companionable.a 🔎
- He spoke seldom, but he was never impatient with her, always kind, acompanionableseurallinenfather figureisähahmo.
- TheyHewereolivatveryerittäincompanionableseurallisia.
- Helen put her arm round his waist, and for a momenttheyhewere silent andcompanionablemukavia.
friendly.a 🔎
- I've known him since our youth days andwemeistäbecametuliquitemelko hyviäfriendlyystäviäwhen we were picked to play for Scotland's Under-20 side together a few years back.
- Many people believe that alcohol is a stimulant becausemost drinkersuseimmat ihmiset, jotka juovat,seem to become more outgoing andfriendlyystävällisiksiin social settings.
- The peopleIhmisetare brave, resilient, humorous,ovat rohkeita, joustavia, huumorintajuisia,friendlyystävällisiäin the face of great change and adversitykohdatessaan suuria muutoksia ja monimuotoisuutta.
- The hon. and learned GentlemanArvoisa ja oppinut herrasmiesisonfriendlyystävällinenin his remarkshuomautuksissaan.
- HeHänwasolifriendlyystävällinento everyonekaikille.
gregarious.a 🔎
- Hewas aoligregariousseurallinen, hospitablemanmies, and kind-hearted, although his charities represented only a small fraction of his disposable income.
- Unfortunatelyhehän'sonveryerittäingregariousseurallinen.
- IMinäamolengregariousseuraa rakastava, cerebral, Geminian, and have sought, somewhat to my cost, to make the world my home.
introverted.a 🔎
- The two of them, bothintenselyerittäinintrovertedsisäänpäin kääntyneitäpeopleihmisiä, conducted their love affair in secret.
- In contrast, theintrovertedsisäänpäin kääntynyttäpersonhenkilöäis concerned with the space between people and objects.
- Manyprimarilyyleensäintrovertedsisäänpäin kääntyneetpeopleihmisetcan deal with the outside world when required, just as many extroverts can deal with ideas when this is needed.
- In Bernice's experience, small orintrovertedsisäänpäin kääntyneetmenmiehetwere those most likely to be obsessive.
- It suitsintrovertedsisäänpäin kääntyneillemountain peoplevuoristoihmisillelike us.
loner.n 🔎
- Music was a sideline andIminäwas sort of theloneryksinäinen susiof the family, sitting for hours in my brother's room listening to records.
- I have described myself as aloneryksinäiseksi sudeksiwith the profession of an artist-writer.
outgoing.a 🔎
- I am anoutgoingulospäin suuntautunut, livelypersonhenkilöwho enjoys adventures and meeting new people.
- That particular task needs amoreenemmänoutgoingulospäin suuntautunuttapersonalityluonnetta.
- `HeHänwas friendly andoutgoingulospäin suuntautunut.
- SheHän's always beenon aina ollutveryerittäinoutgoingulospäin suuntautunutand she's got heaps of friends.
recluse.n 🔎
- `What's the oldrecluseerakkoup to, then?
- They may owe their intact status to the fact that they belong to arecluseerakolle.
- The people also valued the spiritual counsel that therecluseerakoituminenwould provide.
shy.a 🔎
- `The first film I did was with these otherguys whoheppujen kanssa, jotkawere<empty>a littlehiemancamerakameraashyujostelivat, ``recalls Rod, who has appeared in a number of Sara's group sex films.
- He does not know her name, andhehänisontooliianshyujoto askkysyäkseen.
- IMinäamolenshyujowhen faced with people I do not know
- HeHänwas then stilloli edelleenslightlyhiemanshyujoin companyseurassa, though sharp and confident in other areas and among his equals, like the pool halls where he would hustle for a few dollars.
- MenMiehetare notoriouslyovat tunnetustishyujojaof those three little wordssanomaan ne kolme pientä sanaa.
- Avoid quiches, pasties and meat pies, butdon't beälä oleshyennakkoluuloinenof the ubiquitous baked potatokaikkialla tarjottavaa uuniperunaa kohtaan.
- `IMinäwas<empty>a bithiemanshyujostelinof themheitä.
- A womanNainen, joka suhtautuirathermelkoshyujostiof menmiehiin, whose eyes did not quite meet his when he looked at her.
- She's really quiet andshehän'ssoniinshyujowith peopleihmisten seurassa. ”
- HeHänwasolishyujowith strangersvieraiden seurassaand afraid of showing his feelings.
- PeopleIhmisetcan besaattavat antaaveryerittäinshykitsaastiabout giving complimentskehuja.
- Ifyousinäfeelshyarasteletabout breastfeeding in publicjulkista imetystä, wear a loose jumper or shirt so you can push it up and tuck your baby underneath.
- If anything,the wealthyvarakkaistahave becomeon tullutlessvähemmänshyarkojaof displaying their privilegenäyttämään menestymistäänin recent years.
- IMinäfeltshyarastelinof talking about my feelings with Terry and Tomtunteideni näyttämistä Terrylle ja Tomilleand wished I could have half an hour alone with Brian.
- With ashyujostismile the elderly Bolivian lady, prompting him, said `Shamanism?
- Theyare intrinsicallyovat tunnetustishyujojapeopleihmisiä, with the same wariness of strangers as everyone else.
- Gifted The mantle of captaincy has never really settled on Azharuddin's shoulders for while he remains a gifted and wristy batsmen, he is ashyujo, sensitivepersonhenkilö.
- Otters areveryerittäinshyujojaanimalseläimiäand for their peace of mind require an undisturbed stretch of riverbank, preferably several miles in length.
- `SheHänwasolireallytodellashyujo.
- Althoughpublicityjulkisuudessashyujo, he recently and rather reluctantly agreed to be interviewed in his cottage.
sociable.a 🔎
- Although predatory by nature,theyheare not an aggressive species andwill remainpysyvätsociablesosiaalisinatowards any companions that will not fit into their mouths easilykaikkia niitä kohtaan, jotka eivät sovi helposti niiden suuhun.
- The ideal broodmareIhanteellinen siitostammashould like people, be tolerant of all manner of handling, andbeonsociablesosiaalinenwith other horsesmuiden hevosten seurassa.
- But how you can expectpeopleihmistento becometulevanmoreenemmänsociablesosiaalisiksiby just being, you know, shut behind closed walls, and and not having to actually, fend for themselves and cope with life outside prison walls.
- A vigorous andsociablesosiaalinenmanmies, he attracted loyalty and friendship.
- It could be that you are averyerittäinsociablesosiaalista, competitivesortlajia.
- The animals show asociablesosiaalistadisposition that contrasts markedly with the isolationist features of the orang-utans, the `loner ``among apes.
- She was asociablesosiaalinenpersonhenkilöwith a remarkable gift for friendship and an immediate understanding of others, especially the young.
- It helpspeopleihmisiäto relax, to feel cheerful andto be<empty>moreenemmänsociablesosiaalisia.
- Stressing the positive approach to social interaction is an important part of teachingchildrenlapsiato beolemaansociablesosiaalisia.
- He was, however, happy in the ranks, wherehishänensociablesosiaalinenand unassuming character and ability to mix with all sorts made him free of its easy comradeship.
timid.a 🔎
- Maybe it isthey whohearebeingovattooliiantimidujojain their ideas and proposalsesittämään ajatuksiaan ja ehdotuksiaan.
- Prunella had nicely been trying to prise him out of it before they came, butshehänwas<empty>timidujosteliof himmiestä.
- The new puppyUusi pentuis<empty>verykovastitimidvierastaawith strangerstuntemattomiabut now she is old enough to go out for walks, we have found she is growling at other dogs.
- NellieNelliewas nota bityhtäänshy ortimidvierastavalike I was, and I was attracted by her outspoken ways.
- Many ridersMonet ratsastajatwe hear aboutseem unjustifiablynäyttävät olevan perusteettomantimidarkojaabout taking themselves and their horses off across the countrysideviemään hevosiaan pitkin maaseutua.
- She heard thetimidujonknock on her doorkoputuksen ovelleand sighed.
- So its time to play thetimidujoavirginneitsyttä?
- He saw Wycliffe and acknowledged him with atimidujollagestureliikkeellä.
- Whyareolemmewemesoniintimidujoja?
- `IMinälove myself while being nervous andtimidujo.
- IMinunshould have beenolisi pitänyt ollaasyhtätimidujoas the girl herselfkuin tyttö itsekin, if she had looked at me!
- SheHän's sweet,pathologicallyäärimmäisentimidujoand probably only about fifteen.