Using the employment information contained in SPIR and in the responses, it was possible to estimate the overall
in exporting companies
vientiyrityksissä .
The Treasury felt strongly that changes in taxation for purposes of stabilising
would immediately become a political football.
In the mid-1970s the CDP estimated total
työllisyyden olevan to be
The so-called `wets favoured an interventionist role for government in the economy and were prepared to increase state spending to boost
, even if this risked some increase in inflation.
Over the same period,
full-time male
täyspäiväisten miesten in the service sector
palvelusektorilla fell by 10 000, with little growth in other services to replace job losses in `industrial services.
The growth of private home-ownership and car-ownership, reduction in the number of voters dependent on council housing, expansion of self-employment (up from 1.9 million to 3 million between 1979 and 1989) and of
in the private sector
yksityissektorilla , and a fall in the public-sector employment, may also work against the party.
declined by more than 50%, between 1966 and 1976 but manufacturing employment held up with an overall decline of just 5%, despite a significant decline in the major traditional sectors of shipbuilding, chemicals and metals manufacturing.
The main proximate cause of
in comparison with interwar years was a comparatively high level of demand and investment though, of course, governments contributed heavily to this through the public sector.
Given declining male participation rates (particularly because of earlier retirement and extended education),
would have grown only half as fast without these sources of additional labour.
In the opposite direction, the total working population increased for demographic reasons (Chapter 4), and
and activity rates expanded, chiefly in part-time work in the service sector.
While the
rates of lone mothers have been falling those of married mothers have been rising.
The second reason for rising poverty -- and the flip-side of increased receipt of state benefits -- has been falling employment rates, especially the rates of