and with it her strength too seemed to ebb.
She made some coffee, and went out on the balcony in her cotton housecoat, where she could see
from behind the dark hills
tummien kukkuloiden takaa , and the slopes slowly become bathed with light.
The mist changed to a warm pink and began to disperse as
above the horizon
horisontin yli .
Slipping on his gloves, he saw out of the corner of his eye
above a belt of dark blue
tummansinisen viivan yläpuolelle .
The pursuit began as
across the bay
lahden ylle .
He `proves ``the bowl shape of the Earth by claiming that if it were flat,
samanaikaisesti in all places
kaikissa paikoissa .
over one of these slopes
yli erään näistä rinteistä , warm hues glistening off the windswept, spiky blue ice.
the next morning
seuraavana aamuna , Gabriel waited outside his hut until he saw the young woman riding up the hill.
The room is dazzling snow,
full and cold
täytenä ja kylmänä .
We knew it never got submerged by the tide and our idea was to take some photographs of
over Widemouth
Widemouthin ylle .
from behind the peach tree
persikkapuun takaa and its light came pouring in through the open windows.
Outside his window
over the fells
yli ylänköjen and it was reflected exactly in the round lake.
After a time
Jonkin ajan kuluttua a full yellow moon
keltainen täysikuu above the ridge of the eastern desert
itäisen autiomaan harjanteen yli .
behind the house
talon takaa , making it look like a silhouetted stage-set; servants came out of it in procession, bearing the next course.