TransFrameNet:Successful action
do the trick.v
- ThatSedid the trickauttoi.
- And apparently they believed it, asitsedid the trickauttoi.
- Calling out his nameHänen nimensä huutaminenis enoughto<empty>do the trickriittää.
- The party is hoping that, this time,the $26 billion bribe26 miljardin lahjusis big enoughto<empty>do the trickonnistuakseen.
- Indeed, he even had a buccaneering moment when it seemed to him thatto have a choc-bar himselfsuklaapatukan saaminen itselleenwould<empty>do the trickauttaisiof making him exactly like hertekemään hänestä täysin samanlaisen.
- `Come on! ``she urged, andthe desperation in her voiceepätoivo hänen äänessäänalmostmelkeindid the trickauttoi.
- Should you have any difficulty,a word with your Club repkeskustelu klubin edustajan kanssawill<empty>normallyyleensädo the trickauttaa.
- ItSeusuallyyleensädoes the tricktepsiiwith anyone who loves their jobkaikkiin, jotka rakastavat työtään.
- It looked as ifthe Saunders -Atkinson partnershipSaundersin ja Atkinsonin yhteistyöhadolidone the tricktoiminutfor VillaVillan kohdallaagainin the 77th minute77. minuutilla.
- `Becoming better at what we do and widening the gap between selling price and manufacturing cost isthe only target thatainoa asia, jonkawill<empty>do the trickauttaafor usmeitä, ``he declared.
- As Bon Jovi jetted out, the faithful made their way home, unanimous thata dose of Bad Medicineannos pahaa lääkettä (Bad Medicine)hadolidone the trickauttanutfor themheitä.
- Ifcompany cars, company fitted-kitchens or company hi-fiyrityksen autot, yrityksen varustamat keittiöt ja yrityksen hifi-laitteetseemto<empty>do the trickauttavan, sad but fine.
- Ifthe projectprojektifailskaatuuwithin the two-year periodkahden vuoden kuluessait should be abandoned.
- Each attemptJokainen yritysfailedepäonnistuidue to the mental and physical inadequacies of its perpetratorosallistujien henkisen ja fyysisen vajavuuden vuoksi.
- `PlansSuunnitelmatfailepäonnistuvatfor lack of counselneuvonnan puuttumisen vuoksi, but with many advisers they succeed. `
- Ifthe plansuunnitelmafailedepäonnistui, it was because of Gaunt's personal ambitions in Spain, rather than because of any objection of principle to the scheme.
- Buthis suicide bidhänen itsemurhayrityksensäfailedepäonnistui--because he forgot to unclip his seatbelt, koska hän unohti jättää turvavyönsä auki.
- His do-or-die bidHänen kaikki tai ei mitään -taktiikkansafailedepäonnistuiwhen Optiebeurs Felix refused after a desperately close turn into the second fence, kun Optiebeurs Felix kieltäytyi aivan lähellä toista estettä.
- One day's effortKoko päivän ponnistelutfailedepäonnistuivatin a blizzard that was so thick route-finding became impossiblelumimyrskyn vuoksi, joka oli niin sakea, että tietä ei enää näkynyt.
- We have already seen thatmost conservation schemesuseimmat suojelujärjestelmätfailedpettivätin TanganyikaTanganyikalla.
- The travel industry feared that with the UK market leader -- Thomson -- having about 31 pc of the market, two companies would have controlled more than three-fifths of the markethadolithe Airtours bidAirtoursin tarjoussucceededonnistunut.
- The M'Naghten rules are still in force andthe `not guilty by reason of insanity ``pleasyytön mielenterveyssyihin vedoten -vetoomussucceedsmenee läpionly in about ten casesvain noin kymmenessä tapauksessaeach yearvuosittainin British courtsbrittiläisissä oikeusistuimissa.
- About one in five appealsNoin yksi viidestä valituksestasucceedsmenee läpiin whole or in partkokonaan tai osittain(Judicial Statistics, 1988).
- It would be a long time beforerevolutionvallankumouscouldvoisisucceedonnistuain the New WorldUudessa maailmassa.
- The legend relating to Dicky o'TunsteadDicky o'Tunsteadiin liittyvä legendacaused the London North Western Railway Company many problems andsucceededonnistuiin forcing this railway company to reconsider their plans for their new line between Chapel-en-le-Frith and Buxtonpakottamaan tämän rautatieyhtiön harkitsemaan uudelleen uutta reittiä Chapel-en-le-Frithin ja Buxtonin välillä.
- None of us, however, is naive enough to believe thatsuch a buy-outsellainen ulosostowill necessarilyvälttämättäsucceedonnistuisiin every casejokaisessa tapauksessa.
- Asthistämänwas considered unlikelyto<empty>succeedonnistumistabecause, of US opposition, a European and dependencies system was considered second best.
- Laugh she did, at any rate, andthose convulsive movementsnämä kouristusliikkeetsucceededonnistuivatwhere her more calculated efforts had failedsiinä missä laskelmoidummat yritykset epäonnistuivat.
- But doesRNAiRNAi:llahave a better chanceto<empty>succeedmenestyäas a druglääkkeenäthan antisense or ribozymes?
- 29 Australian government employees, for example, cited training as one of the factors that contributed the most to makingreformsuudistuksetsucceedtoimimaanin their areasalueillaan.
- If the government's leaders understood the gravity of the threat they faced and understood at the same time thattheir policies to eliminate ittoimenpiteensä niiden eliminoimiseksiwere not likelyto<empty>succeedonnistumaanany time soonlähitulevaisuudessa, then history's judgment will be harsh.
- Indonesia watchers at the IMF believe that this``civilian face / military fist strategy"siviilin kasvot, sotilaan nyrkki" -strategiacanvoisucceedonnistuain IndonesiaIndonesiassaso long as the military remains unitedniin kauan, kun armeija on yhtenäinen.
- Last yearViime vuonna,their ``law firm solicitation programheidän lakiasiaintoimisto-ohjelmansasucceededonnistuiin obtaining a range of 57% to 100% contributing alumni-employed by participating firmshankkimaan 57-100 % avustuksia yrityksistä, joissa entisiä oppilaita työskenteli.
- This sounds pretty optimistic, and Larry Rhodes, a formerly homeless man who does ``intake at the shelter McDonald runs in Harlem, saysthe programohjelmahasonsucceededonnistunutpartlyosittainbecause it screens out drug addicts and hard cases, koska se seuloo huumeriippuvaisia ja rajuja tapauksia.
- , but which also use strippeddown network topologies (to focus on individual cell behaviors), test specifically for bistability, correlate results with the patterns formed, and ultimately generate a set of mathematical rules that strongly predictthose cases thatniitä tapauksia, jotkasucceedonnistuvator failat producing an appropriate patterntuottamaan asianmukaista mallia.
- The Pentagon corridor explanation teased out by the WP is that if it were to fail it would be a colossal embarrassment for the Air Force, while ifitsenweretomääräsucceedonnistuait might siphon money away from newer hot Air Force aircraft programs.
- SSI applicationsSSI-hakemuksetrequire detailed information from treatment and service providersto<empty>succeedonnistuakseen.
- My Rube Goldberg device propagates work;itsilläsucceedsvoiin creating a sequence of coordinated macroscopic changes in the physical universeluoda koordinoitujen makroskooppisten muutosten jonon fyysisessä maailmankaikkeudessa.
- The policiesPoliisiwere<empty>fairlymelko hyvinsuccessfulonnistui.
- That policyPoliisihas beenonsuccessfulonnistunut.
- Ifmonetary policyrahapolitiikkais<empty>successfulonnistuuin reducing aggregate demandvähentämään kokonaiskysyntää, it can lead to a lasting recession.
- Offered the same price for an issue, borrowers will choose an existing firm, given their reputation forsuccessfulonnistuneellelauncheslanseeraukselle, to avoid all the disadvantages in terms of future borrowing costs should an issue fail.
- Ifthe innovationinnovaatioprovedsuccessfulonnistuneeksiin the trial institutionkoelaitoksessait was hoped that it would be adopted permanently.
- Some dietsOsa laihdutuskuureistaareolenoteisuccessfulonnistuneitaat alllainkaanbut some are, even if only for a short time.
- `Other firms in other parts of the country have tried this and have founditsensuccessfultoimivanboth as a social event and as a promotionsekä sosiaalisena että myynninedistämistapahtumana.
- `But this baby is coming feet first, which is very bad indeed, and makes asuccessfulonnistuneendeliverysynnytyksenvery difficult.
- On balance the findings suggest thatsuccessfulonnistunuttreatmenthoitorequires a comprehensive package of services which address both the interpersonal and concrete needs of all family members.
- They recalled that in 1958 Quakers had made anunsuccessfulepäonnistuneenattemptyrityksento interrupt atmospheric testing of H-bombs at Bikini atoll in the Pacific.
- Dispensing with longueurs (the film runs 74 minutes, B-movie length), Kaurismaki tracesthe man'smiehenunsuccessfulepäonnistunuttasearch for worktyönhakuaand inevitable lapse into petty crime with clipped, deadpan comedy.
- He beat the 1987 stock market crash by selling out of his major holdings at the peak, returning briefly for anunsuccessfulepäonnistunenbidtarjouksenfor the giant BAT.
- If you have not been called for interview within four weeks of the closing date of, please assume thatyour applicationsinun hakemuksesihas beeneiunsuccessfulole hyväksyttyjen joukossa.
- On the other handMITIMITIseemsto have beenolleenrathermelkounsuccessfulepäonnistunutin securing rationalization through mergersvarmistaessaan järkeistämistä fuusioiden kautta.