It was encouraged in this strategy by the oil-rich Gulf states which were concerned about their dependence on
outside the Middle Eastern region
Lähi-idän ulkopuolella .
If, for example,
emanates from the leading Jewish families, or alternatively the Americans, no amount of pressure will ever allow you to deal with the Soviet Union.
Sitting in Brussels,
are very limited so that, if the legislation is to be effective, the official depends on information brought to him from outside.
This Germanic organization remains extremely vague in Formen and the reason seems to come from the paucity and dubiousness of
for the construction of this mode of production
tämän tuotantomuodon rakentamiseksi .
The evidence in this extract is conclusive, and it can therefore be definitively stated that
Agatha Christie's
Agatha Christien for the character of Hercule Poirot
Hercule Poirot'n hahmolle was
for sheepdogs
lammaskoirien kohdalla .
There were
for our fantasies
mielikuvituksellemme .
for the study of Anglo-Saxon technology
anglosaksisen teknologian tutkimuksessa is
the vast array of artefacts which have survived as grave-goods in burials
laaja valikoima artefakteja, jotka ovat säilyneet haudoissa .
have since provided a
for material, inspiration, fabrication and construction
materiaalin, inspiraation, valmistuksen ja rakennuksen .
His first published book, Syntactic Structures (1957)
Hänen ensimmäinen julkaistu kirjansa "Syntactic Structures" (1957) for ideas about this method of descriptions
tämän menetelmän kuvausten ideoiden .
Within the web of kinship relations,
the nuclear family
ydinperhe is central and the
on keskeinen, ja of most caring relationships
eniten välittävien suhteiden .
Greece, Spain and Portugal
Kreikka, Espanja ja Portugali by far the ``cheapest
ylivoimaisesti halvin of industrial labour
teollisen työvoiman (at some 25 to 50 per cent of the EC12 average).
The largest sum, FF70 million francs, will go to
the Cordemais power plant
Cordemais'n voimalaitokselle , described as
of sulphur-dioxide emissions
rikkidioksidipäästöjen .
Solar power
Aurinkovoimasta could become a
voisi tulla in the near future, rendering fossil fuels obsolete, according to BP research director, John Cadogan, speaking at a Royal Society of Chemistry gathering.
Dermatologists agree unanimously,
of health and radiance
terveyden ja valon .
By far the
of dietary fibre
ravintokuidun is