aeroplane.n 🔎
- On theaeroplanelentokoneessafrom Tokyo to AucklandTokiosta Aucklandiinhe was chirpy and sociable, amiably demonstrating his knowledge of conversational Japanese and chatting about the syndicate's progress.
- The next morning they took anaeroplanelennonto Sydney.
- Never having flown in anaeroplanelentokoneella, I was unable to corroborate this view.
- The Veep's G-IV will cost $50 million -- about double the price of a typicalcorporateyksityiskoneaeroplane<empty>because of the need for development and installation of secure voice and data communications avionics packages.
- The exhibition not only demonstrated many old ideas, but also at least one new one -- Mr Preshous' original idea of hiring alightkevytlentokoneaeroplane<empty>to enable him to take aerial photographs of the route.
- Mostsmall<empty>aeroplanespienkoneidenhave an average airspeed of about 90 mph, and can fly much more slowly if necessary to apply rallying techniques to aerial navigation (i.e. when the viz gets a bit iffy.)
bike.n 🔎
- And he can't even ride abikepyörällä…
- `Originally I was going to racebikespyörällä, ``confides Blues.
- He urged the unemployed of the north to `get onyour<empty>bikepyörän päälle``and look for work, as his window-cleaner father had done in the thirties.
- Deciding to return later, he remountedhis<empty>bikepyöränsä päälleand returned to his police house.
- Against them, Jerry Moffatt, the man who should have won the world championship but fell off hisbikepyöränsä päältä.
- He aimedhis<empty>red-and-whitepuna-valkoisenbikepyöränsädown Decatur Street, towards a small brick pub in the Quarter, searching for his last friend.
- The purpose of these tight esses is usually to keep speeds at a safe level, invariably at corners made unsafe by the speed ofmodernnykyajanbikespyörillä.
- TONIGHT, as usual, 34-year-old Tony Doyle will be pedallinghis<empty>bikepyörälläänaround an indoor circuit in Europe.
- `Even if she fell fromher<empty>bikepyöränsä päältäshe could be paralysed, ``a shocked Janet was told.
- But at the moment it's also one of the only ways I can steer thebikepyörää, especially in faster corners.
bus.n 🔎
- She knew thebuslinja-autofrom Linby to CotonLinbysta Cotoniinmust be just about due.
- I was informed thatbuseslinja-autojafrom Livingston depotLivingstonin varikoltawere deployed to operate journeys starting from Balerno.
- We both grew up in Brixton, we both support Chelsea and, oblivious of each other's existence, we travelled on theNo. 45nro 45buslinja-autollafrom Brixton to Stamford bridge on Saturdays.
- she could get abuslinja-autollato BathBathiin, but how would she get home again?
- To relax, said George, they'd sometimes take the113nro 113buslinja-autonto the end of the line at Shoreditch and then walk home.
- On Monday morning Greg had no classes before eleven, so he took theearlyaikaisellabuslinja-autollato Burnley and went straight to the Public Library.
- When 26-year-old Tim Haller, from Horncastle, Lincs, bought adouble-deckerkaksikerroksisenbusbussinin 1988, his great ambition was to travel around the world in it.
- I have been asked to draw your attention to the non-arrival of theScorton to GarstangScortonista Garstangiinbuslinja-autonon Thursday 9th May and on Thursday 16th May.
- Zanya, Jason and IB4E caught theskylentokenttäbussillabus<empty>to RatvickRatvickiin, and then took the train to Zog Central.
- On one occasion when he was late for work I questioned him and he said he had missed thebuslinja-autosta.
- The company has turned its nose up at EISA as unnecessary and usedits ownomaahigh-speed,nopeaalocalpaikallisbussiabus<empty>.
- After a day's work and a trip to Wormwood Scrubs on anumber 220nro 220buslinja-auton, arriving in the dark and perhaps the cold, I was not inclined to put in further effort.
- The tension which had been building up since 7am when the 400 demonstrators began gathering, boiled over as thebuseslinja-autoarrived two hours late.
- Eventually a man from the tower arrived, and alittlepikkubussibus<empty>came to take us to the aircraft.
- LastViimeisetbuseslinja-autotfrom Princes StreetPrinces Streetiltaleave at approximately 23.30.
- The day starts withour<empty>tail-lifttakaa kyytiin ottavabuslinja-autoleaving the centre at 9.30 am to pick up the clients with the help of 2 escorts.
- Adaytime shuttlepäivittäinen sukkulabussibus<empty>operates 6 days a week to the village.
- BusBussikorttipasses held by students will still be valid for travel on Alder Valley service at other times of day.
- There is alocalPaikallisbussibus<empty>running once a day from Bala to the cottage.
- ThebusLinja-autostopped sharply as the driver heard the footsteps above him and listened.
car.n 🔎
- The export ofmotor<empty>carsAutojenin the past nine months is 90 per cent.
- Which is politically much like trying to runyouromaaoldvanhaacarautoasiwithout petrol.
- I shall be the only person returning tohishänencarautoonsawithout a shopping trolley.
- Replacement with anewuuteencarautoonwithout making any deduction for depreciation if your car is written off or stolen within twelve months of purchase as new.
- Alarge blacksuuri mustacarautowas just driving up to the airport building.
- The two luxurycarsautoathat are capturing the German imagination.
- He stared at her for a long, shuttered moment, then wordlessly climbed out of thecarautostaand walked slowly round to her door.
- He then drove thecarautonback.
- They had anewuudencarauton, and went to the cinema and ate out.
- `I'll takemyomancarautoniand go and look for him.
- ThecarAutondoor slammed, and he was gone.
ferry.n 🔎
- ALL the jobs on the secondhoverspeedkantosiipialuksellaferry<empty>between Stranraer and BelfastStranraerin ja Belfastin väliä liikennöivälläare going to the Irish.
- That evening, when crossing the River Tay on theferrylautallabetween Dundee and TayportDundeen ja Tayportin välillä, he fell overboard and drowned.
- We got theferrylautallafrom PictonPictonistabut left the car there, the intention being that I would return, take it to Christchurch, and sell it there.
- We went byovernight<empty>ferryyölautallafrom Portsmouth to Caen, arriving early next morning for the eight-hour drive southeast to the Jura's main resort, Les Rousses.
- The easiest way to reach the area is bychainlossillaferry<empty>from Sandbanks at PoolePoolen Sandbanksista.
- Can one only get it fresh when theferrylauttacomes over?
- Many missed theferrylautalta, such was the crush.
- What Philby did not guess was that, having warned Maclean for him, Burgess would join him on thenightyö-ferrylautalleto St Malo en route to MoscowSt. Maloon matkallaan Moskovaan., on 25 May 1951.
- Measures adopted by the IMO to improve the safety ofpassengermatkustaja-ferrieslauttojenbecame international law in October 1989 and April 1990.
- The time flew past and we got onto theferrylautalleat 4.00 pm and sailed at 5.00 pm.
- It is the basis for a range ofocean-goingmerikelpoistenferrieslauttojenand cargo vessels that Japanese shipbuilders hope to sell in a decade's time.
- `The next train leaves at six for theeight o'clockkello kahdeksanferrylautalle.
- Two postgraduate students, Nina Valebjorg and Ann Heidi Hansen, made a mid-January trip on theStavanger to NewcastleStavangerista Newcastleen liikennöivälleferrylautalle, planning to ask passengers why they were visiting the UK and Scotland.
plane.n 🔎
- She caught the firstplanelennonback to New York.
- Catching the earliestplanelennonto BrusselsBrysseliin.
- The passengers on aplanelennollaarriving from Istanbul were set on by the pickets at Tegel airport yesterday.
- Alow-flying GermanMatalalla lentävä saksalainenplanekonecould hop over a hangar and massacre a squad with one sudden burst.
- As convoys ofmilitary cargoarmeijanplaneskuljetuskoneidenflew into Howard Air Force base all day on Tuesday, bringing the advance elements of the 82nd Airborne, there was little real surprise.
- We catch sight of asmallpienkoneenplane<empty>circling the mountain.
- TheplaneLentokonetook off an hour behind time thanks to EC president Jacques Delors' late arrival.
taxi.n 🔎
- He took ataxitaksillathe twelve miles into Brighton, and was dropped off at the Willett Collection, housed in the town's museum.
- If your car breaks down or you need to get ataxitaksillahome late at night, the last thing you want to do is wander round looking for a phone box.
- `Tell me where he got intoyour<empty>taxitaksiisiand everything that happened.
- Did he still drive ataxitaksiain Paris?
- Thetaxitaksistops and Mancarelli goes across.
- `May I phone for ataxitaksinto the hotelhotellille?
- It was a gentle enough life and it took only six and a half hours to travel home bytaxitaksillafrom Beirut to Jaffa.
truck.n 🔎
- Onlyfour wheeled drivenelivetoisettrucksautotwere able to pass through the floods but apart from them and buses and lorries, Debenham was cut off.
- Told Tyler Beck he'd been hit by atruckauto.
- Two Belpan Defence Force Land-Rovers and anarmyarmeijantruckajoneuvowaited by the dock.
- Saturday was jam packed: we were flown around in helicopters, transported inarmyarmeijantrucksajoneuvoissaand taught abseiling.
- CattleEläinkuljetusautojentrucks<empty>made the transport of meat both faster and easier.
- Learn how to safely operatedumperdumppereitatrucks<empty>, skid-steer-loaders and mini diggers.
- Members of the Ovens Action Group (OAG) claimed that they had followed adumpingkippiautoatruck<empty>from the Raybestos factory to the city dump, where the company had permission to dump non-toxic waste.
- Each morningtruckskuorma-autotfrom the factorytehtaanbumped along a dust road and turned down on to the low gravel bank where we were moored.
- Long lasting. and in different shapes too, checkyouromatruckautosifor the correct shape you need, either top or bottom.
- It succeeded in learning how to reverse thetruckkuorma-autointo the bay.
- The potential of thenewUusientruckskuorma-autojenwill remain limited until their weight can be brought down.
- Jack Lampard picked out two Mercedes-Benz and a Fiat, all of themtough-lookinghulppean näköisiätruckskuorma-autojawith fat tyres and reinforced springs, joissa oli paksut renkaat ja vahvistettu jousitus, and had them loaded with German fuel, water and food.
- If war in Europe seems likely,truckskuorma-autotcarrying four missiles each will emerge from their bunkers and disperse around southern Britain to protect them from attack.