- However, the judge said that even though the man promised not to do it again,hehänestäfound such behaviour extremely offensive andorderedmääräsihimhänetto give £50 to each of the womenmaksamaan 50 puntaa jokaiselle naiselle.
- A judgeTuomarihasonorderedmäärännyta fish farmkalakasvattamonto compensate a group of anglersmaksamaan korvausta ryhmälle onkimiehiäfor ruining their fishing seasonheidän kalastuskautensa pilaamisesta.
- Judge Angus StroyanTuomari Angus Stroyanorderedmääräsihimhänetto pay £21.98 compensation for the shirts, which were bloodstained, and gave him a community service ordermaksamaan 21,98 puntaa korvauksena vereen tahriintuneista paidoista, ja lisäksi hän sai yhdyskuntapalveluafor 60 hours60 tuntia.
- Mr Tom FinneganTom Finneganinwas alsomyösorderedmääräsiby a judge at Darlington county courtDarlingtonin kreivikunnan tuomarito pay rent arrears of £2,400maksamaan vuokrarästejä 2 400 puntaa.
- Jamie Ray, another AmericanToinen amerikkalainen Jamie Ray, was jailed for 4 years and alsoorderedmäärättiinto be deportedkarkotettavaksi.
- HeHängave him no time to pay andorderedtuomitsihemiehenbe jailedvankilaanfor up to the alternative of 14 days14 vuorokaudeksi, mikäli maksua ei suoriteta.
- Instead of a 15-year jail sentence,Mr Justice NolanJustice Nolanorderedmääräsihimhänetto RamptonRamptoniinunder the Mental Health Act.
- Judge Angus StroyanTuomari Angus StroyanQC sentenced him to six months imprisonment suspended for 15 months andorderedmääräsiGregory, of Bevanlee Road, South Bank, MiddlesbroughGregoryn, os. Bevanlee Road, South Bank, Middlesbrough,to pay £60 costsmaksamaan 60 puntaa kuluja.
- Britain has proportionately the largest prison population of any Community country -- and we also have moreprisonersvankejaservinglifeelin-sentenceskautistathan the rest of the EC combined.
- Göncz, 68, a writer and literary translatorGöncz, 68, kirjailija ja kääntäjä, had spent six years in prison after receiving alifeelin-sentencekautisenfor his role in the revolutionary government crushed by Soviet intervention in 1956.
- The first constituent of the so-called `toxic mix ``is usually said to be lifers --prisonersvankejaservingsentenceskautistaof life imprisonmentelin-.
- Judge Angus Stroyan sentenced Elstob to 12 months in jail consecutive to aneight-yearkahdeksan vuodensentencerangaistuksenwhich Elstob is serving for robbery.
- At Duns Sheriff Court, Sheriff James Paterson warned 34-year-old Mary Warnock, of Stobswood, Duns, that unless she made substantial inroads to the total within 12 months,shehänwould face aprisonvankila-sentencetuomion.
- The twenty nine year oldKaksikymmentäyhdeksänvuotiaswas serving aneight yearkahdeksan vuodensentencetuomiotafor burglary at Grendon prison near Aylesbury.
- Until 1974 in England and Wales the probability of receiving acustodialvapaus-sentencerangaistuksenupon conviction had been declining steadily.
- The father of her childrenHänen lastensa isäis presently serving atwo-yearkahden vuodencustodialvapaus-sentencerangaistustafor burglary.
- Nor was there any change so far asmandatoryehdottomatlifeelin-sentenceskautiset tuomiotwere concerned in the 1987 statement.
- Will she insist on a guilty verdict andmandatory deathehdotonta kuoleman-sentencerangaistusta?
- The four applicantsNeljä vastaajaaeach received themandatoryehdottomatsentencerangaistuksetof life imprisonmentelinkautis-following their separate convictions of murder.
- `In cases ofprisonersvangitservinglifeelin-sentenceskautista tuomiotafor murder, where the sentence is not at the discretion of the court, the question of the notional equivalent determinate sentence does not arise.
- Nijazi Beqa: an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo, aged 29,he<empty>is serving afour-yearneljän vuodenprisonvankila-sentencetuomiotain Dubrav prison near Istok.
- The farmer Colin French, who'd already been prosecuted five times, was given a suspendedjailvankeus-sentencerangaistuksenand banned from keeping four species of farm animal for fifteen years.
- Chang Ui-gyunChang Ui-gyuncontinues to serve aneight-yearkahdeksan vuodensentencetuomiotaanfor espionage.
- He saidMcAteerMcAteerhad already served asix monthkuuden kuukaudenprisonvankila-sentencetuomionfor two assaults on his wife, and in his view, this was part of the same situation.
- We will give the courts the statutory power to increasesentencestuomioitafor those who offend while on bailehdonalaisessa rikoksen tehneille.
- During the next eight yearsChristieChristieserved a number ofprisonvankila-sentencestuomioitafor theft and, on one occasion, assault.
- Mohamed Abu TalbMohamed Abu Talbwill servehis<empty>sentencetuomiotaanin a Swedish jail with three accomplices for a terrorism campaign carried out in 1985 and 1986 against American and Israeli targets in Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Stockholm.
- On July 24a group of paratroopersryhmä laskuvarjojääkäreitäreceivedsuspendedehdonalaisetsentencestuomiotin nearby Carcassonne for attacking North African immigrants with clubs.
- After a number of bomb explosions at Soviet targets,KahaneKahanewas given asuspendedehdonalaisenafive-yearviiden vuodenprisonvankila-sentencetuomionin mid-1971 for conspiracy to manufacture explosives.
- Butthe courtoikeusdisregarded this and imposed aheavyraskaansentencetuomionon the 27-year-old from north Staffordshire27-vuotiaalle pohjoisesta Staffordshiresta.
- The supreme court in South AfricaEtelä-Afrikan Korkein oikeushas passeddeathkuoleman-sentencestuomioton two right wing extremists convicted of murdering the South African Communist Party leader Chris Harneykahdelle oikeistoradikaalille Etelä-Afrikan kommunistisen puolueen johtajan Chris Harneyn murhasta.
- HeHänwas given alifeelin-sentencetuomionby the judgetuomariltaand has been told by his lawyer that such a term in Thailand means for the rest of his life.
- Kenneth Brian DodsworthKenneth Brian Dodsworth, 47, of Hope Moor Place, Darlington, was given aseven-dayseitsemän päivänsuspended prisonehdonalaisen vankila-sentencetuomionby the town's magistrateskaupungin oikeuslaitokseltayesterday after admitting failing to pay a fine.
- Too often, people think that thesentencetuomioby a courttuomioistuimen antamais not proportionate to the crime committed and the sentence actually served is too different from the sentence passed.
- However,two officerskaksi upseeriafound not guilty by the military tribunal were givensentencestuomiotof two and three yearskahden ja kolmen vuoden.
- Trials which involved the possiblesentencetuomionof deathkuoleman-were not allowed to be conducted at night (Mark 14:55; Matt.
- In the weeks that followed the new appointment thedeathkuoleman-sentencestuomiotof two hundred and twenty nine Japanese prisoners of warkahdensadan kahdenkymmen yhdeksän japanilaisen sotavanginwere commuted.
- Every year,between ten and 15 young people aged under 1810-15 alle 18-vuotiasta nuortaare convicted and givencustodialvapaus-sentencesrangaistuksenfor murder in England and Wales.
- On Dec. 21, 1990,a Berne courtBernen tuomioistuingavea former East German citizenentiselle itäsaksan kansalaisellea16-year16 vuodensuspended prisonehdonalaisen vankila-sentencetuomionfor espionage on behalf of foreign states.
- TodayTänäänSwindon MagistratesSwindonin tuomaritsentencedtuomitsivatherhänetto 3 months' imprisonmentkolmeksi kuukaudeksi vankilaan.
- A court in BootleBootlen tuomioistuinsentencedtuomitsiFieldsFieldsinon July 11heinäkuun 11. päivänäto 60 days' imprisonment60 vuorokaudeksi vankilaanfor refusing to pay the community charge or ``poll taxkunnallisverosta kieltäytymisestä.
- Sentencedtuomittiinto deathkuolemaanfor the casual murder of two teenage boys in San Diego in 1978kahden teinipojan murhasta San Diegossa vuonna 1978,HarrisHarris, jokahad lodged numerous appeals, several of which had been considered by the Supreme Court.
- HeHänetwas<empty>sentencedtuomittiinto deathkuolemaanin 1983vuonna 1983, although the sentence was commuted to a 20-year prison term in 1991.
- His co-defendant, Frank ``Frankie Locs LocascioHänen rikostoverinsa Frank "Frankie Locs" Locascio,was alsosai myössentencedtuomionto life imprisonmentelinkautisen; both men were also fined $250,000.
- Luther Custodio, and 15 others including a captain and a lieutenantLuther Custodio ja 15 muuta mukaan lukien kapteeni ja luutnantti,weresaivatsentencedtuomionto life imprisonmentelinkautisenfor the murder of Benigno Aquino and of his alleged assassin Rolando GalmanBenigno Aquinon ja hänen oletetun salamurhaajansa Rolando Galman murhasta.
- Generallymenmiehetsentencedtuomitutfor raperaiskauksestaget off very lightly.
- Ayres, from CardiffAyres Cardiffista,wassaisentencedtuomionto 11 years11 vuodenfor robberyryöstöstäin 1990vuonna 1990.
- MooreMoorewassaisentencedtuomionfor her part in the 1982 bombing of the Droppin' Well pub at Ballykelly, Co Londonderryosallisuudestaan vuoden 1982 pommiräjähdykseen Droppin' Well -pubissa Ballykellyssä Co Londonderryssä.
- On February 11 this yearTämän vuoden helmikuun 11. päivänä,after a two-week trialkahden viikon oikeudenkäynnin jälkeen,IainIainwas found guilty on all counts andsentencedtuomittiinto detention for lifeelinkautiseen vankeusrangaistukseen.
- Werner Lotze, 38, a Red Army Faction extremistWerner Lotze, 38, punaisen armeijakunnan radikaali,wassaisentencedtuomionon Jan. 3131. päivänä tammikuutaby the Bavarian state courtBaijerin osavaltion oikeudessato 12 years' imprisonment12 vuoden vankila-.
- After a five-hour trialViiden tunnin oikeudenkäynnin jälkeenBaoBaowassaisentencedtuomionby the People's Intermediate CourtKansantuomioistuimessato five years' imprisonmentviiden vuoden vankila-for ``inciting counter-revolutionary activitiesvastavallankumouksellisiin toimiin kiihottamisestaandto four yearsneljä vuottafor ``divulging state secretsvaltionsalaisuuksien paljastamisesta.
- Defendants who are convicted in the Crown CourtVastaajat, jotka tuomitaan Crown Court -tuomioistuimessaaresaavatsentencedtuomionsaby a Crown Court judgeCrown Court -tuomarilta.
- HeHänetwas<empty>sentencedtuomittiinto deathkuolemaanin absentiapoissa olevanalast December after being charged with ordering assassinations from abroadviime joulukuussa sen jälkeen, kun häntä oli saanut syytteen salamurhan tilaamisesta ulkomailta.
- Two former studentsKaksi entistä opiskelijaawere<empty>sentencedtuomittiinin absentiapoissa olevinato life imprisonmentelinkautiseen vankeuteen.
- On April 1515. huhtikuutaan FIS leader, Mohammed SaidFIS-johtaja Mohammed Said,was<empty>sentencedtuomittiinin his absencepoissa olevanato 10 years in prison10 vuodeksi vankilaan.
- HeHänsentencedtuomitsibothmolemmatto four years in a young offenders centreneljäksi vuodeksi nuorisovankilaanfor hijackingkidnappauksestaandto six monthskuudeksi kuukaudeksifor criminal damagevahingonteosta.
- Both menMolemmat miehetwere alsomyössentencedtuomittiinto two years' imprisonmentkahdeksi vuodeksi vankilaanafter admitting they had conspired to corruptly obtain a consideration from Mr Barrettheidän tunnustettuaan salaliiton hankkia palkkio Barrettilta lahjomalla.