TransFrameNet:Waver between options
dither.v 🔎
- Glancing apprehensively from one to the other, she went; scrambled hastily upstairs, then wasted several minutes whileshehänditheredjahkailiuncertainlyepävarmana.
- Clear confusion reigned in their instinctive minds, and whiletheyneditheredepäröiväton the banksrannalla, the water rose behind them, cutting off retreat.
- She left him to prowl restlessly through the family photographs that were prominently displayed asshehänfirst took a showerthensittenditheredpuntaroiover what to wear, mitä laittaa päälle.
- My Dad knowsIminäalwaysainaditherjahkailen.
- AsI<empty>was<empty>ditheringarvoin, she rang me.
vacillate.v 🔎
- Croatian President Franjo TudjmanKroatian presidentti Franjo Tudjman,who, jokahasonvacillatedhäilynyt, beamed with pleasure at the sight of Clinton in his capital.
- Frustrated U.N. officials pleaded for instructions froma world communitymaailman yhteisöltävacillating, joka häilyy.
- Private economistsYksityiset ekonomistithave beenovatvacillatinghäilyneetbecause of mixed signals in recent economic reportsviimeaikaisten taloudellisten raporttien ristiriitaisten signaalien vuoksi.
- ``Instead of giving the industry a lifesaving injection,the corporationyritysis<empty>vacillatinghäilyyon what should be donekahden vaiheilla, mitä pitäisi tehdä, said Ravindra Randeniya, president of the Film Actors' Guild.
- MeanwhileSillä välin,the UNYKvacillateshäilyyover what to do with Forand's refugeespäätöksissään Forandin pakolaisten suhteen.
waffle.v 🔎
- People can't bear — they've got enough to listen to already — andanybody whokaikki, jotkawafflesjaarittelevatis written off pretty quickly and, therefore, you lose your point ….
- Well,I<empty>vewaffledjaaritellutenoughriittävästi.
- Charles whispered back that it was utter tripethe Brigadierprikaatikenraaliwas<empty>wafflingjaaritteli.
- Althougha lot of peoplemonet ihmisethave wiffleovatwaffledhöpisseet, right now, there are a lot more people / demons on the good side.
- I switchedI<empty>was<empty>wafflingpohdiskelin, and still got neutral.
- SAN DIEGO--Los Angeles Dodgers lefty Odalis PerezLos Angeles Dodgersin vasen pakki Odalis Perezwaffledhöpisiabout his need to get time off to clear his mind and invigorate his bodytarpeestaan saada vapaata ajatustensa selkiyttämiseksi ja kehon virkistämiseksi, but his actions suggest otherwise.
waver.v 🔎
- `On no account must the impression be created, above all in the United States, thatGermanySaksais<empty>waveringhäilyy``.
- In the disappointment of defeat,hehänwas<empty>waveringepäröiabout trying again for the blue boat next yearyrittää sinistä venettä seuraavana vuonna,because of academic workakateemisen työn vuoksi.
- G. M. Young suggested thathehänwaveredepäröibefore coming to his courageous decision not to resign at onceennen rohkeaa päätöstään olla eroamatta saman tien.
- Ifpeopleihmisethave beenovatwaveringepäröineetabout giving us informationtietojen antamista meillethis might just be the thing to make them come forward
- SheHänwaveredepäröia littlehiemanin her wordssanoissaan.
- The Prime MinisterPääministeriwaveredepäröithroughout the summerkoko kesänwith the contradictory signals coming from his colleagues and closest advisorskollegoiltaan ja lähimmiltä neuvonantajiltaan saamiensa ristiriitaisten signaalien välillä.
- The TsarTsaariwaveredepäröibrieflyhetkenand then, urged by Stolypin and others to stand firm, he rejected any step which might lead to parliamentary government and dissolved the First Duma.
- TheoTheowaveredepäröi, his loyalties hopelessly divided.
- Typical of many letters was one which Milton received from the provost of one of the royal burghs in 1740, reporting thatone of the councillorseräs neuvonantajistawas<empty>waveringepäröiin his political loyaltypoliittisessa lojaalisuudessaan.