TransFrameNet:Temporal subregion
late.a 🔎
- When Lothar himself crossed the Meuse, probablylatelopussain Septembersyyskuun, and announced that he would advance as far as the Seine, Charles's support in Francia collapsed.
- And it's neverkoskaantooliianlatemyöhäistäin lifeElämässä ei oleto improve your fitness, allowing you to enjoy a better quality of life … and more of it!
- All the continental microplates contain Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks intruded bylatemyöhäisenJurassicJura-kaudengranites.
- Colin Cranston, deputy firemaster in the Lothian and Borders brigade, saidlatemyöhäänlast nighteilen illallahis team of 60 rescuers had uncovered two cellars where any survivors were likely to be.
- ItwasOlilatemyöhäinenafternooniltapäiväbefore she stirred and stretched.
- Certain models have dropped to prices that would have seemed inconceivable even inlateloppupuolella1991vuoden 1991.
outset.n 🔎
- At theoutsettoteutettaessaof the planssuunnitelmia, we had prayed for a sign of divine approval.
- At theoutsetAluksitwo points should be made clear.
- Fromits<empty>outsetAlusta alkaen, Operation Barbarossa assumed a class character, and it quickly escalated into a `war of hatred ``.