In this case
that the operon contains trpEb_2
, että käytössä on trpEb_2 .
But these individual successes can't disguise the
that we're living in a world that is somehow saturated by the media without actually paying all that much attention to it.
The wolf whom Pollak is so eager to cook had a
of landing himself in the soup.
In a
of marketing, the offer of $10 off on Mother's Day flowers doesn't expire until July 31.
is a
but perhaps
of the Ralph Ellison literary myth that he published only one novel, Invisible Man, and that his entire authority as a writer and intellectual rests on this work, which whites felt brought black writing of age, beyond mere protest and sociology.
I was born in the South of two Southern parents but raised mainly on Army posts,
jumalan hylkäämä kolkka that, even when located in the South, feel more like Ohio than like Alabama or Georgia or North Carolina.
Notwithstanding, many people derive enjoyment from wallowing in peculiar,
, and unfamiliar
, which often provide a source of amusement.
This is a
3. ``Most
of the week, from the Times: 'GM Presses Bid for Daewoo, Vowing to Preserve Its Identity.' I don't know.
is that one would have thought this was a conclusion a supposedly ardent devotee of the free market would have reached a long time ago.
that at institutions supposedly dedicated to academics, spectator-friendly athletic competitions are the only activities considered to be worthy of regular praise and attention
, että muka akateemisille ihmisille omistetuissa instituutioissa yleisöystävälliset urheilukilpailut ovat ainoa säännöllisen huomion ja kehun ansaitseva tapahtuma .
i i i never even thought of that uh before um i i i did notice that uh most of the time the juries are males and uh but i'd never thought of any reasons why or why not
It is in that context that Mies'
of ordered simplicity and sybaritic luxury must be understood.
that what one might assume to be a fairly obvious coinage
, että sitä, mitä saatettaisiin pitää melko ilmeisenä uudissanana, can not be documented to an earlier date.
, how exactly could this dastardly crime have been carried off?
and um it's causing quite a stir up here because we're so close to DC anyway
kind of
to watch this thing occur
Both stories (and
that both papers would independently front such a soft feature
että molemmat sanomalehdet puoltaisivat itsenäisesti näin pehmeää ominaisuutta ?) note that there is a rich Arab tradition of leaders going out in mufti, with the overall feeling being that this is a quaint feature of a veil- and robe-enmeshed culture.
This doesn't mean that the bond market is any less efficient than the stock market, though
about Africana
afrikkalaisuuden tutkimisessa is that they both -- Gates and Appiah -- are doing a book that I think, in its current manifestation, is beneath them.
But I found
that he ignored a relevant phenomenon that he described so clearly in The Moral Animal: the mother-offspring conflict over weaning.
I thought it more than a
that you did not mention those fine law enforcement officers in your article
, että et maininnut artikkelissasi noita hienoja lainvalvontaviranomaisia .
yeah kind of
because um some people found about it on the computer network others yeah
value for the rubber phase
kumifaasin arvo was later confirmed experimentally.
With an
she took on the life of a Broadway dancer, the men flocked to her and she basked in their admiration.
breeds in the park.
`Miss Kyte, ``said Araminta, a
smirk on her face
virne kasvoillaan , and with a note of pride in her voice, `allow me to present the Reverend Mr Saul Quatt.
Black was an
for a man's glove
miesten käsineissä .
The Imperial Engineers are technical innovators whose products are carried by some of the
troops in the Imperial army
keisarillisen armeijan joukot .
An illegit would be an
there, Fox untucked her sleeves and pulled them down to hang over her wrists.
The only
thing about him
asia hänessä on se -- how he loves me.
``Now I plan to grow more
, he says.
Tory is no stranger to rare and
, over the years up to 40 varieties have been recorded reachings its shores including many varieties from Arctic regions.
He would sit bolt upright, wearing a top hat which was
for the Salisbury of the `twenties
Salisburyssa 20-luvulla .