An aircraft would arrive
for night circuits
yölennolla .
Last January students at Tashkent University rioted,
in protest at the price rises that followed President Boris Yeltsin's reforms in Russia
protestina hintojen nousulle, jotka alkoivat Venäjällä presidentti Boris Jeltsinin uudistusten jälkeen .
In August 1912 he resigned,
in order to rehabilitate the Elibank estates which his father had made over to him
sen asuttaakseen uudelleen Elibankin tilat, jotka hänen isänsä oli hänelle jättänyt .
As most people in South Africa know, they have been living apart for some while --
on security grounds
turvallisuussyistä .
She irritably suppressed the knowledge that Mr Tranter, the editor, allowed her to stay at home on Saturday mornings,
He found, however, as he loped along,
, that he could not feel the same bitterness that he had done when he first started to write.
Catch 22, though
about World War II
kertoi Toisesta maailmansodasta , was in fact largely concerned with the Korean War and the state of mind prevailing in the Fifties.
Morocco's fledging Green Party has been declared illegal,
because it has not been officially authorized
siksi, että sitä ei ollut virallisesti hyväksytty .
Expected early in the year, it had been postponed,
because of the Gulf war
Persianlahden sodan vuoksi .
These can be packed, almost as an afterthought, beneath a nicely arranged selection of fresh fruit, which is presented
as the main part of the gift
lahjan tärkeimpänä osana .
a social misfit
sosiaalisti sopeutumattomana , he is most at home with his new books, old records and middle-aged pet Labrador.
chasing communists
kommunisteja jahdatessaan , it tortured and murdered Marcos's political opponents.
In another, and
, letter to her he speculated about a future race which might come across the name of T. S. Eliot and wonder who he was.
Conversely, you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management
has the power to give
vallan .
the medical profession is self regulated
lääketieteen ammattilaiset ovat itsesäätelyn piirissä .
Ferranti carried on with the contracts because it did not want to give the
an excuse not to pay back the credit.
should also have been made publicly.
It reconfirmed that Her Majesty's Government was not concerned with the recognition of governments and had not recognised the
Mr Venables had been `harassed ``ever since his
on May 14.
The law of nullity covers not only cases where the
was void, but also those where the marriage, though initially valid, is voidable, and thus may be set aside.
It is the
of kung fu, or Chinese boxing.
The traditionally parsimonious Florentines, always depressed by the appearance of the Boboli Gardens, are furious about the forthcoming entry charge (
) in spite of vaunted annual concessions for residents.
DEC /Fujitsu discussions
DEC-/Fujitsu-neuvottelut -- Fujitsu is not dumping Sparc, but would have loved to go to Alpha instead -- two to three years ago.
as a possible successor to Sir Bob Reid at British Rail
British Railin Sir Bob Reidin seuraaja .
Two coup attempts
Kahdesta vallankaappausyrityksestä in recent months
viime kuukausina .
Khatami's resignation
Khatamin erosta for some months
useiden kuukauden ajan ,
as conservative newspapers had accused him of ``leniency towards the ``corrupt, Westernized Iranian intellectuals and artists, especially those in exile
, kun konservatiivilehdet ovat syyttäneet hänen olevan kallellaan "korruptoituneiden, länsimaalaistuneiden", erityisesti maanpaossa olevien iranilaisten älymystön edustajien ja taiteilijoiden suuntaan .
The existence of the wolves
Susien olemassaolo, josta oli ,
, was confirmed when two were shot by farmers while attacking calves.
that the relationship had at times been stormy
, että suhde oli ajoittain ollut myrskyisä .
At Liverpool clubs, the toilets are full of catsuited girls who look at you as if
to be a child molester
olevan pedofiili .
Lists of `intolerable ``local leaders of Party, Labour Front, and NSV
listoja kestämättömistä paikallisista puolueen, Labour Frontin ja NSV:N johtajista to have been drawn up
laaditun .
to be the inspiration for Virginia Woolfe's novel, The Lighthouse
olleen inspiraation lähteenä Virginia Woolfin romaanille "Majakka" ,
since she spent her childhood nearby
, koska hän vietti lapsuutensa lähistöllä .
At one time
Jossain vaiheessa , it
that he was being groomed to be the next Commissioner
, että hänestä kaavailtiin seuraavaa komissaaria .
In the back were two girls, driven by Charlie's manager, the Fish, a tall, straight-backed and handsome ex-public school boy
to be a Navy admiral
olevan laivaston amiraali .