case.n 🔎
- You will at least be able to test the strength of thecasejutunagainst youitseäsi vastaan.
- -- The court has been told that the order did not in fact contain that recitation. -- `On this occasion the court ordered that thecasejuttushould be heardat the end of August 1991elokuun 1991 loppuun mennessä.
- Indeed, thecasejuttuagainst the soldiersotilaaseen liittyväinvolved rests primarily on his evidence, not hers.
- It was comparatively rare forcasesteoissaof assaults against femalesnaisiin kohdistuneissa väkivallanto receive sustained coverage and, indeed, there were only three cases where at least one newspaper covered the case on three or more separate days.
- The essential reasoning in these twocasestapauksessais that section 7(4) can not bear two different constructions.
- One of the marks of a competent lawyer is his ability to know what gaps there are in the facts ofhishänencasejutussaan.
- FOUR men are suing Merseyside Police for damages after they waited nearly four years to face charges only for the Crown Prosecution Service to offer no evidence whentheirheidäncasesjuttunsacame to court.
- A judge at the Old Bailey has been explaining his full reasons for stopping the trial of the three retired detectives who were accused of tampering with evidence in thecasejutussaof the Birmingham SixBirminghamin kuusikon.
- They involve the authority to be given to the unsubstantiated evidence of a woman in araperaiskaus-casejutussaand the question of her character, real or assumed.
- Even in private encounters, judges do not discusstheir<empty>casesjuttujaanwith politicians, and in return politicians should avoid embarrassing judges by involving them in what are essentially political issues.
- Opening thecasejuttuayesterdayeilen, a Crown lawyer told the jury that Mr Winning was employed by the Housing Executive to protect property from vandals.
- The legal ramifications of theHainsHainsincasejutussaare tortuous.
- IncasesJutuissainvolving media rights heardin British courtsbrittiläisissä oikeusistuimissatodaynykyään, the Convention and the cases on it decided by the European Court are usually cited in argument on behalf of the media.
- Two government prosecutorskaksi valtionsyyttäjääin thecaseJutunhad resigned on Jan. 9, claiming that intimidation of witnesses had made their task impossible.
- THE juryValamiehistötrying thecasejuttuaof a man accused of robbing a supermarket and shooting two people who tried to stop him, jossa miestä syytettiin supermarketin ryöstöstä ja kahden häntä estäneen ihmisen ampumisesta,was discharged last night after failing to reach a verdict.
trial.n 🔎
- We have considered the delay likely to occur ina personal injury action whichhenkilövahingossagoes totrialoikeuskäsittelyynin the High CourtKorkeimman oikeuden.
- Late last month, thetrialjutunjudgetuomariacquitted the accused on the charge of aggravated sexual assault.
- It was also suggested that a policeman attending court at thetrial<empty>of the present proceedingstässä oikeudenkäynnissämight take note of evidence based on the disclosures and use that evidence.
- Calls made from it were traced by police to the homes of witnesses due to give evidence intrialsoikeudenkäynneissäon TynesideTynesiden.
- A neighbour who did not give evidence at thetrialoikeudenkäynnissäof Lisa and Michelle TaylorLisa ja Michelle Taylorinhas said she saw a girl resembling Alison, 21, arrive home at 6 pm on the night she was stabbed.
- A high court judge has halted thetrialoikeudenkäynnin, jossa käsitelläänof two veteran peace campaigners accused of springing Soviet spy, George Blake from prison in 1966kahteen kokeneeseen rauhanaktivistiin kohdistuvia syytteitä neuvostovakooja George Blaken vankilasta loikkaamisen avustamisesta vuonna 1966..
- One of the men she recognised as someone she had seen on the Prosecution side in a Belfast court duringtrialsoikeudenkäynninfor terrorist offencesterrorismi-.
- Local historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy, who has himself given evidence in thewar crimessotarikos-trialoikeudenkäynnissäof John DemianukJohn Demianukin, says he's in favour of prosecutions.
- Lynn Dart, the mother of murdered Leeds teenager Julie Dart, had just completed her evidence in thetrialoikeudenkäynnissäof Michael SamsMichael Samsia vastaan käytävässäat Nottingham Crown CourtNottinghamin rikostuomioistuimessayesterday.
- This argued that the originaltrialoikeudenkäyntiof the 1414:nhad been conducted by an unconstitutional court with selected judges and a biased jury and that the evidence presented had been weak and contradictory.
- On 11 September 1991, Erdogan Kizilkaya was released pendingtrialoikeudenkäyntiäby Kayseri State Security CourtKayserin valtion turvallisuutta käsittelevän tuomioistuimen.
- A MANMiehenwas due to go ontrialoikeudenkäyntiäat Liverpool Crown CourtLiverpoolin rikostuomioistuimessalater todaymyöhemmin tänäänaccused of murdering his pregnant wife.
- On 15 May 1782the Weston brothersWestonin veljeksetstoodtrialoikeudessaat the Old BaileyOld Baileyn tuomioistuimessafor the Great Mail Robbery, England's most famous and costly crimesuuresta postiryöstöstä, joka on Englannin kuuluisin rahakkain rikos.
- Denied effective legal counsel prior to his indictment,Stewart'sStewartintrialoikeudenkäyntiat InverarayInverarayssain September 1752syyskuussa 1752was a travesty of justice.
- ErshadErshad, who had 30 days to appeal, also facedtrialoikeuteenon charges relating to the embezzlement of public fundssyytettynä julkisten varojen käyttöön liittyvistä epäselvyyksistä.
- He had been awaitingtrialoikeudenkäyntiäat the High CourtKorkeimmassa oikeudessaon assault, robbery and firearms chargessyytettynä pahoinpitelystä, ryöstöstä ja ampuma-aserikoksesta.
- Anglo-French relations were put under a severe strain at all levels, particularly when one of the conspirators arrested in London was acquitted athishänentrialoikeudenkäynnissään.
- asking for guarantees for the physical safety of those who have been threatened and intimidated after giving evidence in thetrialoikeudenkäynnissäagainst the four policemenneljää poliisia vastaanfor the murder of Nahaman Carmona López, jotka olivat syytettyinä Nahaman Carmona Lópezin murhasta;
- Her 80-year-old husband, Harry,Hänen 80-vuotias aviomiehensä Harryhad been declared mentally unfit to standtrialoikeudenkäyntiä.
- THEtrialOikeudenkäyntiof three businessmen accused of exporting arms-making equipment to Iraqkolmea liikemiestä vastaan, jotka ovat syytettyinä asetarvikkeiden viennistä Irakiin,turns out to have been not just a farce but a scandal.