doff.v 🔎
- The Dean of St Patrick'sPyhän Patrikin tuomiokirkon rovastihad strolled through these streets with muddied cloak,doffingnostellenhis beaver hatsilinteriäänin salute to the fond greetings of beggar and artisantervehdykseksi kerjäläisille ja käsityöläisille.
- HeHändoffedriisuihis chasuble, stole and copekasukkansa, stoolansa ja kaapunsa, hastily hung them in the cupboard, gave a wide-eyed Crim a penny for his help then bustled Sir John back into the church.
- HeHändoffednostihis caphattuaanas we marched past, and a few paces further on we negotiated the turn and were heading back along the road on the other side of the village green towards the saluting base.
kick off.v 🔎
- On the porch outside the front dooretuoven edellä olevalle kuistille,Iminäkicked offriisuinmy sandalssandaaliniand pushed them to one side where they joined an already substantial pile of varying styles and sizes.
- Thenhehänsat in the grass, brought his wrists up under his knees,kicked offriisuihis shoeskenkänsäand worked his legs through his locked arms, one after the other.
- Her shoes went flying asshehänkickedpotkaisithemneoffpoisher feetjalastaan.
peel off.v 🔎
- Winston Benjamin had already claimed the prize scalp of Gooch for eight by the timeAgnewAgnewpeeled offkuoriutuihis sweatervillapaidastaan.
- SheHänpeeled offriisuiher glovekäsineensä, and revealed a wedding ring.
pull off.v 🔎
- HeHänhastilypikaisestipulled offveti yltäänhis clothesvaatteetand stood facing Mrs Sweet.
- She was pure Romany asshehänpulled offriisuiher caplakkinsa, flung it to the floor, and stamped her foot.
- Insteadhehänpulled offriisuihis green boxer shorts, given to him by Maisie last Christmasvihreät bokserinsa, jotka oli saanut Maisielta viime jouluna, and farted in what he hoped was a reasonably light-hearted way.
remove.v 🔎
- Dr McIntyreTri McIntyrewas<empty>slowlyhitaastiremovingriisuihis rubber gloveskumikäsineensä.
- HeHänremovesriisuuhis parkaparkansa, wrapping it around the muzzle of his Sturm-Ruger, and sits back on the step of the lectern.
shed.v 🔎
- Hastilypikaisestithe reluctant guestsVastahakoiset vieraatbeganto<empty>shedriisuatheir tunics, loincloths, and bootstakkejaan, lannevaatteitaan ja saappaitaan.
- SheHänshedriisuiher clothesvaatteensa, and slipped quickly into its impersonal embrace.
slip.v 🔎
- Then Eddie said, “ You'll be in the next shot so ifyousinä'llvoisitsliphypätäinto your ragshousuihisiwe'll … ”
- Without waiting for a reply, he turned toThedaThedan puoleen,who, jokawasslippingriisumassaoff<empty>his greatcoatmantteliaan.
- SheHäntook a deep breath andslippedriisuioff<empty>her coattakkinsa.
- MichaelMichaeltook his cigarettes from his overcoat pocket, and thenslippedriisuithe coattakinfrom his shouldersharteiltaan.
- By the time he had closed the door and turned into the roomshehänhadolislippedheittänytthe towelling robekylpytakinoff her shoulderspois olkapäiltään.
- Thenshehänslippedpujahtioutpoisof her robepuvustaan, revealing a black lace teddy, before stepping into her dress.
- SheHänstoodto<empty>sliplaskeathe dresspuvundownalasover her hipslanteiltaan, and pouted at him in her petticoat.
strip off.v 🔎
- Thenhehänclimbed the steps to his bedroom,stripping offriisuihis kiltkilttinsä, and lay down stiffly.
- LexandroLexandrostripped offriisuihis mustardy cadet's tunic, and boots, and loinclothsinapinvärisen kadetintakkinsa, saappaansa ja lannevaatteensaquicklynopeastiand stood naked.
- She dragged her eyes up and watched as,unhurriedlykiireettömästi,hehänstripped offriisuihis heavy glovespaksut käsineensäand laid them across the bike before lifting his helmet off and balancing it in front of him.
take off.v 🔎
- I<empty>took offRiisuinmy coattakkiniquicklynopeastiand tossed it on the chair in front of my desk.
- MarkbyMarkby,taking offriisuihis overcoatpäällystakkinsaand sticking it haphazardly over a peg, grunted.
- SheHäntook offriisuiher underclothesalusvaatteensa-- bending, high-stepping -- eyes on some distant thought.
- Ashehäntookriisuiitsenoffyltäänhe remembered the sausage and treacle tart in his pocket.
- Welltakeotaitseoffpois yltäsithen!
- `So canIvoinkotakeriisuathe shoeskengätoffpois, Nana?
throw off.v 🔎
- The minoritiesVähemmistöthaveovatthrown offheittäneet yltäänthe Pashtun yokepataanien ikeen, largely thanks to the military prowess of Commander Ahmed Shah Massoud, a Tajik from the Jamiat-e-Islami (Islamic Society) opposition group.
- GRAEME HickGraeme Hickthrew offheitti päältäänhis straightjacketpakkopaitansayesterdayeilen-- and led an incredible blitz of World Cup champions Pakistan to clinch the Texaco Trophy series.
- The ministerMinisterisaid that he felt as if he were being pursued by a wild animal andcould onlysaattoi vainthrow offheittää yltäänhis clothesvaatteetto distract its attentionsen huomion kiinnittämiseksi muualle.
- `Now, ``saidMrs Joerouva Joe,excitedlyja innokkaastithrowing offheitti yltäänher cloakviittansa, `if this boy isn't grateful tonight, he never will be!
- HeHänstood, scarlet-cheeked, as she moved towards the screen,throwing offheitti yltäänthe kimonokimononas she wentpois mennessään.
- PetulantlykärttyisestisheHänthrew offheitti päältäänher golden capkullanvärisen lakkinsaand kicked at her skirts with her pointed boots.
- HeHänthrew offheitti harteiltaanhis loadkantamuksensa, unslung his Uzi and ripped open the door.
- When Goosie Lucy refused to payKun Goosie Lucy kieltäytyi maksamasta,the wolfsusithrew offheitti harteiltaanhis sheep's costumepaimenen viitanand bit off her head.