stages of bearing a child.
- The only reaction was from the latter,hishänenmaskedpeitetyistäfacekasvoistaansuddenly turning in the direction of one of the cameras.
- For Gaza's children, the heroes are themaskedkasvonsa peittäneetteenagersteinitwho challenge Israel's soldiers or settlers more seriously -- or promise such challenge from every available wall.
- There were whoops and cheers, mock kissing attempts, challenges to put names on themaskedpeitetyillefaceskasvoilleand then a song.
- It stood for a moment,maskedpeitetytfacekasvotquesting, saw us and knew that it had been seen, scurried up the steps and away.
- Wearing the uniform of the wrestling ring, wheremaskedkasvonsa peittäneetmenmiehetrepresenting the forces of good fight others representing evil, Superbarrio has found other pursuits more of a challenge.
- But the sight ofmaskedkasvonsa peittäneistämenmiehistäwith a gun would put people in fear, he said.
- It is said that themaskedkasvonsa peittänytladynainendied there in childbirth.
- The victim was being coaxed by a trained woman detective at her hospital bedside in the hope that hermaskedkasvonsa peittänytattackerhyökkääjäcan be identified.
naked.a 🔎
- Oh yes, and there were twonakedalastontamenmiestäin the room.
- THEnakedAlastonbodyruumisof a murdered whiz-kid company directormurhatun nuorten älykköjen yhtiön johtajanwas found dumped on wasteland.
- The boy was dryinghis<empty>wet,nakedalastontabrownbodyvartaloaanin the sun.
- The duvet she was clutching aroundher<empty>nakedalastomanbodyvartalonsawas a geometric blend of grey and blue.
- Suddenly I noticed anakedalastomanboypojan.
- He lay back and watchedhernaisennakedalastontafigurehahmoaslip into his discarded shirt.
- Couldn't you dedicate a few months of the year tonakedalastomillemenmiehille?
- There was just enough moonlight to see that one of the rocks did indeed resemble anakedalastontawomannaistawith her twin breasts thrust towards the stars.
- SoI<empty>laynakedalastiin the rinsed airlessness of the room, waiting for She-She's return, and wishing pretty earnestly that I had taken my chances with Moby.
- He stood back, looking at his handiwork, then crossed to the wall and switched off all the lights but one -- the spot that picked outhernaisennakedalastomanrumppakaran.
nakedness.n 🔎
- The blanket fell away from her, revealedherhänennakednessalastomuutensa.
nude.a 🔎
- Helen Chadwick chose to use a photocopying machine to representher<empty>nudealastontabodyvartaloaanand various attributes -- fish, flesh, fowl, flora, feathers, fruits.
- We suddenly found ourselves in the Turkish baths with a dozennudealastomanmenmiehen.
- I don't think I ever saw anudealastontawomannaistain the house — certainly there were women in various states of undress … but never nude.
- And immediately told her, `Yousinä'reoletnudealasti!
nudity.n 🔎
- HerHänennudityalastomuutensaprovided a carte blanche that hours of queuing at the press tent could never have done.
- It's allkysenudityalastomuudestaof womennaisten.
robed.a 🔎
- Fourrobedkaapuun puettuamenmiestäwere idling beneath the `cafe ``sign, which was daubed in white on the mud wall.
- Herded by arobedkaapuun puetunpriestpapin, other techs decamped from the catwalks.
- When she was allowed through to the nave she discovered dancers rehearsing a performance androbedkaapuun puetutguidesoppaatdiscouraging visitors from proceeding to the site of St Thomas's shrine because their passage disturbed the troupe.
- With narrow lips and eyes he faced the strolling irony of the afternoon crowds, the young, therobedkaapuun puetutincuriousforeignersulkomaalaiset.
shirtless.a 🔎
- But he must have been; that was whyhehänwasolishirtlessilman paitaa.
shoeless.a 🔎
- The celebratory burial of theshoelesskengättömänwaifmierolaisen.
- MANYMonetwereolivatshoelessilman kenkiä, the dust and blood caked upon their shredded feet.
- When Alix arrived home in Wandsworth, she found Brian and Sam sitting comfortably in front of the television on the ancient sofa withtheirheidänsocked andshoelessilman kenkiäfeet<empty>up watching a Len Deighton movie.
- Ace was lounging on the sofa next to her,his<empty>shoelessilman kenkiäfeet<empty>now resting on the table next to the coffee, Kate's glances of distaste having been completely ignored.
sockless.a 🔎
- Onhishänensocklessilman sukkiafeetjaloissaanwere soiled gym shoes.
- He was wearing a shiny black suit and white-and-black golfing shoes, buthehänwas shirtless andsocklessilman sukkia.
sport.v 🔎
- HeHänwas draped in the doorway,sportingkomeanaa chunky oatmeal sweater and a pair of thigh-hugging beige trouserspaksussa viljankeltaisessa villapaidassaan ja reidenmyötäisissä beigeissä housuissaanand looking tanned and fit after their afternoon in the snow.
- DAWN breaks on Boxing Day in Burnley andgroups of bleary-eyed individualssumeakatseisten ihmisten ryhmät, jotkasportingkantavat ylpeinägarish claret and blue garbviininpunaista ja sinistä,gather on street corners.
- SportingVälittämättämatted hair, an unkempt beard and purple sneakerstakkuisesta tukasta, hoitamattomasta parta ja violeteista lenkkareistahehäneven gave Charles and Diana a thumbs-up sign at the end of his performance.
- YesterdayEilenLeslieLeslieshowed he was full of life again,sportingesittelia blue baseball capsinistä baseball-lippistäand obviously looking forward to spending the day with his five children and 61-year-old wife Jean.
- SheHänwas<empty>sportingoli ylpeäa pair of gold hoop earringskultaisista korvarenkaistaan, and her face was skilfully made up.
- To the east are the Aonachs, the brooding big beasts tamed to a degree now by poor old Aonach Mor's ski-tows, which it wears uncomfortably like alorry driverkuorma-autokuski,sportingesitteleegold neck chainskultaista kaulaketjuaan.
- While all around him,menmiehetwore their hair at shoulder length andsportedesittelivätgold chain necklaces, frilled pink shirts, flared-leg hipster trousers, and coloured boots with platform soleskultaisia kaulaketjujaan, pinkkejä röyhelöpaitojaan, leveälahkeisia hippihousujaan ja värikkäitä, tolppakorkoisia saappaitaan, Adam had remained carefully traditional.
topless.a 🔎
- Bryan, who was pictured sunbathing with atoplessyläosattomanFergieFergienearlier this year, called a mutual friend to get the number of the five-star Walserhoff.
- Although billed in the contact magazines as `couples only ``, the male ratio here is about 25 to one; the one is thetoplessyläosatonwomannainen, so everyone is paying her very special attention.
- Four-letter words andtoplessyläosattomatgirlstytötwere taboo.
- Champagne became the sole refreshment, andtoplessyläosattomatgirlstytötsported trays of Havana cigars and hashish cigarettes.
- The recent Sunday Sport contains little buttoplessyläosattomiamodelsmallejaand sports gossip.
- A TYCOON cleared yesterday of raping a blondetoplessyläosattomanmodelmallinhad been jailed for murdering his baby son and three family members.
- I said a topless male and atoplessyläosattomissawomannainencalendar, it's not quite the same is it?
unclad.a 🔎
- Butthe old Moniquevanha Moniqueremains foreverpysyy ikuisestiuncladalastomana, sprawled on a tiled floor, in the Matisse painting, Pink Nude.
- An armoured Marine began to hustle theuncladalastomia,fettered alienkahlittuja muukalaisiaaway -- no doubt to the diamantine dungeons deep beneath the Apothacarion, domain of the surgeon interrogators.
unclothed.a 🔎
- Theunclothedalastonbodykehois not a `self but a socialised body, a body that is opened by instruments, technologized, wounded, its organs displayed to the outside world.
- Most of these, including notable assemblages from the mammoth-hunter encampments of Gagarino and Kostienki I in the Ukraine and the head and torso from the French cave site of Brassempouy, depictunclothedalastomiawomennaisia.
- How does the fact that the painting was executed directly from theunclothedalaston-modelmallistaalter our understanding of it; does it add to or detract from the value of the final exhibited work?
- TheyHewereolivatunclothedalastiand denuded of their wigs.
undress.n 🔎
- Men hereTäällä olevat miehet, in various stages ofundressriisuutumisen, were pulling on outer clothing and armour.
- Mindful ofhis<empty>undressriisuutumisestaand only thankful that it was not complete as at Brighton where he heard gentlemen bathed with nothing on at all, he stood there transfixed with shock.
- Again his dark eyes surveyed her obvious state ofundressriisuutumisen.
- Inevitablytheyhewould be in an arrestable state ofundressriisuutumisen.
undressed.a 🔎
- Their bodies, although all different, had a sort of common denominator ugliness which only a group ofundressedalastomiamenmiehiäcan produce.
- IminägotundressedRiisuuduinand, after my usual battle with the crumbling Ascot in the bathroom, forced it to yield enough hot water for a miserly bath.
unshod.a 🔎
- The words were scarcely out before one of his taller companions clamped a hand round the back of his neck and with a dusty,unshodkengättömälläfootjalallaankicked his buttocks, exposed through his torn shorts.
- Everywhere there was noise, hammering, shouting, the softunshodkengättömätfeet of mules and donkeysmuulien ja aasien kaviotpadding over the bridge, below which a grey torrent swarmed through a stone-lined passage.
- of floorboards buffed byunshodkengättömätfeetjalat.
wear.v 🔎
- HeHänelläworeoli ylläänriding boots and a monocleratsastussaappaat ja monokkeliand his face was made shapeless by duelling scars.
- Louisa began again, but faltered when she saw Emilia close her eyes and shake her head inthe little bonnethilkkaan verhottuashehänelläworeoli yllään.
- SheHänelläalsoworeolia diamond broochtimanttinen rintaneulaat her waistmiehustassa, the size of a buckler.
- SheHänelläworeolian antique broochantiikkikoruon one shouldertoisella olakkeellaan, and her hands, discreetly beringed, were folded in her lap, and one wrist had been bandaged.
- BuddieBuddiealwaysainaworekäyttia hooped ear-ring in one ear anda chainketjuaaround his neckkaulansa ympärillädecorated with the teeth of strange animals, jossa oli outojen eläinten hampaita.
- The pantyhoseSukkahousujawere<empty>wornpidettiinwith a harnesshaarniskan kanssato keep them up, jotta ne olisivat pysyneet ylhäällä.
- The short brown gym tunic with its blue and gold woven girdle thatLyhyt, ruskea treenitoppi sekä sini-kultainen neuleliivi, jotaIminäworekäytinon my first day at Elmwoodensimmäisenä päivänäni Elmwoodissawas a symbol of entry into a new world of lady-like refinement and academic elitism.
- EvansEvanswas arrested in piccadillyin 1908vuonna 1908,wearingpukeutuneena`lace petticoats and stayspitsiseen alushameeseen ja korsettiinand drinking from an opened spirit bottle ``.
- The following day, in a temperature down around -- 2O (-- -4),Iminäamwearingpukenut ylleniloop-stitch socks and Lundhagsvillasukat ja vaelluskengät, and he is wearing reindeer skin boots and grass.
- Beneath itSen allahehänelläworeoliblack velvet leggingsmustat samettilegginsit, and his feet were encased in black slippers, decorated with gold embroidery.
- Beneath a man's jacketmiesten takin allathe womanNaisellaworeolia gaudy satin slip streaked at the hem with bloodpramea satiinimekko, jonka helma oli tahrautunut vereen.
- Buthehänworekäyttihis horrible home-made blazerkamalaa, kotitekoista bleiseriäänuntil he grew out of it, kunnes kasvoi siitä ulos.
- Germaine MeyerGermaine Meyerwasoliwearingpukenut ylleena sky-blue blousetaivaansinisen puseronthat summer afternoontuona kesäisenä iltapäivänäand Modigliani was immediately arrested by her colouring, a blend of rose and white, and asked her eagerly if he could paint her.
- HeHänworekäyttia thick woollen coatpaksua villatakkiaall the time, even on the hottest days of summer when he took to wandering around the garden in endless circleskoko ajan, myös kuumimpina kesäpäivinä, kun hän lähti vaeltelemaan puutarhaansa kiertäen sitä loputtomasti ympäri.
- NowNytmost followersuseimmat seuraajatwearkäyttävätblack coatsmustaa takkiaand scarlet may be worn by permission of the masters.
- SheHänelläwasoliwearingyllääna short fitted coat of wine-red velvetlyhyt, viininpunainen samettitakkiabove her dresspukunsa päällä, with a bonnet trimmed with the same dark fur.
- To my surprise,shehänelläwasoliwearingylläänpantiespikkuhousutunderneath her nightdressyöpaidan alla.
- If you think of the Elizabethan era, eventhe menmiehetworekäyttiväthosesukkiadidn't they?
- SomeJotkutstillyhäworekäyttävättraditional clothing: sheepskin chubas slung rakishly over one shoulder, heavy turquoise and silver hoop earrings, embroidered knee-length bootsperinteisiä vaatteita, kuten lampaannahkaisia takkeja rennosti toisella olkapäällä roikkuen, raskaita turkoosinsävyisiä, hopeisia korvarenkaita sekä brodeerattuja polvipituisia saappaita..
- I<empty>was sitting on my fishing stoolwearingylläniwinter clothes, and a sailcloth robe thrown over me for extra warmthtalvivaatteet. Päälleni oli heitetty purjekangastakki lämpöä antamaan.
- This morningTänä aamunahehänelläwasoliwearingyllääna rugby scarfrugby-huiviflung boyishly about his neckpoikamaisesti kaulalle kiedottuna.
- SheHänelläworeoli yllääna light grey dress with matching tights and shoes, and an amethyst-coloured cardigan in cashmerevaaleanharmaa puku, siihen sopivat sukkahousut ja kengät sekä ametistinvärinen kashmir-huivito match the colour of the long nails on her pale hands, joka sopi hänen vaaleiden käsiensä pitkien kynsien sävyyn..
- Yet he insisted thathehänhadei ollutneverkoskaanwornkäyttänytgloveskäsineitä.
- Shouldhehänenwearkäyttääa corsetkorsettia?
- I<empty>woreKäytina corsetkorsettiaover my breastsrintojeni päälläfor a manly appearancenäyttääkseni enemmän mieheltä.
- SheHänworekäyttia corsetkorsettiato support her broken bodyvammautuneen kehonsa tukemiseen, and she lived to be only 47.
- On his headPäässäänhehänelläworeolia white nightcapvalkoinen yömyssy… `
- I<empty>was lying on my room carpetwearingyllänia balaclavakommandopipoback to frontkasvojeni suojana, pinned down by my friend with her knees on my shoulders, while she made whooping noises like a submarine diving.
- The attackerHyökkääjän,wearing, joka käyttia balaclava and yellow cagoulekommandopipoa ja keltaista takkia, is believed to be a fitness fanatic who mingles with others running on Woodhouse Moor near Leeds University.
- He was grabbed bya manmieswearingpukeutunuta black balaclavaMustaan kommandopipoonand pulled to the ground.
- For a moment I knew genuine fear and then, as it came into the light, I sawa young womannuoren naisen, jolla, quite small andwearingyllääna black beret and soaked raincoatmusta baskeri ja läpimärkä sadetakki.
- TodTodwearskäyttääthe red armbandpunaista käsivarsinauhaatoo, along with everybody else.
- And one does rather feel thatthe directorohjaajawas<empty>wearingkäyttääa black polo-neckmustaa pooloathroughout the film's shootingkoko kuvausten ajan.
- The priestPappiworekäyttia cowlhuppuaover his headpäänsä suojana.
- Police,someosawearingkäyttääbody armoursuojaliivejä, swarmed into Lambourn within minutes of the shots being fired.
- SheHänelläisonwearingyllääna red poncho todaytänään punainen poncho.
- For exampleevery day when the came to see mejoka päivä, kun hän kävi luonani,shehänelläworeoli yllääna beautiful new sarikaunis, uusi sari.
- At dinner after a meeting in 1838, a guest suggested thaton the following yearseuraavana vuonnaall house-guestskaikkien vieraidenshouldpitäisiwearpukeutuathe costumes of knights and their ladiesritarien ja heidän ladyjensä lailla.
- In the meantimeSamaan aikaan,shehänelläworeoli ylläänthe same old ragssamat vanhat rääsytweek after weekviikosta toiseen, lived in poverty and was `faithful ``to her ex-lover.
- Before I had been there a month my eyes began to suffer andIMinunhad to startwearingkäyttääglasseslasejafor close worklähelle katsoessani.
- HeHänalsoworekäyttimetal frame square glassesmetallikehyksisiä neliskulmaisia lasejabecause someone had told him he looked tough in them.
- He saw how, thoughtheyhestillyhäworekäyttivätsilkssilkkiä, the style had changed; had been simplified.
- No longer did I desire conventions of little nymphets,each onejoista jokainenwearingkäyttiplayboy's plastic name badgeplayboyn muovista nimikylttiä.
- In summerKesällä,wemeidänhadto<empty>wearpitääa panama hat with the school band round itpanamahattua, jonka ympärillä oli koulun nauha.
- Blue suited her andshehänellä'doliwornylläänher pearl and diamond broochhelmi- ja timanttinauhabecause he wanted everyone to see it, koska mies halusi kaikkien näkevän sen.
- HeHänelläworeolia steel braceletteräksinen rannekoruon his wristranteessaan-- something to do with being a Sikh, Nutty understood, with rain, and she had Midnight to ride.
- They allHe kaikkiworekäyttivätserpent-like black coral braceletskiertyviä mustasta korallista valmistettuja käsikorujaas special protective amulets against snakessuojaamaan heitä käärmeiltä.
- IOlinworepukeutunutthe shantung tea-gown and a gold circletshantung-teekaapuun ja pidin kullanväristä rengastaround my foreheadotsallanito make it clear that I'm the Queen, jotta kaikki ymmärtäisivät minun olevan kuningatar.
- Beneath the long lacy petticoats wasa stuffed cotton bodypuuvillainen kerrastowearingjaa lace camisolepitsinen paina.
- HeHänelläworeolia tarnished gold watch chaintummentunut kultainen kellonketjuacross his waistcoatliivissään.
- BuddieBuddiealwaysainaworekäyttia hooped ear-ringsuurta rengastain one eartoisessa korvassaand a chain around his neck decorated with the teeth of strange animals.
- Later that nightMyöhemmin sinä iltana, according to evidence,HagansHagansillawasoliwearingkaulassaanher necklacekaulakorunsa.
- AROUND my neckKaulallaniI<empty>wearolia gold and ruby necklace from Pailin, a near-derelict town on Cambodia's mountainous border with Thailandkultainen rubiinikoru Pailinista, joka oli läheinen, hylätty kylä Kambozhan ja Thaimaan vuoristoisella rajaseudulla.
- The door burst open andtwo menkaksi miestäcame inwearingpäässäänstocking maskssukat.
- CLAIRE, as pale as the winter daybreak she will never see again, sits on her bed wheezing throughthe oxygen maskhappinaamarin, jotashehänhasoliwornkäyttänytfor the past three monthskuluneet kolme kuukautta.
- I<empty>woreYlläni oliblack stockings, tight skirts from Leeds C & A cheaper separates, the largest black sweater I could find and black high heelsmustat sukkahousut, kireä pusero C & A:n halvemmasta mallistosta, suurin musta neulepusero jonka löysin ja mustat, korkeakorkoiset kengät.