- YouSinähave beenolet ollutasleepunessafor the past two hoursviimeiset kaksi tuntia.
- By this time,MarlinMarlinwas<empty>soundsikeässäasleepunessa.
- PascoePascoewas almostoli melkeinasleepunessa.
- Bristol Crown Court heard that Jason Levy from Cheltenham set fire to a house in the town after breaking in, whileChloe RobinsonChloe Robinsonwasoliasleepnukkumassaupstairsyläkerrassawith her parents.
- Even while taking acatnaptorkkuessaanthe animal's ears are in operation.
- NomesNomesslept mainly at night, but neededcatnapsnokkauniato get through the long day.
- At five o'clock preciselyTasan kello viisi, it was time forDame EdnaDame Ednanto<empty>catnaptorkuillebefore changing for the evening for some glittering social roundennen säihkyvää pukeutumista illan sosiaalisia tapaamisia varten.
- HeHäncatnappedotti torkutjust before dawnjuuri ennen auringonnousuaand rose to the alarm at seven.
- Later that dayshehänenhad been forcedto<empty>catnaptorkutat her desktyöpöytänsä ääressä, having achieved little else of consequence there.
- In the end,shehäncatnappedotti torkut, shaking herself awake every time she felt herself drifting towards a deeper sleep.
- HisHänenshortdozetorkkunsain the living roomolohuoneessahad been long enough to keep him awake now.
- ManyMonetadmitted to having adozetorkkuneensathrough a meaningless movie presentation that talked more of light and energy, love and space than the carmitäänsanomattoman elokuvaesityksen aikana, jossa puhuttiin ennemminkin valosta ja energiasta sekä rakkaudesta ja tilasta kuin autosta.
- `I thinkIMinämay have adozetorkut, ``Finch said, closing his eyes in thanks.
- He'd been woken fromhishänenfitfuldozetorkuiltaanby Barrow who had brought him up to Wreford's office without saying a word.
- can always have adozetorkutin your bedvuoteessasi.
- Alter the final pre-operative preparations were completed, a premedication was given at 11.00 am. andMrs Fellowsrouva Fellowsdozedotti torkutcomfortablyuntil she was escorted to theatrekunnes hänet saatettiin teatterille.
- A manMieswas<empty>dozingtorkkuiin an old armchairvanhassa nojatuolissa.
- The trip begins in the Tarangire National Park, where baobab trees dot the horizon andtree-climbing lionspuissa kiipeilevät leijonatdozetorkkuivatin the shadevarjossa.
- Madeleine had on her spectacles and was reading the newspaper whileLouisLouisdozedtorkkuion the sofasohvalla.
- Upon entering the kitchen, he foundhis mother-in-lawanoppinsadozingtorkkuvanby the firetakkatulen ääressä.
- HeHändozednukkuifor an hourtunninuntil a warm, furry body slid under his hand, `Good evening, Bonaventure! ``he whispered.
- They patched him up, andhehändozednukkuithrough the nightläpi yön.
- IMinädozedtorkahtelinfitfullyuntil morningaamuun asti, when I awake feeling knackered; my spouse looked worried and ashen in sympathy.
- Tony and I shared the navigation seat, and right nowIMinäwas in the back, warm, comfortable anddozingtorkuingentlykevyesti.
- They wake you at five a.m., which is when I'm often going to bed, and you're so knackered by mid-morning thatyousinädozetorkutall daykoko päivän.
- She awoke from a lightdrowseunestato the distant strains of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto, the lyrical theme of the first movement.
- Roped perilously to the ice face,the German pairSaksan paridrowsedloikoilithrough the nightläpi yön.
- The shop gloomed behind its blinds andthe parakeetpapukaijadrowsedtorkkui.
- andyousinädrowseloikoiletand mutter beside me.
- Exhausted by their exercise,theynewere contentto<empty>drowseloikoilivatin the sunauringossa.
- IMinä'm gonna haemamunforty winksnokkaunet
- I'm supposed to be resting, but afterIminä'd hadforty winksnokkaunet, I felt a lot better, so I toddled over here.
- She hasfive hedgehogsviisi siiliähibernatingtalviunillain mounds of leaveslehtikasoissaand a kestrel which was left on her doorstep with a damaged foot.
- And like small, furry animalstheynehibernateovat talviunilladuring wintertalven ajan.
- If the temperature drops below 5°C,the hamsterhamsteriwill<empty>hibernatenukkuu talviuntaand can be revived by placing on a thick towel wrapped around a hot-water bottle.
- Hedgehogs reach breeding condition during late March and early April, shortly after rising temperatures and hormonal changes provide the cues for wakening fromtheirniidenwintertalvi-hibernationunilta.
- The more so at Augusta, the arrival of which each year seems to signal the happy end ofwintertalvi-hibernationunien.
- Hibernationtalviuniin the marmot, hamster and hedgehogMurmelin, hamsterin ja siilindepends on more complex physiological adaptations, and some can drop their basal metabolic rate to as low as one per cent of their most active level.
- Tatty and faded now, it had survivedhibernationtalviunestathrough the wintertalven yli.
- Our groupRyhmämme's been inhibernationnukkuvanasince the war begansodan alusta asti; for some while your lot was doing a much better job of getting at the British than we could ever hope to do.
- He rolled off her gently and went to open one of the tall windows, which creaked and rattled in protest at being disturbed abruptly aftera winter'stalvi-hibernationuniltaan.
- Gabriel was able to slide into it, head-first, over the edge of the platform, and lay curled up in the bottom, as still asa hedgehogsiiliinhibernationtalviunillaan.
- Weight is important … if the animals are undersized, they may not survive theseven month longseitsemän kuukautta kestävistähibernationtalviunistaanperiod.
- Sir Geoff Mulcahy, the chairman and chief executive, sees a few tentative signs that shoppers are slowly emerging fromtheirniidenlonghibernationtalviuniltaan, but they are doing so very warily.
- `Anyway, Piper, you lucky bastard,yousinähadan hour'stunninkipnukkunut, I've had nothing yet.
- It ain't cool to be cold whenyou<empty>'re trying to catch somekipuntaafter an energetic day's walkingtehokkaan päivän kävelyn jälkeen.
- It's so hard to work on full glow whenyou<empty>'ve only hada couple of hoursmuutaman tunninkipunta.
- Now listen, I needan hour'stunninkipunetand a bath, so I'll settle for the bath.
- Have akiptorkutor a restin betweentällä välin.
- `One of them places where they have rooms fordriverskuljettajilleto<empty>kipkallistaa päänsädownfor the nightyöksi.
- My mum sayshehäncanvoikipkallistaa päänsäon her sofasohvallebecause she likes anyone with a Manc accent.
- `I'll tell you something, ``gabbles Robert enthusiastically, `There's no-one out there now whosedoorstepovensuussaIminä'd be willingto<empty>kipnukkuaon<empty>just to get their autograph.
- `IMinäkippedkumarruindown in the broom cupboardalas siivouskaapissa.
- Decreasing mobility and retirement are likely to reduce daytime activities and there will be a greater opportunity fordaytimepäivä-napsunille, particularly after lunch.
- Not only that, buthehänhad worked out in the gym that morning, then managed ahalf-hourpuolen tunninnaptorkutbefore heading out for an unusually late lunchtime start from the VIP terminal at Heathrow.
- Breast feeding lying down is restful, especially at night and for anafternooniltapäivä-naptorkuille.
- Uncle Alfred woke fromhishänenday-longkoko päivän mittaisiltanaptorkuiltaanto find Anabelle sitting by the canal.
- He had heard the commotion and roused himself fromhishänennoondaykeskipäivännaptorkuiltaanto come and see what had caused such an uproar.
- The body may attempt to make up for sleep lost at night bynapstorkuillain the daykeskellä päivää, which can sometimes disturb the body's natural rhythm.
- Why don'tyousinäjust put your head down and have anaptorkutwhile Mark and I chat a few things over.
- Ifyousinäresist any temptationto<empty>naptorkutin the daytimepäiväsaikaanyou will be more able to get to sleep at your next bedtime.
- If required, the facility to take a good sleep can be a great advantage over having to tryto<empty>napottaa torkutin your seattuolillasi.
- VictoriaVictorianappedotti nokosetin her cage beside the blossoming geraniumhäkissään kukkivien kurjenpolvien vieressä.
- Still trying to make reality match with her fantasy,shehäntookto<empty>nappingottaa torkkujaon the beachrannallain the afternoonsiltapäivisin.
- Well, better get someshut-eyesilmät kiinni.
- Wide-awakeVincentVincenthas snatcheda maximum of four hours a nightenintään neljän tunnin yö-shut-eyeuniasince he was born 3 ½ years agosiitä hetkestä, kun syntyi 3,5 vuotta sitten.
- `No, it'll be a night out I would guess, althoughIminä'm for home myself first, to get someshuteyeunta.
- IMinäwas exhausted, andsleptnukuinfor two hourskaksi tuntia.
- HeHänsleptnukkuideeplyuntil around 9.30suunnilleen puoli kymmeneen saakka, when he arose, breakfasted, and took his children out for a walk.
- HeHänsleptnukkuiwellon the sofasohvalla.
- JerryJerrysleptnukkuiat the wall-endseinän puolella, with me in the centre, while Sam occupied the end which was next to the other bed.
- How welldo<empty>yousinäsleepnukutat nightyöllä?
- SheHänhad shrugged off her clothes, crawled under the sheets, andsleptnukkuifor hourstuntikausia.
- In his pensioneSandisonSandisonsleptnukkuifor two hourskaksi tuntiain the afternooniltapäivisin.
- When we were four and fivewemeidänhadto<empty>sleepnukkuain the afternoonspäiväuneton long mats made of shiny grass that left ribbing marks on our skinpitkillä matoilla, jotka oli tehty iholle raidat jättävästä, kiiltävästä punoksesta.
- He didn't take me on his knee any longer, andIMinäsleptnukuinin a bed of my ownomassa sängyssäni.
- SammySammysleptnukkuiunder the navigator's tablenavigaattoripöydän allaand never seemed to have any reaction to the gyration of the aircraft or the attention of the natives with their flak and fighters outside.
- If you're on one of the cruising coursesyousinä'll besaatsleepingnukkuaaboard your yachtjahdin kannella.
- DarnleyDarnleysleptnukkui, and I wrote letters to my friends.
- In 1922, he made The Man Without Desire, an imaginative account of a man who wakes from asleepunestaof several hundred yearsmonen sadan vuodenonly to find he suffers from a lack of emotion.
- Behind one of the windows Mrs Chester, her head swimming from the bridge game, was probably watching over thesleepuntaof her daughterhänen tyttärensä.
- Her eyes went straight to the wicker chair by the window where a baby was just waking fromits<empty>morningaamu-sleepunestaan.
- With some airlines, there is the facility (for example the `sleeperette ``, to take a goodsleepunetrather than just a nap).
- And shivering, I awoke frommyminunlongpitkiltäsleepuniltani.
- Tonight, wherever she looked she saw herself reflected and transformed, her face shining as though she had quite suddenly woken up after alongpitkiensleepunien, filled with lovely dreams.
- Sometimes volunteers alternate between normal andlongpitkiensleepsunien(lasting 16 rather than 8 hours, for example) or even appear to adopt a sleep/wake cycle that lasts about 50 rather than 25 hours.
- It starts raining and they rush for the car, wheretheyhehave anafternooniltapäivä-sleeptorkut.
- Why aren't you going to have a sleep,Iminä'd like to have asleeptorkut.
- YouSinäcan have a nicelittlepikkusleeptorkutin the carautossa.
- HeHänsmiled inhis<empty>sleepunissaan.
- They lose anight'syö-sleepunensaslugging it out.
- To protect themselves duringtheirheidänwintertalvi-slumbersunensa, they build nests.
- This time there was evidence of occupation -- the thin, reed-like sound of a young child's voice and the discernibly laboured breathing ofa manmiehenin deepslumberunessa.
- Itwas theolislumberuntaof a man who had been at his cups for some considerable timesellaisen miehen unta, joka oli ollut äärirajoilla jo kauan.
- The sounds recorded in Grosvenor Square were of a sleeping man shifting position, rolling over and resuminghishänenslumbersuntaan.
- The city was dropping into its restlessslumberuneensa.
- SheHänwould probably fall intoslumberuneentonighttänä iltanaif the devil himself were to share the room with her.
- My friendYstäväni,slumberingnukkuifitfullyby my sidevieressäni, awoke with a yell.
- “ You have wak'd me too soon,Iminunmustonslumbernukahdettavaagainuudelleen. ” ”
- Had the vibrations of Kershaw reached it asitsitälayslumberingnukkuenin the earthmaassa?
- No foe should ever sneak up on an exhaustedMarinesatamaanslumbering, joka uinuiduring prolonged combatpitkittyneen taistelun aikana.
- Jaq wished thathe himselfhän itsecouldolisi voinutslumbernukahtaa.
- She had left the note on the table, close towherejossahehänslumberednukkui.
- Only the Revd Maslin, benevolently smiling, kept his seat, an arm onthe boy whopojan ympärillä, jokaslumberednukkuifitfullyagainst his chesthänen rintaansa vasten.
- With a regretful look atEdithEdithiästillslumbering, joka uinuiat his sidehänen vieressäänin the huge mahogany bed, he swung his feet down to face the day.
- José drove a waiting Kenneth and me back to the hotel, and after a snack and two prescribed tablets,myminunintendedafternooniltapäivä-snoozetorkutlasted till morning.
- It was not the Gruagach, but Caspar, who had come quietly along to their rooms whenthe giantsjättiläisetwere takingtheir<empty>middaykeskipäivänsnoozetorkkujaan.
- BalorBalorhad unbuttoned his jerkin and brushed the crumbs from his front and was preparing to take asnoozetorkut.
- Rose left it on the coffee table by her husband's chair, and whenhehänhad had his usual mixed fry-up and was preparing to havehis<empty>snoozetorkkujaan, his eye caught it as it lay there.
- Cartoonists showed the White House half-askew on this basement, noxious odours rising from the grates, whilethe Presidentpresidenttisnoozedotti nokosiaupstairsyläkerrassa.
- SheHänsnoozestorkkuuuntil it's time to be fed, kunnes on ruoka-aika,
- Angel was picked up by police half a mile from her home whileMichelleMichellesnoozedveti sikeitäin bedsängyssä.
- HeHänwas<empty>snoozingtorkkuion the sofasohvalla.
- If the fuzz follow their normal pattern, then at this very moment someone will be interruptinga tame magistratekesyn poliisituomarinsnoozingtorkutin front of TV Newstv-uutisten edessäto sign search warrants.