generous.a 🔎
- CONTRARY to popular belief,a £1m damages award1 miljoonan punnan vahingonkorvausis notei oleoverliiangenerousavokätinenwhen a young person suffers severe brain damage in a road accident.
- HeHänwasgenerousavokätinenin spirit, often refusing to hurt an opponent if this one was in trouble.
- This timeOsbornOsbornwasolimuch morepaljongeneroussuurpiirteisempiin his comments to Mumfordkommenteissaan Mumfordille: “ a far better statement of the problem than the LCC Plan …
- Nor wasthe Soviet UnionNeuvostoliittoat this stage inclinedto beolemaanparticularlyerityisengeneroussuurpiirteinenin its termsehdoissaan.
- BromheadBromheadwas shrewd in his advice andgenerousanteliasin his supporttuessaan.
- IMinä'll beolengenerousanteliasin other waysmuulla tavoin-- I'll even put my intentions in writing if that will help persuade you of my sincerity.
- `Oh,hehänwasoliverytodellagenerousanteliasto all his friendskaikille ystävilleen, but we always seemed to be in the wrong line.
- `I got a great reception butthe clubseurawere alwaysoli ainagenerousanteliasto meminua kohtaanwhen I played and managed here.
- Your tutorOhjaajasimay besaattaa ollagenerousanteliasto a faultliiankinbut can not reward irrelevance or peripheral knowledge display.
- MayweOlkaammebe<empty>generousanteliaitawith our friendshipystävyydessämmeand learn to be forgiving.
- HeHänmade short shrift of fools and knaves, but was human, too, andgenerousanteliaswith his money and his timerahan- ja ajankäytön suhteen.
- I just wish thatSamSamhadn't beenei olisisoniingenerousanteliaastiwith the winetarjonnut viiniä, though.
- Ifthe godjumalawas feelinggenerousanteliaallatowards the victimuhrejaan kohtaan, he would instead be turned into a fruit bat, to serve Camazotz and his court.
- ItSehad always beenon aina ollutgenerousanteliasin terms of sick paysairasajan palkan suhteenand sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems, though it expected high standards of dress and deportment and lateness, absenteeism and incivility were not tolerated.
- HillaryHillaryisonmore<empty>generousanteliaampitowards trekkers whose behaviour, he argues, has improvedvaeltajille, joiden käytös, toisin kuin mies väittää, on parantunut.
- `ThisTämäisonverytodellagenerousavokätistäof youtaholtasi, Pip.
- `HowKuinkagenerousavokätistäof youtaholtasi, ``he drawled with heavy sarcasm.
- I think it'sonsoniingenerousavokätistäof youtaholtasito let him stay on hereantaa hänen jäädä.
- HeHänhas beenon ollutmosterittäingenerousanteliasin giving waylahjoituksissaan.
- There is agenerousrunsasbuffetbuffet-pöytäserved to guests each morning at breakfast and offering a wide choice with evening dinner.
- I took a fewgenerousrunsaanswigskulauksenfrom one of the bottles.
- HeHänwasoliverytodellagenerousantelias, he gave me anything I wanted.
- Then the mists heaved and Garvey reappeared, his arm round the traveller's shoulders and that greatgenerousleveäsmilehymybeaming into the stranger's face.
lavish.a 🔎
- HeHänenwasolilavishylitsevuotavain his griefsurunsa, his eyes still red-rimmed from tears and sleeplessness, and although he was polite to Huy, he barely seemed aware of who the scribe was.
- However, the sausage and mash wasn't at all bad andTristanTristanwasolilavishylitsevuotavanwith his helpingsauttavainen.
- When she had asked to see him he had offered alavishylitsevuotavan runsaandinnerpäivällisenat the Ritz, which he instantly knew was a mistake.
miser.n 🔎
- A typicalmisersaiturina,hehänhid his money in the house in various places.
miserly.a 🔎
- Thus adult people may be dominantly oral types, taking everything to them (engulfers) or gift-givers ormiserlysaitojapeople of the anal typeanaalityypin ihmisiä.
- Old Crumwallis won't notice I've had more than hismiserlykitsaanallowanceavustuksen.
- He's amiserlykitsascharacterhahmo, that one.
- Allegations were rife: evacuees complained of cruel andmiserlykitsaistahostsisännistä; hosts maintained that many parents had deliberately sent children off in their worst clothes in order to arouse sympathy and gifts of replacement clothing.
niggardly.a 🔎
- The CrownKruunu,niggardlyjoka on kitsastellutwith salariespalkoissa, was often generous with occasional douceurs and indirect payments.
- Sex, when properly understood, is one of the greatest human pleasures, and I have never seen whythe older generationvanhemman sukupolvenshould be sopitäisi olla niinniggardlykitsasabout passing on the informationtiedonlevityksessään.
- `TheyHeare afraid to spend money even when it is necessary, fond of receiving,niggardlykitsaitain givingantaessaan.
stingy.a 🔎
- HeHänestäbecametulistingyniukkawith wordssanoissaan, and sombre.
- Another possibility was Lotus, butLotus's Colin ChapmanLotuksen Colin Chapmanwas notoriouslyoli tunnetustistingykitsasto his driverskuljettajiaan kohtaan.
- `We can go anywhere we want to afterwards, ``he added in casehehänwas appearingstingykitsaalta.
- Don't beÄlästingykitsastele.
- Another accuseshis dadisänsäofbeing a bitolevan hiukanstingykitsas.
- One farming grandfather is remembered as `open hearted, hospitable, a good sport ``, in contrast tohishänen`stingykitsasand penurious second wifeja varaton toinen vaimonsa.