TransFrameNet:Severity of offense
felonious.a 🔎
- `in thefeloniousrikollisella tavallataking of money or goods of any value from the person of another, or in his presence, against his will, by violence or putting him in fearrahan tai minkään arvoisen tavaran ottaminen henkilöltä tai hänen läsnä ollessaan hänen tahtonsa vastaisesti väkivalloin tai pelottelemalla.
- FeloniousTörkeästäassaultpahoinpitelystäis punishable by 2-8 years, and the weapons charge, also a felony, carries a penalty of 6-18 months upon conviction.
- Cunningham, 23, remained jailed Tuesday on three counts offelonioustörkeästäassaultpahoinpitelystäand one count of aggravated assault.
- The crime used to be calledfelonioustörkeäksisexual penetrationväkisinmakaamiseksi, Cuyahoga County grand jury supervisor Kathleen Craig said.
indictable.a 🔎
- Certain acts, for example the re-organization of the higher courts in whichindictablesyytettävätoffencesrikoksetare tried, and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, stemmed from Royal Commissions or similar forms of independent inquiry.
- Crime rates have risen even more dramatically over the same period: from 522,684indictablesyytteeseen johtaneitacrimesrikoksiarecorded by the police in 1948, to 1,407,774 in 1968, and by 1988 to 3,715,800.
- IndictableSyytteeseen johtaneetoffencesrikoksetare the most serious and are tried before a judge and jury.
- That murderTuo murhaisaiheuttaaindictablerikossyytteenunder our lawslakiemme mukaan, just like that murder on the cruise ship, Achille Lauro.