Not only did these girls experience and perceive the juvenile court in a different way,
were expected and
by their solicitors
asianajajien taholta to play a different role from boys
toimimaan eri tavalla kuin pojat :
Her erstwhile Bohemian boyfriend
Hänen entinen böömiläinen poikaystävänsä firmly
against such a risqué job
välttämään noin riskialtista työtä .
`Don't be too sure of that, ``
"Älä ole siitä niin varma", as the door closed on his two colleagues.
Your local Liquitex stockist
Paikallinen Liquitex-jälleenmyyjä will be able
on such ready prepared painting supports
valmiista maalaustuista , or you can quite easily prepare your own raw canvas hardboard offcuts, thick plyboard or MDF.
In some European countries and in some international arbitrations, the tribunal appoints
its own expert
omat asiantuntijansa on technical matters
teknisissä asioissa .
involved in administering or
was influenced by his work.
Try the Saloon, ``
"Kokeile salonkia", , and they forthwith entered the dingiest and most depressing room they had ever been inside.
`Wear your grey tweed, ``
"Laita harmaata tweediä", .
As a result,
of the latest schedules on your Final Invoice
uusimmat aikataulut lopullisella laskulla , but we will not advise you of any timing changes at an earlier date.
Every good garden design book
Jokainen hyvä puutarhakirja the would-be designer-gardener
omatoimipuutarhuria to ``first take your squared paper
"ottamaan ensin ruutupaperin esiin". and, in fact, it is a good idea to draw the plan to scale.
will be able
for those considering using NT for long-term mission critical applications.
heitä, jotka harkitsevat NT:n käyttöä pitkäkestoisiin kriittisiin sovelluksiin.
the central bank
keskuspankki had only been able
the Treasury
valtiovarainministeriötä on interest rate policy
korkopolitiikassa , whereas under the new legislation the bank would be free to set the discount rate itself.
Under the agreement
a joint technical committee
Teknisen komitean was established
both governments
molempia hallituksia on the appropriate structures for the joint adminstration of the 1,100-sq km territory
asianmukaisissa rakenteissa koskien 1 100 neliökilometrin yhteishallintoa .
It seems likely that
, too,
against publication
olemaan julkaisematta .
Mr Singleton
Herra Singleton Sergeant Joe
kersantti Joe'ta at the beginning
to be careful about envelopes
olemaan varovainen kirjekuorien kanssa .
caution in the anti-bourgeois backlash
olemaan varovainen anti-porvarillisen takaiskun suhteen , recognising the damage it could cause to the already frail economy.
Each year
some 800 families with children in care
noin 800 perhettä, joiden lapset on otettu huostaan .
as to how I could solve this problem?
, kuinka tämän ongelman voisi ratkaista?
that the lessons should cease
, että oppitunnit loppuvat .
Four months after Clare opened her toy shop,
her bank manager
hänen pankinhoitajansa to close it as quickly as possible,
sulkemaan sen mahdollisimman pian, because she was losing money at a steady and frightening pace.
In fact it was
to get a second opinion on the matter, from a lawyer
hankkimaan asiasta toisen mielipiteen lakimieheltä .
prospective purchasers
mahdollisia ostajia to produce a written list of requirements, and to check them off against the package one by one
tekemän kirjallisen luettelon vaatimuksista ja tarkistamaan ne paketin perusteella yksi kerrallaan .
to work hard, and not to look back into your past
tekemään kovasti työtä ja olemaan katsomatta menneisyyteen .
`Don't be too hasty, ``
"Älä pidä liian kovaa kiirettä", .
she had a reasonable civil case
että hänellä oli melko hyvä asema riita-asiassa until 1985.
Whilst both offer excellent value for money,
you consider Gold Cover
harkitsemaan Gold Coveria , as this offers cash benefits DOUBLE those of Silver cover -- for less than double the cost per month.
about the possibility of seeking compensation for an assault by his neighbour, for which he had received hospital treatment
mahdollisuudesta hakea korvausta naapurin tekemästä pahoinpitelystä, jonka vuoksi hän oli joutunut sairaalaan .
and the necessary check-up services are rarely available.
Treatment: The usual prescription for these problems is glasses or contact lenses and although babies can wear them,
to wait and see if the problem corrects itself.
odottamaan ja katsomaan, jos ongelma korjautuu itsestään.
The House will welcome
about the protection of people when they are in custody,
ihmisten suojelemisesta heidän ollessaan säilöön otettuna but unfortunately the Minister's perception is completely different from that of the community as a whole.
Animal welfare had been the subject of discussions with several leading UK retailers and
the Danish industry
Tanskan teollisuus had offered
about the way in which animals are produced and reared there
tavasta, jolla eläimiä tuotetaan ja kasvatetaan täällä .
In spite of the repeated
of his gushingly polite secretary
hänen erittäin kohteliaan sihteerinsä , Mattie knew that he was deliberately avoiding her.
My constituent had sought
from the Minister
ministeriltä about the financing of the proposed station
ehdotetun aseman rahoittamiseksi .
RAIL passengers could soon be hit by a series of one-day strikes after RMT,
the biggest railway union
suurin rautatieliitto , failed to get
over job losses
töiden säilymisestä , a spokesman for the union said last night.
Most of us civilians
Suurin osa siviileistä accepted the
that some part of Burma would be held
siitä, että osia Burmasta tullaa jättämään , and so we stayed put.
On receipt of
was able to provide a service the next day.
, ``the Sunday Times reported, `is thought to have given an
that it will not plunder the surplus
, ettei se ryöstä ylijäämää .
yksiselitteisen that that will not happen
, että niin ei tapahdu ?
also gave an
that he was abandoning plans to alter the Constitution so that the executive would be prime ministerial rather than presidential
, että hän hylkäisi suunnitelmat muuttaa perustuslakia niin, että toimeenpanevana olisi pääministeri presidentin sijaan .
But the community health council's chief officer, Mrs Chris Stead, said
had still not been given any
that the situation was being addressed
, että tilannetta käsitellään .
Mr Maher said
had received
from the Government
hallitukselta that new legislation on increasing competition would apply to the book agreement
, että uusi lainsäädäntö kilpailun kiristymisestä koskisi kirjasopimusta .
She was a strong swimmer, a good cook, and
had received
that their relationship would remain strictly platonic
siitä, että heidän suhteensa pysyisi tiukasti platonisena .
Leaving Italy, where he met government officials and had an audience with Pope John Paul II, Mandela travelled to Canada, where
from Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
pääministeri Brian Mulroneylta .
gave themselves up after receiving
that they could seek asylum elsewhere
, että he voisivat hakea turvapaikkaa muualta .
The Federal Bureau of Investigation said last week that up to 30 cult members inside the compound had expressed interest in leaving if
about their legal rights
laillisista oikeuksistaan .
have been identified but not
prior to the year end, the above arguments for making the provision would still apply.
The Department of Education
Opetusministeriötä of his decision
hänen päätöksestään last night.
`We're 'aving Irish stew an' suet dumplings for supper tonight, ``
"Meillä on irlantilaista pataa ja mykyjä iltaruuaksi", .
The RSPCA has asked
before holding displays.
that, if he did not pay the balance by a given date, the seller would try to re-sell the cars.
että jos hän ei maksaisi summaa annettuun päivämäärään mennessä, myyjä voisi yrittää myydä autot uudelleen.
if I wish to cancel this instruction
jos haluan peruuttaa nämä ohjeet , and I understand that if any direct debit which breaks the terms of this instruction, the bank will make a refund.
`It would be irresponsible
without also stressing the alternatives, giving suggestions about what people can do to help themselves, ``says Jean Boht.
the British Consulate
Britannian konsulaattia about Jeremy's disappearance
Jeremyn katoamisesta until October 30, and it wasn't until the next day that the consulate contacted Jeremy's grandmother in England.
Doctors should be advised,
about side effects and dangers
sivuvaikutuksista ja vaaroista .
The idea grew out of their weekly meetings and from the desire
younger West Indians
nuorempia Länsi-Intian saariston asukkaita about their heritage
heidän perinnöstään .
This topic is meant to improve pupils' awareness of `danger ``areas in houses and
of basic safety measures and precautions which should be taken at home
perusturvallisuustoimenpiteistä ja varotoimista, joihin kotona on ryhdyttävä .
Provided the problem comes within the Ombudsman's orbit,
will look into all the facts for you and
of his decision
päätöksestään , together with his reasons.
In addition, some of the larger Group companies produce individual newsletters
on events specific to their own companies
oman yrityksensä tapahtumista .
De Gaulle used the Interministerial Councils in order
on important issues
tärkeistä asioista or to give momentum to policies that he favoured.
Regional drug information centres
Alueelliset lääketiedotuskeskukset professional advisers
ammattiauttajia on new drugs and their likely cost implications.
uusista lääkkeistä ja niiden todennäköisistä kustannusvaikutuksista
after the event.
`I'm going to find the nearest policeman, ``
"Etsin lähimmän poliisin", in an icy voice
jäisellä äänellä .
that `he and his amy have no legal status ``
, ettei hänellä ja hänen heilallaan ole mitään lakiin perustuvaa asemaa .
The original engine I have kept as a spare and would like to convert it to run on unleaded petrol, could
where to get drawings or information on conversion
, mistä saa piirustuksia tai tietoa tästä muutoksesta .
There was no attempt
whether there was a significant risk of this happening to others
siitä, oliko olemassa merkittävää vaaraa, että tämä tapahtuisi toisille .
Come, I'll present you to this pretty little stranger, anon
`Oh, thousands of people, ``
"Voi, tuhansia ihmisiä", .
had just needed adjusting
olivat juuri tarvinneet säätöä .
Its state is transitioned from CREATED to OUTSTANDING and
all users who may be affected by the SPR
kaikki käyttäjät, joihin SPR saattaisi vaikuttaa ,
via the Mail System
postitusjärjestelmän kautta ,
of its existence
sen olemassaolosta .
In some cases
that a person is absent without leave
, että henkilö on poissa ilman lupaa , although no request is made for their help.
`I'll endeavour to keep it under control, ``
"Yritän pitää sen hallinnassa", .
He was not rich enough
Hän ei ollut tarpeeksi rikas ,
The New OED Computer Group
Uusi OED-tietokoneryhmä as to what further action if any you are to take
mitä muita toimenpiteitä mahdollisesti tarvitaan .
to the Purchaser of such cause
ostajalle tästä asiasta , the Seller shall be allowed a reasonable extension of time for the performance of its obligations.
have had
from Sam Morley of Aedificamus Press
Sam Morleylta Aedificamus Pressistä that plans are in hand to publish this excellent book, the autobiography of Perla Seidle Gibson, as a Talking Book
, että suunnitelmissa on julkaista tämä erinomainen kirja - Perla Seidle Gibsonin elämäkerta - äänikirjana .
You can ask for
if you wish.
Finally, if you are a lucky winner,
further guarantee to send you
of your good fortune
hyvästä onnestasi and invite you to the official prize giving.
It was certainly much wider than the definition required by the local authority for an
of a violent incident
väkivaltaisesta tapauksesta or by the police for pressing charges of actual bodily harm.
Doug explained to him that the interview was to be recorded, and made the usual warning and
In this the Commission is charged with keeping all State aids under continuous review, and
member states
jäsenvaltioita are required to provide
of any plans to grant or to alter aid
mahdollisista suunnitelmista taata tai muuttaa apua .
The Commission must copy a
to the relevant authorities in the member states
asianomaisille jäsenmaiden viranomaisille and provided that it is complete, immediately publish brief details of it in the Official Journal.
The CPO affirmed that all major planning applications for Howdendyke had been advertised in the local press, and that `even
may have taken place.
As the numbers of socially deprived people, immigrants, and people with AIDS increase, and
tuberkuloosi- no longer decline, who can dismiss the risks we may face in Britain in future?
German companies
saksalaiset yritykset can export anything deemed recyclable by German law to other countries, without giving any
The Performing Right Society is currently circulating all orchestras and bands in the country with a directive instructing
no longer to submit
of all live performances
kaikista live-tapahtumista .
Later Phillips said: `I hope he's back, but this is the first time
's received
Arrangements for
of staffing needs
henkilökuntatarpeita koskevaa should be devised.
As with all advice to clients,
must follow the spoken word.
Notice of Appeal must be submitted to the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee by the Appellant within 28 days of receipt of the
of the decision of the Disciplinary Committee
kurinpitokomitean päätöksen saamisesta .
Two weeks after my course finished and I was back in the `real world ``on a murder enquiry,
I had been awarded the second scholarship in the force
, että minulle oli myönnetty toinen stipendi poliisivoimissa .
An Egyptian military spokesman said
had received no
of the reported negotiations on the sale,
raportoiduista myyntineuvotteluista but is interested in obtaining further confirmation.
Rosa's headmaster
Rosan rehtori was surprised to receive a
that the school would shortly be visited by an inspector
, että tarkastaja tulisi pian käymään koululla .
an insider
sisäpiiriläinen :
`There was no animosity, no dramatic rows
"EI ollut mitään vihamielisyytä, ei dramaattisia riitoja .
`Because there's really
, ``she said.
“ In fact … ” she swallowed, realisation dawning on her as she met Guy's intent appraisal “ … you're
the first person
ensimmäinen ihminen, jolle … ”
, ``said Dagmar.
`Why wasn't
, ``he grumbled peevishly.
After a little while, Walter said, `
, have you ever thought of marrying again?
Glancing around at Lee, she said, ``
, ``she said, `
about your ultimate ambitions
äärimmäisistä tavoitteistasi .
-- a practised afternoon riser back home -- at breakfast after he's been assaulted by crack-of-dawn alarm calls.
the baby was semi-posterior
, että vauva oli perätilassa so I knew I had to turn her into a more comfortable position for birth.
were elusive, even when constantly
they had nothing to fear
, etteivät he pelkää mitään , and consequently the British administration found itself engaged for fifty years in a ceaseless struggle to impose on them some measure of control.
He said: `If
where I sold it
mihin myin sen you are going to go to those people and I won't be able to sell to them any more.
how to do it
, kuinka se tehdään .
what she said
mitä hän sanoi . ”
, ``he said under his breath.
, that's quick int it though Gordon?
had tried all day to contact Mr Maughan
of the tragedy
huonot uutiset .
She wondered if
about Amy's having been a nurse
, että Amy on ollut sairaanhoitaja .
On his way through the underground roads, he met
a miner who
kaivosmiehen, joka of having seen heavy machinery being moved along by an unknown force
nähneensä raskaiden koneiden siirtyvän tuntemattoman voiman vaikutuksesta .
of meeting the painter Vincent van Gogh, who lived in Arles in 1888-89 and bought canvasses at her parents' shop
tapaamisesta maalari Vincent van Goghin kanssa, joka asui Arles'ssa vuosina 1888-89 ja osti kanvaasikankaita hänen vanhempiensa kaupasta .
about having to sleep on the floor
, että hänen pitää nukkua lattialla .
If he had chosen to,
in no uncertain terms
selkeästi what was wrong
, mikä oli vialla .
to Mrs. Welch, then staying with her
rouva Welchille ja jäi sitten hänen luokseen .
without prompting
kysymättä will usually be of greater importance.
“ And … and I certainly wouldn't have answered them, even if I had! ”
"Enkä varmasti olisi vastannut heille, jos olisin! " before spinning quickly around on her heels and beginning to walk rapidly away down the street.
He insisted that
his dancers
hänen tanssijansa their own story
heidän oman tarinansa by using the many conventional gestures familiar to theatregoers throughout Europe
käyttämällä monia perinteisiä liikkeitä, jotka ovat tuttuja teatterissa kävijöille kaikkialla Euroopassa .
since going to the police they've been intimidated by certain people on the estate
, että poliisille menon jälkeen he olivat joutuneet maatilalla tiettyjen ihmisten pelottelun kohteeksi .
`Take your bag and get out, ``
"Ota laukkusi ja painu ulos", without looking at her
häneen katsomatta .
It is important that we help
about who we are and what we've done
siitä, ketä me olemme ja mitä me olemme tehneet .
by the Flight Sergeant
lentokapteeni that they counted five cannon and thirty 7.62mm holes in the machine
, että he laskivat koneesta viisi tykinkuulaa ja kolmekymmentä 7,62 mm:n reikää .
we might have to write to Italy to get this particular part
, että meidän pitäisi ehkä kirjoittaa Italiaan tämän tietyn osan tilaamiseksi .
would have
about Zoe's murder
Zoen murhasta tomorrow, but tonight he had a few hours of peace.
had had it for the past 40 years
ei ole ollut sitä 40 vuoteen .
had had
of the consequences of contact with the fog
sumukontaktin aiheuttamista seurauksista ; surely no one would risk entering it now for the sake of robbing the unoccupied shops?
of his own difficulties in finding time to read all the variable essays submitted
omista vaikeuksistaan ajan löytämiseksi kaikkien lähetettyjen esseiden lukemiseen and knew of many that were never sent in at all.
of brief experiences of déjà vu
lyhyistä déjà vu -kokemuksistaan , spontaneous regression in any depth is somewhat rare.
`Your father is so proud of you, there's
hardly a customer that
tuskin on asiakasta, jolle about your great success
suuresta menestyksestäsi .
The Daniel and Hamnett shootings had been competently executed, his pride in the latter however slightly dented by recollection of
the stupid lie
typerän valheen .
of being forced to give up her small baby while living in the `underground ``
joutuneensa antamaan pienen vauvansa pois ja eläneensä "maan alla" .
Mr Loveitt wants to hear
about being aboard the Princess
Princess-alukselta .
His patter is now issued on a cassette in which
the story of how he was baptised as Christian
tarinaa siitä, kuinka hänet kastettiin kristityksi .
how badly injured his victims were
kuinka pahasti hänen uhrinsa olivat loukkaantuneet, said: `Good, I hope they die.
, really.
His victim's body was found at lunchtime by a neighbour who had brought her lunch and, when
expressed amazement and outrage at her fate, Mr Burke said.
, Bobkins.
The decision was taken earlier in the year and
were identified and
about the decision
päätöksestä before the year end.
was a story that was tinged with fabrication,
by a notorious liar with a warped sense of reality
parantumaton valehtelija, jolla ei ollut todellisuudentajua .
Grilled Dover sole (not buttery), be assertive about any plain grilled white fish,
that you do not want it served swimming with butter
, että et halua sen uivan vedessä vaan voissa .
by his doctor
, jolle hänen lääkärinsä that he had cancer
, että hänellä oli syöpä , retreated to his bedroom and wept for a week, refusing to eat and waiting to die.
I love
by a make-up girl who used to work for a well-known London hairdresser
meikkaaja, joka työskenteli tunnetussa kampaamossa Lontoossa .
Even today, children retain vivid impressions from
by their mothers and grandmothers
äidit ja isoäidit about their own childhoods `long ago ``
omasta lapsuudestaan "kauan sitten" .
Most people believe
most often, and the myth has become unshakeable.
Our desert island storyteller
Aution saaren satusetä how pirates were marooned
siitä, kuinka merirosvoja jätettiin autiolle saarelle .
Maybe that was the basic problem
Ehkä se oli ongelman ydin ,
as she now stared blindly up at the ceiling.
because he's made me typing monitor in the matter.
If it wasn't for you two
Jos teitä kahta ei olisi ,
, ``
I could be off somewhere else
saattaisin asua jossain muualla .
to watch out
, että pitää varansa .
I am a canon builder,
"Olen tykinrakentaja", .
But I told the third person that
that he had been on jihad in Chechnya
, että hän on ollut pyhässä sodassa Tšetšeniassa .
After reviewing this matter in preparation for his Commission meeting
Saatuaan tämän asian valmisteltavaksi komission kokousta varten ,
President Clinton
presidentti Clinton that Sudan never offered to turn Bin Ladin over to the United States
, että Sudan ei missään vaiheessa tarjoutunut palauttamaan Bin Ladenia Yhdysvaltoihin .
Inside, it's one thing to remember
about static electricity
staattisesta sähköstä , and quite another to touch (without risk) the Centre's 500,000-volt sphere and see your hair stand on end.
President Clinton
presidentti Clintonille he would go forward with ``boots on the ground if the President ordered him to do so
, että hän jatkaisi jalat maassa, jos presidentti niin käskisi ; however, he had to ensure that the President was completely aware of the large logistical problems inherent in a military operation.
most likely, yes
todennäköisemmin, kyllä .
Secretary Rumsfeld
Ministeri Rumsfeld he was just gaining situational awareness when he spoke with the Vice President
, että hän oli juuri tulossa tietoiseksi tilanteesta, kun hän puhui varapresidentin kanssa .
very little about how a building fulfills its function, or about how it is built
hyvin vähän siitä, kuinka rakennus täyttää tehtävänsä tai kuinka se on rakennettu .
But then, like an endearment to a beloved one, they will murmur ``pashmina and spread before you a shawl of
soft, warm wool shorn
pehmeän, lämpimän villaisen huivin ,
from the underbelly of the wild Himalayan goats
joka on kudottu villin Himalajan-vuohen vatsakarvoista .
that Abraham made a covenant with God which called for his descendants to conquer many lands
, että Abraham teki sopimuksen jumalan kanssa, jonka vuoksi hänen jälkeläisensä valloittivat monia maita .
(since replaced)
and warned the citizens of danger.
Meanwhile, the National Review online is reporting that
a Dean Acheson anecdote
se Dean Achesonista kertova vitsi, jota is wrong.
Within the FAA,
the administrator, Jane Garvey, and her acting deputy, Monte Belger
johtaja Jane Garvey ja hänen sijaisensa Monte Belger ,
had not been
eivät ole olleet of a confirmed hijacking
vahvistetusta kaappauksesta before they learned from television that a plane had crashed
ennen kuin saivat tietää televisiosta, että kone on pudonnut .
. and she said,' I don't want you
At 10:33,
the air threat conference call
ilmauhkaa selittävässä konferenssipuhelussa :
``I need to get word to Dick Myers that our reports are there's an inbound aircraft flying low 5 miles out.
"Minun on saatava sana Dick Myersille, että reportterimme ovat, että siellä on tännepäin lentävä kone noin viiden mailin päässä.
A few months ago you received
a letter from me
minulta kirjeen the success stories of people who got jobs with Goodwill's help
menestystarinoita ihmisistä, jotka ovat saaneet työtä jumalan avulla .
that Julie Hiatt Steele, once a close friend of Willey's, signed an affidavit last Friday, at the request of Clinton's lawyers, suggesting that the encounter may have been more innocent than Willey claims and that Willey asked her to lie about it
, että Julie Hiatt Steele, joka kerran oli Willeyn läheinen ystävä, allekirjoitti viime perjantaina valaehtoisen todistuksen Clintonin lakimiesten pyynnöstä ilmoittaen, että tapaaminen on voinut olla viattomampi kuin mitä Willey väittää ja että Willey pyysi häntä valehtelemaan asiasta .
don't even have
what the bill is anymore
, mitä lasku on ; we may not know all the details, but we know -- and the pictures tell us -- that it's designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and unstable loners.
We don't even have to be told what the bill is anymore; we may not know all the details, but we know -- and
-- that it's designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and unstable loners.
The whole story
Koko tarina in perfect pictorial balance
täydellisessä kuvallisessa tasapainossa , and with El Greco's penchant for long, heaven-gazing faces and characteristic colors.
So, as I imagined
in chapter 1
kappaleessa 1 ,
``The winning natural games are the games the winning species play.
"Voittoisia luonnon pelejä pelaavat voittoisat lajit"-
All committees found themselves swamped in the minutiae of the budget process, with little time for consideration of longer-term questions, or
many members past and present
entiset ja nykyiset jäsenet was the proper conduct of oversight
oli väärinkäsityksen asianmukainen hoitaminen .
Evolution implies ``there is no divine intelligence involved,
Evoluutio antaa ymmärtää, että "asiaan ei liity mitään jumalaista älyä", .
After all, if Bush really believes that accepting Jesus is the only path to salvation, he is pulling a pretty dirty trick on Jews by