big mouth.n
- andBarnsleyBarnsley's the greaton suuri-big mouthsuinen.
- Who hatesbig mouthssuurisuisia ihmisiälike Stock, Aitken and Waterbucket?
- Ambito referred to Maradona in a front-page article last week as ``abig mouthsuurisuiseksi.
- ``I always seem to get thesebig mouthsuurisuisiaopponents, Chavez replied.
- Herr NordernHerra Nordernwas a trifleoli hiemanbrusquetyly, not only because he did mind Karl being in his flat at dinner-time, but also because he found his florid manners irritating.
- The doctorLääkäriwasolibrusquetylyin his analysisanalyysissaan.
- He had ranged ahead, limiting himselfto<empty>brusquetylyihincommandskommentteihinand a variety of signals.
- She saysyousinunhaveto beoltavabrusquetylywith themheillebecause they're getting on a bit, you know.
- ThechatterboxLörppöwill keep talking about anything so long as there isn't a pause where there could be an opportunity to engage brain before mouth.
- The parents, instead of applauding her, called her a noisychatterboxlörpöksiand told her sharply that small girls should be seen and not heard.
- `NicolaNicolawas known as achatterboxlörppönäat work but she was very good at keeping the secrets that really mattered.
- Eventuallythe girltyttöopened up andwasoliveryerittäinchattypuhelias, laughing at [the neighbourhood policeman]'s voice, as he was a comical sort, making his hat wobble on his head.
- On the fourth day he received a longchattyvuolaanletterkirjeenfrom EleanorEleanorilta.
- Don't expectchattyvuolassanaisiapresentersesiintyjiäon a comfy settee just yet.
- Thechattyvuolassanainenmanmieson the phone had suggested: `You can tell me what you think about the redecorations ``.
- Graham is very shy with most people buthehänestägetsquitemelkoisenchattyvuolassanainenwith Mr Robertsrouva Robertsin seurassa.
- I still wonder at thecurttylyäresponsevastaustato my query.
- AcurtTylynoteviestiarrived shortly afterwards from Mauve, telling him to stay away for the next two months.
- CaledorCaledorwasfamouslykuuluistabrusque andcurttylyydestään.
- ``DuhamelDuhamelwascurttyly, slightly offended.
- Damn the child for makingherhänestäsocurttylynwith JaneJanen seurassa!
- Isabel ignored thecurttylynorderkäskyn.
- Possibly monastic writers may have been slightly less chauvinist in outlook;the St Albans chroniclerSt Albansin kronikoitsijaat leastisonlessvähemmäneffusiveylitsevuotavaabout AgincourtAgincourtin suhteen, although he too notes the triumphant reception which the King received on his return (16, p.111; 22, p.70; 39, pp.xviii, 98-9).
- CertainlyDottyDottywasolilessvähemmäneffusiveylitsevuotavain her thanks when Stella brought her up a tray of tea in the interval.
- They were greeted by the inspired potter -- Francis in person, with a flood ofeffusiveylitsevuotavaaFrenchranskaa.
- `Lou was a regular. ``revealed the unnamed andeffusiveäärimmäisenturf accountantjäykkä kirjanpitäjä.
- It is a speech ofeffusiveäärimmäisiäpraisekehuja, which if it were true, would make her an exceptionally loving child.
- Under Ceausescu he had issuedeffusiveäärimmäisiästatements of support for the regimekannanottoja järjestelmän puolesta, even after the Dec. 17 Timisoara massacre, and remained silent over the demolition of churches and the persecution of priests who championed human rights.
- When at last she did soGiles CarnabyGiles Carnabywasoliwarmlylämpimäneffusiveylitsevuotava.
- She knewshehänsoundedeffusiveylitsevuotavaltabut she remembered the lordliness of S. Kettering's style and wished to propitiate him.
- Orinthia is anexpansiveavoin, richly styledcharacterhahmo, based on the exotic personality of actress Mrs Patrick Campbell.
- But this sunny morning,shehänwasoliexpansiveavoin.
- Camille wondered whether, if she was not here,hehänwould beolisikomorevieläkinexpansiveavoimempi, then remembered that he had always been a man of few words.
- The first group consists of 16 countries in which aggregate demand has been reasonably stable; the second consists of two countries Argentina and Paraguay -- in whichaggregate demandkokonaiskysyntähas beenon olluthighlyerittäinexpansivelaajaaand volatile.
- With agarrulousPuheliaanold manmiehenat the inn.
- Meanwhile, thosegarrulouspuheliaatstarletstähtösetwho utter a quotable phrase almost every time they open their mouths are few and far between.
- It was Anne's turn in the car, driving the fivegarrulouspuheliastaand argumentativechildren from the neighbourhoodnaapuruston lastato St Michael's, three miles away.
- Compared to Martin Amis, though,BarnesBarnesisonpositivelymiellyttävängarrulouspuhelias.
- Three cups of neat Malibu mixed well with the rose wine and Armagnac I had drunk at supper andIminäfeltgarrulouspuheliasand cheerful, confiding in strangers and telling the story of my life.
- Bella was in hospital and she still believed that Gazzer, in spite of allhishänendenials andgliblipevästätalkpuheestaan, had put her there.
- Most have spent all their sentient life as paid-up devotees, and thegliblipevätphraseslauseetsoon roll off the tongue.
- One must avoidglibmielisteleviäspeculationsspekulaatioitaabout connections between the past and the presentmenneisyyttä ja tulevaisuutta koskevasta yhteydestä, or between disguised feelings and behaviour.
- HeHänwasoliglibmielisteleviäin tongue, lavish in promises, big in size and somewhat stupid.
- It was the sort of jokinglyglibmielisteleviäcommentkommenttishe might have made on stage.
- And with Mr Gorbachev, who could charm the birds off a tree, she was, said Mr Healey, like agushingkikattelevaschoolgirlkoulutyttöwith a crush.
- The author is a past mistress ofgushingylitsevuotavienpraisekehujento lull the reader into tabloid deification, then the quiet slipping in of neat doses of vitriol to tarnish her subject and titillate us.
- Thiercelin, to whom first impressions were important, sensed that beneath thegushingylitsevuotavanstream of wordspuhetulvanshe was not altogether at ease.
- The official programme, filled with traditional symbols, religious imagery and even agushingrunsaitapoemrunojafrom the Poet Laureate, contained an article explaining `The Queen's Majesty ``(Bryant, 1953).
- GUSHIESTINNOKKAINCOMMENTKOMMENTTI: “ She's so beautiful … an angel.
- After that, Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak, the sort ofmozzerysekava,gushypursuavamushsössöyour dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink.
- All thosegushyylitsevuotavatwordssanat.
- But deep-down they are a serious, high-stakes affair filled withgushyylitsevuotaviaacceptance speecheshyväksymispuheita.
- And now, with three new, upbeat films and a maturity beyond her years, thegushyylitsevuotavan, charmingBarrymoreBarrymoreis finally the kind of girl you can bring home to mother.
- Gregory's account of what actually happenedGregoryn tilitys siitä, mitä todella tapahtui,isonlaconiclakoninenin the extremeäärimmäisen.
- Hislaconiclakoninencommentkommenttinsawas `Nearly got that one, ``while the petrified Kington giggled nervously.
- As Robert Myers, Grumman'slaconiclakoninenpresidentpresidentti, says now: `I guess that sale wasn't too good a move from the State Department's standpoint.
- There is nothing in the later history of thislaconiclakoninendiaristpäiväkirjan pitäjä(who was my maternal grandmother) that would suggest that she was other than a normal `teenager ``of her time.
- This is the affirmative in the style of alaconiclakonisestidrawlvenytellen.
- Polly took hislaconiclakonisenretorttiuskaisunto mean that the police and Customs officers would be glad to have her off their hands.
- HeHänwas formidable,laconicniukkasanainen, self-disciplined, earnest but not humourless, and it was said of him that he did everything with a kind of good-natured fury.
- But in all cases the revolution was filtered by discussion -- those long, intermittent,laconiclakoniset, jokingconversationskeskustelutin shops and in guestrooms of private houses.
- An expert shot, a big-game hunter, fisherman, and gentleman farmer, he was a man of action rather than of intellect, of few words, andthosene ovatoften blunt andlaconiclakonisia.
- Despite thelaconicLakonisestaasidepuolesta, the assailant had inflicted upon William Joyce at eighteen a most savage wound.
- Mark's meeting with the Irish Minister of Industry and hisloquaciouspuheliaidenofficialsvirkamiestensäwas pure theatre.
- He must have assumed that I meant trouble from the twins, forhehänestäsuddenlyäkkiäbecametulisurprisinglyyllättävänloquaciouspuhelias.
- Sometimestheyheareovatloquaciouspuheliaitaand mirthful when ill.
- HisHänenloquacitypuheliaisuutensamaddened his colleagues.
- Normally Luce could talk about her life, her thoughts and feelings, her hopes and aspirations, withcheerfuliloisenloquacitypuheliaana, even adding a touch of embroidery where necessary to provide a little more colour and excitement.
- The non-robbed make more relaxing if complacent company and Gilles, bigloudmouthsuurisuuthathehänwas, gave out an air of confidence that was appealing to me at the time.
- Instead they look out for theloudmouthssuurisuitain jeans and trainers.
- Depending on what side of the city you live in Buenos Aires, Maradona is either the greatest player of his generation --- or an arrogantloudmouthsuurisuuwho should have retired at his peak.
- If bothprisonersvangitstaypysyvätmumvaiti, the police have a witness who saw them co-operate on a lesser crime, one that would put them both behind bars for two years.
- Critics say the state chief minister has intimidatedgovernment officials and policemenvirkamiehiä ja poliisejainto keepingmumvaitiabout electoral fraudvaalivilpistä.
- ACOG officials, who won't discuss specifics of its security planACOG:n virkamiehet, jotka eivät keskustele turvasuunnitelmansa yksityiskohdista,were, pysyivätmumvaitiover what help, if any, might be soughtmitä apua voisi mahdollisesti olla haettavissa.
- Just as then,the state arms dealersvaltion asekauppiaatwerepysyivätmumvaitiabout potential customers and contractsmahdollisista asiakkaistaan ja sopimuksistaan.
- Butthe two sidesmolemmat osapuoletstayedpysyivätmumvaitiabout detailsyksityiskohdista.
- ButJustice Department officialsoikeusministeriön virkamiehetwerepysyivätmumvaition what was saidsiitä, mitä oli sanottu, even initially refusing to confirm that the review was taking place Wednesday.
- Although some deputies have named Lahoud as a presidential candidate,the naval officer, a Maronitemeriupseeri ja maroniitti, has so far keptmumvaition the issueasiasta.
- Professor Dilworth had been a teacher of English and Principal of Victoria College for years; he was aquiethiljainenknowledgeablemanmiesof great charm and his love for literature and music was contagious.
- But withBunny WailerBunny Waileroddlyquiethiljainenin the writing stakes and Tosh contributing only the previously recorded “ 400 Years ”, this is Marley's show, and on “ Concrete Jungle ”, “ Slave Driver ” and “ Stir It Up ”, no-one could argue that this is not a fascinating record.
- “YouSinunneedn't keepsoniinquiethiljainen, I'm only testing the microphone, not recording at all, ” the singer told me with a smile.
- “YouOlet're<empty>a bithiemanquiethiljainen, ” said Meredith as he drove her back to Rose Cottage that evening.
- SunSoftSunSofthas been publiclyon ollut julkisuudessaquiethiljaaon Interactive UnixInteractive Unixistasince acquiring the division at the new year despite the fact that its sales accounted for a significant portion of the record number of licenses it sold.
- `IMinä'll keepquiethiljaafor now, but later -- `
- For two months I lived the life of aquiethiljaisenand responsiblemanmiehen.
- 3 Justice vs. business: To deprive Democrats of the political fight they crave,Republican leaders haverepublikaanijohtajat ovatkeptquiethiljaaabout the Lewinsky caseLewinsky-jutustaand confined their comments to topics such as Iraq, taxes, and Social Security.
- (Gingrich even warnedhis GOP underlingsrepublikaanikollegoitaanto keepquiethiljaa.)
- 2. ``Gucci announced that it won aquiethiljaisenbidding wartarjoussodanfor luxury retailer Yves Saint Laurent.
- The papers deliver aquiethiljaisen, analysis-heavySundaysunnuntain, with no overlap among the front pages.
- On a slow news day, the Los Angeles Times leads with thequiethiljaistahopetoivoaamong some Republicans that the House impeachment inquiry will die a swift death.
- Another is a ``ferociouslyquiethiljainenyoungmanmieswith a shaved head.
- A short profile of probable House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., says little about Hastert except that he's aquiethiljainenconservativekonservatiivi.
- The thing that is so admirable about Matisse is hisquiethiljainenintegrityintegriteettinsä.
- There is aquiethiljaistahumorhuumoriain Yiddish and a gratitude for every day of life, every crumb of success, each encounter of love.
- Stephanopoulos skillfully bullies and cajoles him into keepingquiethiljaa.
- The concepts he invokes -- ``quiethiljaistafaithuskoa, ``mature patriotism, ``ordinary duties, ``morality writ small, ``soft multiculturalism -- proclaim a preference (both his and his subjects') for the middle way.
- Bearded, with natural dignity and quiet authority, thisreservedvarautunutmanmiessoon earned the position of second headman.
- I go downstairs, areservedvarautunutmanmies, devoted to his family, and get the remains of the family joint I cooked for my mother-in-law and Timmy and myself yesterday out of the refrigerator.
- We like the green landscape, the simple food, thereservedvarautuneistapeopleihmisistä, and our children don't wilt in the heat as they would on the Amalfi coast.
- Intimacy, of a kind; theywere bothhe olivat molemmatreservedvarautuneitapeopleihmisiä, they didn't rush things.
- Flora Thompson was areservedvarautunutwomannainenof little confidence who was astonished when reviewers praised her work and Sir Arthur Bryant [q.v.] rated her books as high as Cranford.
- Gregory is wrongly seen by many as a passive andreservedvarautunutfigurehahmo, when he is really a strong, assertive person.
- He's typical in thathehän'sonveryerittäinreservedvarautunut.
- Their tradition of acceptance of others, and their willingness to let others be themselves, suited her well, and sinceshehänwas an unassuming mole anda littlehiemanreservedvarautunut, nomole troubled her.
- The answer was always no -- understandably enough, it seemed, in Leverrier's case, becausehehänwasoliveryerittäinreservedvarautunut, `too serious ``as one master put it, tapping his head.
- “IMinäamolenreservedvarautunut. ”
- The authorities showed lessreticencevaiteliaitain dealing with a group of black youths who gathered outside the Sisulu home in Soweto yesterday evening to sing and dance in celebration of the ANC leader's imminent freedom.
- Without waiting for Wexford's consent toherhänenreticencevaiteliaisuuteensa, she swept the quarrel aside and said, `I felt it was useless to try and patch things up.
- Having complained on several occasions of theChurch'skirkonreticencehaluttomuudestaover taking the moral leadtoimia moraalijohtajana, on this occasion her plea was successful.
- The single dissenting vote was that of Massachusetts Democrat Edward Kennedy who rejected the nomination because ofSouter'sSouterreticenceoli halutonin stating his views on key issues concerning individual rights and freedomsilmaisemaan mielipiteensä tärkeistä yksikönvapautta ja -oikeuksia koskevista seikoista.
- At other times my master, tired by thereticencehaluttomuuteenof Agrippa and the othersAgrippan ja muiden, continued his absorption with alchemy.
- HeHänetwas educated privately, andwas alwayshän oli ainaveryerittäinreticentvaitonainenabout his early yearsvarhaisista vuosistaan: he seems to have been largely self-taught in music.
- Now, this weekBrian BurnettBrian Burnett's beenon ollutuncharacteristicallyepätavallisenreticentvaitonainenabout his celebrity musical interviewmusiikillisesta julkkishaastattelustaan.
- JournalistsLehtimiehet, likewise, scarcelyseemvaikuttavatreticentvaitonaisiltain their claimsvaatimuksissaan.
- As Western Europe's largest employer,the NHSNHShas beenon ollutnoticeablyhuomattavanreticentvaitonainenin the debateväittelyssä.
- The hon. GentlemanArvoisa herrasmieshas beenon ollutnoticeablyhuomattavanreticentvaitonainenin this respecttässä suhteessain the past.
- A few things nettled her:shehändid not relish being a clearing house for family complaints, for instance, andwasolicarefullyvarovaisenreticentvaitonainenon such occasions.
- JoanJoanhad regaled her with details of the Twelfth Night festivities -- whilst remainingnoticeablyhuomattavanreticentvaitonainenon the subject of Prince EdwardPrinssi Edwardista.
- MarxistsMarksistithave often beenovat usein olleetreticentvaitonaisiaon these questionsnäissä kysymyksissä.
- `Whyareovattheyhesoniinreticentsalamyhkäisiäabout announcing itasian julkistamisessa?
- HarryHarrymay besaattaa ollareticentvähäpuheinenabout praising his sonkehuessaan poikaansa-- but Barnsley boss Mel Machin certainly isn't.
- Political honours are either an almost contemptuous gesture towardsthose whoniille, jotkahave keptsilenthiljaawhen their consciences might have told them to vote against a government bill, or a reward for money or advice.
- HeHänremainedpysyisilenthiljaawhen the government decided to extend the period of contribution required for a full state pension, thereby calling into question the right to retire at 60, introduced by the Socialists.
- Not all men are defensive or get upset if you raise this subject; keepingsilenthiljaaabout your concernsomista huolistaanmay put both your health and well-being at risk and won't help your relationship in the long term.
- `YouSinäwill remaintulet pysymääncompletelytäysinsilenthiljaaabout thistästä asiasta, Herr Schiller, ``said von Starnberg.
- The ActSäädösis<empty>silentei puhuabout the criteria for admission to membershipjäseneksi hyväksymisen kriteereistä.
- He saidhe<empty>had remainedpysyneensäsilenthiljaaabout Mr Naqvi being heldherra Naqvin kiinniotostabut would now speak.
- Wilkins even argued that whereScripturePyhä kirjawasolisilenthiljaaon a given issuekyseisestä asiasta-- the plurality of worlds, for example -- this was license to consider the possibility, not to exclude it.
- PoliticiansPoliitikotare alsoovat myöslargelylaajaltisilentvaition how the next government will be able to carry out spending plans in view of the state of the productive economysiitä, kuinka seuraava hallitus aikoo toteuttaa säästösuunnitelmat talouden kohentamiseksi.
- Dr Bowie, a normallytaciturnvähäpuheinenmanmies, said that if radiation from Hinkley Point was responsible, `there would have had to have been an enormous leak ``.
- Jarman would then take the man's belongings, deposit the body in a nearby river and sell his horse and clothes to thetaciturnvaiteliaillegypsies that wandered the moornummilla vaelteleville mustalaisille.
- She had been very lonely before he arrived, with no one to talk to but her brother, Walter, andhehänwas theolimostkaikkeintaciturnvaiteliaimpiaof menmiehistä.
- Selkirk promised to leave his customary token force and Corbett, grateful for Selkirk's intervention and assistance on the French galley, began to thank therathermelkotaciturnvähäpuheistaScottish knightskottiritaria.
- He was ataciturnvähäpuheinen, curiously detachedindividualhenkilöwho seemed happy to turn a blind eye to any of his tenants' ``goings-on', as Eleanor called them.
- In some cases the problem is to gettaciturnvähäpuheisetpeopleihmisetto talk.
- She'd been all set to enjoy being here, and had momentarily forgottenhowmitentaciturnvähäpuheinenher minderhänen holhoojansacould be.
- Certainly thetaciturnvähäpuheisendetectiveetsivänhas to deal with many more murders than the average Thames Valley policeman.
- He was atalkativepuheliasmanmies.
- He became more and more depressed, and sought consolation in the local pub, where he was soon well known as atalkativepuheliaanacharacterhahmona.
- In this case, if the adventurers feign friendship and allegiance,GerdGerdistäwill becometuleealmost pitifullymelkein säälittäväntalkativepuhelias.
- Dexter foundhimhän olitooliiantalkativepuhelias.
- IMinäfelt stimulated -- mentally alert,talkativepuheliasand sociable.
- TheyHe'reovatasyhtätalkativepuheliaitaas two sacks of cementkuin kaksi sementtisäkkiä.
- On the way home,ClarissaClarissawas not onlyoli paitsitalkativepuheliasbut, for her, extremely volubleon the subject of good mannershyvien tapojen merkityksestä.
- Interseniukka-languagesanaisestiDinah was told what it meant.
- His replyHänen vastauksensaisonterseniukkaand informative:
- AterseNiukkasanainenphone callpuhelufrom Arthur Edwards, a long-serving photographer from The Sun newspaper, whose avuncular manner belies the fact that he has excellent sources inside the royal world, reinforced the message.
- then I noticed them exchangingtersenukkasanaisiaremarkshuomautuksiaevery time my man was facing.
- `Good, ``came thetersenukkasanainenreplyvastaus.
- `Think of now, ``was histersenukkasanainenretorttiuskaisunsa.
- HeHänwas cool andterseniukkasanainen, and it was clear to Lissa what was going on in his mind.
- The wordsSanatwere clipped andterseniukkoja, and she turned, wide-eyed, to face him.
- The other two in the party were an Australian and an Englishman, both in their mid-twenties andbothmolemmatstifflyjäykänuncommunicativesulkeutuneita.
- It happened suddenly, or appeared to do so;hehänhad always been quiet anduncommunicativehiljainen, having few friends.
- However, withuncommunicativesulkeutuneidenbuyersasiakkaidenthis may be difficult.
- EvelynEvelynwas verypuhui erittäinvolublemonisanaisestion the rights of womennaisten oikeuksista, was, she said, a Committed Feminist, yet Jane had never met anyone so utterly dependent.
- On the way home,ClarissaClarissawas not only talkative but, for her,extremelyerittäinvolublevuolassanainenon the subject of good mannershyvien tapojen merkityksestä.
- But he too, it seemed, did not want to spend an evening with his brother-in-law, but said less about his reasons than thevolublevuolassanainenEdwardEdward.
- He's a quiet but oftenvolublevuolassanainenex-veteran of the Boston hardcore sceneentinen Bostonin hardcore-veteraaniand seemingly the most welcome member of Sebadoh.
- The babyVauvawas<empty>volubleäänteli paljon: he snuffled and sighed and grunted and bawled.