TransFrameNet:Want suspect
wanted.a 🔎
- In his native Australia, he wasthe country's mostmaanwantedetsityinmanmies, photographed with American mafia bosses and hitmen.
- You're themost<empty>wantedhalutuinmanmiesin BritainBritannian.
- Serbs preferred to pitch their lot in with the nationalists, most notably with Arkan, awantedetsintäkuulutettuwar criminal who won eight of the 24 seats availablesotarikollinen, joka voitti kahdeksan ääntä 24:stä.
- They'reovatwantedetsintäkuulutettujacriminalsrikollisia, you know.
- Customers allegedly includedthe world's mostmaailmanwantedetsityimmänterroristterroristin, Abu Nidal, the Panamanian dictator General Manuel Noriega, arms dealers and drug barons.
- A nationwide alert went out in the Irish Republic last night for Patrick Sheehy, one ofScotland Yard's mostScotland Yardinwantedetsityinterrorist suspectsterroristiepäilty.
- Wang Dan, themost<empty>wantedetsityinstudent leaderopiskelijajohtaja, was convicted on Jan. 26of ``counter-revolutionary incitement and propagandavallankumousvastaisesta kiihotuksesta ja propagandasta..
- The whole elaborate farce had been staged so that it would seem that thewantedetsityinmiscreantsroistohad been arrested, whereas in fact they were still free.