I put him on notice that we shall ask him what
has done
extra resources
ylimääräisiä resursseja to the prison service
vankilapalveluihin .
the necessary interface to network PCs, workstations, and other Ethernet equipment
tarvittavat liittymät verkkotietokoneelle, työasemille ja muille Ethernet-laitteille .
should be obliged by the Takeover Panel
their shareholders
osakkeenomistajille with the same information, particularly three-year cash-flow forecasts and industry analysis, that they show their bankers
samat tiedot, erityisesti kolmen vuoden kassavirtaennusteet ja teollisuusanalyysit, jotka he jakavat pankeilleen .
immediate employment
välitöntä työtä for young men between 18 and 25
18-25-vuotiaille nuorille miehille ,
the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was set up in March 1933.
The contingent is almost
the smallest possible force
pienin mahdollinen yksikkö could meaningfully
voisi merkityksellisesti to a major UN force
YK:n pääjoukoille , but Mr Rifkind said it was nevertheless an important contribution.
Piped water, sewerage and electricity, and therefore television,
Vesijohto, viemäri, sähkö ja sitä myötä televisio are expensive
to remote isolated farms
kaukana sijaitseville, eristyksissä oleville maatiloille , and many of these have only rough tracks for access.
All the free services
Kaikki ilmaiset palvelut, joita with The Barclays Bank Account
Barclays-pankkitilin mukana plus a list of services we charge for can be found on the following pages.
SID won this contract on a competitive basis illustrating that
a quality service
laadukasta palvelua at competitive prices
kilpailukykyiseen hintaan .
Turbine Engine Services won an important contract
and install
power generation equipment
voimalaitoslaitteiston .
`The most effective and useful way to help the appeal would be
free of charge
veloituksetta ``, said Simon.
We care about
the service that
palvelusta, jota for our customers
asiakkaillemme and our staff make every effort to maintain as high standards as possible.
you may be liable to prosecution.
`And, Mr Oak, ``she continued in a clear voice, `I'm so poor that
containers (boxes, drawers, jars, etc.), perhaps labelled with colour pictures
säiliöitä (laatikoita, purkkeja jne.) vaikka värikuvin merkittyinä ,
so that equipment can be sorted and put in the right place
jotta tavarat voidaan lajitella ja laittaa oikeille paikoilleen .
Five of Vietnam's six export processing zones have had trouble getting past the planning stage, due to the inability or unwillingness of
local authorities
paikallisten virranomaisten with adequate roads, electricity and water
kunnon teitä, sähköä ja vettä .
The document calls for a strengthened IMF, with a new ``emergency financing mechanism
to a troubled country
ongelmista kärsivään maahan but
with tough conditions
tiukoin ehdoin .
for construction materials
rakennusmateriaaleihin and ask international donors to contribute to a compensation fund, he said.
to resist Chinese aggression
kiinalaisten vihamielisyyden varalta .
``There was no way
were ever willing
German technology
saksalaista tekniikkaa to help the Iranians
iranilaisten auttamiseksi , said Bernd Schmidbauer, chancellery minister in charge of intelligence coordination.
Mikhailov did not elaborate but said that
with equipment and high technology
laitteita ja korkeaa teknologiaa for this (peaceful) purpose
tähän (rauhanomaiseen) tarkoitukseen .
``Only recently have
foreign suppliers, in particular Russia and Israel,
ulkomaiset toimittajat, erityisesti Venäjä ja Israel begun
with relatively sophisticated weapons and technology
suhteellisen edistyneitä aseita ja teknologiaa , the report says.
BEIJING (AP) --- U.S.-based Honeywell, Inc. and the China National Petrochemical Corp. (Sinopec) were to sign a five-year agreement Thursday
the Chinese state-owned firm
kiinalaiselle valtionyhtiölle with advanced technology
edistyneen tekniikan to improve production
tuotannon parantamiseksi .
Rugby World Cup Ltd., which formed as a trust in the 1980s and has staged the first two World Cup tournaments
Rugby World Cup Ltd., joka muodosti trustin 1980-luvulla ja joka on isännöinyt ensimmäisiä kahta World Cup -turnausta ,
money from the proceeds
rahaa tuotosta to rugby unions
rugbyliitoille for qualifying games and development
karsintapeleihin ja kehitykseen .
Even though the weapons are conventional --- non-nuclear --- the Clinton administration wanted to restrain such sales, just as it is still trying to persuade
Russia and China
Venäjää ja Kiinaa not
with nuclear reactor technology
ydinreaktoritekniikkaa .
In fact,
with typewriters
kirjoituskoneet -- and there's one of them!
the lottery
lottoarvontaan since nineteen eighty six
jo vuodesta 1986 .
The supply curve from the partner country now reverts to PuSu and the partner
to the home country
kotimaahan .
In spite of a Soviet offer of a mutual end to arms supplies
Huolimatta Neuvostoliiton tarjouksesta keskinäisistä asetoimituksista ,
with a third copy
kolmas kappale for your file
arkistointia varten .
The YC-5 colour changer
YC-5 colour changer with cards pre-punched for knitting double jacquard
reikäkorteilla kaksinkertaisen jacquardin neulomiseksi .
Government figures showed that
1.6 million people
1,6 miljoonaa ihmistä with water containing too-high traces of nitrates
vettä, jossa oli liian suuria nitraattipitoisuuksia .
on the eve of the summit
huippukokouksen aattona initially failed to provide a clear picture, however, and were privately described by US officials as ``ambiguous.
Any medication or dressings
Kaikki lääkkeet tai sidetarpeet supplied
, joita toimitetaan to the long-stay patients
pitkäaikaispotilaille would need to be logged.
a new S80 large fork lift
uusi S80-haarukkatrukki to the warehouse
varastoon .
Autocar & Motor
Autocar & Motor to all newsagents
kaikille uutisagenteille on a permanent sale-or-return basis
pysyvällä myy tai palauta -periaatteella .
Li Peng also said that
for its defence
puolustuksekseen .
Worth US$7,000 million, it committed
oil and gas
öljyä ja kaasua in return for chemicals, concrete, pipes and other goods.
In return,
the Reagan team
Reaganin joukkueen ,
when in government
olleessaan hallituksessa ,
weapons and spare parts
aseita ja varaosia for use in its war against Iraq
käytettäväksi sodassa Irakia vastaan .
During his visit
Vierailunsa aikana the Americans
amerikkalaiset offered
with 60 of their Thor intermediate-range ballistic missiles
60 oma keskimatkan Thor-ohjusta to reinforce the nuclear deterrent while the V Force was being built up with Vulcans and Victors
vahvistamaan ydinpelotetta, kun V Forcen rakentamisessa olivat mukana Vulcans ja Victors .
Peter Davies' family
Peter Daviesin perhe cider apples
siideriomenoita for a century
vuosisadan ajan from their farm at Dormington
maatilaltaan Dormingtonista .
with 12.5 tons of heavy water
12,5 tonnia raskasta vettä ,
on the strict understanding that it would not be re-sold
tiukassa yhteisymmärryksessä siitä, että sitä ei myytäisi eteenpäin .
The longest-ever Land Rover
Kaikkien aikojen pisin Land Rover to Eastern Electricity
Eastern Electricitylle for overhead maintenance work
huoltotehtäviin .
Some mobile phone retailers
Osa matkapuhelinten jälleenmyyjistä the once popular car phone
kerran niin suosittua matkapuhelinta , bar an installation charge, and rely on bill-related bonuses to make up the entire profit.
cover a wide range of musical styles and
free of charge
veloituksetta ; you only pay for them if you use them.
Such cars
Sellaisia autoja at the same basic price as charged for the dealer's regular supplies
samalla perushinnalla kuin jälleenmyyjien vakiotoimittajilta laskutetaan .
from the Mill Avon
Mill Avonista .
Eye and ear protection
Silmä- ja kasvosuojat .
if we believe a new outlet will expand the market
jos uskomme, että uusi ulkonäkö lisää markkinoita .
Its training programme is a natural offshoot of its main task, which is
family videos
perhevideoita through its three rental shops
kolmen vuokraamon kautta .
both the Portable and the Kodak
sekä Portable että Kodak without a battery
ilman akkua , so I couldn't test them.
through its own channels
sen omien kanavien kautta , recently bolstered in a search for more sophisticated resellers.
Braille medicine labels
Braille-lääketarrat .
Stirling envisaged
a much larger force of raiders
paljon suuremman ryöstäjien voiman with a permanent base deep in the desert,
ja jonne tavaratoimitukset tapahtuivat , which could descend at will on the coastal lifeline of the Axis forces.
maintained contact with their base by wireless, and
tavaratoimitukset .
Bridget Freemantle's letter, however, indicates that
by February 21, 1749
21. helmikuuta 1749 ,
all the manuscripts in her possession
kaikki hallussaan olevat käsikirjoitukset :