The size of the mare too seems to be of little importance, and
than their parents might seem to suggest
kuin vanhemmat saattaisivat luulla .
Donleavy kept in touch by telephone, sometimes talking to Coleman's father by mistake as
The two faces
Kahdet kasvot ,
, gazed at each other.
had both
: the nervous, magpie-like intelligence, the pedagogical aspirations, the Yankee toughness combined with the shuddering sensitivity.
Local pleasures and pains
Paikalliset mielihyvät ja kivut may be
in both intensifying awareness and contracting it to themselves
sekä tehostettaessa tietoisuutta ja supistettaessa sitä itse ; but the difference remains that pain forces itself on awareness against our spontaneous resistance.
But as well as the instinct to get right away,
the two painters
molemmat maalarit in being unable to draw acceptably
huonoja piirtämisessä kunnolla .
Albert and Dad
Albert ja isä were
in some ways
jollain tapaa ``.
may look
and have some forms of behaviour in common, but they come from different parts of the world.
In this respect, and prior to the experimental treatment,
the two groups
kaksi ryhmää are
in all relevant respects
kaikissa relevanteissa suhteissa ,
as they can be
kuin ikinä voivat olla .
Between 1911 and 1981
Vuosina 1911 - 1981 national growth was much slower and
regional patterns
uskonnolliset tavat from those earlier
aiemmista .
from one specimen
eri lajien , the general effect is pretty much the same in all.
from those of his unlamented father
hänen kunnianarvoisan isänsä arvoista : he was committed to upholding autocracy, the nobility, and Russia's military might.
In any event, when published, the EC standard will apply climatological bandings to clay roofing tiles because
performance requirements
suorituskykyvaatimukset throughout the Community
kautta koko yhteisön .
All types of hair, even oily, can benefit from conditioner, but
depending on the extent of the damage
vahinkojen laajuuden mukaan .
It looks at language areas students are already familiar with and shows how
in meaning and use
merkityksen ja käytön suhteen .
parasitic larval development
loistoukkien kehitys of the three species
kolmen eri lajin and will be dealt with separately.
But you can get an idea of what each gene does by comparing the bodies of
two organisms
kahden organismin known
with respect to a certain gene
tietyn geenin osalta .
the effects of imitation on performance
suorituskyvyn imitoinnin vaikutukset seem
with respect to phonological abilities and grammatical abilities
fonologisten ja kieliopillisten kykyjen mukaan .
The second major approach to analysing grain size distributions, moment statistics,
Toinen tärkeä näkökulma jyväkoon jakautumisen ja tilastojen analysoinnissa in concept
käsitteen suhteen but yields measures analogous to those of graphical methods.
polar stocks of such cosmopolitan species
näin yleismaalimallisen lajin napa-alueiden kannat are recognized as
in form or physiology
ulkonäön tai fysiikan perusteella from temperate stocks
leudon ilmaston kannasta , they are often assigned to separate subspecies or races.
This contrasts with the current results and suggests that
the pathogenesis of NSAID induced small intestinal inflammation
NSAID:n aiheuttama ohutsuolen tulehdus in man and rats
ihmisellä ja rotalla .
The legal capacity of corporations
Yritysten oikeustoimikelpoisuus in some respects
jossain kohdin from that of individuals
yksilöiden oikeustoimikelpoisuudesta , partly from the nature of the case, partly as a consequence of the fact that their personality is an artificial one.
The measure of comprehensive income
Kattavien tulojen määrä in accordance with the methods used to value assets and the concept of capital maintenance employed
arvioinnissa käytettävän menetelmän ja pääoman hoidon perusteella .
Because of this asymmetry of information
Tiedon asymmetrian vuoksi ,
between suppliers and demanders
tarjonnan ja kysynnän välillä , a fact we recognize by indexing the expectations terms by s and d for suppliers and demanders respectively.
That is a pity: the price of financial distress is just about the only way in which
the cost of capital for firms
pääoman hinta yrityksille plausibly
between the two rivals
kahden kilpailijan välillä over the longer term
pidemmällä aikavälillä .
As in the case of the concord system
Kuten sopimusjärjestelmässä ,
between one non-standard grammar and another
kahden ei-vakiokieliopin välillä .
from both France and Britain
sekä Ranskasta että Britanniasta ; the `loser ``of the Second World War had -- and still has -- less of its high-technology effort aimed at defence, including nuclear defence.
Quality standards
Laatustandardit as to whether or not barristers are deemed to be experts for this purpose
, pidetään asianajajia asiantuntijoina tähän tarkoitukseen tai ei .
as to when this wine should be drunk
sen suhteen, milloin tämä viini pitäisi juoda .
trends in the activity rates of men and women
miesten ja naisten aktiivisuustrendit significantly
merkittävästi over the last 15 years
viimeisten 15 vuoden ajan .
However, it is not just that
tilastollisesti from ordinary language
tavallisesta kielestä , but, more significantly, that the devices of poetry foreground phonic elements that are usually ignored in practical speech.
Resting and pressure
Lepo ja paine in older patients
vanhemmilla potilailla significantly
merkittävästi from that in younger patients
nuoremmista potilaista , either before or after operation (Fig 1).
Different fish species
Erilaiset kalalajit in their ability to deal with different water types
niiden kyvyssä käsitellä eri vesityyppejä .
There are relatively few issues to do with school self-evaluation in respect of which
merkittävästi according to their gender
sukupuolensa perusteella .
may however
saattaa kuitenkin depending on the way in which the precise subject matter is viewed by those political theories
sen mukaan, kuinka itse asiaa tarkastellaan poliittisissa teorioissa .
Their evolution was
an unplanned and rather haphazard process whose speed and nature
suunnittelematon ja melko sattumanvarainen prosessi, jonka vauhti ja luonne considerably
huomattavasti in different parts of Europe
eri puolilla Eurooppaa .
, like children,
from one another
toisistaan more in external appearance than by virtue of distinctive personal qualities
enemmän ulkoisen olemuksensa perusteella kuin selkeiden persoonallisten ominaisuuksien perusteella .
should, and
managerial ``emoluments
johdon "palkkajärjestelyt" between public liability companies, regulated companies and publicly owned companies
julkisen vastuun yritysten, säänneltyjen yritysten ja julkisten yritysten välillä ?
from year to year
vuodesta toiseen and music programmes remain unadventurous.
While these buildings often shared with Wren's London churches a basic classical design,
pohjimmiltaan both in their smaller scale and greater simplicity
pienemmän mittakaavan ja suuremman yksinkertaisuuden puolesta .
Before exercise
Ennen liikuntaa ,
cGMP concentrations of New York Heart Association (NYHA) class I patients
cGMP-pitoisuudet New York Heart Associationin (NYHA) luokan I potilailla were only slightly raised and
merkittävästi from concentrations of healthy controls or patients with non-cardiac diseases
terveiden henkilöiden tai sydänterveiden potilaiden pitoisuuksista .
After all,
the construction of one motor car
yhden vaunun rakenne without affecting its performance
ilman, että se vaikuttaa sen suorituskykyyn .
Left and Right
Vasemmisto ja oikeisto only on the nature of this conflict
vain konfliktin luonteen perusteella .
This second study
Tämä toinen tutkimus only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus (a light) in the context that was to be used for the test
vain siinä, että alkuharjoituksen aikana koehenkilöt vastaanottivat eri ärsykkeitä (valo) siinä yhteydessä, jossa niitä tultaisiin käyttämään testissä. .
`There isn't
between the Third and Fourth Divisions
kolmannen ja neljännen divisioonan välillä .
You won't find
in the type of patient we had in then
potilastyypeissä, joita meillä oli silloin ,
As such, there is
between his relationship to Mrs Robinson and his relationship to Elaine
hänen suhteessaan rouva Robinsoniin ja Elaineen ,
both of them being essentially immoral
jotka molemmat ovat pohjimmiltaan epämoraalisia .
Yesterday Dr Williamson said: “ I am aware of a
of understanding
ymmärryksessä between some committee members and the health authority
joidenkin komitean jäsenten ja terveysviranomaisten välillä .
When the level of arousal was taken into account
Kun otettiin huomioon vireystaso there was no
of UOS pressure
UOS-paineessa in this group
tämän ryhmän compared with any of the other three symptom groups
verrattuna muihin kolmeen oireryhmään .
At the root of the problem is a
perustavaa laatua oleva of approach
lähestymistavassa between Britain and most of her EEC partners
Britannian ja useimpien EEC-kumppaneiden välillä .
It is this difference of way which constitutes the
in their experience
heidän kokemuksessaan .
were consistent, with no
from place to place
paikasta toiseen at any particular time
tiettyyn aikaan .
The basic convention underlying all fiction marks
Interestingly, a
was noted
for hypercholesterolaemia
hyperkolesterolemiassa with prevalence rates in females at 48 per cent and in males 28 per cent
joka naisista oli 48 prosentilla ja miehistä 28 prosentilla .
between the central government system and the local government system
keskitetyn hallintojärjestelmän ja paikallisen hallintojärjestelmän välillä .
And, certainly, it was difficult to find any
in approach
lähestymistavassa between authorities
viranomaisten välillä on the basis of party political control.
It also highlights significant regional variations, possibly reflecting a
in schools' approach to discipline
koulujen suhtautumisessa kuriin .
Darwinistic Victorian science derived
psychological and cultural
psykologisia ja kulttuurisia between men and women
miesten ja naisten välillä -- such as women's stereotypically greater tenderness, generosity and intuition -- from male and female biology.
Indeed, most grammarians claim that there is absolutely no
between the two constructions
kahden rakenteen välillä , the only contrast being that the bare infinitive is more colloquial, or more American (cf.
There seems
in the actual amount of weight lost
todellisen painonpudotuksen kannalta whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go, or spread it over the day
syödäänkö kalorimäärä kerralla vai päivän mittaan .
So if we find a
in disfluency
sujuvuudessa , we are still left with a problem of interpretation.
suunnittelijoiden väliset lies
hedelmällisyydessä between council tenants and owner-occupiers
kunnan vuokralaisten ja omistusasunnoissa asuvien is one of the biggest of any between major social groups (table 4.13).
in mortality
kuolleisuudessa is not specific to later life but is a pattern which is observable at all ages (see Table 3.1).
The £2.5m star said: `The players won't notice the
when the ball starts rolling tomorrow
, kun pallo alkaa pyöriä huomenna except for a lot of cameras concentrating on individuals and advertising.
Using a hand-lens, you can easily see the
between the wild-type, with its black compound eyes, and the pearl eye beetles with their white eyes ringed with black
villin tyypin välillä mustine yhdistelmäsilmineen ja helmiäissilmäisten koppakuoriaisten välillä, joiden valkoisten silmien ympärillä on mustat renkaat .
There is a
, as yet unexplained,
between ethnic groups
etnisten ryhmien välillä in their incidence of trichomonal infection
niiden keskuudessa esiintyvän trikomoniaasi-infektion suhteen .
Clearly, the
between reckless driving and careless driving
holtittoman ja huolettoman ajamisen välillä is one of degree.
Slightly more time was needed to abrade paintwork, compared to a corded tool, but there was no
on smoother surfaces
sileämmillä pinnoilla .
between my two classes of genes
kahden geeniluokkani välillä lies
in the divergent circumstances from which they stand to benefit in the future
monimuotoisissa olosuhteissa, joista ne tulevat hyötymään tulevaisuudessa .
It is easy to assume that any
sukupuoleen liittyvä should be attributed to the general operation of gender roles.
In the first place, the historian of recent times has
from that studied by some of his colleagues
jota osa hänen kollegoistaan tutki .
Also, God deals with
in different ways as He sees fit.
The split could have gone in a
with different characterizations and emphases within the overall framework.
Of the soft Italian cheeses Bel Paese, Mozzarella and Tallegio are the best known, although
All rifle barrels
Kaikki kiväärinpiiput from each other
toisistaan in minute respects
yksityiskohtien puolesta , and when firing a bullet each barrel leaves miniscule scratches called `lands ``on the discharged slug.
The configuration of hard drives
Kiintolevyjen kokoonpano in this respect
tässä suhteessa .
Or was God everything the
wanted Him to be?
It is the story of a violent, self-hypnotized novelist of the Ouida class:
from Elizabeth
Elizabethista as one can imagine
niin paljon kuin kuvitella saattaa .
As we shall see in subsequent chapters, elite and pluralist theories locate power in
areas of social and political life
sosiaalisen ja poliittisen elämän alueille, jotka ovat from those put forward in Marxist accounts
Marxin ajatusten mukaisista teorioista .
Certainly Americans see
from their home-grown shows
kotipuolen show-esityksiin verrattuna and for some reason they all seem to think that I ask rather cheeky questions, which I'll take as a compliment.
One puzzle that stands out in considering the UK's position is what makes
the UK's experiences
Ison-Britannian kokemukset from those of other countries
muiden maiden kokemuksista in the context of an international upheaval like that of the 1970s/1980s.
Difficulties arise due to the polysemous nature of English words and that documents may have been filed under
keywords that
avainsanoihin, jotka to those used in the query
kyselyssä käytetyistä .
are a very independent race, and
to our English neighbours
kuin englantilaiset naapurimme .
In terms of basic resources
Perusvarustelultaan ,
the small staffed homes
pienet, henkilökuntaa käyttävät talot to the institutional settings they replaced
kuin ne institutionaaliset yksiköt, jotka ne korvasivat .
`Even then, ``says one of the filmmakers, `
"Viimeiseen hengenvetoon" dramatically
dramaattisesti than she is in the final script
kuin lopullinen käsikirjoitus .
in detail
Yksityiskohdiltaan ,
are similar, in that they both derive from the clock's observable characteristics and behaviour.
He and Richard
Hän ja Richard ,
in temperament
temperamentiltaan , inevitably quarrelled a good deal.
can be and are charged for the same or similar things.
The infinitive's meaning-capacity in its ``bare use
Infinitiivin merkitys sen peruskäytössä is therefore no
ei näin ollen ole from that observed when it is preceded by to
havaitusta, kun sitä ennen on prepositio "to" .
One would find it hard to imagine two
aspects of the same country
näkökulmaa samaan maahan than the southern and northern coasts of Spain
kuin Espanjan etelä- ja pohjoisrannikko ovat .
If the company is limited by guarantee then
Different types of newspaper co-existed comfortably and
their problems
heidän ongelmansa from those experienced by their heirs
niiden jälkeläisten ongelmiin verrattuina .
First, I worked on a rapid landscape sketch, using
a technique that
tekniikkaa, joka was not
from the one used previously
kuin aikaisemmin käytetty .
Left governments in Australia, New Zealand, France, and Spain have pursued a series of economic and
social policies that
sosiaalisia toimintatapoja, jotka from those that Mrs Thatcher's government has pursued since 1979
rouva Thatcherin hallituksen vuodesta 1979 ajamiin verrattuna .
I can understand that London is something of a dream to you: I remember not
myself when I came down in the Thirties.
A not
was used by the Highland Railway in Scotland.
From the bazaars the tale passed via servants into households and thence to
, not
from bazaars
basaareihin verrattuna in their capacity to retail and embellish a story
kyvyssään kertoa ja värittää tarinaa .
Women, because of their role as mothers and wives, have
diverse careers which
monipuolisia uria, jotka to those of men
miesten uriin nähden .
But secondary or learned similarities can mediate generalization between otherwise
stimulanssien välillä .
What you will need fundamentally is to hit on some situation that puts the greatest stress imaginable on
from yourself
kuin sinä itse or from the majority of your readers.
in mood
ilmapiiriä edustava ,
a beautiful, mint `River Tagus at Dawn ``by Jean Pillement
kaunis, mintunvärinen Jean Pillementin "River Tagus at Dawn" (lot 38) made a record for the artist at £100,000 ($160,000, est. £30,000-50,000).
In other words, we want
to be far apart and similar ones to be close together.
Its conception and inspiration
Sen mielikuvat ja inspiraatio from the later classical form
myöhempään klassiseen muotoon verrattuna but, diverse and richly variable as it is throughout Europe, Gothic architecture is characteristically definable wherever it is to be found.
Salaries over here
Täkäläiset palkat to the UK
Isoon-Britanniaan verrattuina and we have no obligation to provide housing, however, what does sting is the level of social security payments.
professional ideologies
ammatilliset ideologiat might suggest that there would be different levels of discrimination among the professions.
Of the attack the Yorkshire Post commented: `The present players will never blend, as
their styles
heidän tyylinsä .
In his comparative examination of industrial relations in French and British oil refineries, Gallie (1978) noted the
conceptions of the role of unionism and its typical mode of action at plant level
ammattiyhdistysliikkeen roolikäsitykset ja sen tyypilliset toimintatavat tehdastasolla .
The problem, once again, is the
preventing pairing and meiosis, although, as with she-mules, there is some scant evidence of normal pairing and the occasional mature spermatozoon.
Following the trend to ensure compatibility of hardware and software developed on
, Sparc International is also reportedly working on another range of testing tools for the Sparc architecture.
Following the lodging of Defences,
to that in the Sheriff Court
kuin Sheriff Courtissa .
Judgment can be enforced in the High Court by not
to those in the county court
verrattuna käräjäoikeuden menetelmiin .
This formulation
Tämä kaava in appearance
ulkonäöltään .
These scores are then combined to give overall measures of
eroavaisuuksia between each possible pairing of artefacts
jokaisen mahdollisen esineparin välillä -- exactly the form of information required for multi-dimensional scaling.
eroavaisuudet between the dots
viivojen välissä suggests weighting and they will cease to be dimensionless.
He and Macdonald also contend that as
monozygous twin pairs
samanmunaiset kaksoset show
eroavaisuutta than dizygous twin pairs
kuin erimunaiset , this would tend to lead to disease discordance and underestimation of the genetic contribution.
Indeed one might contend that, were a woman to celebrate, it would, through
eroavaisuutensa to Jesus of Nazareth
Jeesus Nasaretilaisen suhteen , be the more apparent what was intended.
In a between-species cross
Lajien välisissä risteytyksissä ,
there is even
between the antigens
antigeenien välillä , one would expect the rejection to be even more axiomatic, but the immunological evidence is difficult to interpret.
the small atapuerca cranium 5
pieni atapuerca cranium 5 shows
yhdennäköisyyttä to Petralona
Petralonan kanssa , while a larger facial fragment (AT-404) displays a resemblance to the cheek region of Steinheim.
These bulky little cows
Nämä kömpelöt pikku lehmät seem to have some
to the old South and Westland cattle of Norway and also to the Jersey
Norjan ja Jerseyn vanhaa etelän ja länsimaan karjaa : the face, for example, is slightly dished.
Are you inferring that
my sexual preferences
minun seksuaalisilla mieltymyksilläni have
muistuttaisivat to your fancy photographer's
hienon valokuvaajasi mieltymyksiä ?
Huxley's Man's Place in Nature of 1863 had stressed the
yhdennäköisyyttä between humans and apes
ihmisen ja apinan välillä .
Human egg collectors, too, have been fooled by the
yhdennäköisyys of cuckoo eggs
käen munien to, say, meadow-pipit eggs or reed-warbler eggs
niittykirvisen tai rytikerttusen munien kanssa (different races of female cuckoos specialize in different host species).
He would have recognized her from
yhdennäköisyydestä to her brother
tämän veljen kanssa , although she looked the elder by some years.
“ My father and I are physical counterparts: and during these days more than ever I notice
yhdennäköisyytensä … ” he mused.
From past experience with UK rules that allow `discretion ``, it is not very hard to imagine that
might bear
to the `aim of the policy
sen tavoitetta .
The leaves of this tree are rather common fossils, striped with longitudinal veins that give
yhdennäköisyyttä to the leaf of an iris
iiriksen lehden kanssa .
`No, I'm sure it's right, ``said
also bore an
yhdennäköisyyttä to the Hollywood star
Hollywood-tähden kanssa .
It was a maroon colour, now much mottled, which was another point of
yhdennäköisyys between them
heidän välillään .
If we look at what is located at present under the general heading of `literature ``we find an extraordinary variety of texts, with only
very tenuous
erittäin heikosti between them
heidän välillään .
Are there not' in fact
yhteneväisyyttä between the uses of `I ``and those of `here
"minä"- ja "täällä"-sanojen välillä ?
I don't see the
yhdennäköisyyttä of Stu and Paul Young
Stu ja Paul Youngin välillä though, perhaps I expected someone with Spiky hair & black leather trousers.
Bearing in mind the
, all reflexes to the body can be found in the corresponding area on the feet.
Inevitably, therefore,
war on the grand scale as fought by princes
prinssien käymä suuren mittaluokan sota bore
to the feuds of lesser men
alempiarvoisten vihanpitoa .
It is not that I inferred from the
yhdennäköisyydestä that it was a man, until I began to doubt I was not thinking about it at all.
My reason for calling a sensation `a sensation of white ``
yhteneväisyydessä in some respect
joiltakin osin to other sensations called by the same name
muiden samannimisten tunteiden kanssa , but its mere resemblance to them.
We are not sure how the land masses lay, but
certainly bore no
in either form or distribution
muodoiltaan tai sijainneiltaan to modern continents
nykyisiä mantereita .
The mimics thus are protected by
yhdennäköisyytensä to the emetic models
oksettaviin malleihin , despite being far away from the place where the crows discovered the nasty prey.
For eating purposes
Orkney Cheddar
Orkney Cheddar is pretty soapy and bears
to a cheese actually brought from the Orkneys which I once tasted in the house of Edinburgh friends of mine
juustoa, joka itse asiassa on kotoisin Orkneysaarilta ja jota kerran maistoin Edinburghilaisten ystävieni luona .
Pintapuolisesti a shield boss with three fixing holes
kilven keskustaa kolmine kiinnitysreikineen but I thought that they were heavier and cast.
Pintapuolisesti Terebratula maxima
Terebratula maximaa may be found all over the world in rocks going back at least to the Jurassic period.
pintapuolisesti a living bath sponge
elävää kylpysientä more than the other sponges in this book
enemmän kuin muita tämän kirjan sieniä ,
being bun-shaped, with a minutely pitted external surface
pyöreän muotonsa vuoksi ja tasaisen reikäisyytensä ansiosta .
The note patternings
Nuottikulut are really very simple in rhythmic outline,
ovat tosiaan melko yksinkertaisia rytmisesti, very closely
erittäin läheisesti those of early choral music
varhaista kuoromusiikkia .
It operates through receptors whose
molecular and physiological properties
molekyyliset ja fysiologiset ominaisuudet the calcium-mobilizing ryanodine receptors of muscle
lihaksen kalsiumin liikkeelle saavia ryanodinireseptoreita .
a trade union movement
ammattiyhdistysliikettä ,
the Workingmen's Association
Koska työmiesten yhdistys gave Cipriani a mass support that none of his politically independent rivals could match.
It is no coincidence that combat soldiers, particularly paratroops, wear
camouflage uniforms that
maastopukuja, jotka a leopard's spotted coat
leopardin pilkullista turkkia .
This is
an imposing structure
vaikuttava rakennelma ,
in its frontage on two streets
julkisivultaan kahta katua the keep of a Norman castle
ja normannilaisen linnan tornia .
Such a diet
Sellaista ruokavalio that of the native Ugandan community where hypertension was exceedingly rare
alkuperäistä ugandalaista ruokavaliota, jota noudattavien keskuudessa kohonnut verenpaine oli erittäin harvinaista (Orr & Gilks, 1931).
It will then lose its external gills, develop lungs and turn into
a creature that
hahmoksi, joka a burrowing salamander that lives in Florida
Floridassa asuvaa kaivelevaa salamanteria .
Quickly he seized pencil and paper and drew
three hills
kolme kukkulaa ,
, jotka muistuttavat the breasts and belly of a woman lying on her back
selällään makaavan naisen rintoja ja vatsaa , the Maeve cairn becoming a nipple.
A row of pollard willows
Latvottujen pajujen rivistö sometimes
a procession of almshouse men
vaivaistalon kulkuetta .
So far as his own understanding of Jesus himself was concerned, however,
: Jesus was the exemplary embodiment of an `idea ``.
close relatives
läheisten sukulaisten must
with respect to such a character
tämän ominaisuuden suhteen more than do distantly related individuals
enemmän kuin kaukaista sukua olevien .
The countryside is deserted but for groups of
distant yurts which
kaukaisia jurttia, jotka pickable mushrooms
poimittavia sieniä .
This is not true of
places in Britain which
paikkoja Britanniassa, jotka Tyneside
Tynesiden aluetta , namely Glasgow and Liverpool.
an insect that
hyönteinen, joka in only one limited respect
vain yhdessä suhteessa will fool one kind of predator, even though it is eaten by all other kinds of predators.
There were also
galleria-hautoja , sometimes called Clyde cairns because of their prevalence around the Clyde estuary, and
jotka muistuttavat Irish burial chambers
irlantilaisia hautakammioita in their rectangular construction and internal division into separate compartments
suorakulmaisine rakenteineen ja sisäisine erillisosastoineen .
Five feet six, he was overweight for his height and
a large turnip
suurta turnipsia .
This type of union
Tämäntyyppinen liitto the free intercirculation union
vapaata rahaliittoa in terms of the currency competition associated with it
siihen liittyvän valuuttakilpailun osalta .
There the issue was: Can there be
other creatures who
muita olentoja, jotka in appearance
ulkonäöltään , but are not true men, not really ``people like us?
However, it must be remembered that
the Chinese communists
kiinalaiset kommunistit the Kuomintang
Kuomintangia in using captured Japanese personnel for their own purposes
käyttäessään vangittuja japanilaisia omiin tarkoituksiinsa after 1945 and indeed during the Chinese intervention in Korea from October 1950.
is described, as sometimes lying in the mine
joka muistuttaa .
The terrain and approach
Maasto ja tuloreitti uncannily
hämmästyttävästi Pearl Harbor and its surrounds
Pearl Harboria ympäristöineen .
It wasn't to do with the women,
their ancestors
esi-isiään .
He gradually induced in the group
a feeling of hopelessness
toivottomuuden tunneta ,
what both Mr E and Dave were feeling in the classroom
sitä, mitä sekä Mr E että Dave tunsivat luokkahuoneessa .
in some respects
jossain kohdin mitochondrial DNA
mitokondrioiden DNA that of bacteria
bakteerien DNA:ta .
Over the next few days Rory began to wonder if life would ever return to
even remotely
edes etäisesti .
Ian snapped, `
The key under the tab marked `Hardnut on your board there
Hardnut-välilehden alla oleva painike näppäimistöllänne that hanging under the tab next to it marked `Sylvester ``
sen vieressä olevaa Sylvester-välilehteä .
In some respects
Jossain suhteessa the platform of the ratepayer-based, antisocialist Municipal Alliance
veronmaksajapohjaisen, antisosialistisen Municipal Alliancen vaaliohjelma that of Labour
Labour-puolueen ohjelmaa .
Write down examples of previous relationships that have followed
to the one that you now have with the addict in your life
kuin nyt, kun elämässäsi on addikti .
Both approaches appear to achieve
Johansson & Backlund (1970) tested a further 5,000 drivers and found broadly
He looked at Catherine Crane's feet and saw she was in a
is reasonable over most of the area and, as might be expected,
to that given by the Shotgun model
kuin Shotgun-malli .
In east London neonatal
mortality among white and Asian groups
kuolleisuus valkoisten ja aasialaisten keskuudessa .
Blacks and Whites
Mustat ja valkoiset on this item
tässä kohdassa , with Asians having a better perception of the police.
For those aged over 65
for both males and females
molemmilla sukupuolilla .
However, William IV considered his faith pledged to the enactment of
, joka oli samanlainen in essentials
oleellisilta osin to the Whig Government's Bill
kuin Whig-puolueen hallituksen lakialoite .
to the Chernobyl plant
kuin Tshernobylin voimalassa but have undergone a number of modifications since 1986.
He was described as being a fine back player and had
a splendid defence
upea puolustus ,
to the legendary Fuller Pilch
kuin legendaarisella Fuller Pilchillä .
The World Series amps
World Series -vahvistimet in outward appearance
ulkonäöltään to their Linebacker cousins
kuin Linebacker-serkkunsa .
Our hotel in the medina is run by an amiable eccentric whose vagueness probably results from constant imbibing of palm wine and smoking harar,
a local herb
paikallista yrttiä similar
, joka on samanlaista to mild hash
kuin mieto hasis .
He similarly dismissed a statement by the American Secretary of State, Shultz, that Nicaragua `could become the source of
another crisis
toisen kriisin similar
, joka on samanlainen to the Cuban crisis
kuin Kuuban-kriisi ``.
Congress, last year the Northern Region voted against
the special report titled Wider Democracy
Laajempaa demokratiaa -nimen saanutta erikoisraporttia vastaan ,
to this report
tämän raportin kanssa .
There is also the problem that
some letters
osa kirjaimista .
At the other extreme, where males generally mate with only a single female,
in size and appearance
koon ja ulkonäön suhteen .
The north-east of England and the lowlands of Scotland
Englannin koillisosat ja Skotlannin alangot , if one can put it that way.
to the cell attached configuration
solun konfiguraatio ,
flowed outwards from the bath into the pipette, and increased during depolarisation of the membrane patch.
Dubbed the 68360 Quad Integrated Communications Controller,
is described as
arkkitehtonisesti to its 16-bit predecessor
kuin sen 16-bittistä edeltäjää , the 68302.
rates of fluid transport
nestekuljetusten hinnat , regardless of the method used for estimating fluid transport, the results from the two methods were pooled.
Soil-nutrients have been found to be at
as under mature forest, at least so far as phosphorus, organic carbon and nitrogen are concerned, though the pH and cation concentrations are higher.
, with further improvements, were built.
There are
yhtäläisyyttä to ideals and ways of thought in other English-speaking countries and Western Europe
ihanteiden ja ajattelutavan välillä muissa englanninkielisissä maissa ja Länsi-Euroopassa , but only in a broad sense.
have certain
yhtäläisyyttä .
There are indeed, as I have already suggested, certain
yhtäläisyyttä between the two theories
kahden teorian välillä , and they have similar powers of deception and similar capacities for making mischief.
Now American producers are tactfully claiming the script is not based on Liz's life and marriage to builder Larry Fortensky, even though there are
yhtäläisyyttä between her past and the film's plot
hänen menneisyytensä ja elokuvan juonen välillä .
Unlikely as it may seem, there are
yhtäläisyyttä between the major European languages and Sanskrit
suurimpien eurooppalaisten kielten ja sanskritin välillä .
Despite this conceptual difference, however, there is a
samankaltaisuus between an ESS and a `Nash equilibrium ``
ESS:n ja "Nash equilibriumin" välillä , which is the central equilibrium concept in classical game theory.
We may also discern
yhtäläisyyttä between Hayek and Oakeshott
Hayekin ja Oakeshottin välillä on law and government
lain ja hallinnon suhteen .
Words were then categorised based on the
yhtäläisyyteen of these groups
näiden ryhmien .
Yhtäläisyydet in calendars
kalentereissa also link the Olmecs and the Mayans.
Tonight the police said they are checking for any
yhtäläisyyksiä with previous attacks
aiempien pahoinpitelyjen kanssa .
the past history of their relations with the mainland
heidän aiemmat suhteensa mannermaahan has some
yhtäläisyyksiä with colonialism
kolonialismiin .
After Kay's
samankaltaisuus to Clinton was pointed out, she upped his rating from two to six.
has other
yhtäläisyyksiä to the Italian maestro
italialaisen maestron kanssa .
had some
yhtäläisyyksiä to the Conservative reforms of 1990
konservatiivien uudistuksiin vuonna 1990 .
He had to admit there was
very little
erittäin vähän between himself and this splendid creature
hänen itsensä ja tämän ihanan olennon välillä .
It must be noted that, while there is
in many passages recorded in all three Gospels
kaikkien kolmen Gospel-ryhmän äänittämissä kohdissa , there are differences.
Moreover, our 1988 study shows that
these results using NPV
NPV:ta käyttävät tulokset bear
to empirical findings from PIMS studies (see chapter 4) where profitability has been related to market share
empiirisiin löydöksiin PIMS-tutkimuksissa (katso luku 4), jossa tuottavuus on suhteessa markkinaosuuteen .
A new sintered glass product which
Uusi, sintrattu lasituote, joka bears
to Siporax is Biohome which is reviewed on our What's New pages this month
Siporaxin kanssa on Biohome, jota tarkastellaan tässä kuussa uutuussivuillamme .
Being written in different programming languages, there was no
between the programs
ohjelmien kesken .
Despite the
yhtäläisyyksistä of risk factors
riskitekijöissä , the prevalence of many of these risk factors was higher in Maori children than in non-Maori children.
Because of the
yhtäläisyyksien vuoksi between s.69 and s.5 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968
Civil Evidence Act -lainsäädännössä vuodelta 1968, p. 69 ja 5 , it would appear that the courts may hold the same view with regard to civil evidence.
samankaltaisuus should allow these units to have common currency in the credit accumulation system -- the National Record of Vocational Achievement, which both bodies operate.
But there is some
samankaltaisuutta .
There are
yhtäläisyyttä in inter-family and inter-gender relations
perheen ja sukupuolten välisissä suhteissa .
Samankaltaisuus in philosophy
filosofioissa between Loeb and Skinner
Loebin ja Skinnerin is apparent.
The prototypical reactions of dogs, in such circumstances, and
samankaltaisuus to those of humans
ihmisten reaktioihin verrattuna , are the grounds for our confidence in the judgements.
Clearly, the
samankaltaisuus between the French and American signs
ranskalaisten ja amerikkalaisten merkkien välillä is not in itself indicative of an historical relationship.
samankaltaisuus of this western Atlantic subspecies
Tämän Länsi-Atlantin alalajin to its eastern counterpart
itäiseen versioonsa nähden is dealt with under the REMARKS section of O. enopla veterna.
There the
samankaltaisuus ended.
samankaltaisuus indicates a second written source.
Likewise, we might be disturbed if
the social class distribution in the sample
esimerkin sosiaalinen luokkajako turned out to be
the overall pattern
yleisessä mallissa .
If a fly strayed into a cinema,
its view of the film
sen näkymä filmille would be
that of the human audience
sama kuin ihmisyleisöllä .
Plump and cheerful,
looked not
His approach
Hänen saapumisensa , however, was conciliatory,
that of Tyndale and More
Tyndalen ja Moren .
A fine Greek revivalist station
Hieno kreikkalainen lähetyssaarnaaja-asema , not
that at Monkwearmouth in Northumbria
Monkwearmouth Northumbriassa , was built in Hamilton, Ontario, in 1930.
There is, and it is very important,
a joking relationship
vitsaileva suhde , not
that in the armed forces and elsewhere
armeijassa ja muualla .
is, however,
utilitarismia in almost all other respects
lähes kaikissa muissa suhteissa .
Results for 1990
Vuoden 1990 tulokset ,
so many other retailers'
niin monella muulla jälleenmyyjällä , are expected to be strong, with profits up on the '89 figure of £64 million.