German Wilfried Koenig
Saksalainen Wilfried Koenig in a casino at Bad Oeynhausen
Bad Oeynhausenin kasinolla -- and won £67,000.
If I enter him for the race will
ten pounds
kymmenen puntaa ?
good money
sievoisen summan we'll hear from her again
, että kuulemme hänestä vielä .
ten shillings
kymmenen shillinkiä on the Brasseywing
Brasseywingin puolesta .
He wondered
on his winning
hänen voittonsa puolesta .
a staggering £80m
hämmästyttävällä 80 miljoonalla punnalla on this spectacular racing phenomenon
tässä mahtavassa ravipahtumassa .
Why, I remember he always used to make
my pocket money
taskurahoillani -- She was interrupted.
By the time they reached the catamaran
Siihen mennessä, kun he ehtivät katamaraanille, the charter fee
koko rahtimaksun verran on one guess at the man's profession
siitä, mikä mies oli ammatiltaan .
There may be considerable scepticism about Pascal's case for
on the outsider
ulkopuolisen puolesta if the odds are high enough
, jos todennäköisyys oli riittävän suuri .
a pint o' the best
tuopillisen on her to win
hänen voittonsa puolesta !
that I would beat him at bowls
, että voittaisin hänet keilauksessa and Drake never could resist gold.
Down the lists I came, mounted on
a horse that
hevosella, jolle ; and down on the opposite side he came, the master champion.
He had done well by the contest
five thousand yuan
viiden tuhannen juanin panoksen on each game
jokaiselle pelille and a further ten thousand on the tournament.
`Important to whom -- to Master Peachey? demanded Anne, thereby suggesting that she held the opinions of their tutor in contempt. `'T IS certainly of no importance to myself -- and
't is of no importance to Prince Edward either
ettei se ole prinssi Edwardillekaan .