TransFrameNet:Social interaction evaluation
amiable.a 🔎
- But the look of dislike, which Alice was afraid might be what Roberta did feel for her, was replaced with Roberta'smorepaljonamiableystävällisemmällälookkatseella, and she sat up, feeling for cigarettes.
- From an early age, Shah Jehan made it clear that he did not care for his third son, and instead increasingly lavished attention on themorepaljonamiableystävällisemmänDara ShukohDara Shukohin.
- HeHänsoundedmorepaljonamiableystävällisemmältäthan beforekuin aiemmin, more inclined to be helpful.
- Warton wrote to James Boswell [q.v.] in 1786: “ She was a very ingenious poetess … and, on the whole, was amostmitäsensible, agreeable, andamiableystävällisinwomannainen. ”
- What possible motive could this round, friendly,most<empty>amiableystävällisimmänof menmiehistähave for murder?
- HeHänwasoliperfectlytäydellisenamiableystävällinento hernaista kohtaanon the few occasions when they did meet; sometimes she even felt that he liked her.
- HeHänlookedperfectlytäydellisenamiableystävälliseltä, so why did she get this feeling of apprehension, as though he was playing some sort of waiting game?
- When she actually spoke to the guyshehänwasoliquitemelkoamiableystävällinen.
- Like so many kindly,amiableystävällisetpeopleihmiset, he was a confirmed gossip and loved to prattle about his friends' affairs.
- `You don't take notes here unless I request it, ``he had informed Buchanan in anamiableystävällisellätoneäänensävyllä.
- I am glad you like Mr. Gould: — he has been always very obliging to me — although I never knew him till lately: Mrs. G. appears an exceedingly pleasant &amiableystävällinenwomannainen.
- Following the death of Cromwell in September 1658,RichardRichardtook over as Lord Protector, but provedtooliianweak andamiableystävälliseksito control parliamentjohtamaan parlamenttia, particularly as the army and the majority of the gentry preferred the restoration of the monarchy.
- Nik Cohn, the writer, described him as, `anamiableystävälliseksifatman from Catfordpaksukaiseksi Catfordista, a bit of a slag and conspicuously so but shrewd, funny and hard to dislike.
- There was an awkward silence which Maidstone might have broken with someamiableystävälliselläremarkhuomautuksellato save Sandison's face.
- Anamiableystävällisenä, approachableindividual of wide interestslaajasti kiinnostuneena yksilönä, he rapidly became known to his subjects as `Farmer George ``.
- His own witHänen oma nokkeluutensawasoliruefullysurullisenamiableystävällistä.
- Outside of them, her manner was genial andher expressionhänen ilmeensäamiableystävällinen, contributing to Aristophanes' pleasure as well as his profits.
- SidneySidneylookedamiableystävälliseltä, a little stupid, and very much out of his element.
- He had already begun to establish friendly relations with the man, portraying himself meanwhile as anamiableystävällinenif somewhat tediousfellow with francophobic leaningskaveri, jolla oli taipuvainen frankofobiaan.
- HeHänwasoliamiableystävällinenenoughriittävänover the portsatamassa.
- The third manKolmas mies,whojokadoes not lookamiableystävälliseltäat alllainkaan, is the great Mr George Carman QC.
- John Bland,asniinamiableystävällinena sportsmanurheilijaas one would wish to meetkuin voisi toivoa, is naturally disturbed and disheartened by the increasing number of tournaments in which he, as a South African, can not compete.
barbaric.a 🔎
- Frisby the newcomer joined theirbarbaricbarbaariseengamepeliin.
- What is happening hereSe, mitä täällä tapahtuu,isonbarbaricbarbaaristaand totally unnecessary.
- `Itwould beolisi ollutbarbaricbarbaaristato insist that condoms should not be given outvaatia, ettei kondomeja olisi saanut jakaa.
- All of a sudden I realizedhowkuinkabarbaricbarbaaristaitsewas and that I didn't have to do it.
- He denies the claim from opponents that foxhunting is abarbaricbarbaarinensporturheilulaji.
- THEbarbaricbarbaarinenmurder of Brian McDermottBrian McDermottin murhaensured that his family would never know normality or peace of mind again.
- She claimed the whales were killed in abarbaricbarbaarisellaand inhumanewaytavallaafter being driven ashore.
boorish.a 🔎
- But, though Oscarless, he is delighting American audiences with hisboorishmoukkamaisinemannertapoineenand fractured English in Peter Weir's `Green Card ``.
- Itwould have beenolisi ollutboorishmoukkamaistanot to return to the Jardin de Paris for luncholla palaamatta Jardin de Parisiin lounaalle, a short walk which took me along the right bank of the Duna to the famous Széchenyi Bridge and Clark Adam tér.
- Buthehänwas alsoboorishmoukkamainen, sadistic and greedy, once personally overseeing the execution of 2,500 Moslem prisoners.
- She would prove thatboorishmoukkamaisenmanmiehenwrong, if it was the last thing she did!
churlish.a 🔎
- The driver sounds so genuinely distressed, itseemsvaikuttaachurlishmoukkamaiseltato complainvalittaa(not that that would do much good).
- We had such happy family holidays in the drizzle waiting for the sun to try and come out that itseemedvaikuttichurlishmoukkamaiseltato spoil things with sciencepilata asioita tieteellä.
- Itwould beolisichurlishmoukkamaistaif I didn't turn up, jos en saapuisi paikalle.
- Recollecting hischurlishmoukkamaisenbehaviourkäytöksensä, Isabel wondered how she could be attracted to such a man even for a moment.
- Sohehänhad beenoli ollutchurlishmoukkamainento CarolCarolia kohtaanafter all.
- Current Government policies seek to tackle the problem, and itwould beolisichurlishmoukkamaistaof metaholtanito say that the Government are not trying to come to terms with the unemployment problemsanoa, että hallitus ei yritä saada ratkaistuksi työttömyysongelmaa.
- Butrefusing a drinkdrinkistä kieltäytyminenwould beolisichurlishmoukkamaista.
- Athelstan felt like refusing, butthatsewould have beenolisi ollutchurlishmoukkamaista.
civil.a 🔎
- `HeHän's very discreet andextremelyäärimmäisencivilkohtelias-- but he never answers questions about Diana.
- His name overpowered all objection, and we found a very good house andcivilhyväätreatmentkohtelua.
- Phil hasn't addressed acivilhyvääwordsanaato us in weeks.
- `Wow! ``he said, leaving the stolid citizens of that part of Yorkshire feeling that itwasoliremarkablymerkittäväncivilkohteliastaof themheiltäto put on such a welcome for himsuoda hänelle sellainen vastaanotto.
- Mr T saidthe policepoliisitwereolivatperfectlytäysincivilkohteliaitain their questioningkysymyksissään.
- HowKuinkauncommonlycivilkohteliastaof himhäneltäto make such a co-operative and hospitable offertehdä niin yhteistyökykyinen ja kohtelias tarjous!
- `How extraordinarilyKuinka erittäincivilkohteliastaof yousinulta, ``he said cuttingly, `but aren't you missing a rather important point?
- MumÄitihad beenoli ollutcivilystävällinento meminua kohtaansince the soap episode but something had gone between us.
- They were surprised by his zeal and suspected trouble, butNailsNailswas amenable and evencivilystävällinenduring the journey, mystifying them still further.
- For the first time since I had known him,his voicehänen äänensäwasolibarelyjuuri ja juuricivilystävällinen.
compassionate.a 🔎
- They would also like the old democracies to look upon their young ones with amorepaljoncompassionateymmärtäväisemmälläeyeotteella.
- The store manager did indeed say he was a fairly hard-line manager looking for efficiency, whereas the personnel manager took amorepaljoncompassionateymmärtäväisemmänstanceasenteen.
- For the Profitboss it is themostmitäcompassionateymmärtäväisempiway of easing out Hugh Clarkson, the dyed-in-the-wool western region sales managertapa auttaa Hugh Clarksonia, tuota tapoihinsa piintynyttä läntisen alueen myyntimiestäwho's had enough but can't afford to admit it.
- Reaching out, she touched him, acompassionateymmärtäväinenlookkatsein her eyessilmissään.
- Colleagues described Dorrance as a gentlemanly,compassionateymmärtäväiseksimanmieheksiwith a lot of moral commitment.
- He was acompassionateymmärtäväinenmanmies, Dad, but never at the expense of drawing attention to his own opinions.
- The centurion is also shown to be acompassionateymmärtäväinenmanmies,for he cares about the health of one of his servantssillä hän välittää erään palvelijansa terveydestä.
- `Is itcompassionatemyötätuntoistafor a person to be kept alive with tubes going into their stomachihmistä kohtaan, jota pidetään hengissä vatsaan johdettujen putkien avulla?
- May we use his example to remindusmeitäto be caring andcompassionatemyötätuntoistato everyonekaikillethis Christmas time.
- Be kind andcompassionatemyötätuntoisiato one anothertoisianne kohtaan, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
- BalboaBalboawas constructive in his approach to the Isthmus,generallyyleensäcompassionatemyötätuntoinento the Indiansintiaaneja kohtaan, inventive in his plans for exploration and the furthering of Imperial aims.
- OfficersVirkamiehetwill do their bestto beollakseencompassionatemyötätuntoisiatowards parentsvanhempia kohtaan, for example referring to the dead child by his/her first name and whenever possible a female officer will attend.
- `You look older, my friend, ``Surkov said, fixing me with acompassionatemyötätuntoisengazekatseen.
- He inspired a genuine affection in both his pupils and staff, and many a young tearaway returned to the straight and narrow as the result of his firm butcompassionatemyötätuntoiseninfluencevaikutuksensa.
- Will you help us to support theircompassionatemyötätuntoistaworktyötä?
- Just acompassionatemyötätuntoinengirl working amongst dirt and povertytyttö, joka tekee työtään lian ja köyhyyden keskellä.
- The difference was that he accepted her attempt at consolation, taking her palm between both of his own hands, holding it gently and meeting hercompassionatemyötätuntoisengazekatseenwith the glimmer of a smile.
- In American Without Tears,hehäneven soundedcompassionatemyötätuntoiselta, for once.
- This timeher eyeshänen katseensawere troubled,compassionatemyötätuntoinen.
- Her motiveHänen motiivinsawasolionly partlyvain osittaincompassionatemyötätuntoinen.
- As he held her eyes for a momenta lookkatse, jokapassed between them,deeplysyvästicompassionatemyötätuntoinen, oddly intimate.
- Mackerras's accountMackerrasn tiliwasolicompassionatemyötätuntoinenbut redblooded, direct but full of charm.
- What displaced it was a sense of outrage thata manmies, joka oliasyhtäkindly andcompassionatemyötätuntoinenas Edwin Frerekuin Edwin Frereshould find himself shackled to a vixen.
considerate.a 🔎
- So if you have got your way some of the time by being aggressive and forceful, when you try amorepaljonconsideratehuomaavaisempiapproachlähestymistapayou will feel insecure.
- Hari felt guilt sear her,shehänenshould bepitäisi ollamorepaljonconsideratehuomaavaisempiof her motheräitiään kohtaanand yet the work must be done or there would be no money.
- Swindon is suffering a plague of illegal encampments, althoughsome gypsiesjotkut mustalaisetareovatmoreenemmänconsideratehuomaavaisempiathan otherskuin toiset.
- To the men under him he was amostkaikkeinconsideratehuomaavaisinand loyalofficerupseeri, but he had a darker side to his character.
- Joan Watt did her best -- she's absolutely wonderful and averyerittäinconsideratehuomaavainenpersonhenkilö.
- HeHän'sonveryerittäinconsideratehuomaavainen.
- `ThatSewasoliveryhyvinconsideratehuomaavaistaof yousinulta!
- It was anextraordinarilypoikkeuksellisenconsideratehuomaavainengestureele.
- He decided to return home and become the wealthy andconsideratehuomaavainenfamily manperheenisä.
- Fred was a kind,consideratehuomaavainenmanmies, uncomplicated and loving in his way, but she regretted that he had never been able really to arouse her fully and take her to the height of passion.
- She wondered as she climbed into the car whether to mention that itwould have beenolisi ollutconsideratehuomaavaistato have the door already openpitää ovi valmiiksi auki, but she knew what Bri would say -- `You're always whingeing on.
- The potash mine is by far the biggest employer in the Whitby and Loftus areas andall local authoritieskaikki paikalliset viranomaisethave beenovat olleetconsideratehuomaavaisiain their handling of problems caused by it being on the edge of a national parkkansallispuiston reunalla sijainnin aiheuttamien ongelmien käsittelyssään.
- `HowKuinkaconsideratehuomaavaistaof yousinulta, ``she responded with a choked laugh, `it's so reassuring to know that you have my welfare at heart.
- `I just find it amusing thatyousinä'reoletsoniinconsideratehuomaavainento your housekeeperstaloudenhoitajillesi, ``she said pointedly.
- The specialistAsiantuntijawas caring andconsideratehuomaavainentowards AdamAdamia kohtaanand explained very carefully the nature of the symptoms and the tests they would be doing.
- TheyHechose a quiet country hotel, and walked a good deal, andwereolivatconsideratehuomaavaisiawith each othertoisiaan kohtaan.
- BeOleconsideratevarovainenover your handwriting, your computer expertise or lack of it, or anything else which might become an irritation to your fellow workerskäsialassasi, tietokoneasiantuntemuksessasi tai sen puutteessa tai missä tahansa, joka saattaa ärsyttää työtovereitasi.
- I thoughthehänwas being<empty>consideratehuomaavainenwith meminua kohtaan, not rushing me.
- Successful road safety campaigns, says the report, are likely to be those that encourage responsible andconsideratehuomaavainendrivingajotapato be the norm.
- I've had two long-term boyfriends since then, both of themconsideratehuomaavaisialoversrakastajia.
- Theresa Nolan was a gentle,consideratehuomaavainennursesairaanhoitajaand a competent, but not, I think, very intelligent, young woman.
- They were impressed by solid Dave Smart with his air of authority, and theconsideratehuomaavaisestatones in which he had spokenäänensävystä, jolla hän oli puhunut.
- `I love him becausehehänis daft, and kind andconsideratehuomaavainen.
- Mark ElderMark Elderiltätook some time to strike a fair balance between stage and pit andwas not alwayseikä ollutasniinconsideratehuomaavainenas he usually iskuin hän tavallisesti ontowards the singerslaulajia kohtaan.
- The headsmanNokkamies, joka oli riittävän,consideratehuomaavainenenough to have hidden his sword beneath the strawkätkeäkseen miekkansa olkien alle, then signalled his English assistant to approach the Queen, thereby distracting her attention.
- `I can't think anyone would have an adverse word to say about him,hehänwas always so polite,consideratehuomaavainenand caringto othersmuita kohtaan, ``Mr Ivory said.
cordial.a 🔎
- Coleman lived oncordialsydämellisissätermsväleissäwith his assistant, William Sewellavustajansa William Sewellin kanssa, for over 40 years.
- Hazel and Steven Williams extend acordialsydämelliseninvitationkutsunto yousinulleto visit their nursery in unspoilt Flaxton -- keep a watch out for cows on the green.
- So much so that I bought his only copy of it, and earned hiscordialsydämellisenloathinginhonsa.
- It is common for solicitors to buildcordialsydämellisenrelationshipssuhteenwith estate agentskiinteistövälittäjiin, building societies and even with the custody officer at the police station, in order to secure referrals.
- ButRidleyRidleywasolicordialsydämellinenand interested in what Branson had to say.
- Oswald's marriage to Cyneburh, daughter of Cynegils, reveals clearly thatrelativelysuhteellisencordialsydämellisetrelationssuhteetcould prevail between an overlord and a dependant if both stood to gain from the relationship.
- The NawabNawabistabecametulimoreentistäcordialsydämellisempi,he said thank you very much for keeping himhän kiitti vuolaasti ylläpidosta; and added, ``Now all is quiet at Khatm, he need not be afraid any longer.
- He heldcordialsydämellisiäif inconclusivetalks with President George Bush which concentrated mainly on Japan's rising trade surplus with the USAkeskusteluja presidentti George Bushin kanssa, joissa keskityttiin pääasiassa Japanin kasvavaan kauppaylijäämään USA:n kanssa.
- `My mother and father were like twocordialsydämellistästrangersmuukalaistasharing an abode for convenience.
- In particular he found opportunity to complain about Childebert's policies towards the Visigoths, with whom he cultivatedmoreentistäcordialsydämellisemmätrelationssuhteetthan his uncle felt was properkuin hänen setänsä mielestä olisi ollut sopivaa.
courteous.a 🔎
- Their meeting will probably be nothing more than acourteouskohteliasrequest from your boyfriend for your parents' blessing and approvalpyyntö poikaystävältä vanhempiesi siunauksesta ja hyväksynnästäand it should get their relationship off to a good start!
- The House of LordsYlähuoneis less central to the nation's affairs, less likely to be controversial in its activities andmoreentistäcourteouskohteliaampiin the conduct of its proceedingsmenettelytavoissaan.
- Warnie, though he was by all accounts a most delightful andcourteouskohteliaampicompanionseuralainen, was a clear case of arrested development.
- A Sephardic Jew, he was a tall, spare man of high moral principles and themostkaikkeincourteouskohteliaimmatmannerstavatand an odd habit when listening of purring like a cat.
- HeHänhad been very proper andcourteouskohteliasto hernaista kohtaan.
- Most of themUseimmat heistäareovatveryhyvincourteouskohteliaitaand we haven't minded them having a quick look round, but some are less welcome.
- DarrasDarrasis a tall man, with northern features,courteouskohteliasin his mannertavoiltaanand brimming with charisma.
- This enables them to handle any disputes in acourteouskohteliaalla, constructivemannertavalla.
- I wrote to say so and received acourteouskohteliaanreplyvastauksenfrom the producer, who said, `I'm interested in the DIY approach you suggest and in our next series perhaps we'll look at this more closely.
- The enquiry was accompanied by acourteouskohteliaansmilehymyn.
- I see resentment in thatcourteouskohteliaassasmilehymyssä, hostility in that diffident prose, an element of sheer male aggression in his deft professional manipulation of me.
- HeHänwas altogethertooliiandignified andcourteouskohteliasfor the rough and tumble of politicspolitiikan raakaan arkeen, was not a good debater, and left after less than eighteen months.
- In debatetheyheidänhadto beollaelaboratelytaidokkaancourteouskohteliaitatowards their colleagueskaikkia kollegojaan kohtaanand non-ideological in their comments.
- HeHänis always positive andcourteouskohteliasat the same time as being astute, determined and unwavering in his pursuit of profit.
- `Shallot,beolesoniincourteouskohteliasas to tell Master Ruthven we await him hereettä kerrot isäntä Ruthvenille meidän odottaman häntä täällä.
- Enquiries to our usual address will be dealt with promptly by our highly skilled,courteouskohteliasstaffhenkilökunta, or else!
- Thecourteouskohteliasmethodmenetelmäis to present it, Japanese side up, with the printing facing the receiver.
- Indeed, when he so wished,the young Edwardnuori Edwardcould bevoisi olladazzlinglysäkenöiväncourteouskohteliasand charming.
- HeHänwasolias<empty>courteouskohteliaampias everkuin koskaanwhen he showed me out, but since the night's events I'd had the feeling of a threat gathering, and I sensed that Jules might be part of that.
cruel.a 🔎
- What we perceive, however, ascrueljulmatreatmentkohteluis not universally shared and for many non-Westerners, our behaviour seems strangely contradictory.
- Let me show you thatall menkaikki ihmisetaren'teivät oleasyhtäcrueljulmiaand immatureas your retarded merchant bankerkuin jälkeenjäänyt pankkiirisi.
- HowKuinkacrueljulmaato be stealing presents obviously meant for childrenvarastaa lahjoja, jotka on selvästi tarkoitettu lapsille.
- `HowKuinkacrueljulmayousinäarein speaking thuspuhuessasi sillä tavoin, my lord! ``she said reproachfully, having no defence against such an argument.
- Most of the gagsUseimmat piloistaare offensive andcrueljulmiabut some are very funny indeed.
- People bought her lunch and rang her up and sent her birthday cards; it seemed aparticularlyerityisencrueljulmajokevitsithat one of the few people who really did dislike her should be married to her.
- Several factors have madethe abusehyväksikäytöstäparticularlyerityisencrueljulmaaand degrading.
- I must admit, itwasolirathermelkocrueljulmaaof metaholtanito take advantage of your amiable naturekäyttää hyväksesi helläluontoisuuttasi.
- `My conversation with him this evening made me realise that he can be quite devious, and also that he has arathermelkocrueljulmasense of humourhuumorintaju.
- HeHänhad beenoli olluttooliiancrueljulmato hernaista kohtaan.
- The RSPCA says magistrates are too soft onpeople whoihmisille, jotkaareovatcrueljulmiato animalseläimiä kohtaan.
- In some ways, life must seem to be averyhyvincrueljulmajokevitsito millions of people on this earth.
- He can't go to Australia and hide because they hammer him there --the press theresikäläinen lehdistöareonveryhyvincrueljulma.
- `She was very frightened of hercrueljulmaahusbandaviomiestään, but she suspected that he was responsible for Sir Charles ``death.
- She had an obstinate chin, acrueljulmamouthsuuand small arrogant eyes.
- For an agonising moment it felt as if she was naked again, under the intent, laughing scrutiny of thosecrueljulmillegreyeyessilmille.
- He hated Big Tom Fish, with hiscrueljulminejokesvitseineenand flashing green eyes and rough workman's hands.
- The gods were enjoying their owncrueljulmistajokevitseistään!
- Mr Wilcock told the bench that Mr Smith was not acrueljulmamanmies, and that it was not his intention to cause his animals suffering.
- In the case of anonly moderatelyvain hiemancrueljulmanmanmiehen, the intensification of the pain beyond a certain point will suddenly switch him to the equalization of viewpoints, and his pleasure will lapse.
- Archelaus was acrueljulmamanmiesand Joseph has no wish to live under his rule.
- Acrueljulmasmilehymyplayed at the corners of his mouth.
- Shostakovich, obviously pre-eminent among Soviet composers, had to bear thecruellestmitä julmintatreatmentkohtelua.
- Itseemsvaikuttaacrueljulmaltathat what is encouraged and praised in girls as children (and is also, after all, an expression of identity and creativity which little boys too could benefit from) is suddenly, at age eleven seen as vanity, and a sign of low intellect, että se, mitä tytöissä ihaillaan ja kannustetaan lapsina (ja joka on loppujen lopuksi luovuuden ja identiteetin osoitus, josta myös pikkupohjat voisivat hyötyä), nähdään yhdentoista vuoden iässä turhamaisuutena ja merkkinä alhaisesta älystä.
- Itwasolicrueljulmaaof Miss Havishamneiti Havishamiltato encourage me to hoperohkaista minua toivomaan, but I don't think she meant to be unkind.
- Itwasolicrueljulmaato take my annoyance out on Rosepurkaa kiukkuni Roseen.
- Is itOncrueljulmaato have a cat de-clawedpoistaa kissan kynnet?
- `This is all I shall have to remember him by --yousinäareoletcrueljulmato treat it with such levitykäsitellessäsi sitä noin kepeästi.
- Fabia felt itmight besaattaisi ollaa touchhiemancrueljulmaato laugh at him againnauraa miehellebut, feeling certain he would run a mile if she took him seriously, she was a little nonplussed about how to answer him.
- His expression wicked, he continued the stare which seemed to strip poor McAllister of her clothing,a staretuijotusso, joka oli niincrueljulmathat Dr Neil immediately saw its import, että tohtori Neil näki senand began to bridle at the sight, putting out a protective hand to his beloved, to feel her tremble beneath it.
- Crueljulmanain the extremeÄärimmäisen,shehänwould horsewhip them mercilessly, giving them little food and confining them in cold and filthy cellars.
- No I will not be cruel,yousinäcan not beet voi ollacrueljulmawith themheille.
- ThatSeseemedvaikutticrueljulmaltabeyond beliefuskomattoman, he should have been there instead of Hodge.
- `Surely,no onekukaan eicould bevoisi ollasoniincrueljulmaas to deliberately set out to starve a child to death, että antaisi tahallaan lapsen kuolla nälkään?
- Even today, she doesn't thinkhehänwas beingolicrueljulmain doing thattekemisissään.
- Labour demands for the Government to impose credit controls instead of high interest rates to curb borrowing were `acrueljulmadeceptionpetos``because they were unworkable.
- Harbour commissioner Frank Sluman said: `The sea is acrueljulmamasterisäntäand it takes its toll over the years.
- She absorbed the deliberate irony, thecrueljulmanbanterpilan, with growing resentment.
- I am sure thatto conceal from a child the fact that he is adoptedadoption salaaminen lapseltais both foolish andcrueljulmaa.
- Although he was more in control of his temper than had been his predecessor,MilošMilošwasolicrueljulma, greedy, corrupt, devious and also illiterate.
- And I had never hearda voiceääntäsoniincrueljulmaaand cold.
diplomatic.a 🔎
- Amorepaljondiplomaticdiplomaattisempiapproachlähestymistapacan pay off.
- `Itmight have beenon ehkä ollutmorepaljondiplomaticdiplomaattisempinot to mention that possibilitypuhumattakaan sen mahdollisuudesta.
- Loretta was about to protest at this arrangement -- she had not yet recovered from her irritation with Geoffrey -- but decided itwould beolisi ollutmorepaljondiplomaticdiplomaattisempaato follow Bridget into the kitchenseurata Bridgetiä keittiöön.
- I thought that was averyhyvindiplomaticdiplomaattinenway of putting ittapa esittää asia.
- With adiplomaticdiplomaattisellasmilehymyllä, she expressed herself more subtly.
- Itmight besaattaisi olladiplomaticdiplomaattistato humour him for the momenthauskuuttaa häntä hetki…
- The main things I learned were not to panic, and howto beolladiplomaticdiplomaattinenwith peopleihmisten seurassa, but not to give in to them.
- LapworthLapworthwas passionate in his search for truth and exactness in the solution of geological problems, anddiplomaticdiplomaattinenin his presentationesityksessään, gifts which enabled him to propose the accepted solution to a famous controversy.
- George decided thathehänenhad better beoli parasta olladiplomaticdiplomaattinen.
- Well,yousinunhaveto beoltavaterriblyvaltavandiplomaticdiplomaattinen.
discourteous.a 🔎
- Female respondents also complained thatmenmiehetdrive too fast andare oftenovat useinveryerittäindiscourteousepäkohteliaitato othersmuita kohtaan.
- `Yetthistämäisondiscourteousepäkohteliastaof metaholtani, ``he said, `when you have saved me from a `messy end.
- But itwould beolisidiscourteousepäkohteliastato say sosanoa niin, and he merely smiled with his full lips, in the way he was presently to smile at Dinah Asshe herself, after they had played and sung.
- `It wasa move whichliike, jokawasolidiscourteousepäkohteliasto the HouseValkoista taloa kohtaanand an abuse of the procedures of the House.
- Itwasolimostmitädiscourteousepäkohteliaintaof a senior officer in an allied NATO servicevanhemmalta virkamieheltä liittoutuneiden NATO-palvelussato enter the country unannouncedsaapua maahan ilmoittamatta.
- My inclination was to decline, but asthatsewould have beenolisi ollutdiscourteousepäkohteliastain the extremeäärimmäisento Wilson, for whom I then had enormous respect,Wilsonia kohtaan, joka silloin kunnioitin valtavasti,I agreed to see him.
- Usually Artai behaved like a fractious child, his temper uncertain,his demeanourhänen käytöksensäabrupt anddiscourteousepäkohteliasta.
disrespectful.a 🔎
- Unfortunately, her husband could not reconcile himself to having married a commoner and even taughttheir sonspoikansato beolemaandisrespectfulepäkunnioittaviato hernaista kohtaanwhen they were young.
- We treat criminals in adisrespectfulepäkunnioittavallaand often dehumanisingwaytavallaso that they will continue to express our Shadow.
- To her, itwasolisomehowjotenkindisrespectfulepäkunnioittavaato talk to Cabinet ministers in a sweaterpuhua hallituksen ministerille villapaidassa.
- It was horrible inside the tomb -- there was an acrid smell of bat droppings and also I thinkChidChidinmust have beenon täytynyt olladisrespectfultarpeeksi epäkunnioittavaenough to use the place as a lavatorykäyttääkseen paikkaa vessana.
friendly.a 🔎
- Competition organiser Michele Marcus said: “ An overwhelming number of parents nominated M & S as theleastvähitenfriendlyystävälliseksiretailervähittäismyyjäksi.
- SheHänwasoliabout assuunnilleen niinfriendlyystävällinenas you'd expectkuin odottaa saattoi, but she told me he wasn't home.
- HeHänwas beingolimuch morepaljonfriendlyystävällisempithan Father who hadn't spoken a word to me all eveningkuin Isä, joka ei ollut puhunut minulle sanaakaan koko iltana.
- SheHänsoundedmore<empty>friendlyystävällisemmältäthan she had beforekuin aikaisemmin, but her voice still carried awesome authority.
- His eyes were frank, his features regular andhis expressionilmeensäquitemelkofriendlyystävällinen.
- We were all very surprised to see the modern bathrooms, and tasteful surroundings, as well as meetingthe mikva attendant whorituaalikylpyyn osallistuvan, jokanot only spoke English, butwasoliveryhyvinfriendlyystävällinenand helpful as well.
- `You're an offensive shit, Bellybutton, ``I said in averyhyvinfriendlyystävällisellävoiceäänellä, but he had already turned his attention away from me because a car had suddenly appeared in the yard.
- It is a happy,friendlyystävällinenhousetalo, with a relaxed atmosphere where one is pleasantly greeted with a refreshing cup of tea and home-made biscuits.
- And they werehardlytuskinthefriendliestystävällisimpiäcreaturesolentojaon the face of the earthmaan päällä.
- Again afriendlyystävällinengrinvirnistyssplit the black face.
- The aim is to enable organisations to present afriendlyystävällistäfaceilmettäto visitorsvierailijoille.
- Payroll Staff have always tried to provide afriendlyystävällistäand efficientservicepalvelua.
- Even during the recession, trade has grown through keen pricing andfriendlyystävällistäpersonal servicehenkilökohtaista palvelua.
- He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and afriendlyystävällinensmilehymy.
- The most impressive features were theextremelyäärimmäisenfriendlyystävällisiäand helpfulstaffhenkilökuntaain all departments and, almost uniquely for a Paris hotel, a first class restaurant -- the Relais Vermeer -- with exciting food at reasonable prices.
- Joy would be drawn towards the shops and restaurants which hadfriendlyystävällistä, helpfulstaffhenkilökuntaa-- while Gloom would bump into those who were stern and morose.
- Her face was wrinkled with age butshehänlookedfriendlyystävälliseltäand her voice was pleasant when I heard her talk to the men.
- Clare is one of thefriendlyystävällisistävoicesäänistäon the end of the Felcourt telephone; `Rentokil, good morning how can I help you?
- He stared straight at Elizabeth in afriendlyystävälliseenwaytapaanand said, in a voice of quiet affection: `My friend.
- The Stubbs family had tin plates; there would not be enough to go round, but itwould beolisi ollutfriendlyystävällistäto sharejakaa.
- The supper had been too good, the weather was too pleasant andthe companyyritystooliianfriendlyystävällinento worry about newspaper storieshuolehtiakseen sanomalehtijutuista.
- He watched you both and sawhowkuinkafriendlyystävällinenyousinäwere.
- `I was hoping you would show mehowkuinkafriendlyystävällisiäwemewereby coming to get metulemalla hakemaan minut.
- GuardsVartijatwere either abruptly mistrustful orolivat joko äkillisesti epäileviä taieffusivelyylitsevuotavanfriendlyystävällisiäwhen they discovered that you could speak their language, kun he huomasivat, että sinä saatoit puhua heidän kieltään.
- I'm used topeopleihmisetbeingovata lotpaljonfriendlierystävällisempiäin AustraliaAustraliassa.
- Merseyside's pubsMerseysiden pubitare the best value andfriendliestystävällisimpiäin BritainBritanniassaand that's official.
- `HowKuinkafriendlyystävällistäof yousinultato visit uskäydä kylässä, Jim!
- SheHänwas very hospitable, made Jane sit down,wasolifriendlyystävällinento the dogskoirille, brought coffee, then sat down herself, obviously overjoyed to have found a neighbour.
- Dr NeilTohtori Neilhad been kind andfriendlyystävällinento hernaista kohtaanwhen she had served him breakfast, kun hän oli tarjonnut tälle aamiaista.
- SheHänisonfriendlyystävällinentowards themheitä kohtaan, but they are not people she can count on.
- `ThomasThomasisonfarpaljonfriendlierystävällisempitowards himhäntä kohtaanthan he is towards mekuin mitä hän on minua kohtaan.
- FriendlyYstävällistäsupporttukeais offered by small groups of mothers and children meeting regularly in the daytime in each others houses.
- Bolivia is a poor but immenselyfriendlyystävällinencountrymaa.
- Tim was startled but saw that the determination in Oliver's eye belied hisfriendlyystävällistätoneäänensävyä.
- The attendant explained with afriendlyystävällisellägrinvirnistyksellä.
- Hewas aolifriendlyystävällinen, freckledyoung man of eighteen18-vuotias nuorimies, with shoulder-length hair.
- `YouSinä'reoleta lotpaljonfriendlierystävällisempithan your masterkuin isäntäsi, ``Isabel informed the horse.
genial.a 🔎
- The past is still a foreign country, but we have been shown round it by themostmitägeniallupsakkaimmanand expertof guidesoppaan johdolla.
- Thoughhehänappearsvaikuttaageniallupsakkaalta, the next year will not be comfortable for his staff.
- With that, Mr Lewis sat back in his chair again, thegeniallupsakkasmilehymyreturning fully to his face.
- I enjoyed thoroughly my half-hour with Sousa forhehänwas theolimostkaikkeingeniallupsakoinof hostsisäntä, but when I asked for confirmation of the Samuel Ostrander story he only smiled broadly, shaking his head.
- TheyHewereolivatgeniallupsakoitaenoughriittävänand we exchanged pleasantries until the leading galleon said, `Do you believe in destiny?
- Jackson'singeniallupsakka, reassuringtoneäänensävysnaked out past clenched teeth.
- Well, he had alluded to Adam's appearance but in ageniallupsakallawaytavalla.
- This time, the editor is played by André Leon Talley, a large,geniallupsakkablack man in Dior sequinned pantsmusta mies Diorin paljetein koristelluissa housuissawho is the real-life creative director of US Vogue.
- The Father was ageniallupsakkasoulsielu, and Irish with it.
- He paused -- heavily built, round-faced, with ageniallupsakkalookilmeand thick dark hair -- and gave a friendly wave to the three garage attendants.
- `We ought to do something about ourgeniallupsakallehostisännällemme, ``the adjutant said.
- To his relief, Amiss detected ageniallupsakannotesävynin his voicehänen äänessään.
good.a 🔎
- `It's noEigoodkannatagetting too fond of herkiintyä häneen liikaa, ``Ma had said.
- It'sOngoodhyväthat you came to me, että otit minuun yhteyttä.
- It'sOnbetterparempiwhen you send me to my room when I'm naughty, että lähetät minut huoneeseeni, jos olen tuhma.
- Weigh up the pros and cons; decide if itisonkobetterparempito accept such invitations or to spend the time doing your own thing, perhaps sharing a mutual interest with one friendhyväksyä sellainen kutsu tai viettää aikaa omien juttujen parissa ehkä yhteisten asioiden ympärillä kavereiden kanssa.
- `It'sOnverykovingoodystävällistäof yousinultato do ittoimia niin, ``Merrill said slowly.
- Dispensing love and friendship to everyone she met,shehänwasolialmost toomelkein liiangoodhyväto be trueollakseen totta.
- Perhaps itwould have beenolisi ollutbetterparempito use the subjects as springboards for complete fiction, leaving the pedantic detail -- and the risk of libel suits -- behind, and taking off into the story-telling stratospherekäyttää niitä ponnahduslautana fiktion valmiiksi saattamiseksi ja jättää pedanttiset yksityiskohdat ja herjauskanteiden vaara taakseen siirtymällä tarinankerronnan sfääreihin..
- Well, young lady,IMinäwantedto beollagoodhyväwhen I was younger, but life has been a struggle for me, and I've become as hard and tough as a rubber ball.
- What is good for the childSe, mikä on hyvä lapselle,is often notei useinkaan olegoodhyväfor the parentvanhemmalle, and vice versa.
- `I just hope whoever wins will dotheir<empty>bestparhaansafor the countrymaansa puolesta.
- The day seemed very long yesterday but I must saymy `bonne ``kultaniwasoliveryerittäingoodhyväto meminulle.
- My Uncle Stan and Aunt AliceStan-setäni ja Alice-tätiniare very good to me andmore thanenemmän kuingoodhyviäto CarrieCarrielle, they've given her a start in life she would never have had here.
- `Mindless womenMielettömät naisetare noeivät olegoodhyväksito anyonekenellekään-- not themselves, their husbands or their children.
- She took to thegoodhyväänlifeelämäänlike a duck to water, ``she added wryly.
- Do you believe that sin is bad and thatvirtuehyveetisovatgoodhyväksi.
- ThatSewould be evenolisi vieläkinbetterparempaaand more usefulto poor womenköyhille naisillethan the voteäänioikeutta, desirable though that might be.
gracious.a 🔎
- He was looking not for a new policy for Britain, but for a political protege for himself,someone whojotakuta, jokawould beolisimorepaljongraciousarmollisempiand romanticthan Chamberlainkuin Chamberlain.
- Itmight have beenOlisi ehkä ollutslightly morehiemangraciousarmollisempaaof himhäneltäto pay tribute to the work of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister in getting this universal and non-discriminatory register of arms transfers recom-mended to the Assemblykunnioittaa kunnianarvoisan ystäväni pääministerin työtä suositeltaessa tätä universaalia ja syrjimätöntä aseiden siirtorekisteriä kokoukselle.
- Her Majesty the EmpressHänen majesteettinsa keisarinnawasoliveryhyvingraciousarmollinento usmeitä kohtaan, but that was all.
- `YouSinä're beingoletveryhyvingraciousarmollinenwith memeitä kohtaanthis evening.
- He waved the matter away with agraciousarmollisellagestureeleellä.
- Chris Davis, the paper's assistant editor, said last night: `It is Mr Rupert Murdoch who feels we should make this handsome andgraciousarmollisengestureeleen.
- `A gracious lady, my liege, whosegraciousarmollinengiftlahjaI mean to wear to war, as I have ever done in peace.
- ``This sure is mighty civilized of you, m'sieur, to look after us like this, he drawled, letting agraciousarmollisensmilehymynplay across his face.
- He'd taken her to church, he'd taken her to lunch andshehänhadn't beenei ollut ollutparticularlyerityisengraciousarmollinenabout any of itmissään niistä.
- `Your ancestorsSinun esi-isäsiwereolivatgraciousarmollisiato their servantspalvelijoitaan kohtaan, Nuadu of the Silver Arm, ``he said, sneeringly.
- In his victory speechhehänwasoligraciousarmollinentowards Brown and Tsongas votersBrownin ja Tsongasin äänestäjiä kohtaan, saying they were united with his supporters in wanting to oust Mr Bush.
horrible.a 🔎
- `Those working with the Germans were no less guilty of themostkaikkeinhorriblekammottavimpiinbrutalityraakuuksiinthan the Titoists.
- The ground radio blurted out themostkaikkeinhorriblekammottavimpiacrimesrikoksia.
- If one did so now, that would unleash some of themostkaikkeinhorriblekammottavimmatmassacresverilöylytin the other states of what was Yugoslaviaentisen Jugoslavian alueella.
- There's some reallyhorriblekauheitastrippersstrippareita--which gives it the feel of a really grim hen party or stag night.
- Often the choice was to weep or else to hit their partner over the head with an axe or sayreallytodellahorriblekauheitathingsasioitato them.
- There wassomethingjotainreallytodellahorriblekauheataabout the way he said thistavassa, jolla hän sanoi sen.
- He can't complain about people not liking him whenhehän'sonsoniinhorriblekamalato themheitä kohtaan.
- I couldn't send her away thinkingIminäcould besoniinheartless andhorriblekamala, but I also knew that I wasn't going to go home that weekend; I'd find an excuse.
- She wanted to cry, butitsewasolitooliianhorriblekamalaafor cryingitkettäväksi.
- `Go home, youhorriblekamalachildlapsi, ``said another woman.
- He is a rudehorriblekamalaselfishmanmies, I quite see that, but I like him personally, if you can understand that.
- ``Oh, for God's sake, stop saying he's ahorriblekamalapersonhenkilö!
- Itwasolihorriblekamalaato be called boring, että minua sanottiin tylsäksi.
- A woman, someone like Irene, I know, would have foundhimmiehenhorriblekamalaksito be nearlähellä olon.
- `What did you get on your math test, Charity? ``thathorriblekamalaTommy BellingerTommy Bellingerhad asked her.
- And even if it doesn't come naturally,most politiciansuseimmat poliitikotdevelop the abilityto beollaabsolutelytäysinhorriblekamaliawhenever it is requiredsilloin, kun sitä tarvitaan.
- What is best for father and childSe, mikä on parasta isälle ja lapselle,may besaattaa ollaperfectlyaivanhorriblekamalaafor the motheräidille.
- JennyJenny'sonhorriblekamalato meminua kohtaan.
- Sex in the playNäytelmän seksiis grotesquely comic andhorriblekamalaaat the same time.
- The reviewer of the programme in Sydsvenska Dagbladet the next day drew a parallel with `thehorriblekamalanmurder and cutting up of a prostitute, Catrin da Costa, in Stockholm a couple of years agomurhan ja tukholmalaisen prostituoidun Catrin da Costan välillä muutama vuosi sitten``.
- A woman's touchNaisen kosketuswould beolisilessvähemmänhorriblekamalaa, perhaps.
- They looked just like thosehorriblekamalatYahoosYahoot, and at first I could not let them touch me or come near me.
- No, it'sonhorriblekamalaawhen you don't like somebody, kun et pidä jostakustaisn't it?
ill-mannered.a 🔎
- IMinäwasolinabominablyiljettävänill-manneredhuonotapainen, and I apologize.
- Itwould beolisiill-manneredhuonotapaistato make open mention of Campbell superioritymainita avoimesti Campbellin ylivoimaisuudesta.
- He's anill-manneredhuonotapainenbrutepeto.
- `So now you're sayingIminä'molenill-manneredhuonotapainen?
- Wilful impediment of the sacred movesPyhien liikkeiden tahallinen estäminenwas not onlyoli paitsiill-manneredhuonotapaista, but the worst form of blasphemy.
- `She didn't, I think, mention that, ``Gilbert sounded detached, as though itwould have beenolisi ollutill-manneredhuonotapaistaof himhäneltäto enquirekysellä.
impertinent.a 🔎
- HeHänwas beingoliimpertinentnenäkäs, he knew that; nevertheless he asked the question again.
- Who was thisimpertinentnenäkässtranger eyeing her baggagemuukalainen, joka silmäili hänen matkatavaroitaan?
- Wishart squirmed in his seat, angry and impatient at theimpertinentnenäkäsquestions of this English clerkkysymyksistä, joita tämä englantilainen kirjanpitäjä esitti.
- HeHänwasoliveryhyvinimpertinentnenäkäsabout my wineviinini suhteenand said it always had pieces of cork floating in it.
- `ThatSe'sonveryhyvinimpertinentnenäkästäof yousinulta.
- A half pleading,halfpuoliksiimpertinentnenäkkäällätoneäänellähad entered Googol's voice.
- The Ambassador gave a diagonal nod of the head, as if itwereolisislightlyhiemanimpertinentnenäkästäto know more than he did about local matterstietää paikallisista asioista enemmän kuin hän.
- Some of the questions that are askedOsa kysytyistä kysymyksistämay seemsaattaa vaikuttaaimpertinentnenäkkäältä, but you may be assured … ”
- `Would it beOlisikoimpertinentnenäkästäto ask whykysyä syytä? ``he gritted.
- `Then perhaps I ought to read it, ``was McAllister'ssomewhatjokseenkinimpertinentnenäkäsresponse to this statementvastaus tähän väitteeseen.
impolite.a 🔎
- It would have been animpoliteepäkohteliastabreach of the conventions of discussionsaarnata keskustelun ristiriitaisuuksista.
- Itwould have beenolisi ollutimpoliteepäkohteliastato refusekieltäytyäso Elisa found herself back in the sitting room.
- The other two ate it only becausenot eating itsen syömättä jättäminenwould beolisiimpoliteepäkohteliasta, and it probably wasn't a good idea to be impolite to people who had spears when you didn't.
- `YouSinähave beenolet ollutimpoliteepäkohteliasto Sister Marysisar Marya kohtaanbecause she chastised you for taking your visitor out into the garden.
- To Helen,the reactionreaktioseemed unnecessarily cruel andimpoliteepäkohteliaalta.
- Andwould it beolisikoimpoliteepäkohteliastaof metaholtanito enquire exactly where you and the other officers have been for the last eight hourskysyä, missä tarkkaan ottaen sinä ja muut virkamiehet olette olleet viimeiset kahdeksan tuntia?
impudent.a 🔎
- `Trying to scare UkraineUkrainan pelotteluyrityksetisovatimpudentröyhkeitäand fruitless, ``he declared.
- Despite hisimpudentröyhkeistäexperiments and opinionskokeiluistaan ja mielipiteistään, Chapman was highly regarded by the FA, which often sought his advice on domestic and international matters.
- Notwithstanding a singleimpudentröyhkeääwin by a mountain biker in 1989voittoa vuoristopyöräilyssä vuonna 1989, it would appear that the subject is now closed.
- `Young lady,yousinäareovatimpudentröyhkeäto askkysyessäsi, but since the matter seems important to you I'm prepared to say he won't be back much before Christmas.
- Each one of them saw himself asEl-ahrairahEl-ahrairah,whojokacould bevoisi ollaimpudentröyhkeäto FrithFrithiä kohtaanand get away with it.
- He was curious to remember where he'd seen thatimpudentröyhkeätyoung facenuoret kasvotbefore.
- We men like to win, and it is quite improper forthe servantpalvelijalleto beollasoniinimpudentröyhkeäto the Masterisäntää kohtaan,as not to allow him to winettei antaisi tämän voittaa.
- I swim here with Byron because I dread to swim alone, and tolerate all hisimpudentröyhkeitäremarkshuomautuksiaan.
- `Probably thatimpudentröyhkeäsquire of hiskartanonherransa, ``agreed Ellen, a scowl marring her usually placid features.
- This wretched abortion is submitting one of itsmostkaikkeinimpudentröyhkeimpiäproposalsesityksiäto Parliament.
- He just lay there and he quietly slipped away -- most unlike himself because he was normally such a noisy,impudentröyhkeächapheppu.
inconsiderate.a 🔎
- A flag worded `The dog that left this mess has aninconsideratepiittaamatonowneromistaja``was launched yesterday by Fido, Fight Inconsiderate Dog Owners ..
- HeHänwasoliinconsideratepiittaamaton, but he would surely have been in touch with her by now if he was able to.
- MotoristsMotoristejawere also criticised for using a carphone while driving, driving with one hand, bad lane discipline andbeing<empty>inconsideratepiittaamattomuudestato pedestriansjalankulkijoita kohtaan.
- Were CDs cheap items, one might excuse this, butthe practicekäytäntö, of which PolyGram is the worst offender,iseiinconsideratepiittaato the consumerkuluttajasta.
- `ItSe'soninconsiderateajattelematontaand unprofessionalof herhäneltä, and it harms our good relations with the agency.
- InconsiderateAjattelematonsmokingtupakointican cause considerable offence to the majority of people who do not smoke.
- The relative inaccessibility of Management, the nuisance ofinconsiderateajattelemattomancar parkingpysäköinninand consequent obstruction by Non-Residents.
- Douglas,yousinä'reolettotallytäysininconsiderateajattelematon, and what's more, you're abusing not only your position but our friendship as well.
insensitive.a 🔎
- Butthe directors of the museum at that timemuseon senaikaiset johtajatwereolivatsoniininsensitivetunteettomiathat they actually discouraged her generous offer, että he itse asiassa lannistivat hänen runsaan tarjouksensa.
- Itwould obviously beOlisi selkeästitooliianinsensitivetunteetontato say something in front of the girlsanoa jotain tytön edessä.
- In an interview on Channel 4's Hard News programme, to be shown tonight, Viscountess Althorp said of her experiences of tabloid journalists: `I think they're reallyovat todellatotallytäysininsensitivetunteettomia, evilpeopleihmisiä.
- Lord Harlech was himself an admirable choice to lead the newcomers but it was unwise andinsensitivetunteetontato use the family name in the title of an ITV station half of which belonged to the West Countrykäyttää sukunimeä ITV-aseman nimessä, josta toisen puolen omisti West Country.
- `I thinkweme'reolemmea bithiemaninsensitivetunteettomiaat times ``, a nearby male whispers to Michael.
- Prime Minister John MajorPääministeri John Majoriahas been accused ofbeing<empty>insensitivetunteettomuudestaafter turning down an invitation to visit Hartlepool from the town's Labour candidate, Peter Mandelson.
- His is a fury fanned byinsensitivetunteettomuudestapress coverage of homosexuality and the Aids epidemiclehdistön homoseksuaalisuutta ja Aids-epidemiaa kohtaan osoittamasta; the director best known for films like Caravaggio has leapt at the opportunity of reacting against `licensed queer bashing ``.
- It was hardly the kind of place that a girl should arrange to meet her own father, unless she had a cruel streak or adeeplysyvästiinsensitivetunteetonnatureluonne, or both.
- `Being called at an inconvenient time by aninsensitivetunteettomaltacaller who assumes that since you've answered the phone it must be convenient to talksoittajalta, joka olettaa, että koska puhelimeen on vastattu, puhumiselle ei ole esteitä``.
- Both considerthe othertoisento beolevanhighlyerittäininsensitivetunteettoman.
- Constance knewshehänhad beenoli ollutinsensitivetunteeton, and was aware of how much she had hurt her mother.
- The mental health charity MENCAP saidhis commentshänen kommenttinsawere `olivatinsensitivetunteettomia.
- Thatthe Americansamerikkalaisetwere often pushy,insensitivetunteettomiaand inconsistentin their Middle Eastern policiesLähi-idän politiikassaanis not in dispute.
- But there is no evidence of such a direct link between the Bootle killing and screen violence, and many people may findsuch speculationsellaisen spekulaationinsensitivetunteettomanaand distasteful at this stage.
kind.a 🔎
- HeHänwasoliextremelyäärimmäisenkindkilttito meminua kohtaan.
- No more letters for many a year now from Miss Mitford, none from Miss Trepsack, none fromMrs Jamesonrouva Jamesonilta,whojokahad always beensoniinkindkilttito hernaista kohtaan.
- Wouldyousinäbesoniinkindkilttias to repeat them againettä toistaisit ne taas?
- Wouldyousinäbesoniinkindkiltti? ”
- They also stated that hiskindystävällinenregard for his employeestervehdyksensä työntekijöilleenwas unique in the entertainment world.
- In other words, we have already learnt the painful lesson that, despite all thekindystävällisistäwordssanoistaand good intentions, for most practical purposes society has already written our children off.
- We have become so used to spiteful obituaries that it was pleasant to find somekindystävällisiäthoughts about a dead writerajatuksia kuolleesta kirjailijasta.
- I now quote hertooliiankindystävällisiäwordssanojaanbecause they show some of the things she valued in writing, even if I imperfectly deserve such praise.
- And knowing you, I'm afraidyousinäare thinking the same thing, butareolettooliiankindystävällinento say so straight outsanomaan sitä suoraan.
- YouSinä'retooliiankindystävällinen. ”
- `I am not averyhyvinkindystävällinenpersonhenkilö, nor is my cousin, but you will do it because I ask you to.
- Askkindystävällisiltäneighbours or friendsnaapureilta tai ystäviltäif they can mow the lawn if you are intending being away a couple of weeks or more.
- She's a good teacher for Adèle, and akindkilttifriendystäväto meminulle. ”
- But, warmed by the fish baps and sweet tea, he wished to offer more of his home to hiskindkilteillefriendsystävilleenthan he had previously rehearsed.
- He was the husband of the first woman Prime Minister, but he will go down in history as a wise adviser and akindkilttimanmies.
- Hewas aolikindkilttiold manvanha miesand the children liked him.
- Tim Voucewas theolikindestkilteinmanmiesin the worldmaailmassa.
- And the aunt was not akindkilttipersonihminen.
- She says Trevor is thekindestkilteinpersonihminenshe knows, jonka hän tuntee.
- Itwould beolisikinderkiltimpääto have it put downlaskea se alas.
- At one point, David suggested itwould beolisikinderkiltimpääto have them put down straight away when they came inlähettää heidät saman tien pois, kun he tulivat sisään.
- Few diseases are incurable, but when a fish is badly diseased itisonkindestkilteintäto destroy itlopettaa se.
- YouSinä'reoletkindkilttito ask, kun kysyit.
- Gardner points out that some street remarks, like endearment terms, are ambiguous: in some circumstances it is acceptable and evenkindkilttiäto greet or compliment anothertervehtiä tai kehua toista.
- So I'm not therefore an expert on the issues that are raised by the private care question and I hopeyousinä'll be appropriatelyolet asianmukaisenkindkilttiwhen it comes to the questioningmitä kuulusteluun tulee.
- And when Adam announced that he was leaving the army,LawrenceLawrenceasked for no explanation andcouldn't have beenei olisi voinut ollakinderkiltimpiabout his unemployment problemtyöttömyysongelmassa.
- And God bless Mrs Melburn andthis big woman … lady whositä isokokoista naista... jokahas beenkindkilttito meminulletoday.
- He keeps himself to himself,hehänlikes kids andisonkindkilttito animalseläimiä kohtaan.
- What about akindystävällisetgoodbye to Florahyvästit Floralle?
- She had long wavy brown hair, and a gentle,kindystävällisetfacekasvot.
- And you were thekindystävällinenlady who gave little Afgie the leprechaunrouva, joka antoi pikku Afgielle tontun, ``she added with a warm smile.
- His voiceHänen äänensäwasoliquitemelkokindystävällinen, but it forbade any more questions and Jinny fell silent, looking back over her shoulder as they reached the lip of the little hollow.
- JacobJacobwasolikindystävällinen, solicitous.
- But, thoughhis eyeshänen katseensahad beenoli ollutkindkiltti, there was a barrier of formality between them, as though he knew how she might feel and did not wish to encourage her.
- Wouldyousinäbekindkilttienough to forward the address of this seemingly delightful establishmentja välittäisit osoitteet tästä selvästi ihastuttavasta rakennuksesta.
mean.a 🔎
- `ItSewasolireallytodellameanilkeääof metaholtani.
- `It is areallytodellameanilkeätrick to play on someonetemppu tehtäväksi.
- So it'sonmeanilkeääof yousinultato begrudge me half a sentencekadehtia minulta puolta lausetta.
- You wrote and told me to ring -- presumablyyousinäwereolittooliianmeanilkeäto ring mesoittaaksesi minulle-- but you hadn't given me the number.
- [This is a slur againsta notorious wealthy miser whopahamaineista, varakasta saituria, jokaisontooliianmeansaitato buy new sheetsostaakseen uusia lakanoita].
- You not only were arrogant,yousinäwere snobbish, and in lots of ways, very impolite andmeanilkeä…
- Itwasoliveryhyvinmeanilkeääof metaholtani, I know, after the sweet beginning of your letter & the pleasure I had from it,to be very angry at the endolla erittäin vihainen lopussa.
- They were smallmeanilkeäteyessilmät.
- A smile of real pleasure spread over hismeanilkeillefacekasvoilleenas he caught sight of her.
- He had a pinched,meanilkeätfacekasvotand angry eyes.
- I ran down to meet him, but when I got there I saw that he had narrow eyes and ameanilkeämouthsuuand I didn't like him one bit.
- But she knew he was there, because she remembered thinkinghowkuinkameanilkeähis motherhänen äitinsäwasto talk about himpuhuessaan hänestä.
- Being aKoska hän olirathermelkomeanilkeäand frugalmanmies, he employed a local stonemason who was well versed in the designs of the great architects of the day such as James Gibbs.
- You sense that this is ameanilkeävindictivemanmiesfrom the start of his scheming, also a clever and strong one as he gradually catches his prey in his snares.
- I never do it, but ifpeopleihmisetareovatmeanilkeitäto meminua kohtaanor attack, I wait.
- So he had, but I see very clearly now that he's a double-dealer capable of anymeanilkeääntricktemppuun.
- I can hate, just as other designers can do, but there is also the question of education;to beollameanilkeäto people who can not answer you backihmisille, jotka eivät voi sanoa sinulle vastaan.
- And itwasolimeanilkeääto say you were hungrysanoabecause it's simply not true, you're just greedy for biscuits.
- SheHänwasn'tei ollutmeanilkeäabout itasian suhteen, she was very grateful to have someone to talk to and I used to try to spend a lot of time with her just to cheer her up -- you know, walk the dog with her and go shopping -- just do all the things that would help.
- The owner said it's not rightto beollameanilkeäto working class peopletyöväenluokan ihmisille.
- A READER suggestsBTBTwasolimeanilkeäfor raking in money during the Telethon charity campaignharavoidessaan rahaa sisään Telethonin hyväntekeväisyyskampanjan aikana.
- Eventhe death she chosekuolema, jonka hän valitsi,wasolimeanilkeäand low.
nice.a 🔎
- HowKuinkanicemukavahehäncould be, she thought, as she saw his manner with the children warm, yet not in the least condescending with too much bonhomie.
- SheHänwasoliquitemelkonicemukavato meminua kohtaan, gave me a cup of tea, and said she knew about her father, that he was all right, and that I mustn't worry.
- His reputation as areallytodellanicemukavanaguykaverinawill be assured, amongst two club golfers at least, and he might even get into the pro-am prize money.
- I did not know what to do or where to go, so I approached averyerittäinnicemukavaapolicemanpoliisimiestä, told him I was from the country and asked which gate I should use.
- `He is anicemukava, intelligentguykaveribut I think his public image reflects only what he wants known about himself.
- He's one of thenicestmukavimmistaguystyypeistä, I think,in showbusinessshow-alalla.
- Maria had got herself anicemukavanman with a brave, romantic jobmiehen, jolla oli rohkea, romanttinen työ, a fellow who wouldn't go drinking and pinching all over the dock road.
- Most peopleUseimmat ihmisetareovatnicermukavampiathan you think they are on first acquaintancekuin luulet heidän ensitapaamisen perusteella olevan.
- There was another pause before Barney said, `It'sonnicemukavaaof yousinultato callettä soitat, Melissa, and thanks for believing in me.
- I just know it, even thoughyousinä'reolettooliiannicemukavato say it to my facesanoaksesi sen minulle suoraan.
- IMinä'm beingolennicemukavaabout itasian suhteen.
- I would even saysomethingjotainnicemukavaaabout his new-fangled haircuthänen uudesta hiustyylistäänif he were to say something hopeful to the London borough of Newham.
- `Itwasolinicemukavaaof your fatherisäsi taholtato chase us off together as he didajaa meidät ulos yhdessä, kuten hän teki, ``said Antony.
- Ohthatse'sonnicemukavaaof herhäneltä.
- BeOlenicemukavato staff and volunteershenkilökunnalle ja vapaaehtoisille, as much as possible!
- `Don't thinkyousinunhaveto beoltavaextraerityisennicemukavato himhänellein the courtship period -- it will be very hard to back-track later on.
- IMinäalways tryto beollanicemukavato the kidslapsille.
pleasant.a 🔎
- HeHäncouldn't have beenmore<empty>chatty andpleasantmiellyttävämpi.
- The officer I have been escorting is amost<empty>pleasantmiellyttävinchapheppu, and I have really had a day's holiday.
- It was most interesting talking to him; he really was amost<empty>pleasantmiellyttävinmanmies.
- Jane Ashton was a slim girl, with short, soft hair curling arounda facekasvojensoniinpleasantmiellyttävienthat people automatically smiled when they met her, että ihmiset hymyilivät automaattisesti hänet tavatessaan.
- E. C. Llewellyn, the Professor, was a rich,pleasantmiellyttävämanmies, interested in linguistics, who had assembled around him an excellent team.
- I am sure the world is full of women who would appreciate apleasantmiellyttävää, hard-workingman with regular habitsmiestä, jolla on säännölliset tavat, and would be happy to babysit Sophie and Ben.
- The police driver asked for her documents but the woman explained, with apleasantmiellyttävästismilehymyillenthat they were at her home nearby.
- A nice firm handshake on introduction,pleasantmiellyttävä, relaxedsmile with no hint of hostilityhymy eikä merkkiäkään vihamielisyydestä, just the expected male gleam of curiosity.
- Her face was wrinkled with age but she looked friendly andher voicehänen äänensäwasolipleasantmiellyttäväwhen I heard her talk to the men.
- HeHänwasolipleasantmiellyttäväabout itsiinä asiassa, I'll give him that.
- IfGinaGinawasolipleasantmiellyttäväto himhänelleshe could share; if not, he would make them last for two meals.
- So, be presentable, be articulate andbeolepleasantmiellyttäväto everyone you meetjokaiselle, jonka tapaat.
- If she wanted this job,shehänenwould haveto beollareasonablykohtuullisenpleasantmiellyttäväto himmiehelle, however much it stuck in her throat at times.
- HeHänwas a polite man, invariably correct andpleasantmiellyttäväwith Mrs Collinsrouva Collinsia kohtaan, so this was done deliberately to elicit a response.
- The total work force equals 150, it was noted that the workers all looked rather miserable and depressed andthe working atmospheretyöskentelyilmapiiriwas not at allei ollut lainkaanpleasantmiellyttävä.
- Apleasantmiellyttävänäand sympatheticexecutivejohtajana, she makes a good team player.
polite.a 🔎
- But I must saysome of the American girlsjotkut amerikkalaiset tytötareslightly morehiemanpolitekohteliaampia…
- Mrs Duffy left at once, but Clare felt itwould beolisi ollutmore<empty>politekohteliaampaato linger for a whileodottaa vielä hetki, rather than rush out after the couple, as if the wedding had been an annoying chore.
- He had barely addressed more than a few brief andstudiouslyahkeranpolitekohteliastawordssanaato her -- and yet every fibre of her being was vibrantly aware of his magnetic, almost menacing presence.
- `Not themostkaikkeinpolitekohteliainreceptionvastaanotto, ``Joanna murmured.
- Second, you can not storm barricades that are manned bypeopleihmiset, jotka ovatsoniinpolitekohteliaitathey even congratulate Brian Redhead on his `magnificent handling of this debate ``, että he jopa onnittelivat Brian Redheadia väittelyn erinomaisesta hoitamisesta.(particularly as Brian hardly said anything).
- The FrenchRanskalaisetare noteivät olesoniinpolitekohteliaitaas they were 15 years agokuin 15 vuotta sitten.
- `There's no needto beollaso schoolgirlishlyniin koulutyttömäisenpolitekohtelias.
- SheHänwas plainly curious, buttooliianpolitekohteliasto ask what was going onkysyäkseen, mitä tapahtuu.
- `HeHänwas one of the old breed, always quietly spoken andveryerittäinpolitekohteliasto peopleihmisille.
- There waspolitekohteliaitaapplauseaplodejaas the mask came into view, and the performers settled.
- She plastered apolitekohteliaansmilehymynon her face and turned the door-handle.
- Hispolitekohteliassmilehymydid nothing to diminish the flat ultimatum in his eyes.
- `Are you mentally ill, sir? ``he said, in a small,politekohteliaallavoiceäänellä.
- The farmer's wife invited us in and gave us cheesy, potato turnovers -- itwould not beei olisi ollutpolitekohteliastato refusekieltäytyä.
- It seemed to herpolitekohteliaaltato do sotoimia niin.
- Whenever I see coloured people in Porteneil, buying souvenirs or stopping off for a snack, I hope that they will ask me something so that I can showhowkuinkapolitekohteliasIminäam and prove that my reasoning is stronger than my more crass instincts, or training.
- GERMANSSaksalaisetare not ofteneivät useinkaan olepolitekohteliaitaabout British managersbrittimanagereja kohtaan.
- SheHänwassuhtautuipolitekohteliaastiabout the leeks and lumpy cheesepurjoon ja möykkyiseen juustoonand said a similar thing could be done with endives and it looked at first as if the lunch was going to prove a slightly awkward affair.
- `None of which has any relevance to you, ``said the woman, `but it's nice andpolitekohteliastaof yousinultato listenkuunnella.
- It enabled him to ask the bluntest of questions in thepolitestkaikkein kohteliaimpaanof tonessävyynand to disguise his opinion behind the blandest of smiles.
- Itwasn'tEi ollutpolitekohteliastaof themheiltänot to answer the doorolla vastaamatta koputukseen, knowing that he was standing there, but it didn't really matter.
- When they visit I expectmy husbandaviomiehenito beolevanpolitekohteliaanto themheitä kohtaan.
- HeHänhas beenon ollutpolitekohteliasto PaulPaulia kohtaanall along.
- WeMeare vague andpolitekohteliaitawith one anothertoisiamme kohtaan.
- To keep my distance from everybody, always being apolitekohteliaanachildlapsena, I became an unusually polite teenager.
- She brought from under her shawl an untidy sheaf of documents and handed them to Emily without so much as bobbing apolitekohteliaancurtsyniiauksen.
- `That wasn't a true orpolitekohteliastathing to saysanoa niin.
- The Danish eluded her but the tone of voice nearer a growl than apolitekohteliastaquestionkysymystäsuggested she was being asked to state her business.
- The responseVastauswasolicoldlyviileänpolitekohtelias.
- In the kitchen she found Ling busily filling the two food hampers, but when she offered to helphis refusalhänen kieltäytymisensäwas firm butpolitekohtelias.
- He was charming and witty, but, althoughCarolineCarolinewasolipolitekohtelias, she offered no encouragement.
respectful.a 🔎
- Reverence for the countryside and Buddha, dignity and pride run deep in thisintenselyerittäinrespectfulkunniakkaassacountrymaassa.
- RobertRobertresolvedto beollamorevieläkinrespectfulkunnioittavampito HasanHasania kohtaan.
- Gorbachev nevertheless appeared to have modified his earlier rejection of negotiations with Lithuania, telling reporters that there would be ``mutuallyvastavuoroisenrespectfulkunnioittavadialoguevuoropuhelu.
- `MenMiehetare actuallyovat itse asiassaveryhyvinrespectfulkunnioittaviaof EnyaEnyaa kohtaan, ``says Nicky.
- Traditionally,Conservativeskonservatiivithave beenovat olleetrespectfulkunnioittaviaof the claims of voluntary groups, interests, and self-governing professionsvapaaehtoisryhmien vaatimuksia, intressejä ja itsehallintomalleja kohtaan; these were Edmund Burke's celebrated `little platoons ``.
- SheHänhelped the teachers, was kind to the younger girls,respectfuljotka kunnioittivatto the older onesvanhempiaand friendly to the two daughters of a Rajput textile millionaire who, as the school's sole representatives of a race other than Anglo-Saxon, were not sought-after companions.
- TheyHewere, she realised,olivat, hän tajusi,respectfulkunnioittaviato each othertoisiaan kohtaanand kind, as to valued equals.
- At the start,everyonekaikkiwasolivatrespectfulkunnioittaviatowards himhäntä kohtaan, listening carefully to his soporific explanations.
- RamsayRamsaywas perhapsoli ehkälessvähemmänrespectfulkunnioittavatowards this lofty assemblagetätä ylevää kokoonpanoa kohtaanthan a young knight ought to have beenkuin nuoren ritarin olisi pitänyt olla, in his concern for the Berwick situation.
- Now Clare had abandoned herrespectfulkunnioittavankindnessystävällisyytensäit would be fun to fight with her.
- The Tonight Show audience -- conventioneers from IBM, tourists adrift in Hollywood -- greet him with arespectfulkunnioittavallaroarkarjunnalla.
- And with anotherrespectfulkunnioittavastinodnyökäten, he had gone.
- The tone of the interviewerHaastattelijan äänensävywasolirespectfulkunnioittava, as if Bala Usman were an unquestioned authority on all matters concerning international relations.
- The knock at the doorKoputus oveenwasolirespectfulkunnioittava.
- HeHänwas kind andrespectfulkunnioittavaas always, but he loved me no more, and Rachel no less.
rude.a 🔎
- `I've forgotten your name;howkuinkarudetöykeääof metaholtani.
- HowKuinkarudetöykeääof metaholtani, I should have offered you some tea or coffee.
- ThisSewasolisoniinovertlyavoimenrudetöykeääthat Edouard was about to intervene, että Edouard oli puuttumaisillaan asiaan; but before he could speak, Grégoire rose to his feet.
- Isobel stared: it was so unlike him; she couldn't think whyhehänwas being<empty>soniinrudetöykeä.
- She went on, `Mother used to say itwasolisokovinrudetöykeääto keep people waitingantaa ihmisten odottaa, because it implied that you thought your time was more precious than theirs.
- Didhehänenhaveto beoltavaso deliberatelyniin tahallisenrudetöykeä?
- So it'srudetöykeälanguagekieli.
- Andhehänwon't darebeollatooliianrudetöykeäto yousinua kohtaanbecause you're not a peasant.
- `If you can excuse myveryhyvinrudetöykeälledaughtertyttärelleni, I'll be grateful to you, ``Edward said.
- IMinäwasolinveryhyvinrudetöykeäand tactlesswith your grandmotherisoäidillesi.
- Some people may findrudetökeröjäjokesvitsejäfunny but others may be deeply offended.
- The threat was enough to stop Rita and Bob going as far as their friends with realrudetöykeilläwordspuheilla.
- The technique was developed to keepruderumatwordspuheetoff radio phone-ins.
- `God and death, ``Anna said, marshalling jars, `two of therudestrumintawordssanaain the worldmaailmassa.
- `Would itbeOlisikorudetöykeääof metaholtanito ask who he was hiding it from, jos kysyisin, keneltä hän sen piilotti?
- `ItwasOliinexcusablyanteeksiantamattomanruderumaaof usmeiltäto argue in front of youkiistellä edessäsi.
- `Daddy always said itwasoliruderumaato swear like thatkirolla tuolla tavoin, ``one of the twins informed her, giving her pretty blonde aunt a wide, beaming grin.
- `It'd seema bithiemanrudeepäkohteliaaltato walk past without saying anythingkävellä ohi sanomatta mitään.
- Well, one thing's for sure -- ifpeopleihmisetareoletrudeepäkohteliaaltaabout herhänelle, she makes sure she gives as good as she gets.
- As one manager expressed it: ``If you want to move an elephantyousinunhaveto beoltavaprettymelkorudekarkeaabout itasian suhteen.
- Wasn'tEiköthatse olluta littlehiemanrudekarkeaof yousinulta?
- And don't be surprised ifhehän'sonrudekarkeato yousinua kohtaan.
- SheHänwasolirudekarkeato Larry HagmanLarry Hagmanille, snubbed Joan Collins and poked fun at the skinny figure and revealing frocks favoured by Cher.
- JennyJennywent onbeing<empty>provocativelyprovokatiivisenrudekarkeato MatthewMatthewia kohtaanand loving to James.
- The only way to reply to arudekarkeaanchallengehaasteeseenmust be an affected brightness of spirit however drenched and uncomfortable one might feel.
- Cranston made aruderumaanoiseääntäwith his lips.
- In it, he argues thatwomennaisetare free to beasniinnasty,rudekarkeita, insulting and viciousas they likekun haluavatabout menmiehiä kohtaan, but the reverse is not true.
- But I didn't want to be in the office making phone calls topeople whoihmisille, jotka'reovatrudekarkeitaand saying go away.
sociable.a 🔎
- I wish he were amorepaljonsociablesosiaalisempipersonhenkilö.
- I did not crave amorepaljonsociablesosiaalisempaalifeelämää.
- `OK, so he's not themostkaikkeinsociablesosiaalisinbeingolentoin the worldmaailmassa.
- HeHänwasoliveryerittäinsociablesosiaalinen, and enjoyed eating, drinking and smoking.
- Before her illness, Rose was averyerittäinsociablesosiaalinenpersonhenkilö, enjoying a full life with her husband Sid, who had retired two years previously.
- This square is the social centre of averyerittäinsociablesosiaalisenlittle villagepikku kylän.
- Port authorities were then most helpful andthe local folkpaikalliset ihmisetveryerittäinsociablesosiaalisia.
- `Notverymitenkäänsociablesosiaalistaof youtaholtasi, Melissa, was it?
- Carnivores are among the most socially complex mammals, although only a few of them formsociablesosiaalisiagroupsryhmiä.
- A vigorous andsociablesosiaalinenmanmies, he attracted loyalty and friendship.
- Hurter was asociablesosiaalinenmanmies, who loved music and played the clarinet and piano.
- The social life is an important facet of university education, and Eva had always been asociablesosiaalinenpersonhenkilö.
- Although predatory by nature,theyheare not an aggressive species andwill remainpysyvätsociablesosiaalisinatowards any companions that will not fit into their mouths easilykaikkia niitä kohtaan, jotka eivät sovi helposti niiden suuhun.
- The ideal broodmareIhanteellinen siitostammashould like people, be tolerant of all manner of handling, andbeonsociablesosiaalinenwith other horsesmuiden hevosten seurassa.
- DollyDollywas obviously set onbeingolemaansociablesosiaalinenfor the whole evening.
- Breakfast and dinner aresociablesosiaalisiaaffairstapahtumia-- both are served at one large table (although guests may use separate tables).
- Whilst this is an excellent weekend for lighthearted gatherings andsociablesosiaalisillesoireesillanvietoilleit's a tough time for taking orders or giving way to the superior power or authority of others.
- But this isn't always the case --PeterPeterwasolisociablesosiaalinenand popular.
- The picture of the plaintiff before the accident is one of a lively, bright,sociablesosiaalinenand sportinggirl in the prime of lifetyttö elämänsä kukoistuksessa.
spiteful.a 🔎
- He wrote to Viola again, saying that aspitefulhäijyflorist he had once been kind tofloristi, jolle hän oli kerran ollut ystävällinen,had put the card in the flowers.
- It sounded quite plausible written down, and swapping cards was the sort ofspitefulhäijything Karen might have doneasia, jonka Karen olisi voinut tehdä.
- ThespitefulhäijyHead Girljohtajatyttöhad deliberately called a sudden rehearsal.
- His book challenged Galileo in themostmitäspitefulhäijyimmälläwaytavalla.
- ItSewasolispitefulhäijyand hurtfulto meminua kohtaan.
- Craig Kendall, 12, who suffers from a rare bone disease, grew his hair long to stopspitefulhäijynplayground tauntsleikkikenttäkiusauksen.
- His lips clamped together and he raised one corner of his thin mouth in aspitefulhäijystileervirnistäen, his large bald head nodding deliberately to and fro while he waited for the younger man's response.
- `It was a wicked andspitefulhäijything to doteko.
- He was not aspitefulhäijymanmies, but he had enjoyed the sight of Spatz getting his deserts.
- SheHänseemsvaikuttaaa bithiemanspitefulhäijyltäand not very bright but what she had to say was factual.
- SheHänwasolispitefulhäijyand unkind,both to Isabel and to her sonsekä Isabelille että tämän pojalle-- until his mother was dead, when she changed dramatically towards Benedict at least.
- His second attackHänen toinen hyökkäyksensä(Echo June 12), however,wasolispitefulhäijyand even more irritating.
sweet.a 🔎
- Clearlytheyherecognised us as honeymooners, andwereolivatcoylyujonsweetsuloisiato usmeitä kohtaan.
- As she listened to thesweetsuloisiavoicesääniäof the childrenlastencoming from the church, and thought of the pain she had experienced in her short life, tears came to her eyes.
- `I didn't expect you to carry out your pose as asweetsuloisialittle innocentpikku viattomuuksiaquite so thoroughly, ``he murmured.
- Even Mr. Harding, who in `The Last Chronicle of Barset ``is described as thesweetestsuloisimmaksigentlemanherrasmieheksiand best Christianever known in Barchesteron koskaan tuntenut Barchesterissa, `felt that he ought to rebuke the lady.
- HeHän'sonsoniinsweetihanato hernaista kohtaan, thought Daisy gratefully, getting out her sketchbook as Drew took the team off to the pony lines to tack up.
- YouSinä'reoletsoniinsweetsuloinenwith your little sisterpikkusiskoasi kohtaanaren't you?
- Then, surely you know, it's all taken care of -- though it'sonverykovinsweetsuloistaof yousinultato askettä kysyit.
- He's kind, loving and affectionate -- we touch and hug a lot -- andhehän's intelligent, reliable andverykovinsweetsuloinen.
- SheHängave Grainne asuddenyllättäen,veryerittäinsweetsuloisensmilehymyn, and Grainne felt all over again the integrity and the tranquillity of these strange beings.
- The way he clung to herTapa, jolla mies oli takertunut häneen,wasoliveryhyvinsweetsuloinen.
- She thought Annabel was asweetsuloinenchildlapsi!
- Jessie was John's youngest andsweetestsuloisimmatchildlapset.
- SheHänellähas a modest expression and a palesweetsuloisetfacekasvot.
- Perhaps I wasn't able to say earlier this evening, when your dearsweetsuloisetfacekasvosiwas looking at me.
- Mrs Richards confided in Shelley, `Because you have such asweetsuloisetand caringfacekasvot, my dear.
- `Yes, he married asweetsuloisen, prettygirltytön, and he loved her deeply.
- `Yes, I love her, she's asweetsuloinengirltyttöand she's had a raw deal, and I have to admit, it makes one feel so good when one is needed.
- `Paul was a dearsweetsuloinenmanmies.
- He was a darling: good-looking, charming, thesweetestmitä suloisinman -- boy --mies, tai poika,alive.
- Her experience of men was limited to indifferent kisses from kind,sweetsuloisiltamenmiehiltäwho made no impact on her.
- The rebuke was accompanied by thesweetestmitä suloisimpienof smileshymyjen.
- Lily gave himherhänensweetestsuloisimmansmilehymynsä.
- `Yes, brother mine, ``shehänsaid with acuriouslyuteliaansweetsuloisestismilehymyillen.
- Wasn't that asweetsuloistathing to saysanoa niin?
- `Why, it's Cherry Blossom, ``she said, `yousinäsweetsuloinen, old-fashionedthingheppu.
- Kelly is thesweetestsuloisinthingtyyppiI have ever seen, jonka olen koskaan nähnyt, with a face like Raggedy Ann and ginger dreadlocks.
- Strangle the fury and say in asweetsuloisella, gentlevoiceäänellä: `Thank you very much for ringing me.
- Itwasolisweetsuloinenand clear and happy,the voice of his young wifehänen nuoren elämänsä ääni.
- Then he rememberedherhänensweetsuloisenvoiceäänensä, and the touch of her fingers on his face, and her warm breath on his lips.
- `Itwasolisweetsuloistaof yousinultato cometulla-- it's done me so much good.
- `ItwasOlisweetsuloistaof herhäneltäto ringsoittaa-- I'm sorry I missed her.
- Yesterday we received p.c. from Stephen -- isn'thehänsweetsuloinento write to uskirjoittaessaan meille-- which reminded me that we had a much appreciated card from Alaska some time ago.
- SweetSuloinenFrancesFrancesmay have been the lass `more bright than May-day morn ``when the song was written, but she was also tragically short lived.
- She says folk tell howsweetsuloinenhehänison hernasta kohtaan.
- SheHäncould besaattoi ollasweetsuloinenwhen it suited hersilloin, kun se hänelle sopi, that damned wife of his.
- That bit of knowledgeSe tiedonjyvähad kepthimmiehensweetihananafor weeks.
- MumÄitihad dressed up, and was lookingallerittäinsweetihanaltain a blue dress with a bow at the frontsinisessä puvussaan, jonka miehustassa oli rusetti.
- NellieNellielookedsweetsuloiseltain her new frockuudessa mekossaan.
- `Thanks, Nick, itwasolisweetsuloistaof yousinulta.
- SheHänwas an excellent nurse andsweetihanato her patientspotilailleen, which was why she was in constant demand in the neighbourhood as a private nurse.
- SheHänwas peachy and downy andsweetsuloisessawith baby sleepvauvanunessa, a blue ribbon in her hair, which was dark and curly.
- `Take care ofyouromastasweetsuloisestaselfitsestäsi, love, and think of me occasionally.
- It's a really terrible thing to have happened to such asweetsuloisellecoupleparille, ``Carole murmured warmly, putting a comforting arm about the other girl's shoulder.
- NaylorNaylor, tall, dark, and not looking anysweetersuloisemmalta, was right there towering over her.
- For how could Carole -- a truly kind,sweetsuloinenand very generouspersonhenkilö-- have guessed that a romantic dinner for two was the very last thing on their minds?
tactful.a 🔎
- SheHän's intelligent as well astactfultahdikasand efficient.
- Much the same rules apply here as in ordinarytactfultahdikastaconversationkeskustelua.
- `I prefer travelling alone, ``DonnaDonnasaid, tryingto beollaasniintactfultahdikasas possiblekuin mahdollista.
- PaulPaulhas beenoli ollutextremelyäärimmäisentactfultahdikasin the way that he has corrected themtavassa, jolla hän on korjannut heitä.
- After the way she'd upset David's grandmother on Sunday,shehänenwould haveto beollaextremelyäärimmäisentactfultahdikas.
- SheHänlooked as if she had heard a lot more, butwasolitooliiantactfultahdikasto say sosanoakseen niin.
- SheHäncouldn't have beenei olisi voinut ollamore<empty>tactfultahdikkaampiabout the conditionsehtojen suhteen, though her mood was understandably solemn and cautious.
- YouSinä'reoletmore<empty>tactfultahdikkaampithan I amkuin minä.
- Perhaps it wasn't themostkaikkeintactfultahdikkainquestionkysymysbut she couldn't help herself; she didn't have much experience at this.
- During the audit stage of the School Development Plan, they may suggest areas that are in danger of being overlooked; if expectations are too low they may findtactfultahdikkaanways to remedy thistavan korjata asia.
- `Sorry, ``he growled, `thatsewasn'tei ollutverykovintactfultahdikasta, was it?
- He was averyerittäintactfultahdikasand cleverpersonhenkilö.
- The photograph would, Rose believed, be atactfultahdikasway of hinting that she didn't intend being around so muchtapa vihjata, että hän ei aikonut olla saapuvilla niin paljon.
- Woodie put his hand at once, as he invariably could, on his set of pocket screwdrivers, but before he felt that itwasoliquitemelkotactfultahdikastato offer helptarjota apua, Willis had lit an Aladdin, which presumably he always kept ready, no wonder.
- Itwasolitactfultahdikastaof yousinultanot to say soolla sanomatta niin.
- `What do you intend to do this afternoon, Travis? ``she asked her younger son, despite her cheerful and pleasant tone, with a trace of anxiety which Leith recognised from having seenher own motherhänen oman äitinsätryingto beollasimilarlyyhtätactfultahdikaswith SebastianSebastiania kohtaanon occasions.
- TheyHewereolivattactfultahdikkaitain avoiding any reference to the casevältellessään viittauksia tapahtuneeseenand it was Wycliffe who, mellowed by good food and a couple of glasses of Burgundy, brought it up.
- He had long since mastered the art oftactfultahdikkaanlyingvalehtelun.
- He was atactfultahdikasadministratorhallitsijaand leader of men.
- Benjamin made the usualtactfultahdikkaitaresponsesvastauksia.
- CamilleCamillewas beingolielaboratelytaitavantactfultahdikas.
- `Only anothertactfultahdikasand understandingsilencehiljaisuussuffices at this point.
thoughtful.a 🔎
- HowMitenthoughtfulhuomaavaistaof Mrs Wintersrouva Wintersiltäto buy us a wheelchairostaa meille pyörätuoli!
- `I love roses, ``she said, hoping Myra hadn't noticed how muchherhänenthoughtfulhuomaavainengestureeleensähad affected her.
- `SeehowkuinkathoughtfulhuomaavainenIminäam? ``he muttered thickly.
- It seems to me often thather husbandhänen aviomiehensäis kinder andon kiltimpi jamorepaljonthoughtfulhuomaavaisempi.
- So I wasn't bitter when I put myself into the hands of the surgeon andthat splendid bank nursese upea extra-sairaanhoitajawasolisoniinthoughtfulhuomaavainenas to ask me the question, että hän esitti minulle sen kysymyksen.
- It is hard to findgirls of their ages thatsen ikäisiä tyttöjä, jotkaare so well mannered, kind,thoughtfulhuomaavaisia, considerate and understanding.
- `ThatSewasoliveryhyvinthoughtfulhuomaavaisiaof herhäneltä, ``he said.
- `You're averyhyvinthoughtfulhuomaavainenwomannainen, Grace.
- HeHänwas oftenotti useinthoughtfulhuomioonfor the travellermatkustajat, offering him the easiest path for walking.
- ItSewasolithoughtfulhuomaavaistaof RufusRufukseltabecause it's on the bus route.
- HeHänloved the child, and was endlessly kind andthoughtfulhuomaavainentowards itsitä kohtaan, as fond of it as if it were his own.
- Of course this kind ofthoughtfulhuomaavainenextensionlisäaikais alien to most Highland hotel owners.
- And if conference participants see thatyour organisationoma yrityksesiis well-run andthoughtfulhuomaavainen, they are more likely to respond as you want them to.
thoughtless.a 🔎
- It was becoming harder to write at home with variousthoughtlessajattelemattomieninterruptionskeskeytystenfrom GinaGinan.
- If someone were ill with starvation, it would be cruel andthoughtlessajattelematontato advise them to look after their spiritual life and not worry about where their next meal was coming fromneuvoa heitä huolehtimaan hengellisestä elämästään eikä olla huolissaan siitä, mistä saisi seuraavan ateriansa.
- HowMitenthoughtlessajattelematontaof metaholtani, Charles!
- Not that he's cruel in any way,hehän's juston vainthoughtlessajattelematon.
- The crag contains a great selection of classic climbs; it would be a pity to lose access to it because of thethoughtlessajattelemattomienactionstekojenof a few loud-mouthed oafsmuutaman suurisuisen ääliön.
- He spoke so naturally, so reasonably, that Claudia was ashamed of her ownthoughtlessajattelemattomiawordssanojaan.
- I suppose itwas aolilittlehiemanthoughtlessajattelematontaof metaholtanito allow my scalpel to flash and flicker quite so close to Rory O'Hagan's fly buttonsantaa päänahkani vilkkua niin lähellä Rory O'Haganin nappisepalusta.
- IMinäwasolinveryerittäinthoughtlessajattelematonin what I said earliersanoissani aiemmin.
- Horrified thatshehäncould have beenolisi ollutsoniinthoughtlessajattelematon, Rory laid a beseeching hand on her arm.
- ItwasOlithoughtlessajattelematontaof MiguelMigueliltato take the vehicleottaa ajoneuvo-- but maybe he'd needed it in a hurry.
- IMinäwas crass andthoughtlessajattelematonto spring it on you as I didsylkäistä se niin kuin sinä teit.
uncivil.a 🔎
- They may be driven to a frenzy by the pains, with a total loss of consideration for others;theyhemay be quarrelsome, disputative anduncivilepäkohteliaita.
- Mock warLeikkisota'sonsoniinuncivilepäkohteliasta!
- HeHän'd been short anduncivilepäkohteliaswith hertyttöä kohtaan, but it was difficult enough coping with his own problems at the moment, let alone hers.
- `Will you thinkmeminuaextremelyäärimmäisenuncivilepäkohteliaanaif I say that I don't believe you?
unfriendly.a 🔎
- I should perhaps add, ``the Israeli finished,his tonehänen äänensävynsädry butsomewhat lesshiukan vähemmänunfriendlyepäystävällisenä, `that Max once told me he invariably addressed the Lord in Hebrew, the language of the Torah.
- Admittedly many of them were hardly trained and lacked experience, and in addition they were operating in a more populated area with oftenunfriendlyepäystävällistenArabsarabien.
- `You! ``said the Caterpillar, in averyhyvinunfriendlyepäystävällisellävoiceäänellä.
- The government accused India of ``unfriendlyepäystävällisistäand unwarrantedactsteoistain funding the opposition coalition, and in blocking Fiji's readmission to the Commonwealth.
- Yet it is precisely thisunfriendlyepäystävällinenclimateilmastowhich is the most crucial factor in determining the inimitable quality and character of Champagne.
- She shot him anunfriendlyepäystävällisenglancesilmäyksen.
- Criticisms by parents ranged from sweets at supermarket checkouts to lack of toilets, changing facilities andunfriendlyepäystävälliseenstaffhenkilökuntaan.
- `I'd better reimburse you for the sweets ``Vernon insisted, in a tightunfriendlyepäystävällisellävoiceäänellä.
- `The US may find itfairlymelkounfriendlyepäystävällisenäwhen some of its carriers want to make deals in Europesitä, että joku sen kumppaneista haluaa tehdä kauppoja Euroopassa, ``said Jon Ash of Global Aviation, an airline consulting firm.
- Itwould have beenolisi ollutunfriendlyepäystävällistäfor any of them to have sat with their own spousekaikkia kohtaan istua oman puolison vieressäand unthinkable to have sat with each other's.
- EllEllwasn'tei ollutunfriendlyepäystävällinento BerniceBernicelle.
- This allocation of power by Pepin was probably based upon his recognition of a feud betweenCharles and Carloman whoCharles ja Carloman, jotka, of course,remainedpysyivätunfriendlyepäystävällisinätowards one anothertoisiaan kohtaanafter their respective crownings and inheritances.
- But she had hoped for too much, andMatthewMatthewremained unforgiving, notactivelyaktiivisenunfriendlyepäystävällisenätowards herhäntä kohtaanbut always out of her reach.
- Sosome horsesjotkut hevosetareovatunfriendlyepäystävällisiäbecause it is part of their genetic makeup, and other horses are unfriendly due to lack of proper handling when they are young.
- `Well, you got rid of it, Lyn, ``said theunfriendlyepäystävällinenfriendystävä.
- So it is not surprising that some solitary horses will go to extreme lengths to join other horses; even thoughthe other horsestoiset hevosetmay besaattavat ollaquitemelkounfriendlyepäystävällisiä.
- His eyesHänen silmänsäwere watchful,olivat valppaat jaunfriendlyepäystävälliset.
- Matthew looked down at her,his expressionilmeelläunfriendlytöykeällä.
- With Jenny she was evasive and unforthcoming; and she wondered sometimes whethershehänappearedvaikuttiunfriendlytöykeältäand withdrawn, and whether she had hurt Jenny by her attitude.
ungracious.a 🔎
- The responseVastauswasoliungracioustöykeäbut Dalgliesh thought he detected relief.
- ItSewasoliveryhyvinungraciousepäkohteliastaof metaholtani.
- ItisOnungracioustöykeääfor usmeitä kohtaanto grumble about a creaking chair or a rattling shutter, as happened recentlynurista narisevista tuoleista tai kolisevista ikkunaluukuista, kuten äskettäin tapahtui.
- The five of us stared at theungracioustöykeääguestvierastaand, for the first time that evening, I wondered what could possibly be coming next.
- Neither Boswell nor JohnsonEi Boswell eikä Johnsonwould have beenolisi ollutsoniindamninglyehdottomanungracioustöykeitäas to suggest (as other Scottish cities accused), that in the interests of free drink Aberdeen's city fathers were promiscuous with their honoursväittääkseen (kuten muut skotlantilaiset kaupungit väittivät tapahtuneen), että Aberdeenin kaupunginisät olivat ilmaisten juomien vuoksi valmiit myymään kunniansa.
- `I beg your pardon ifIMinäseemedvaikutinungracioustöykeältä.
- She gave a single,ungracioustöykeästinodnyökkäsi, relieved that he at least hadn't made any comment.
- Shelley gave hima smile thathymyn, jokadeflated his compliment withoutbeing<empty>ungracioustöykeyttä.
unkind.a 🔎
- Andhehän'd beenoli ollutmorevieläkinunkindepäystävällisempithan usualkuin tavallisestiin this odd period of sobriety.
- ItSe'sonsoniinunkindepäystävällinen, and is such an insult to your own people.
- Her parents are dead, so she lives with anunkindepäystävällisenaunttädinand her children.
- `GodJumalawould never beei koskaan olisisoniinunkindepäystävällinen, ``she said with determination.
- `ThatSeisonveryhyvinunkindepäystävällistäof yousinulta, ``said McAllister severely, but her severity was a mock.
- She is, of course, very old and itwould beolisi ollutmostmitäunkindepäystävällisintäto move hersiirtää häntä.
- `YouSinä've beenolet ollutveryhyvinunkindepäystävällinento SarellaSarellalle, ``began Peter.
- There was anunkindepäystävällinenexpressionilmeon his face.
- I think there were a lot ofunkindepäystävällisiäwordssanojabetween us, and some tears.
- Brian Clough had used someunkindepäystävällisiäwordssanojato describe his side on the morning of the match, but on Saturday's evidence we beat a good side.
- Itwasoliunkindepäystävällistäof DorraingeDorraingeltato criticise and say that Medoc would be able to see them, and that Medoc would be able to tell everything they didkritisoida ja sanoa, että Medoc pystyisi tapaamaan heidät ja että Medoc pystyisi kertomaan kaiken, mitä he tekivät.
- Then itseemedvaikuttiunkindepäystävälliseltäto leave Daisy outjättää Daisy pois porukasta, so she was invited too.
- `YouSinä'reoletterriblyvaltavanunkindepäystävällinenabout Colonel FoxtonColonel Foxtonista, ``Christabel told her.
- Oliver mutteredsomethingjotainunkindepäystävällistäabout rats and sinking shipsrotista ja uppoavista laivoistabut Maurin missed it.
- Dot thought at first she meant itwasoliunkindhankalaafor the man to be so constricted by the many instruments strapped to all parts of his bodymiehelle olla niin ahtaasti monet instrumentit kiinnitettynä hihnoin eri puolille hänen kehoaan.
- Perhaps itwasoliunkindepäystävällistäof meminulta, but I mentioned the Workers' Education Classes.
- But whatever the case, and despite the fact that she bores me to stupefaction,Iminäcan't been voi ollaunkindepäystävällinento hernaista kohtaan.
- Elisabeth was grateful thatthe Coloneleverstillähad no intention ofbeingollaunkindepäystävällinentohis wifehänen vaimolleen.
- Teasing a son or daughter about size or appearanceTyttären tai pojan kiusaaminen hänen koostaan tai ulkonäöstäänisonespeciallyerityisenunkindjulmaaat this stage.
- Theywere noteivät olleetunkindepäystävällisiäpeopleihmisiä, not mean-minded, but it would never have occurred to them to offer to help.
- But she did not tell me about the food, or the cold, or theunkindepäystävällisistäteachersopettajista.
- At this there was muchunkindepäystävällistälaughternaurua, and cries of `More, more ``.
- HeHänwasn't beingunkindepäystävällinen, just generous!
- Will you kiss me, orwillaiotkoyousinäbeollaunkindepäystävällinenjust a little while?
- Wheremembers of staffhenkilöstöareonunkindepäystävällistäor even cruelto children or even other stafflapsia tai muita henkilöstöön kuuluvia kohtaanswift disciplinary action needs to be taken.
warm.a 🔎
- They missed the real story: The reason why Bush doesn't have to talk about old moral issues that might make him look mean is that he's introducing new moral issues that makehimmiehenlookwarmlämpimältäand caring.
- Pat Buchanan (The McLaughlin Group) and George Will (This Week) were lonely dissenters, taking the view thatwarmlämpimätrelationssuhteetwith a hideous human-rights violator are not especially praiseworthy.
- And I have no doubt that Yitzhak Rabin joins in thesewarmlämpimiinthankskiitoksiin.
- Having recently traveled to many of the places Applebome visited, I found hiswarmlämpimänäbut witheringportrait of Dixiekuvana Dixiestato ring true.