TransFrameNet:Soaking up
absorb.v 🔎
- It has been suggested thathehänenhas claimedto have<empty>absorbedsaaneenthe banned substancekiellettyä ainettathrough eating meatsyömästään lihastabut one observer claimed cryptically yesterday: `He would have to eat three cows a day for that to be the case.
- A light, creamy Gentle Purifying Cleanser softens as it cleanses andthe Gentle Moisturising CreamGentle Moisturising Cream -kosteusvoideis<empty>easilyhelpostiabsorbedimeytyyto sooth the skin and offer long-lasting protection.
- Packet stuffings are quick to use, but it's a good idea to make them up drier than instructedto<empty>absorbimeytyysome of the turkey juicesosa kalkkunan mehuista.
- Simply handling them causes1 dose1 annoksento be<empty>absorbedimeytymisenthrough the skin, counting them (or similarly continuously handling them) causes 1 dose per Turn to be absorbed.
- Food containing insoluble fibre is satisfying as it needs more chewing than other foods and, asitseabsorbsimeytyywaterveteenand swells in the stomach, it is filling.
- When the compound is subjected to lightitseabsorbsimeeenergyenergiaaand two hydrogen atoms are lost (elimination).
- These preparationsNämä valmisteetabsorbimevätor block outthe sun's harmful ultra-violet raysauringon haitallisia ultraviolettisäteitä.
- Once they've, you've got their clothing off they can probably stand in a shower, but remember to take their boots off or whatever or shoes of because if you don't they're going to stand in a, in a dilute solution ofwhatever it is thatmitä sitten ikinä's being<empty>absorbedimeytyykäänby the skinihon kautta.
- The NERC announced on Nov. 2 that recent shipboard experiments had revealed thatthe proportion of CO2 emissionsosa CO2-päästöistäbeing<empty>absorbedimeytyyby the oceansvaltameriinwas only 30 per cent, not 50 per cent as previously estimated.
- Lightvaloais<empty>absorbedimevätby dark surfacesTummat pinnatand reflected by lighter surfaces.