AK-47.n 🔎
- AkalashnikovKalashnikovAK-47AK-47was slung over his shoulder.
- They had been arrested on April 13 after members of the Anti-Terrorist Squad discovered 45 kg of the high explosive Semtex and sixAK-47AK-47KalashnikovKalashnikovassaultrynnäkkö-rifleskivääriäduring a raid on their home in west London.
- Police said about 10 men armed withAK-47AK-47rifles-kivääreincarried out the `well-planned ``massacre in Wadeville.
- Far from mimicking the Statue of Liberty, the new statue holds a gun -- not just any gun but anAK-47AK-47, the weapon used by the army to blast its way into Peking.
- She probably expected him to nip off to his gunsmith, buy anAK-47AK-47assaultrynnäkkö-riflekiväärin, and bomb down to Southend to take reprisals.
- I've seen a guy toting anAK-47AK-47.
ballistic missile.n 🔎
- Netanyahu also said the world should pay equal attention to Iraq's eastern neighbor, Iran, which is trying to acquireballistic missilesballistisia ohjuksiaand non-conventional weapons abilities.
- ITAR-Tass said the mail was being stamped and delivered today along with special certificates saying it had been delivered byballistic missileballistisilla ohjuksilla.
- In Ukraine, all 46 of theSS-24SS-24intercontinentalmannertenvälistäballistic missilesballistista ohjustathat were left on its territory when the Soviet Union dissolved have had their warheads removed, the Perry aide said.
- It is increasing its ability to conduct guerrilla attacks against unsuspecting ships and is doing its utmost to deploylong-rangepitkän kantamanballistic missilesballistisia ohjuksiaand acquire long-range strike aircraft.
- The United States already has pledged dlrs 70 million to help in Kazakhstan's destruction of underground launch silos for theSS-18 ``SatanSS-18 Satanintercontinentalmannertenvälisilleballistic missilesballistisille ohjuksilleit inherited from the former Soviet Union.
- Sixsurface-to-surfacepinta-pintaballistic missilesballistista ohjustawere fired in the last test.
- The underground silo once held anuclear-tippedydinkärjellä varustettuaTitan IITitan IIintercontinentalmannertenvälistäballistic missileballistista ohjusta.
- Among the more spectacular was power cutoffs to a base used for space launches, and to the central command of the Strategic Rocket Forces which controlRussia'sVenäjänintercontinentalmannertenvälisiäballistic missilesballistisia ohjuksia.
- The American discovery ofSovietNeuvostoliitonballistic missilesballistisia ohjuksiain Cuba in 1962 led to a standoff that ended when Moscow announced the missiles would be shipped back home.
- The THAAD system is supposed to counterballistic missilesballistisia ohjuksiawith ranges between 50 miles and 1,800 miles, joiden kantama on 50 - 1 800 mailia, and a fully operational system is supposed to be in the field by 2000.
bomb.n 🔎
- In his book, Pablo's War, the 41-year-old squadron leader said some pilots could not face repeated low-level attacks, droppingJP233JP233-bombspommejaon Iraqi airfields.
- The reaction was serious rioting and attacks on the police involvingpetrolpetroli-bombspommeja, bricks, and stones.
- Despite the Soviet explosion of anatomicatomi-bombpommin, America maintained a marked advantage in atomic weapons.
- Richter told Tank of his own revolutionary ideas -- that three years after the explosion of the firsthydrogentyppi-bombpommin, he knew how to make a controlled fusion reactor.
- J. Robert Oppenheimer, the government's chief scientific adviser and head of the Los Alamos laboratory which had produced theatomatomi-bombpommin, called a meeting of the General Advisory Committee on atomic energy.
- He then placed one ofhis<empty>bombspommeistaanon top of the wing and detonated it.
- FOURTEEN people were killed and 97 wounded yesterday when guerrillas rained rockets andmortarkranaattejabombs<empty>on the Afghan capital Kabul.
- Then it had been Roman revenge against an uprising -- but the seizure and detonation of anIsraeliIsraelinatomicatomi-bombpomminby terrorists had made a second holocaust of the land that once was known as Holy.
- Firing aliquid-filledneste-bombpomminwith a VT fuseVT-ajastimellato give an air burst over the target.
- He would work until it was time to go home, on the new warhead design that would replace thefree-fallvapaasti putoavanWE-177WE-177-bombpomminwith an air-launched cruise system.
- One week later the most serious raid occurred whenincendiarypalo-bombspommiwith explosive nosecaps landed in the region of Kimbolton Road and Putnoe.
- I had an idea that if I dropped this diaper when we unloadedour<empty>bombspommimme, it might help some mother.
- Forty-nine Britons on an excursion from Cyprus were on the bus going through an underpass when a man dropped anailnaula-bombpomminfrom above.
- He denied his brother had any role in planting thecarauto-bombpomminthat ripped through the garage of the twin skyscraper complex on 26 February, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000.
- Her Army medic husband was one of two soldiers killed when the IRA planted a20 lb20 paunanSemtexSemtex-bombpomminat Belfast's Musgrave Park Hospital.
- These people do all that, but they are also known to plantfirepalo-bombspommejaand rough people up who work in laboratories where animals are used for experiments.
- The heavily studded oak banister curved down into the darkness of the hall from which the tick of the grandfather clock sounded as unnaturally loud and ominous as atimeaika-bombpommi.
- These are fitted with missiles,smartäly-bombspommit, homing missiles and ordinary `thickie ``bombs.
- Part of a town centre was sealed off and buildings evacuated after asecond World WarToisen maailmansodan aikaisiaMortarkranaattejaBomb<empty>was discovered at a charity shop.
bow.n 🔎
- EQUIPMENT: Orc Arrer Boyz carry a hand weapon andbowjousta.
- The first thing they'd do if they captured one would be to hack off the two forefingers of each hand, the very ones our archers used to pull alongpitkänbowjousen.
- Can you fight with a sword, or use abowjousta?
- The nobles are also experts in the use ofbowjousenand sword and often carry these weapons with them to war.
- When choosing a bow you should try to acquire above all others themountainvuoristo-bowjousiof GhaznaGhaznan.
- Thesmallpienibowjousihe made was all she needed.
- nineteenth century, the Nez Perce fought with clubs, lances and their most famous weapon, abowjousiof mountain sheep hornvuoristolampaan sarvesta.
- He loweredhis<empty>bowjousensareluctantly.
crossbow.n 🔎
- `All you have to do is stand back and fireyour<empty>crossbowvarsijousiat those green-skinned devils.
- The man holding thecrossbowvarsijoustaapproached; his voice, muffled by the mask he wore, ordered me to dismount.
- Rerpf ducked, allowing a troll behind him to raiseitssenhugeironteräksisencrossbowvarsijousenand fire a spear-length quarrel into the nearest assassin.
- There was a small expressive sound made by a number ofcrossbowsvarsijousiabeing cocked.
dynamite.n 🔎
- The five guerrillas, armed with rifles anddynamitedynamiitilla, shot dead a photographer who volunteered to be exchanged for a hostage, the middle-aged wife of the hotel manager.
- The measures to which we were sometimes reduced were distressingly inelegant, and, in those cases wheredynamitedynamiittiawas used, required hours of backbreaking preparation.
- The history of the last century in Lebanon thus provideddynamitedynamiittiafor the detonation of the past 15 years.
- It seems that the warehouse workers decided to blast it loose withdynamitedynamiitilla.
firearm.n 🔎
- When his election was disputed by the speaker of the parliament, Franjieh's gunmen broughttheirheidänfirearmstuliaseensainto the chamber.
- Our client is an international gun collector and specialistprecious metaljalometallistenfirearmtuliaseidenmanufacturer.
- `Afirearmtuliasewas discharged and people cowered behind walls, under tables and in the toilets.
- Police at first declined to comment on the nature of the inquiry, but at the weekend a spokesman confirmed that animitationjäljiteltyfirearmtuliasehad been recovered.
- Mr Jones pleaded guilty to possessing afirearmtuliaseenwith criminal intent and affray.
- TWO men who used animitationleikki-firearmasettato carry out a robbery were sent to a young offenders centre at Belfast Crown Court yesterday.
- There's a very, very good chance that the person using afirearmasettawill, will suffer injury because the barrel could well explode.
- However, if the landowner threatens you with afirearmaseella, it is comforting to know that he or she would be committing a criminal offence.
- The three, who have not been named, have been charged with robbery andfirearmstuliase-offences.
- Yesterday, Chief Insp Fordy said Mr Jackson was accused of not having afirearmsase-certificate for a shotgun and a rifle.
flame-thrower.n 🔎
- The ICI also has many eyewitness accounts of troops usingflame-throwersliekinheittäjiäto incinerate corpses.
- He attacks them withflame-throwersliekinheittäjillä.
- I was sitting on the top of the bank, above the holes, the lighter of theFlame-throwerliekinheittäjänburning weakly in the sunlight, when, just over the minute, the first tunnel blew.
- The terrifyingflame-throwersliekinheittäjillähad now largely become suicide weapons, an immediate target the moment they appeared in the open.
garrotte.n 🔎
- Edward Ryman, 58, twice smashed his wife with a club hammer and used a `do it yourselfitsetehtyägarottekaularautaa``to strangle her, Nottingham Crown Court was told.
- She touched her throat where thegarottekaularautahad lain and felt the flicker of her own pulse, like a flame in the wind.
- He twisted thegarottekaularautauntil it was a hard torc, leaning forward in the chair to get leverage, busy at his task, absorbed, like any technician.
- The assassin would assure her all was well, slip behind her chair, then fasten thegarrottekaularaudanstringvaijerinround her neck.
- `Hopkins's sister, ``I intervened, `was also a victim of thegarrottekaularaudan.
- The knife, the sword, the rope, thegarrottekaularauta-- they don't chill my heart.
handgun.n 🔎
- Six blocks away a 52-year-old doorman who tried to protect himself with an ice pick was killed by a teenager with anautomaticautomaattisenhandgunkäsiaseen.
- Ahandgunkäsiasehad fired in the house.
- Victim James Monday found a loaded.38 calibre38-kaliiberisenhandgunkäsiaseenin his parents' bedroom in Stockton, California.
- They've also got two watches, a ring, a Barclaycard, two bottles of spirits, 100 rounds of ammunition, a Smith & Wesson 9mm semi-automatic pistol, and aKing Cobra .357 MagnumKing Cobra .357 Magnumhandgun-käsiaseen.
- An RUC spokesman said ballistic tests had established that threehandgunskäsiasettawere used in the attack, which also left a fifth man seriously injured.
- The man threatened a cashier with ahandgunkäsiaseellain the raids which happened within a few hours of each other.
- TWO Darlington men brandishing ahandgunkäsiasettaand a crowbar forced their way into the home of a business partner, a court heard.
machine-gun.n 🔎
- Silk was cleaninghis<empty>Uzi folding stock 9 mmUzi 9 mm:n taittuvatukkistamachine-gunkonepistoolia-- the group's favourite close quarter weapon, other than the knife.
- One trooper told the inquesthishänenmachine-gunkonepistoolinsajammed twice -- then started firing by itself.
- The Schwarzlose could also be fired from a monopod, turning it into alightkevyt-machine-gunkonepistooliksi.
- The first burst fromhishänenmachine-gunkonepistoolistaanhammered through Dangerfield's weary back and smashed his instrument panel.
missile.n 🔎
- However,Stinger and BlowpipeStinger ja Blowpipesurface-to-air-ilmatorjuntamissiles-ohjukset, supplied to the rebels by the US from 1986, helped maintain the equilibrium and the war raged on.
- The Americans positively force theirStingerStingersurface-to-air-ilmatorjuntamissiles-ohjukseton the rebels who are fighting the Marxist regime in Angola and the Contras in Nicaragua.
- Although the Type 22 frigate is substantially longer than a Type 42 destroyer, it carries neither thesea Dartsea Dartlong-rangepitkän kantamananti-aircraftilmatorjunta-missileohjusnor the Vickers Mk 8 gun.
- On June 11 Zaki had been quoted as saying that Pakistan ``feels vulnerable toIndia'sIntianlong-rangepitkän kantamanmissilesohjusten vuoksi.#kleReports in April suggested, however, that the negotiations had failed to resolve outstanding issues, including provisions relating toair- and sea-launched long-rangeilmasta ja mereltä laukaistaviin pitkän kantamanmissilesohjuksiin liittyen.
- The US Navy is already retiring three types ofshort-rangelyhyen kantamannuclear-tippedydinkärjellä varustettuamissilesohjusta, the Asroc anti-submarine missiles, the Terrier anti-aircraft nuclear missile and the submarine-launched Subroc missile, targeted against enemy submarines.
- The discovery of 24Sam-7Sam-7anti-aircraftlentokoneiden tuhoamiseen tarkoitettumissiles-ohjustain the debris of a light plane which crashed in El Salvador last month threatened to wreck the summit and led the Salvadoreans to suspend relations with Nicaragua.
- Unconfirmed reports from a Pentagon source quoted in the Sunday Times suggests that a very successful joint US/SAS raid into Kuwait has captured anIraqiIrakinanti-aircraftlentokoneiden tuhoamiseen tarkoitetunmissileohjuksenand its crew, without loss.
- THE HEAD of Afghanistan's Supreme Defence Council has accused Britain and the United States of supplying the mujahedin with long-range cluster-bomb rockets and additional supplies of theBritish-madebrittivalmisteisiaBlowpipeBlowpipeanti-aircraftlentokoneiden tuhoamiseen tarkoitettujamissiles-ohjuksia.
- Britain, the US and France warned Iraq yesterday of `serious consequences ``if it did not removeanti-aircraftlentokoneiden tuhoamiseen tarkoitettujamissilesohjuksiathreatening UN aircraft searching for nuclear and chemical weapons, jotka uhkasivat YK:n lentokoneita, jotka olivat etsimässä kemiallisia ja ydinaseita.
- Little is known publicly about the effects of the air raids on supply lines and ground troops, except thatIraq'sIrakinanti-aircraftlentokoneiden tuhoamiseen tarkoitetutguns andmissilesohjuksethave continued to fire.
- After all, there is still the threat ofenemyvihollisenanti-aircraftlentokoneiden tuhoamiseen tarkoitettujenmissilesohjusten.
- Iraq responded to the air war with anti-aircraft fire andground-to-airmaasta ilmaanmissiles-ohjuksilla.
- More like a bulletproof tank, someone else said; it would take ananti-tankpanssaritorjuntamissile-ohjusto get at him.
- All they have to protect themselvesareoletMilanMilan-anti-tankpanssaritorjuntamissiles-ohjuksetand light arms.
- And we developed and built the firstair-launchedilmasta laukaistavananti-tankpanssaritorjuntamissile-ohjuksen, as well as the first launch-and-leave imaging infrared homing air-to-surface missile.
- Britain is collaborating with France and West Germany, in a project called Trigat, to developmedium and long rangekeski- ja pitkänmatkananti-tankpanssaritorjuntamissiles-ohjuksia.
- In the British programme, the missile rival to the AVRO-730 supersonic bomber was Blue Streak, aliquid-fuelled ballisticnestekäyttöinen ballistinenmissile-ohjuswith a 2,500-nautical mile range and weighing 100 tons, jonka kantama oli 2 500 merimailia ja paino 100 tonnia.
- A MEETING of Israel's war cabinet on January 23rd, the day after anIraqiIrakinScudScudmissile-ohjushit a block of flats in Ramat Gan killing three people, ended in a rare and thunderous silence.
- Each successful launch of aTomahawk or PatriotTomahawk- tai Patriot-missileohjusstrengthens the confidence of both the military commanders and the politicians in such weapons systems.
- The Gulf war, when Israel was hit by a series ofIraqiIrakinmissilesohjuksia, had caused a serious decline in immigration during January and February.
- The window of vulnerability is the fact that, unlike American ones,RussianVenäjänmissilesohjuksetare accurate and numerous enough to destroy the other side's missiles in their silos.
- Intercept scud missiles and jet attacks with your patriots; then guideyour<empty>TomahawkTomahawkmissile-ohjuksesithrough enemy Ack Ack fire on a search and destroy mission.
- The West Germans favoured withdrawing all nuclear artillery andground-basedmaanpäällisetmissilesohjuksetfrom German soil, while the UK urged only a partial reduction.
- The US battleship Missouri, which had earlier launchedcruiseristeily-missilesohjuksetagainst Iraq, on Feb. 4 fired its main 16-inch guns against coastal positions in Kuwait.
- The aircraft, flying at a height of about 6000 m. launchedAA-9AA-9-missilesohjuksetwhich dived to destroy the drones only 60 m above the ground.
- LOYALIST terrorists fired amissileohjuksenat the top security Crumlin Road jail in Belfast last night.
- After dark, at about 11 pm local time, the plane returned and fired twoair-to-surfaceilmatorjunta-missilesohjustaat a residential area.
- Helicopter gunships firedmissilesohjuksiaat what they thought was a command centre of warlord General Adid.
nuclear weapon.n 🔎
- France'sRanskannuclear weaponydinaseis ``absolutely indispensable for the security and viability of our deterrent, Chirac said during an hour-long television talk show.
- The Central Intelligence Agency estimates Iran may be just five years from developing anuclear weaponydinaseesta.
- American analysts said the reactor had helped produce at least onenuclear weaponydinaseen.
pistol.n 🔎
- They tipped on to his desk their haul of three shotguns and apistolpistoolifor which the respective owners had no licences, and one dose of heroin.
- Scowling with concentration he began to load the six chambers ofhishänenColt Patent RepeatingColt Patent RepeatingPistol-pistoolinsawith the lead which dragged down one pocket of his scarecrow's morning coat.
- The last thing she saw as she lurched out of the kitchen yard, and through the gates, was Bodie's lean form, running into the yard behind her, and raisinghis<empty>pistolpistooliaan…
- He was stopped by the snout ofShamlou'sShamlounpistolpistoolin, jammed hard under his chin.
- Our valiant hero, is, of course, wearing a parachute (I hope that ain't a rucksack on your back), and carryinghis<empty>trustyluotettavaapistolpistooliaan.
- In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment, bothmy<empty>pistolspistooliniwent off and fell from my hands.
- Jonathan displayedhis<empty>pistolpistooliaan.
- The 700 lots include rarities such as a pair ofmid-17th Century1600-luvun puolivälistäSwiss flintlocksveitsiläisiä piilukko-pistolspistooliaor a wheel-lock rifle by Maucher, both estimated in excess of £60,000.
- They straightened up and turned around, each holding in his hand aModel `D ``M.A.B.D-mallin M.A.B.pistolpistoolia, standard issue for French detectives.
- Each model may be armed with either a Repeater Hand Gun or aRepeaterRepeaterPistol-pistoolilla.
- There was a print of the green-faced Oriental Girl in a white frame on one of the walls and on another wall high up there was a pair ofplasticmuovisiaduellingkaksintaistelu-pistolspistooleja.
- He realised how odd he must look, sitting up in bed, silver bristling his cheeks, coffee mug in one hand,long-barrelledpitkäpiippuinenpistolpistooliin the other.
- Aloadedladattupistolpistooliand a small quantity of explosives were found in Belfast's Crumlin Road jail as a search continued after an IRA attempt to stage a breakout.
- Much to Dudley Moore's surprise, I pull out asmall shinypienen, kiiltävänsilverhopeisenpistolpistoolinand blast him right between the eyes.
- I mentally put away thesilverhopeisenpistolpistoolin.
- He stepped forward, drawing thepistolpistoolin.
- Well, he fired apistolpistoolinand someone went for him with the blade of a scythe.
- Sheldukher levelledhis<empty>laserlaser-pistolpistoolinsaat Bernice.
- HisHänenlaserlaser-pistolpistoolinsaclattered from its holster.
- The young soldier felt reassured when he knew he could takehis<empty>American CoonanAmerican Coonan357 Magnum357 Magnumpistol-pistoolinsa.
- Sharpe took theloadedladatunpistolpistoolinsafrom his belt, cocked it, and laid it beside him.
- Those who weren't trainingwatervesi-pistolspistooleillaon the other Rex, swung other weapons in the direction of the real thing.
- Thepistolpistooliwasn't pointed at Trent.
revolver.n 🔎
- They are being trained in the use of thetwenty-two calibre22-kaliiberisenrevolverrevolverin.
- It was he who taught some of us how to usea .38 calibre.38-kaliiberistarevolverrevolveriawhen we went hiking on the rolling prairies for shooting competitions, with gophers or tin cans as our main targets.
- A Feldwebel passed me with adrawnesiin vedettyrevolverrevolveri.
- His ownHänen omarevolverrevolverinsawas already in his hand.
- Holmes emptiedhis<empty>revolverrevolverinsainto the hound's body.
- Knives are flashed andrevolversrevolveritcocked.
- I heard him makehis<empty>revolverrevolverinsaready to fire, and I did the same.
- It was theSmith and Wesson Chiefs SpecialSmith and Wesson Chiefs Specialrevolver-revolverithat he had first seen in the Number One dressing room of the Prince's Theatre, Taunton.
- `Who has arevolverrevolverihere?
- An masked man armed with arevolverrevolverillais holding twenty-five children hostage in a nursery school in Paris.
- Paulette died as a result of a head wound inflicted by a single bullet fired at point blank range (3-5 inches) fromthe defendant'svastaajanSmith & WessonSmith & Wesson.44.44revolver-revolverista.
- The Colonel at one point was firinghis<empty>revolverrevolverinsaover Donald Roy's shoulder, and reaching the place they could see the bridge ('D') 70 yards off.
- And hanging from a hook in its holster,her father'shänen isänsäarmyarmeijanaikainenrevolverrevolveri.
rifle.n 🔎
- The soldier, obviously relieved by his loss of responsibility, slunghis<empty>riflekiväärinsäand followed after him.
- The gun case had room for sixhuntingmetsästys-rifleskivääriäand there were two drawers underneath which were not locked.
- She stood, fat, filling the doorway, holding a full-sizeplasticmuovistariflekivääriä, shouting, `In.
- When he re-emerged he was cradling anexplosive projectileräjähdysammus-riflekiväärillä, joka olisimilar to the one which was being trained on them by Kubitsky.
- Many Glaswegians were to join the International Brigade within a few years, Scots like James Robertson Justice, pointingrifleskiväärilläupwards at the Heinkel 111 and Junkers 52 of Adolf Hitler's Luftwaffe.
- The firearm of the infantry soldier of World War Iwas theolibolt-actionpulttilukkoinenriflekivääri,, and the rifles of all the armies were fundamentally much the same.
- Troops in Thailand have broken-up anti-government protests shootingrifleskiväärilläinto the air.
- The Mercedes had straddled the road, hemming him in, its two occupants now standing beside it,AK47AK47rifles-kiväärilläin their gloved hands.
- The 700 lots include rarities such as a pair of mid-17th Century Swiss flintlock pistols or awheel-lockpyörälukkoinenriflekivääri,by Maucher, both estimated in excess of £60,000.
- They said an army sniper aimed ariflekiväärilläwith a telescopic sightteleskooppitähtäimellä varustetullaat Jihad Mustafa Ali Sadek, 22, and shot him in the back while he was at the top of his mosque's minaret.
- One evening, perched in his landing window, he shot towards my wife with anairilma-riflekiväärilläand I reported him to the police.
- ARMED police officers surrounded an office block and sealed off surrounding streets after a man was seen pointing anairilma-riflekiväärilläfrom the roof.
- On Sunday, a Panamanian soldier loadedhis<empty>assaultrynnäkkö-riflekiväärilläand aimed it directly at patrolling US troops.
- The soldiers, carrying pistols andM-16M-16rifles-kiväärejä, got into a pickup truck outside the hotel and were taken to a Salvadorean military installation.
- It led to the highest floor where we found an Iraqi soldier firing anautomaticautomaatti-riflekiväärilläthrough a narrow aperture in a pile of sandbags, reloading and firing his weapon until he became exhausted.
shooter.n 🔎
- `You got ashooterasetta? ``he asked.
- All she needed was a pair ofshootersasettaslung from her hip and she'd be little Annie Oakley, she thought derisively, reaching instead for her favourite Navajo belt.
six-shooter.n 🔎
- Meanwhile in Brownsville, Texas, townsfolk anxiously await an invasion no amount ofsix-shooterskuudesti laukeavatcan repel -- the coming of a particularly nasty strain of killer bee, whose sting is nearly ten times more deadly than the `common or garden ``variety.
- Only the white hat didn't have a chance to pull hissix-shooterkuudesti laukeava.
sword.n 🔎
- TheFrenchranskalainenswordmiekkain its decorated scabbard, found in a country sale room and now hanging above their fireplace.
- It made her feel as if she should be sharpeningher<empty>swordmiekkaansain preparation.
- HisHänenswordmiekkansaplunged into the exposed chest before him, aimed unerringly at the heart.
- Gabriel blushed violently and felt the sweat spring through his palms and trickle down the hilt ofhishänentintina-swordmiekkansa.
- Stuck into his snake-clasped belt was a long-barrelled German pistol, while at his left hip was a battered metal scabbard in which there hung aBritish heavy cavalrybrittiläisen raskaasti aseistetun ratsuväenswordmiekalla.
- The otherexecutionteloitus-swordmiekkawas made about the year 1700.
- Alexei hefted thepracticeharjoitus-swordmiekkaaexperimentally, and Ordai stepped back.
- A weapon like astonekivi-swordmiekanwould of course have been quite impracticable.
- If facing dragons then choose adragon-slayinglohikäärmeen tappavaswordmiekka.
- Young Harmodios, left arm back, half turns the other way, his right swinging theswordmiekkaabehind his head for a cutting stroke, the sharply bent elbow a peak at the top.
- There should have been shouting and hugedouble-edgedkaksiteräinenswordsmiekkaslicing the air, and giant bonfires with wild, roaring flames.
- Uniformed men,longpitkätswordsmiekatin their hands, rode north out of France.
- Theirlongpitkätswordsmiekkansawere drawn and their horses' teeth bared.
- Then he gripped the handle of theshortlyhyenswordmiekanwith both hands and turned it, so that the tip was facing his stomach.
- A shortwoodenpuinenswordmiekkawas clutched in one grimy hand and the boy's shirt had been well and truly ripped.
- Thewoodenpuinenswordmiekkain Anna's hand landed across the aggressor's legs.
- A MAN brandishing aSamuraiSamurai-swordmiekkaaattacked firefighters called to a house blaze yesterday.
- He shivered as he buckled onhis<empty>swordmiekkansaand took up his post, hating the chill darkness and the loneliness.
- Men, women and children were put to theswordteloitettiin.
twenty-two.n 🔎
- You've boughtyour ownomantwenty-twokaksikakkosen, or hired a Parabellum, and you're using only imported rounds.
weapon.n 🔎
- A federal magistrate informed Pickett of the charges against him --assaulting a federal officer with adeadlytappavallaweaponaseella, which carries a maximum 10 years in prison.
- Hiding his cards from Stalin, Truman told the Soviet leader only that he planned to use aweaponasettaof ``unusually destructive forcepoikkeuksellisen tuhoavaa.
- Until now, all officers up for promotion had to run two kilometers, do a series of sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups and fire aweaponaseen.
- GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) --- Under pressure to crack down on Islamic militants, Yasser Arafat on Tuesday decided to confiscateillegallaittomiaweaponsaseitaas his police arrested dozens of suspected extremists.
- Papers filed by the justice department accuse Abu Marzuk of sending money to the West Bank and Gaza that Hamas used to buyweaponsaseitato carry out attacks against Israeli citizens and soldiers.
- It is intolerable that the denial of humanitarian assistance should be used as aweaponaseenaof warsota-.
- And Japan's extremely tight laws on possessing weapons led to confidence that few people could obtain ahijackkaappaus-weaponaseen, let alone sneak it through Japan's tough airport security.
- UNITED NATIONS --- Before the 1991 Gulf War, Iraq was developing aweaponasettathat would scatter deadly radioactive material without a nuclear blast, joka voisi levittä tappavaa radioaktiivista materiaalia ilman ydinpommia, U.N. officials say.
- It eventually stiffened the peacekeepers' mandate from limiting their actions to self-defense to giving troops far more freedom to usetheirheidänweaponsaseitaan.
- Kinkel said he believes Turkey's assurances it is not usingGermansaksalaisiaweaponsaseitaagainst Kurds.
- The four have been charged with murder, attempted murder, possession ofillegallaittomienweaponsaseidenand planting bombs.
- Although Adams called for unionists to come and negotiate, he said nothing about Britain's insistence that Sinn Fein can not come to the table until the IRA starts disposing ofitssenweaponsaseiden.
- Televised scenes of mangled bodies prompted NATO to demand that both sides rein intheirheidänheavyraskaissaweaponsaseissaan.
- And he attacked the concept of nuclear deterrence, saying it ``rests absolutely upon recognition of the unique destructive power of nuclear weapons, on the profound difference between them andconventionalperinteistenweaponsaseiden.