This article
Tässä artikkelissa these issues
näitä seikkoja and proposes a framework for comprehensive assessment with older people and their carers, derived from development work with social workers in a number of local authorities.
the various techniques used in remote sensing, in broad categories photographic and electro-optical
eri tekniikoita, joita käytetään monissa valokuvaukseen liittyvissä ja sähköoptisissa etäkäytettävissä antureissa .
A welcome book which
Tervetuliaiskirja, jossa is published by Age Concern.
in some detail
jollain tarkkuudella the implications of the SEA for EC integration, and the potential aggregate economic benefits that might accrue
SEA:n EU-integraation vaikutuksia ja mahdollisia taloudellisia hyötyjä, joita se saattaa tuoda mukanaan. .
This research gave rise to
the school of `contingency theory ``which
valmiussuunnitelmateoriaa kannattavalle koulukunnalle, jota at some length
joissain mittakaavassa in Chapter 6
kappaleessa 6 .
As these broader functions are of importance in a theory of language change,
These topics
Näitä aiheita in Chapter 5
kappaleessa 5 .
, joita käsitellään in this chapter
tässä kappaleessa are diverse, none can be lightly dismissed as a significant agent of environmental change.
The role of the law in constraining and shaping responsibilities in families is an important topic in its own right and
in chapter 4
kappaleessa 4 , using the Victorian poor Law as a key example.
The pattern recognition process
Hahmontunnistusprosessia .
The properties of black holes possessing some angular momentum
Mustien aukkojen impulssimomenttia koskevia ominaisuuksia in Section 9.2
kappaleessa 9.2 .
in detail
yksityiskohtaisesti in Chapter 2
kappaleessa 2 , and the modifications by which predators may be identified will be described in Chapter 3.
The arrangement of given and new elements
Saatujen ja uusien elementtien järjestystä in detail
yksityiskohtaisesti under information structure
tietorakenteessa (section 5.1.2).
this question
tätä kysymystä in detail
yksityiskohtaisesti in Chapter 4
kappaleessa 4 .
as separate issues, tourism, recreation and sport are not mutually exclusive.
at some length
joissain mittakaavassa in Chapter 6
kappaleessa 6 .
at greater length
pidemmälti in Chapter 9
kappaleessa 9 .
Romaine (1982: 177--82)
Romaine (1982: 177--82) Bickerton's data
Bickertonin tietoja at some length
jonkin verran , reevaluating his criteria for scaling variables.
Only the first two of these problems
Vain kahta ensimmäistä näistä ongelmista .
in general terms
yleisellä tasolla .
these effects
näitä vaikutuksia in section 2.3
kappaleessa 2.3 .
In Mythologies
Mytologiassa advertisements for Omo and Persil in terms of the connotations they invoke
Omon ja Persilin mainontaa niiden herättämien mielleyhtymien perusteella .
by Mosimann (1985)
Mosimann (1985) in relation to ski piste construction in the Swiss Alps.
The use of enzymes in synthesis
Entsyymien käyttöä synteesissä but biotechnology is not covered.
the `roaring twenties ``
"iloista 20-lukua" and notes that `an attitude of leniency, indulgence and experimentation with newer methods and reforms permeated the whole society.
one or two poems by Tennyson which illustrate the ways in which he expresses emotion
yhtä tai kahta Tennysonin runoa, joissa hän kuvaa tapoja ilmaista tunteitaan .
the passages on servants
henkilöstöä koskevista seikoista discussed
. joita käsiteltiin , the description of work can be judged one of the major concerns of the poem.
This very frequently discussed feature of Hebrew poetry needs to be mentioned here primarily in order to distinguish it from the
of this paper
tämän tutkimuksen .
His choice of words shows how thoroughly he has identified with
, and for what reason.
The most important principle involved in this selection of
must have to do with their relevance to the particular discourse fragment under consideration.
, the daughter of King Malcolm III of Scotland, who later became the wife of Henry I and queen of England.
In my experience the unexpected response `children ``causes the questioner to smile in puzzlement and change the
By this time -- the early seventies --
homoseksuaalisuus was no longer a taboo
ei enää ollut kielletty .
In our society, it is not always very easy to talk about religious experiences -- it is often far easier to discuss the previously taboo
(Many different early blueprints may play into this and compound the fear of the opposite sex, but we are not elaborating on this, as
homoseksuaalisuus .)
Police powers to control public meetings and the offences that might be committed at such meetings
Poliisin julkisten kokoontumisten valvonta ja niihin osallistuvien poliisimiesten rikkomukset .
The general drive towards improving standards and putting the customer first
Yleinen suuntaus laadun parantamiseksi ja asiakkaan asettamiseksi etusijalle of best selling books with inspiring titles like In Search of Excellence and The Winning Streak
vetävällä otsikolla kuten "In Search of Excellence" ja "The Winning Streak" varustettujen parhaiten myyvien kirjojen .
of the next chapter
seuraavan kappaleen .
It also introduces
a brief discussion of material culture
lyhyen esityksen materialistisesta kulttuurista ,
of the next section
seuraavan kappaleen , and provides a bridge with the major subject of the third section, the nature of mass consumption.
It also introduces a brief discussion of material culture, which is the subject of the next section, and provides a bridge with the
of the third section
kolmannen kappaleen , the nature of mass consumption.
Hermit crabs are able to make a rapid assessment of whether a particular shell is of an appropriate size or not, and
how they do this
kuinka ne sen tekevät of much study
monen tutkimuksen .
The social and political implications of freer information-sharing in the region
Alueen vapaamman tiedon levityksen sosiaaliset ja poliittiset vaikutukset was a recurring
oli toistuva at the seminar
seminaarissa .
The role of music, song, and poetry have been important to the YCCC as well, and
of Highlander
Highlanderin .
But once the
has been agreed upon, Dr Fitzhugh makes no further input to the work.
In the first section one of
the relationship between theoria and praxis
teorian ja käytännön välinen suhde .
Your data must be woven into a logical, coherent case that combines to communicate
and subsidiary points.
It must also refer to the depth of thought behind the design whether the subject deals with a bold tale or a subtle
philosophical, psychological or even theological
filosofista, psykologista tai jopa teologista .
Ferguson dissected the consistencies and the changes in the subject matter of women's magazines since the war and traced how `
getting and keeping your man
miehen saaminen ja pitäminen ``
There are many continuing
in this novel
tässä romaanissa and in my opinion the main theme is that of contentment.
After presenting some
of the ecological critique of industrialism
teollistumisen ekologisesta kritiikistä , Chapter 8 offers a brief look at one country that was once considered to be a model of self-reliant environmentally sound development, that is Tanzania.
It immediately causes
a stark image which
karun kuvan, josta was
Celebrating success
Menestyksen juhliminen is a recurring
on toistuva throughout this book
kautta koko kirjan and is the very essence of marketing.
The second
the question of the extent to which fossils can contribute data of value to systematics
laajuus, jolla fossiilit voivat vaikuttaa järjestelmän arvoja , and it is, of course intimately entwined with the first question.
Let me approach the
of this chapter
tämän kappaleen more circumspectly by way of literary reference.
She tackles this huge
in nine chronologically arranged chapters, and the text is complemented by over 400 illustrations and an extensive bibliography.
This chapter correlates with the
of accountability
luotettavuuden introduced in chapter 2.
of the Lambeth Conference 1958
Vuoden 1958 Lambeth-konferenssin was
of the conference
konferenssin was `
European immigration into Scotland
eurooppalainen maahanmuutto Skotlantiin ``.
will be:
These, unresolved, provided a backdrop to the
Here we shall merely try to summarise the main points that are immediately relevant to the
What the most appropriate intuitions are, and how they are best used, form the
of the next section
seuraavan kappaleen .
Articles in magazines are less certainly described as criticism, for
may be
personalities or history
henkilöhahmoja tai historiaa , and art may be only a small part of the writers' account.
press coverage of the IQ controversy
älykkyysosamäärä-kiistaa koskeva käsittely lehdistössä , which I thought distorted to the point of newsworthiness.
In the following extract (13), there is another example of a mismatch between
, brought about by a misunderstanding of the intended meaning of a particular word.
We can begin by returning to the question of defining
`The Role of Illegal Narcotics Trafficking in the Lebanese Political Crisis ``
"The Role of Illegal Narcotics Trafficking in the Lebanese Political Crisis" .
Wisden Cricket Monthly welcomes Readers Letters on any
krikettiä koskevasta , contemporary, controversial, historical or humorous.
While we are very happy to provide a list we ask that the students understand a little about the
so the student's answer is his and not ours.
Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles, but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to
The examiner is quite entitled to set questions on any
in the syllabus
opinto-ohjelman regardless of whether a lecture on it has been given or not and you should look out for the ``old foxes.
in the pages of this magazine
tämän lehden sivuilla for years and a frequent one recently.
To find the key words, look up this
in several textbooks in the library or from your own shelves.
Moreover, because the textbook had a different purpose from the essay, it isn't clear how the material taken from the textbook is relevant to
of foregrounding in King Lear
Kuningas Learin tekstin esiintuomisesta .
The School Matron deals with such
as `Adolescence ``and `Personal Hygiene.
widely discussed
laajasti käsitelty is
liability for power failure
luotettavuus sähkökatkosten aikana .
Accordingly, the rest of this chapter discusses these three
in turn.
In most historical works on the
there have been two broad approaches, though they are not mutually exclusive, and there has, in practice, been a considerable overlap between the two.
`But all politicians we invite are asked to lecture on
historiallisista , giving totally fresh and unique outlooks on the issues addressed.
Who else but Runcorn could give
an impromptu hour-long lecture
improvisoidun tunnin mittaisen esitelmän on any
geofysikaalisesta and probably have just the right slides in his pocket to support it?
Get as close as you can (physically and mentally) to the lecturer and the
is examined in the next chapter, along with important questions of how production can, and how it might best be, funded in such circumstances.
Here the term `acquired disorder of language ``is used; and
of this chapter
tämän kappaleen .
One of the
of this chapter
tämän kappaleen is
miracles and what we mean by them
ihmeet ja mitä niillä tarkoitetaan .
had become one of the
of conversation
keskustelun .
From what we have proposed as
in conversational discourse
keskustelun aikana , it must occasionally happen that there are at least two versions of `What I think we're talking about ``which are potentially incompatible.
for discussion
keskustelun will be
finding a job
työpaikan löytäminen .
Invited speakers will present views on the
followed by open discussions and workshops.
In the fourth year a number of
of current interest are studied in detail, taking the student to the leading edge of current research.