ball.n 🔎
- As the echoes of the big bang died away, the universe evolved from a blandballpallostaof gaskaasu-into a lacy web of galaxies.
- Reserve (tightly wrapped) asmallishpienehköballpalloof white fondanttäynnä valkoista täytettäand colour the remainder blue.
- Rollballspallojaof pastetahna-for the heads and position on top of larger balls for the bodies.
- Agreatsuuriballpyörreof windtuulenpuffed out of the old chimney-place, rocking the portrait of Jas.
- The system will then reverse its motion and begin to contract, becoming once again agreatsuuriballpalloof firetuli-, and another `big bang ``will eventually trigger a new creative era.
- Seriously, it takes only moments to wind ahugevaltavanballpallonof woolvilla-and it rewinds it perfectly.
- Stars do not twinkle; theyareovathugevaltaviaballspallojaof firetuli-
- The sun, ahugevaltavaballpalloof firetuli-low on the horizon, had turned the sea pewter-grey and edged the streaks of peach and rose-hued cloud with molten silver.
- The galaxies then develop smaller whirlpools — hotballspalloof gaskaasu-that become stars … ”
- Asmallpieniballpalloof pale pink double knitting woolhaalean pinkkiä kaksinkertaiseksi neulottua villaa
- Rufus had only seen it while eating partridge which had been winged instead of shot in the head and had nearly broken one of his teeth on thetinypieneenballkuulaanof leadlyijy-.
- Theballpalloof paperpaperi-hit the lip of the basket and fell to the floor.
- Today he sat surrounded by paints and solvents,ballskeränof stringnaru-, boxes of old cotton reels and electrical parts, but he wasn't working.
- With two needles and aballkerälläof woolvillalanka-, she showed how to knit.
- Any spareballskerätof woolvillalanka-were pooled to make children's clothes or squares for patchwork blankets.
circle.n 🔎
- She stopped and looked at the garden; inside the squarewas aolicircleympyräof flower bedskukkapenkkien muodostama.
- It would be misleading therefore, effectively to write off theouterulko-circleympyräof kinsamanlainenas significant sources of support in British society.
- Laputais aoncircleympyräof landmaa-, about eight kilometres across, covered with houses and other buildings.
- Over to your right in the distance, half-hidden by a fold of land,is aonbrokenrikkinäinencircleympyräof stone monolithskivilohkareiden muodostama.
- For a moment he seemed almost not to see the brightsilverhopea-circleympyrääthat lay in her palm.
- The form and position ofstonekivi-circlesympyröiden, tree clumps and wells strongly suggest a ritual approach along an ancient trackway, as if walking the paths that others have trod before encourages the energies to manifest.
- Thestonekivi-circlesympyrätappear to have had some sort of tradition of dancing, perhaps associated with these key times.
- When she held it up to the light she saw that asmallpienicirclelänttiof skiniho-was inflamed.
- Brush the tops of all thelittlepientencirclesrenkaidenof cakekakunwith glaze.
- An orangecirclekehäof lightvalon-, the beam from his torch, darted round the tent walls, there was the jingle of keys and I felt them cold in my hand.
- He gestured towards the darkness beyond thecirclekehänof lightvalon-.
- Then out of the darkness appeared alittlepieniwhitecirclekehäof lightvalon-.
- Line the bottom of the basin only with paper by cutting out acircleympyräof paperpaperi-about 5cm (2inches) larger than the base of the bowl.
circular.a 🔎
- The crater was about two miles across, almostperfectlytäydellisesticircularpyöreä, with several steep-sided peaks evenly placed around the rim.
- They are quite unmistakable, and are often very elegant indeed, especially whentheyneareovatperfectlytäysincircularpyöreitäand symmetrical.
- Abel is a fortyish man with round unblinking eyes and aperfectlytäysincircularpyöreäheadpää.
- With abrasives (cream cleaners) a smallcircularpyöriväämotionliikettäshould be employed using a nearly dry cloth folded as described earlier.
- They consist ofroughlykarkeistacircularpyörivistädepressionspainanteistaand of more elongated depressions, and are radar-dark.
- Therefore, the outward motion of the expanding bubble is not significantly biased in the direction of the impact, and aroughlykarkeatcircularpyöreätcraterkraatteritis excavated.
- Almost perfectly circular, it contains avirtuallykäytännössäcircularpyöreänlakejärvenwith another almost perfectly circular island in its centre -- the whole confection looking like a vast floating doughnut.
- Not to be confused with air vents is the owl-hole, a nearly square orcircularpyöreäopeningaukko150-230mm (6-9in) across, set high up in the gable of the barn.
- Thenearlylähescircularpyöreätorbitsradaton the outside of the left panel are outside the OLR.
- From a front viewthe small birdspienet linnutcan lookalmostlähescircularpyöreiltäand a circle drawn within a circle can quickly capture, for instance, a robin when seen head on.
- The Woodchester mosaic comprises three concentriccircularpyöreästäbandsnauhasta,which enclose a central octagon.
- system, there was acircularpyöreäholereikäwith red glass in the right hand one, the large oil lantern used at Gravesend, having been replaced by a hinged opening vent.
- Darlington Rucksack Club is to go on a moderate goingcircularkierto-walkkävelyllearound Castle Bolton tomorrow.
- It has a cylindrical and pillarless weighing chamber comprising threecircularpyörivästäweighing chamber doorspunnituskammion ovestawhich rotate to give the user a 200° panoramic access.
coil.n 🔎
- Thethickpaksutcoilskiehkuratof hairhius-had been pinned up beneath it by a patient Sister Anne, who sighed as she went about her task.
- `You're an architect, someone who's supposed to improve this planet, not festoon it withill-placedväärin sijoitetuillacoilskiehkuroillaof lurid metalkarmeilla metalli-.
- This powered a number of small engines with gleamingcopperkupari-coilskäämeille.
- He punched his way through, tearing an opening in what must have been the thing's gut (for sinuous tubes were visible there,coilskiehkuratof transparent rubberläpinäkyvät kumi-that could only have been intestines).
- Coilskiehkuratof steamHöyrywrithed off the wet grass under the early heat of the sun.
- And he reserved a ladder and acoilvyyhdinof ropeköysi-, always to be ready.
- On the far side of Farringdon Road, Graham passed Easton Street where another painter's or window-cleaner's cradle lay on the pavement, up-ended for some reason,neatsiistitcoilsvyyhdetof ropeköysi-around it.
- Over her shoulder, Britta could seecoilskiehkuratof smokesavu-.
- In the metal and spring-making department the floor was littered with pieces of metal,coilsvyyhtejäof wirejohto-and shavings; the surface of the floor was greasy and the premises generally filthy.
- I saw themassedtiheitäcoilsvyyhtejäof barbed wirepiikkilanka-, the tall wooden towers and the muffled sentries that we had passed on the night I arrived.
- In a simple dynamo, an electric current is produced in acoilkäämissäof wirejohto-by rotating the coil between opposite magnetic poles.
cube.n 🔎
- Take4in4 tuumancubespalikkaof timberpuu-and cut one corner out.
- As the lights came up I saw he was standing up straight and alert, withcubespalasetof dried vomitkuivuneesta oksennuksestadecorating his cheeks.
- The tombis anonalmost pyramidallähes pyramidinmuotoinencubekuutioof red sandstonepunaisesta hiekkakivestäwhose almost absurdly thick inward-battering walls are topped by a dome of solid white marble.
- Then she served a carbonnade oflargesuuriacubespalasiaof beefnaudanliha-and triangles of wholemeal bread spread with French mustard, the gravy tasting largely of Guinness.
- He unfolded his arms and turned to tip spices and chicken andcubeskuutioitaof porksianliha-into the pan.
- Hannah had poured herself a dry Martini and put inicejää-cubeskuutioitaand lemon.
- Stir in themonkfishmerikrotti-cubeskuutiotand simmer for another 5 minutes or until fish is just done.
- There were still old parts of Bucharest surviving despite the bulldozers of Ceausescu which had torn down the old to buildhugevaltaviaconcretebetoni-cubeskuutioita.
- A specially good recipe within my family is the combination offresh pineappletuoreita ananas-cubeskuutioitawith fruit mincemeat.
- 3 Scatter thebriochebriossi-cubeskuutiotin six small gratin or shallow heatproof dishes.
- I lived in anoutcroppaljastuneessacubekuutiossaof thinnest glassohuen ohuessa lasi-,
- Other herbs can be deep-frozen, either dry or incubeskuutioissaof icejää-.
- Finally, add extra sparkle by serving up the Christmas spirit with bobbing snowmen andfir tree-shapedkuusenmuotoisiaicejää-cubeskuutioita-- they'll certainly break the ice at parties!
- Paul pulledseveraluseitacubespalojaof sugarsokeri-from his pocket and tossed them among the children, and they squealed and fought among themselves, passing the prizes eventually from hand to hand.
- Lily dropped acubepalanof sugarsokeri-into her champagne and they clinked glasses, still laughing.
curve.n 🔎
- A straight line can be defined as acurvekäyränäof infinite or very large radiustai epämääräisenä tai erittäin suurena säteenä.
- Harmonic lines are most commonly in two forms: (1) Parallels that may be straight, orcurveskäyrinäof similar radius, joilla on sama säde, concentric curves or mixtures of these.
- Desk Top Publishing can bring benefits to an organisation but only if the requirements are properly defined and there is an appreciation of what such systems can do and thelearningoppimis-curvekäyräinvolved.
- Compared with those counts of greater or equal to twenty one, whichis theonwhitevalkoinencurvekäyrä, greater or equal to twenty one, white curve, which is the lower curve.
- But they also have a steeplearningoppimis-curvekäyräfor the uninitiated, which is something to consider before taking the plunge.
- This is why the rivers havemanymoniacurvesmutkia, because they follow the wriggling tracks of the serpent; similarly, waterholes are round because they are in the shape of a snake coiled up to rest.
- The multimers with the same actual size (L) are connected into acurvekäyrään.
- Thebasicperus-curvekäyräis a good design with which to experiment, and many flowers and leaves curve naturally.
- Theinsidesisä-curvekäyräwas worked as a true radius, with the outside following the shape on the template.
- Similarcurveskäyriäare obtained for other liquids.
- However, this means that everycurvekäyrärequires two tools, a left and a right, therefore doubling the number of tools necessary.
- Appendix 5 provides extended synonym tables andcurveskäyriäfor more precise work in this field.
- But he would never actually touch her, Maria decided, directing a quick look at the resolute line of chin and jaw and thearrogantröyhkeäcurvekaariof his nose.
- The grey eyes flicked over thecurveskaarienof her body, and finally rested on her face.
expanse.n 🔎
- North of the Arctic Circle Norway has some fine mountainous country and Finnmark, anexpanselakeusof flatter tundratasaisemman tundranthat offers a very different and, in winter, a very cold trip.
- Theexpanselaajuusof beachrannanwas so denuded of any trace of the present century we might have stepped out on to a distant planet.
- Near by is a quay, at the side of an estuary, and here the scenery becomes melancholy and fiat;expanseslaajojaof mudmuta-alueita, saltish commons, the marsh-birds crying.
- Lochan Fada, Fionn Loch and a score of otherwatervesi-expansesalueita, jewels in sunlight, sullen under cloud, are rarely seen.
- Fergus was staring at theplasterboardkipsilevy-expansealaaabove them.
- LongPitkätexpansesalueetof sandy beach fringe the clear turquoise sea.
- This is the face of mean Nineties Britain, multi-storey car parks and flats flanking a wide, featurelessexpanselakeusof roadmaantienwith orange streetlamps brightening the gloom.
- At last, a streak of orange light appeared to the east; and gradually the white sea in front of thembecame anaukeniimmensevaltavaexpanselakeusof fertile greenvehreä, while the purple ocean behind turned shimmering white.
- I look out across the twinklingexpanselakeudenof oceanvaltameren, and decide to go and see Teddy.
- The wind showed no signs of abating, but the tide was out and the inner basinwas anoliexpansesuuri alueof fine, yellow sandhienoa, keltaista hiekkaa.
- As a prairie youth I loved Vancouver and thegreatvaltavaaexpanseavaruuttaof open seaavomeren, and hoped to live there some day.
- Thegreatsuuriexpansealueof pondlammenwas ahead, still solid and unrippled under the deblemishing moonlight.
- The far wallwas aolilargesuuriexpansealueof ornamented glasskuvioidun lasin muodostama, with pitch blackness beyond.
- Perdita looked at the huge puddles reflecting avastlaajanexpansealueenof skytaivas-.
- Their bedroom was in the front of the house and looked out over the sea, avastlaajanexpansealueenof bluesinisen, sparkling in early morning sunshine.
- Like anywidelaajaexpansealueof seameri-, the Pacific Ocean is criss-crossed with commercial air-routes.
length.n 🔎
- All it is is ahalf-inch to three-inch0,5 - 3 tuumanlengthpituinenof supple nylon or braided terylene (the hair)pätkä notkeaa nailonia tai punottua teryleeniä (lankaa)attached to the bend or eye of a strong hook.
- `To think of thatvastmittavaalengthpituuttaof tubeputkensupported only at its ends and a whole train running through it.
- After matching the tension, the garment in the original and substitute yarns would have much the same number of stitches knitted throughout and therefore need much the sameyarnlangan-lengthpituutta.
- Use a board or a line as a guide when cutting straight edges or alengthpätkääof hose pipeletkunfor curves.
- AshortLyhytlengthpätkäof plastic rainwater pipemuovisen sadevesiputken, fixed with pipe clips to the underside of my garage roof beams, makes an ideal store for thin timber rippings.
- Kits are sold these days which contain the trap and also thelengthspätkiäof pipesputken-you need for fitting wastes to basins, baths, sinks, washing machines, etc.
- Thisis aonlengthpätkäof pipeputken-, with a gentle bend in it, which leads up to the surface where it is fitted with a removable cover.
- After a while, the boat came close enough for the man to throw him alengthpätkänof ropeköyden-, which he caught.
- Philip picked up the roll of wire from beside the hide and clipped off a goodlengthpätkänof wirejohdon-.
- When alengthpätkäof wirejohdon-is suspended in a magnetic field, the wire will move at right angles to the magnetic flux whenever an electric current is passed along it.
- His assistant dangled a250′250lengthpätkääof wirejohdon-over the edge of the cliff and heard a message sent by Marconi from a house near Bournemouth Pier.
- Some cheaper machines have an internal arrangement where the original socket at the back is connected to an improvised socket at the front by alengthpätkälläof wirejohdon-.
line.n 🔎
- The default paragraph settings are singlelinerivinspacing, blocked left margin and ragged line-endings.
- There are33lineslinjaaof attackhyökkäys-against food poisoning organisms:
- There was afrownotsa-lineryppybitten deep between the brows, and the forehead was intaglioed with scars.
- The front of the head is shaved on alineviivandrawn from ear to ear.
- Her hair, drawn back from her face into a chignon, was iron-grey, and there weredeepsyvätlinesjuonteetaround her nose and mouth.
- In the original clamping area the decline in parking onyellowkeltaisellelinesviivallewas 40 per cent.
- BlankTyhjiälinesrivejämust not be inserted between keywords.
- It is in places almost congruent with the tectonic Pacific; its outline follows theAndesiteAndesite-Linelinjaaalong the western margin of the Pacific plate, from Kamchatka to Christchurch.
- Everyone was supportive when I dried up on my one and onlylinevuorosananand we had to do it again.
- Mudbound tideposts staggered out into the creek, and out across the flats a marram-fastenedlinelinjanof sand-dunes concealed the distant sea.
- And there were more birds at low tide, gulls sweeping low over the mud, sometimes walking on it, leavinglittlepieniälinesviivojaof three-toed trackskolmivarpaisia.
- On the bank alineriviof children running through a field of clover were knee-deep in mist.
- The UK average, based on established test norms, is thelineviivadown the middle of the scale.
- This data is plotted on the graph and alineviivais drawn to link the points.
oval.n 🔎
- To make the space creatures, shapesmallpieniäovalssoikioitafrom the green icingvihreästä kuorrutuksestaand position on the cake.
- Ash's face was close to the flame, itsyellowkeltainenovalsoikioglowing like some magical caste-mark on her forehead.
- A Court ring is rounded for comfort on the inside as well as the outside with across section forming anovalsoikion.
- They include a small circular picture with a bronze fabric backing and a small spray of miniature yellow roses, plusseveraluseitaovalssoikioitawith cream and gold backgrounds.
- It is also possible to discern rotary motion within thelargersuuremmissaovalssoikioissa, particularly cloud features which circulate clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere.
- Itwas aolisqueezedkokoonpuristettuovalsoikio, and cracked top and bottom.
- It has very low surface brightness, and is best seen with low powers as anovalsoikeablur.
- He clenched shut his eyes so as not to see thepalekalpeitaovalsoikeitaof her face through the shadows.
- On the other hand in the heads of the two central `demoiselles ``the severe,regularsäännöllisetovalssoikiotof the typically `Iberian faces of 1906 give way to new, asymmetric shapes.
- It might have been the man that he'd seen before or it might not; his face was no more than acharacterlessaivan tavallinenovalsoikiowith a few spare lines drawn on it for features.
- She had never seen anything so accomplished as the movements he made, or so perfect as theovalsoikeatof his lips as he exhaled.
- The medal was backed by asmallpieneenovalsoikeaanof woodpuunpalaan, polished smooth by centuries of wear.
ribbon.n 🔎
- The tide was rising: it came filtering gently in through the salt-marsh vegetation, washing up the beach and receding, leavingribbonsnauhojaof foamvaahto-along the sand.
- His bare feet could identify all the frayed patches on thelongpitkälläribbonkapeallaof carpetmatollaand each worn tread on the stairs.
- A three-inchribbonkaistaleof snowlumi-, sideways up, is balanced on the telephone wires until, now and then, a bird lets on them, and ten or twenty yards fall like droppings into the street.
- They emerged into the sharp, clean cold of the open air, and overhead hung acrumpledtiivisribbonvyöof starstähtien.
- The river too was uniformly dark apart from the ripples and eddies whichwereolivatthinohuitaribbonskaistaleitaof lightvalo-.
- The roadwas aoliribbonkuin nauhaof moonlightkuutamossaover the purple moor.
- When he was not writing or smoking, Bob noticed, he sat absolutely still, so still that theribbonnauhaof smokesavu-from his cigarette hung almost undisturbed for two or three feet above his hand.
- He shook his head, settling back again in his chair, his eyes fixing on the silveryribbonnauhaanof watervesi-swirling away between the trees.
round.a 🔎
- But instead of the greed-crazed madman he expected, he found himself looking into theroundpyöreisiinredfacekasvoihinof a Sergeant of the Watch.
- On the terrace of the Lion d'Or, Jack was sitting alone at one of theroundpyöreistäwhitetablespöydistä, a spare chair tilted forward on either side of him.
- He had a large head and aroundpyöreätredfacekasvotand while he repeated `What a wet night!
- It was theroundpyöreäntable approachpöydän taktiikkawhich sunk the Polish Communist Party.
- Michael was a short burly man with aroundpyöreätruddyfacekasvot, he said little but Allen thought he looked more dangerous than the others.
- And then she knelt over him and theroundpyöreätchildishfacekasvotwith its bush of bright hair shut out the sky.
- He was still short, of course, and theroundpyöreätpinkfacekasvottopped by white candy-floss hair made him look even more harmless than ever.
- But Garvey had a big,roundpyöreät, jollyfacekasvot.
- Her cheeksHänen poskensawereolivatroundpyöreätand red and she smiled.
shape.n 🔎
- For even more variety, try weaving several different sizes of the chosen shape, or even combining two orthreekolmedifferenterishapesmuotoainto the same design.
- A dark, hangingTumma, roikkuvashapehahmoblocked the way.
- The light, as it grew, began to show the upper field, while the distant hedge and brookremained dark,näkyivät tumminalinearlineaarisinashapesviivoinabelow.
- Delgard glanced once more at the door before following thedarktummaashapehahmoadown the corridor.
- Once thetwokaksibasicperus-shapesmuotoahave been created a single point is selected on each object using the blend tool and the program then creates the required number of `in-between ``stages.
- The values of each of the exponents vary independently of the other, to produce half-life curves ofmarkedly differentmerkittävästi erilaisistashapesmuodoista.
- Thedarktummashapehahmoof a `ring-tail ``rises from cover.
- Even then it was difficult to be sure which of theshadowy tumbledhämäristä, sekoittuneistashapesvarjoistawas the one in which Marian had dropped the sack.
- This improvement became available only a couple of years ago in theshapemuodossaof Gore-Tex booties.
- As she grappled with the staples she could feel inside the bag thefirmkovanshapemuodonof a bookkirjan.
- A traditionally light vase, like the black-figure neck-amphora (fig. 55) was avoided, and when it was later taken into the red-figure repertory theshapemuotowas rethought.
- When creating a stencil design, it is essential to remember to leave a space between eachleaf or flowerlehden tai kukanshapemuodon, otherwise the stencil card will drop to pieces when it is cut out.
- A long-tailed, hawk-like bird emerged from the trees,duskyhämäräshapehahmoin the gloom.
- Mr Adamec cited pressure from the opposition in bargaining over theshapekokoonpanostaof a new governmentuuden hallituksenas his reason for stepping down.
sheet.n 🔎
- This is a noisy, rumbustious film that's prone to burying itself in hails of gunshots andsheetsloimuihinof flameliekkien.
- A Celis, in cartoon parlance, aon sarjakuvan kielenkäytössäsheetarkkiof transparent acetateläpinäkyvä asetaatti-(originally celluloid, which is where the name comes from) upon which a character is drawn.
- Whencellsolu-sheetslevytare deformed and folded the cells tend to keep contact with their neighbour and the sheet behaves as a coherent social group of cells.
- Often the algae accumulate in a thin layer on the underside of theicejää-sheetlevyn, dispersing when the ice melts.
- The floor was entirely covered with sheet lead, which was protected from wear by oak slats, and the sides, to a height of 3ft were sheathed withstoutvankoillazincsinkki-sheetslevyillä.
- SCIENTISTS in the US are planning to turn a cubic kilometre of the Antarcticicejää-sheetlautastainto a giant `neutrino telescope ``.
- Production is concentrated at Ravenscraig, in Motherwell, where the rolling mills producethinohuitasheetslevyjäof steelteräs-for car bodies and for domestic appliances such as washing machines.
- Colouredacetateasetaatti-sheetslevytin yellow, red, blue or green are obtainable, but are more expensive than the ordinary transparent sheet.
- The bodies, however, are made with hardwood,aluminiumalumiini-sheetlevystäand glass fibre, and the vehicles are designed with ease of repair and service in mind.
- First choose the size of mirror that you want and then have asheetlevyof mirrored glasspeililasi-cut to your specifications.
- Most greenhouses are easily fitted with a louvred ventilator in place of anormaltavallisensheetlevyof glasslasi-.
- Poor cutlery will have tiny burrs inside the fork prongs where it has been stamped out of thesheetlevystäof metalmetalli-.
- Beneath his glass lay asheetarkkiof paperpaperi-, sopping up wine.
square.n 🔎
- It is still possible to open a door and find a dozen women sitting quietly round a bench sewingsmallpieniäsquaresneliöitäof silksilkki-, with all the cloistered intensity of medieval seamstresses.
- To create an interesting decorative effect with mirrors, you may like to consider mirror mosaic, which consists ofsmallpienistäsquarespalasistaof mirrorpeilinheld in place on a fabric backing.
- Vinyl floor tilesareovatsquaresneliöitäof plastic compositionmuovisia komposiitti-, with added fillers and pigments, popular mainly as an economy floorcovering in heavy traffic areas, like the kitchen or hallway.
- You do not need to line tins for Victoria sponge cake as it is so light, but a circle orsquareneliöof paperpaperi-cut to fit the bottom of the tin will ensure an easy turn-out.
- Add remaining oil, and when it is hot, drop in thericeriisi-squaresneliöt, a few at a time, and deep fry until golden and crispy.
- Doctor Laura Maingay changed her sandals for driving shoes, pulled on a pair of string-backed driving gloves and wound asilksilkki-squarehuivinover springy brindled hair.
- The girls had washed and put away the cups and plates, covered the fewsquarespalasenof sandwichesvoileivänthat remained with a damp cloth.
- For dinner they gave me three kinds of meat -- asquareneliönof beefnaudanliha-, a triangle of chicken and a circle of lamb.
- The top drape is made up from a150 cm150 sentinsquareneliöstäof fabrickangas-cut across diagonally from corner to corner to make two triangular shapes.
- The best and simplest method is to wrap the root stock of the lily in asquarepalaseenof sackingsäkkikankaan, filled with heavy loam, leaving the crown protruding.
stick.n 🔎
- First everystickliimausof furniturehuonekalungets carted off, and all my labour-saving appliances, then the carpets and the curtains, if you please.
- `Vitamin pills, some eyedrops if you don't want bloodshot eyes after long flights, and astickpuikkoof men's deodorantmiesten deodorantti-.
- If you do feel hunger pangs, nibble on carrot, celery orcucumberkurkku-stickstikkujaor sliced green peppers.
- Having a clubfoot, he walked with the help of twosteelteräs-stickskepin, but sat smiling behind the piano, always unruffled and courteous, and greeting clients by playing their favourite tunes.
- I counted up all theunbrokenehjätstickstikutof pastelpastelliväri-and you cunning so-and-sos had put twice the number of pieces of blue there to catch us out.
- If I'd wanted to do red nipples there wasn't a decentwholekokonaistastickpuikkoaof red leftpunaista jäljellä.
- Place asticktikkuof celeryselleri-across one end of each slice.
- Place the stem of asticktikunof celeryselleri-in some dyed water and leave it for a few hours.
- On many occasions the miners have fought behind barricades,stickstangotof dynamitedynamiitti-in hand, as troops besieged the mines.
stretch.n 🔎
- Because of our late start and leisurely progress, the light is thickening as we stumble along the forgottenstretchpäätäof ridgeharjunbetween Bwlch Ciliau.
- The only reliefwas occasionalolivat satunnaisetstretcheskaistaleetof softpehmeääsand in which the lorry was in danger of getting stuck.
- Far-reaching proposals published by the NRA call on the government to set legally-binding quality standards for not only rivers, estuaries and canals but lakes, groundwaters andcoastalrannikko-stretcheskaistaleita.
- Big Angus was pointing along astretchkaistalettaof turfturve-between the shells.
- The weakeststretchjatkeof the wallsseinänhad been identified.
- Mr Leatherman's own favouritestretchrantaof sandhiekka-is Kapalu beach on Maui, in Hawaii.
- High rocky cliffs pitted with little sandy coves melt away intolongpitkiksistretcheskaistaleiksiof silvery beach.
- On a recent trip to Somerset, I became aware that no one was swimming along whatis an impressive and beautifulon vaikuttava ja kaunisstretchkappaleof coastlinerantaviivaa.
- The village square has interesting market stalls selling local handmade crafts, and nearby Albir offers a range of watersports and a fabulousstretchkappaleenof coastlinerantaviivaa.
- Things, buildings,stretcheskaistaleetof landmaa-, are said to look smaller when we grow up.
- These features are worth remembering if you are currently exploring anewuuttastretchpätkääof riverjoen-.
- This required 18 traverses,shortlyhyitästretcheskaistaleitaof roadmaantienlinked by sharp bends, with beyond it a ravine.
- He says it's aonlongpitkästretchosuusof roadmaantie-and you need at least two service areas.
- Almost anysizablemelkoinenstretchkaistaleof watervesi-, inland or coastal, may attract an Osprey, but spring birds rarely make prolonged stays.
- Across from the bay, beyond anarrowkapeanstretchkaistaleenof watervesi-, was a small island, an islet, rather.
strip.n 🔎
- Astripkaistaleof turfturve-between tapes and banners in the grounds of the Victoria Wells Hotel proved to be the kindest terrain the leaders had encountered in two hours.
- The runwayis simply aon pelkkästripkaistaleof grassruohon, cleared of rocks.
- Then she snipped thelong, longpitkät, pitkätstripskaistaleetof satinsatiiniinto tiny squares.
- Mix in thefishkala-stripssuikaleitauntil they are well coated.
- Behind that is a straight metal piece (lets call that the needle) which has ametalmetalli-stripkaistalerunning down either side, sitting snugly against the needle.
- Separation can be by road marking, but is more effective when done with trees orplantkasvinstripssuikaleilla.
- They have twoleadlyijy-stripsnauhaaon the bottom.
- For rabbits, use red pimento for ears,stripssuikaleitaof cucumber peelkurkku-for whiskers and small pieces of olive for eyes.
- Astripkaistaleof felthuopa-should be placed beneath the bottom or sole piece and the floor.
- I had tied athree inchkolmen tuumanstripkaistaleenof webbingverkonbetween the shafts, which I used as a harness.
- Theyare long,pitkiä,narrowkapeitastripskaistaleitaof landmaa-surrounded on at least three sides by canals.
- At that time, the continents of North America and Europe were still close together and the Atlantic was no more than anarrowkapeastripkaistaleof seamertabetween the two.
- Alongpitkäwhitestripkaistaleof clothkangas-linked them all from hand a hand as they made their way down through the sleet and the open snowy fields.
- For the purpose of upkeep the Wall was built approximately three metres east of the true border, creating astripkaistaleenof landmaa-called the Untebaugebiet.
- On astripkaistaleellaof landmaa-between the house and the kitchen garden over ninety species of wild flower now grow.
- On Wednesday members of the planning applications sub-committee seem certain to approve the work on the200 yard200 jaardinstripkaistaleof landmaa-which has lain derelict for years.
- Wherever possible he uses machinery to help speed up the process but this is limited to a band-saw, a lathe and athickpaksustripsuikaleof metalmetalli-known as a bending iron.
triangle.n 🔎
- Just after Christmas gipsies were evicted from atrianglekaistaleeltaof landmaa-opposite the verge in question between the A120 and Mary Lane North.
- A pertinent statistical table produced by Nykrog shows how clerks are always successful in theeternalikuisessatrianglekolmiossaof sexual competitionseksuaalisen kilpailun, pitted against husbands ranging from knights to peasants.
- The mattress was shaped like atrianglekolmionto fit the shape of the boat.
- Like many other particulars, James and John are both men; `this ``and `thatmay both bevoivat molemmat ollatriangleskolmiota.
- For this reason, in Figure 7 I haven't actually drawn thetrianglekolmion.
- 3 An isosceles triangle, whichis also aon myösright-angledsuorakulmainentrianglekolmiomust have equal angles of … degrees?
- Pupils used no more than two attributes and these mostly related to names of 2-D shapes (e.g. ``They're bothovat molemmattriangleskolmiotasaid of a pyramid and a cone).
- He rolled over and the moonlight lay on a second different brandmark -- a doubletrianglekolmioscarring his shoulder, blade -- and revealed ugly inflamed ridges striping his back from waist to neck.
- A practical test item asked pupils to make several shapes fromfourneljästäright angled isoscelessuorakulmaisesta tasakylkisestätriangleskolmiosta.
- WORK is planned to start in June on landscaping thetrianglekaistaleellaof landmaa-at Lymington Bottom, Four Marks.
wedge.n 🔎
- But the Kittyhawk had alongpitkäwedgekiilaof an engine that blocked the pilot's forward viewmoottorissa, joka esti lentäjää näkemästä eteenpäin.
- It will potentially drive awedgekiilanbetween the Catholic H.E.
- That's how awedgekiilaof flamed mapleloimivaahteranwould be cut from a tree.
- The Goods had afoamvaahto-wedgekiilafitted to her bed and they would take turns to pummel her chest and back.
- Sliced thickly on another platewereolitough coldsitkeitä, kylmiäwedgessiivujaof beefnaudanliha-from the Sunday joint.
- Things like that can easily turn intothin-endedohutkärkisiäwedgessiivuja.
- I bought anicekauniinwedgekiilanyesterday.
- Place ribs in serving dish, garnished with spring onions andwedgeslohkoillaof lemonssitruunan-.
- You talk aboutthin-endedohutkärkisistäwedgeslohkoista…
- Add all other ingredients exceptwedgeslohkojaof lemonsitruunan-.
- Filings ofbiscuity papervaaleanruskean paperi-wedgekiilanunder my fingernails causing me real pain.
- Serve on individual plates, garnished with lollo rosso and awedgelohkollaof limelime-.
- Slices,wedgeslohkotor twistsof peelkuoretadd both flavour and colour to garnishes, and the juice adds zing to drinks, soufflés and sorbets.
- It was the thin end of thewedgekiilan.
- She watched him covertly while he deftly impaled awedgepalanof fillet steaksisäfileen-on his fork, and put it in his mouth.