Industry and agriculture
Teollisuus ja maatalous in the war years
sotavuosina though both came under great governmental control -- a new experience for ``free enterprise America.
Franco had allowed
anti-French nationalism
Ranskan-vastaisen nationalismin in Spanish Morocco
espanjalaisessa Marokossa in the first half of the 1950s
1950-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla , naïvely and carelessly confident that pressure for independence would not be a problem in the Spanish protectorate.
The idea of oranges fresh from Surrey gardens, or
tender shrubs
hennot pensaat, jotka , clearly appeals to him.
on kiivaimmillaan in many parts of the United States
eri puolilla Yhdysvaltoja , with south Florida out in front.
A return trip to Dartington didn't ensnare us into
the esoteric cults that
salaiseen kulttiin, joka in those parts
noissa osissa .
Coats of arms of the merchants who built the houses four hundred years ago catch the eye, as do
those of the guilds and craftsmen who
ne käsityöläiset, jotka in old Stein
vanhan Steinin aikana .
Chicago is named after the Indian word for
the wild onions that
villien sipuleiden mukaan, jotka on the banks of Lake Michigan
Michigan-järven rannoilla -- Checagou.
Surprisingly though,
on these ranges
näillä alueilla , despite the firing of live ammunition.
The more open we are to God, and the weaker our self-will becomes, the more
will grow and
The most renowned was
the sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus which
Asclepiuksen pyhäkkö Epidauruksessa, joka from 600BC down to AD400
600 eKr - 400 jKr .
The elimination of corruption from the party was one of the major demands of
the pro-democracy movement which
demokratian puolesta taistelevan liikkeen, joka for seven weeks between April to June 1989
seitsemän viikkoa huhtikuusta kesäkuuhun 1989 before being brutally suppressed by the armed forces.
30,000 rice varieties
30 000 riisilajia in South-East Asia
Etelä-Aasiassa , one single kind now occupies two-thirds of the land.
The health and beauty business
Terveys- ja kauneusala with more sophisticated products than ever before
ja sisältää hienostuneempia tuotteita kuin koskaan ennen .
Beetles and fungus
Koppakuoriaiset ja sienet only
in damp, poorly ventilated conditions
kosteissa, huonosti tuuletetuissa tiloissa .
on adversity
vastoinkäymisistä .
One of the main causes of mildew,
a fungus which
sieni, joka , is the dampness caused by ordinary household plants placed directly on the floor.
The young reader has to be ready to understand that these ten pictures
one kitten
kissanpojasta, joka on love and care
rakkautta ja huolenpitoa .
Boxing almost fortnightly demanded minimum training and
with this pattern of exercise
tällä harjoittelumallilla .
in dynamic and volatile situations
dynaamisissa ja räjähdysherkissä tilanteissa , taking charge and dealing with people in an authoritative and independent manner.
He said that
in the Middle East
Lähi-Idässä with work on a naval base in Kuwait and a warship for Oman
työssään laivastotukikohdassa Kuwaitissa ja sotalaivalla Omanissa .
on upland areas with lower land value
ylängöllä köyhemmässä maassa , and also grow faster than native, broad-leaved woodlands which are less efficient ``carbon fixers than pine, fir and spruce.
in dark corners
pimeissä nurkissa .
Corman's Little Shop of Horrors became a cult classic largely through its star -- not Nicholson, but
because of the mild winter
leudon talven ansiosta .
Prisons and institutions for young offenders were closing down,
, and more time was allowed to pay fines.
The competitive spirit
Kilpailuhenkisyys because the salespeople -- sorry demonstrators -- know there are good prizes up for grabs
, koska myynti-ihmiset - anteeksi, mielenosoittajat - tietävät, että ravuista saa rahaa .