It took
all day
that there had been a change
, että oli tapahtunut käänne , but by the next afternoon I found myself flat on my back in the hospital again with injunctions not to move.
But it's hoped
will help
that natural history isn't a dinobore
siitä, että luonnonhistoria ei ole dinosaurusten ajalta .
to be good Europeans and to obey the rules like France, Germany and Spain
toimimaan hyvien Eurooppalaisten tapaan ja tottelemaan sääntöjä kuten Ranska, Saksa ja Espanja tekevät ?
wanted to talk to him, to try
to take better care of his wife
pitämään parempaa huolta vaimostaan .
`It's my story, I lived it, ``says Singleton, describing how
a major studio
suuren elokuvastudion to let an untried student director loose on a feature
päästämään kokemattoman ohjaaja-opiskelijan irti .
What if, by her doing nothing,
were able
of her treachery
naisen petollisuudesta and turn him against her for ever?
We are democrats and accept that until
by the force of our argument
argumenttiemme voimalla , we should go along with the view of the majority of the organisations of which we are a member.
He was out canvassing when he encountered an old lady who was ready to vote for him as long as
about Labour Party policy on cats
Työväenpuolueen kissaohjelmasta .
saatava vakuuttuneiksi . ”
“ How
saada vakuuttuneeksi ?
Being entirely devoid of miners, striking or otherwise,
Northern Ireland
Pohjois-Irlanti treated the election as a referendum on the power-sharing system and
by the loyalists
lojalistit .
Some farmers
Osa maanviljelijöistä have been so
on ollut niin by industry-generated publicity over the absence of a proper income
teollisuuden mukanaan tuomasta julkisuudesta kunnon tulojen kustannuksella that they just haven't bothered declaring any income.
Then, just as
of your innocence
sinun syyttömyydestäsi , I discovered you'd lied about your brother and I caught you with Rainald.
Even when
the travel agent
matkanjärjestäjälle that there is such a place
, että sellainen paikka on olemassa , you are likely to become involved in a series of long telephone conversations.
At some point
his trade was respectable, nay, even smart
hänen liiketoimiensa kunniallisuudesta, jopa älykkyydestä , and now a lump of broken stone will cost you a grand.
Identify the rut, and before you try to find the way out of it
you will get out of it
, että pääset pälkähästä .
that they helped him
, että ne auttaisivat häntä ; but the headaches still came.
Not without some difficulty
to join us
tulemaan mukaan …
The bride was going to get married in a tutu but
against it
toisiin ajatuksiin .
She heard John looking for a clean pair of dungarees, heard
into them
hyppäämään niihin .
In this type of meeting
one person or party
yksi henkilö tai puolue is trying
to a particular point of view
tietylle kannalle .
Hence their punishment was to be achieved through
taivuttelemalla to repentance and guilt
katumukseen ja syyllisyyteen .
My grandfather would tell how he and
some village musicians
osa kylän musikanteista a local sympathiser
paikallisen ihailijan to part with a lorry with which they toured round Scotland to raise money for the village
lähtemään mukaan kuorma-autoon, jolla he matkasivat ympäri Skotlantia ja keräsivät kylälle rahaa .
After the reconquest of Aquitaine,
towards a reconciliation with his brother
sovintoon tämän veljen kanssa .
might be able
. ”
In 1637, when
to surrender his patent
luopumaan patentistaan , Witherings took control of the whole postal system.
the new Armed Forces minister, Jeremy Hanley
uuden puolustusministerin Jeremy Hanleyn ,
to see a delegation next week to hear Chester's case for it to have the new centralised pay and personnel centre
tapaamaan delegaation seuraavalla viikolla, joka esittelee Chesterin palkka- ja henkilökuntatoimistoa koskevan tapauksen .
It was a year since her wedding, and on that bright cold morning her unspoken hope was to win over her husband's family and so
back to her
palaamaan naisen luo .
won't try
`Drink your wine, ``
"Juo viinisi", softly.