Eerie sounds
Aavemaiset äänet around the passageways
käytävissä .
Their whispering and low moans
Kuiskaavat ja matalat vaikerrukset around the empty flat
tyhjässä asunnossa ,
like ghosts that danced on the ceiling with their shadows
kuin aaveet olisivat tanssineet katossa varjoineen .
Flipping lazily on to her back, she floated with her eyes closed for a moment, frowning as
the sound of a door closing
sulkeutuvan oven ääni around the pool
uima-altaalla .
A low whispering sound
Matala, kuiskaava ääni .
The deep silence was disturbed only by
an occasional flurry of wind
satunnainen tuulenpyörre around unseen rock faces
näkymättömien kivisten kasvojen ympärillä -- the giant sighs of a sleeping mountain.
From where he lay on his side inside the laundry basket, he could hear
the noise of the showers
suihkujen äänen around the stone walls of the House
talon kiviseinistä .
He took careful aim with his second barrel at a smaller buffalo that had begun circling in dismay, and they heard
the dull thud of his successful shot
seuraavan laukauksen vaimean tömähdyksen across the plain
yli koko tasangon .
Loud music
Äänekäs musiikki across the site
kaikkialla , so loud that it could be heard 10 miles away.
Their voices
Heidän äänensä back and forth across the water
edestakaisin vedessä like the calls of water birds
kuin vesilintujen kutsuhuuto .
throughout the tall empty house
läpi koko korkean, tyhjän talon .
The shrill blast of their brazen trumpets
Heidän messinkisten trumpettiensa terävät törähdykset through the heart of the land
kautta koko maan .
through the house
talon läpi .
from distant walls
kaukaisista seinistä .
She heard her name called from below, the sound distorted as
from the depths
syvyyksistä .
The restful clunk of the grandfather clock
Isoisän kellon rauhallinen tikitys .
down the wire
lankaa pitkin from Buchanan Street
Buchanan Streetiltä .
A loud explosion
Äänekäs räjähdys up the hillside
ylös mäkeä .
`Ready for yer tilt now! ``he called out,
round the vast wooden space
ympäri laajaa puista tilaa .
So, in spite of the semi-dark, the uneven terrain, the twisting path, he rowelled his horse on as fast as he could, its hooves beating out
The old chorus of `Dalglish, Dalglish ``
Vanha huuto "Dalglish, Dalglish" around the ground, which was bursting at its seams with a crowd of 43,668
ympäri kenttää, joka pursui liitoksistaan yleisöä ollessa 43 668 .
`It's a bit noisy, ``said someone from Lotus as
the booming voices from Microsoft and Borland
Microsoftin ja Borlandin kirkkaat äänet .
Sharp taps on the door
Terävät taputukset oveen .
EVERY day at 12.30 pm
Joka päivä klo 12.30 ,
the electronic pips of the radio time-signal
radion aikamerkin elektroniset piippaukset around the Ottoman vaults of the souk
ympäri Ottomaanien holveja Soukissa in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City.
`Even at midnight as
Big Ben's bongs
Big Benin lyönnit ?
around the classroom
luokkahuoneessa .
As I stepped back, bemoaning my lack of foreign languages,
a loud and colourful thwack
äänekäs ja värikäs tömähdys from the pavement
jalkakäytävältä .
about the bar
ympäri baaria , silencing every conversation and turning every head.
As he entered, he heard
the pealing of a bell
kellon kuminan through the building
läpi rakennuksen above the din of battle
yli taistelun melskeen , and he paused a moment, wondering what on earth it could be.
The door crashed shut,
the loud clash of metal on metal
äänekäs kalahdus metallin osuessa metalliin inside the cell
sellin sisällä .
Beth shut her eyes and opened her lungs,
round the house
ympäri talon like the cry of a soul in torment
kuin kidutetun sielun huuto .
It sheared through bone and muscle alike,
the strident snapping of the femur
reisiluun napsahdus .
The plane hit an air pocket, and
the crash of the wings slapping against the high pressure outside
siipien tärähtäminen vasten ulkona olevaa korkeaa painetta through the cabin
läpi ohjaamon .
The mechanical drumming of a lesser spotted woodpecker raining blows at a branch with its bill
Pikkutikan nokasta satavien iskujen mekaaninen rummutus vasten oksaa across the park
läpi koko puiston ; a strange territorial `song ``.
Only weeks after they had been initiated in primo grado by the Reclusiarch during a ceremony forbidden to describe,
a message of alarm from Fidelis City
hälytysviesti Fidelis Citysta through the fortress-monastery
luostarilinnoituksen läpi .
The sound of Freddie the Nark banging on the small iron gate
Ilmiantaja-Freddien pienen rautaportin paukutus along the silent turning
hiljaisessa risteyksessä and Billy Sullivan winced.
Recently read, the Marchesa's diary, however unembittered, makes
the sound of German tourist voices
saksalaisten turistien äänet in these streets
näillä kaduilla .
`Good, ``he said thickly, raking a hand through his hair, then turned and strode out of the villa, slamming the door behind him with
a crash that
pamauksella, joka through the house
läpi koko talon .
`This is for you, my love! ``he cried, realigning the gun and squeezing off
a single shot which
yhden laukauksen, joka through the fairy labyrinth
kautta keijulabyrintin .
He swept his friends into his arms and
multiplied and
on and on,
up and down the beach and through the distant war-broken theatre of Salamis
ylös ja alas rannalle ja kautta kaukaisen sodan runteleman Salamis-teatterin .
`Modern scientists are beginning to recognise, as our ancient sages did, that there is
a vibration which
tärinää, joka throughout the cosmos
läpi koko avaruuden .
`Love Me Do ``
"Love Me Do" seemed
the purring song of a turtle dove
Turturikyyhkyn kehräävän laulu .
Peter Mackenzie proved unusually bullish and
his deep voice
hänen matala äänensä throughout the dealing floor
koko myyntikerrokseen with the force of a thousand rapids
tuhannen kosken voimalla : ``Hallo, sir.
Seconds later she shoulder-charged the door, and found herself in an eerie moonlit room where she could distinguish nothing, except
the deafening howls which
korviahuumaavaa ulvontaa, joka seemed