TransFrameNet:Setting fire
- The first wellsEnsimmäiset öljylähteetwere setalightsytytettiinin February 1991helmikuussa 1991and their smoke plumes were clearly visible on satellite images of the region.
- Thieves, having stolen a car, take it for a joy ride and then strip it before settingitsenalightsytyttämistäto destroy the evidencetodisteiden hävittämiseksi.
- Fire horror: A woman has died from burns after apparently dousing herself with petrol and settingititsensäalighttuleenat an address in Bell Street, Hindley, near Wiganosoitteessa Bell Street, Hindley lähellä Wigania.
- The rocks missed him, yetJackJackdid not give up and setalighttuleenthe forestmetsän.
- An effigy of Bartle, said to be a medieval sheep thief, though undoubtedly a much older figureBartlen patsas, jonka sanotaan olevan keskiaikainen lammasvaras, vaikka se epäilemättä on paljon vanhempi hahmo, is paraded round the village after dark and then setalighttuleen.
- IN A WOOD in South Ockendon, Essex, on the very outskirts of LondonMetsässä South Ockendonissa Essexissä Lontoon laitamilla,two brotherskaksi veljestäspend their days cutting dead timber, loading it into a steel kiln and settingitnealighttuleen.
- Officers whoUpseeritare unfortunately setalighttuleenby petrol bombsbensiinipommitshould not run down the road screaming, but should lay down with dignity and await their turn to be put out.
- This Dutch barn near BanburyTämä lato lähellä Banburyawas setalighttuleenlast Septemberviime syyskuussa.
- TheyHetied him into the car and setitsenalighttuleen.
- IMinäconsidered settingthe whin bushestyrnipensaatalighttuleen, but the flowers always looked cheerful when they came out, and the bushes smelled better fresh than burned, so I didn't.
- `She had been brought out to Romiley in a car bytwo men whokaksi miestä, jotkahad poured petrol on her and setherhänetalighttuleen.
- After that you wearpaper overalls thatpaperihaalareita, jotkagetcombustedpoltetaanat every stagejoka vaiheen jälkeen.
- Large holes in pipes were visible, as well as burn marks left whenthe leaking sodiumvuotava natriumcombustedsyttyion contact with airjoutuessaan kosketuksiin ilman kanssa.
- Tons of caustic sodium leaked from a plant cooling system in the accident andsome of itosa siitäcombustedsyttyiwith the airilman vaikutuksesta.
- Local trading inspectors said they were testing similar skirts to find out what causedthe garmentvaatteento<empty>combustsyttymisen.
- When Johnson's Journey appearedKun Johnson's Journey -liike tuli esiin,sensitivitiestunteetcombustedkuohahtivatspontaneouslyspontaanistiin ScotlandSkotlannissa.
- At 11.37am on Friday, November 20,Kello 11.37 perjantaina 20. päivänä marraskuutaa sparkkipinäignitedsytyttia curtainverhonthat led to the Windsor fire.
- The sparkKipinänwas supposedto<empty>ignitesytyttäneenthe fusion reaction or miniature thermonuclear explosionfuusioreaktorin tai aiheuttaneen minikokoisen lämpöydinräjähdyksen.
- Officials said the accident, caused bysparkskipinöilläigniting, jotka sytyttivätleaking hydrogenvuotaneen vedyn, had nothing to do with the nuclear process at the Zaporizha plant, which is Europe's largest.
- Andrew Morton was badly burned whena spark from his welding-torchkipinä hänen hitsauspistoolistaanignitedsytyttia fuel linepolttoaineletkun.
- Nell moved to a collection of cans and packets on the floor near him, kneeling asshehänignitedsytyttia solid fuel heaterkiinteän polttoainelämmittimen.
- Unfortunately, the tunnels were still full ofgasoline vapourbensiinihöyryä,whichjokawas<empty>ignitedsyttyiby the gun's muzzle flashpistoolin välähdyksestä.
- On the top wasa pole wrapped in straw whichseiväs, joka oli kiedottu olkiin ja jonkacould bevoisiignitedsytyttääby the cossack sentrykasakkojen vartiomiesin case of enemy incursion.
- Meanwhile,the oilöljywas<empty>ignitedsyttyi.
- A petrol-filled bargeBensiinillä täytetty proomuwas<empty>ignitedpoltettiinoff ShoeburynessShoeburynessissaon August 8elokuun 8. päivänä.
- Guy Fawkes Night will come a week early in that part of Skipton this weekend whenthe steam railwayhöyryveturikiltaignitesytyttääa big bonfire and firework displaysuuren kokon ja pitää ilotulituksen.
- He says: `Wasthis flametämä liekkikindledsyttyiat the altar of the LordHerran alttarilla? ``and she answers: `This flame was kindled at the holy fire.
- Its companions emerged and approached the small fire, but stayed warily at a distance, more afraid of the flame than ofthe humans whoihmisiä, jotkahadolivatkindledsytyttäneetitsen, Tallis decided.
- `CharlieCharliehad managedto<empty>kindlesytyttämääna little firepienen tulenof dry grass and was adding twigs one by one and I was squatting beside him.
- Behind him, along the road leading down to the town, he could see lights start to glow ashome fireskotien valotwere<empty>kindledsyttyivätagainst the cold night.
- The fly in the ointment from Mrs Pendlebury's point of view was that though Sophie and Prudence took to each other with quite surprising rapidity, nosparkkipinääwhateverwas<empty>kindledsyttynytbetween her and Fredhänen ja Fredin välille.
- A requestto<empty>lightsytyttääa memorial candlemuistokynttilä-- his family is Jewish -- was met with blank and insensitive refusal.
- Dacourt, Clinton and the rest congregated in the main hall whilstservantspalvelijatlitsytyttivättorchessoihtujaand others brought ale or wine for the conquering heroes.
- She could smell the wood-smoke:someonejokuhad been tryingto<empty>lightsytyttääa firetulta.
- As La Scala began to bitch, and Rome's success began to burgeon,CresciCrescilitsytyttispectacular bonfiresvaltavia kokkojain the streetkadullain wonderfully designed fireplaces.
- The beaconMajakanwas<empty>litvalot sytytettiin, and answering bonfires spread the happy news throughout the Maclean lands.
- There was quiet whileFoleyFoleylitsytyttia matchtulitikunand drew.
on fire.a
- A MAN whoMies, jokadoused his clothes with petrol and sethimselfitsensäon firetuleenin a bank in Co Tipperarypankissa Co Tipperaryssawas under intensive care in hospital today.
- Teachers' houses and school buildingsOpettajien talot ja koulurakennuksetwere seton firetuleenor bombedin an attempt to intimidate ANDES membersyrityksessä pelotella ANDES:n jäseniä; in the right-wing press, ANDES was accused of fomenting subversion and Communism:
- The incendiariesPalopommitsetthe villageskyläton firetuleenand the foragers visit and sack them.
- Police clashed with steel workers in Guayana City, where two people were wounded, and with students in San Félix, where seven people were wounded, 50 were arrested andbuseslinja-autotwere seton firetuleen.
- Two passenger carsKaksi henkilöautoawere seton firetuleenoutside the Intercontinental HotelIntercontinental-hotellin ulkopuolella.
- InsideSisällä,some oilpieni määrä öljyäwas seton firetuleenand equipment damaged, prompting an argument about nonviolence.
- I won't murder you tonight, unless perhapsIminäsetthe housetalonon firetuleen.
- Unidentified groups of riotersTunnistamaton mielenosoittajien ryhmäattacked and seton firetuleenthe city police headquarters, where it was believed that some of those arrested earlier in University Square were beingkaupungin poliisilaitoksen, jossa aiemmin Yliopistoaukiolla pidätettyjä uskottiin säilytettävänheld.
set fire to.v
- THE HOME OFFICE yesterday released 25 more Kurds seeking political asylum in Britain from detention centres but denied it was bowing to pressure after the death ofa detainee whopoliittisen vangin, jokaset fire tosytytti tuleenhimselfitsensälast weekviime viikolla.
- A PARAMILITARY group dedicated to exterminating cocaine king Pablo EscobarKokaiinikuningas Pablo Escobarin murhaan tähtäävä puolisotilaallinen ryhmähasonset fire tosytyttänyt tuleenhis expensive collection of limousines and motorcycleshänen kalliin loistoauto- ja moottoripyöräkokoelmansa,apparently to avenge terrorist attacks against civiliansilmeisesti kostaakseen siviileihin kohdistuneet terrorihyökkäykset, police said yesterday.
- But if the brooding house really does seem too much of a cliché to you, ifitsefailsto<empty>set fire tosytytä tuleenyour imaginationmielikuvitustasi, then there is an alternative.
- ``We consider that this wasa serious attemptvakava yritysto<empty>set fire tosytyttää tuleenBoynes itselfitse Boynes.
- Surely no one would be so wicked asto<empty>set fire tosytyttäisi tuleenthe placepaikan?
- Today at Oxford Crown Court admitted one charge of arson … afterhehänset fire tosytytti tuleenhis homekotinsain desperationepätoivoissaan…
- Mr JamaitisJamaitishadoliset fire tosytyttänyt tuleenhimselfitsensäin a Moscow squareMoskovan torilla.
- In 1326Vuonna 1326somebodyjokuset fire tosytytti tuleenthe peat moor in the Brue valleyturvenummen Brue-laaksossa, with the idea of burning Glastonbury Abbey.
- Riot police using tear gas and water cannons dislodgedseveral dozen self-proclaimed ``anarchists whouseita kymmeniä itsenäiseksi julistautuneita anarkisteja, jotkahadolivatset fire tosytyttäneet tuleenadministrative offices at Athens Polytechnic Universityhallinnollisia rakennuksia Ateenan teknisessä yliopistossaon the night of Oct. 24-25yöllä 24.-25. lokakuuta.
- Andwhokukaset fire tosytytti tuleenthe truckkuorma-auton?
- TommyTommyset fire tosytytti tuleensome of Donald's hairosan Donaldin hiuksistaby mistakevahingossa.
- Insp Steve Clapham, of Chester Police said: `HeHän's poured some substance on himself andset fire tosytytti tuleenitsen.
- `Stone against stoneKivi kiveä vastensparksantaa kipinänfire<empty>, Mr Frere.
- Among areas to have come under threat are the Bukit Suharto forest park (wheresmouldering coal seamskytevät hiilijuonteethaveolivatsparkedsytyttäneetfirestulipalojain at least eight placesainakin kahdeksassa paikassa) and the Kersik Luwai orchid conservation area.
- VandalsVandaalitsparkedsytyttiväta blazeliekinwhen they set fire to old tyres at the former Walker Tyres site, kun he sytyttivät tuleen vanhoja renkaita entisellä Walker Tyresin alueella,in West AucklandWest Aucklandissa,early yesterdayvarhain eilen aamulla.
- Chesarynth thought it was her own screaming and embarrassment boiled through her but when she looked round, bodies were twitching and smoking everywhere asthe computer-bankspankkiautomaatitsparkedsyttyivätinto flametuleen.
- According to Eric, one of the residents, some two weeks before our visit there was a dispute over drugs andone of the shacksyksi hökkeleistähad beenolitorchedpoltettu.
- Shattered homes were ablaze andtreespuitatorchedpoltettuby flaming aviation fuelliekehtivällä lentokonebensiinillä.
- An Indian womanIntialainen nainenbeingolitorchedpoltettuat a bus-stopbussiasemalla.
- The crowdsJoukkoburned one police car, destroyed five others, threw bottles at helmeted police,torchedpolttivatan overturned taxinurin käännetyn taksin, and ripped sod from the playing field at Tiger Stadium.