Jose Ramon, a new chef
who arrived at the Guernica
joka saapui Guernicaan two months
kaksi kuukautta , will hopefully maintain these high standards.
If I'd been in his shoes,
I'd probably have taken a meat axe to her
olisin luultavasti vienyt hänelle lihakirveen .
John Lloyd, producer of Not The Nine O'Clock News, Spitting Image and Blackadder, says that for his
generation of university students
sukupolvensa yliopisto-opinnoissa Python was the seminal programme.
he saw a fox walking past this same window.
A dream I had
Unessa, jonka näin not so long
vasta vähän aikaa took me back to my first year in Vienna.
he only said that
hän sanoi niin vain a little while
pieni hetki didn't he?
`And yet
the music of the sidh was heard in Ireland again
sidhien musiikkia kuultiin taas Irlannissa , Fergus.
Three months
Kolme kuukautta .
The accident happened
Onnettomuus tapahtui when he was trying to retrieve a football from the roof of the city's derelict Rialto Ballroom.
He turned down Mr Thomas's job
Hän torjui Mr. Thomasin työn ,
citing unfinished business at CCF
vedoten CCF:n keskeneräiseen työhön .
`Even if he remembers,
now, and he'll remember to forget.
All that time
Niin pitkän ajan -- did they never write?
It wore out
Se kului loppuun a minute or so
noin minuutti .
This type makes up 70 per cent of new loans, although
it was almost unheard of
siitä ei oltu kuultukaan .
Half an hour or so
Noin puoli tuntia .
I have not named the place where he is to be found, since I do not know it, and
it may be very far from where he bides today
se voi olla erittäin kaukana hänen tämänpäiväisestä olinpaikastaan .
The debate surrounded the Mark II Crappee
which was to be released
, joka oli määrä julkaista four years
neljän vuoden kuluttua .
they might say something quite different
he saattavat sanoa jotain aivan muuta .
The typical large business
Tyypillinen suuryritys will have fewer than half the levels of management of its counterpart today, and no more than a third the managers.
Therefore the daily life of the Woodies, which had depended almost entirely on knowing what they would be doing on
any given day
minä päivänä tahansa six months
kuuden kuukauden , fell into disrepair.
There had been a cancellation so
two seats would be available on a Tarom flight
Taromin-lennolle on kaksi vapaata paikkaa with a Romanian Automobile Club hire car waiting at the other end
niin, että Romanian Automobile Club -kerhon vuokra-auto odottaa toisessa päässä .
He especially didn't like to think what would happen if his mother ever discovered that
he was going to sneak out of the house to attend an illegal meeting
hän aikoi livistää ulos talosta laittomaan kokoukseen .
Can I risk having
her curse me
kiroaisi minut because my ideology ruined her education
, koska ideologiani on pilannut hänen koulutuksensa ?
One could even make a case for delaying it until
the Club celebrates its Centenary Year
kerho juhlii satavuotispäiväänsä .
But let's see
what she'll be
mitä hänestä tulee a few years
muutaman vuoden .
You may remember that HRBMOA is also talking about purchasing the lease of the river when
it comes up for bid
se tulee myyntiin .