Deeply concerned by this news,
to the agony aunts of Fleet Street
Fleet Streetin ihmissuhdepalstoille to seek advice.
to investigate exactly what was happening.
by mail, fax and via electronic mail, through networks such as the Association for Progressive Communications, which reaches 15,000 people in 92 countries
postitse, faksilla ja sähköpostilla eri verkkojen kuten APC:n kautta, jolloin se tavoittaa 15 000 ihmistä 92 maassa .
Paper rolls for printing are delivered to a 1,200 sq m storage area at the lower level and
finished newspapers
valmiit sanomalehdet are packed into bundles and
from the top level
ylätasolta. .
Upon receipt of the executed sub-licence from the customer
from Hong Kong
Hongkongista .
, the manufacturer sends an advice note to the retailer informing him of the date and time of dispatch.
The Fermanagh-born priest
Fermanaghissa syntynyt pappi a copy of his book last week in response to an angry letter from Carrick Council condemning the `unacceptable interference ``of the Caucus in the affairs of Northern Ireland
kirjastaan kopion viime viikolla vastauksena vihaiseen kirjeeseen Carrickin valtuustolta, jossa se tuomitsi Caucusin "ei-hyväksyttävän puuttumisen" Pohjois-Irlannin asioihin. .
It gradually became clear that some of the intruders were attackers and some were
by Bazargan and Yazdi
, jotka Bazargan ja Yazdi .
are sorted, packed and
from Edinburgh
Edinburghista to mission hospitals including the Nazareth Hospital
lähetyssairaaloihin, muun muassa Nazarethin sairaalaan .
, and reinforced by auxiliaries, was repulsed from Jerusalem.
And since, up to the night of 25 August, German victory in the west seemed assured,
to the Eastern Front
itärintamalle two corps from the supposedly invincible German right wing in France
kaksi joukkuetta oletetun voittamattomasta saksalaisesta oikeistosiivestä Ranskassa .
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl announced on Dec. 17, despite a constitutional ban, that
up to 1,500 German troops
jopa 1 500 saksalaissotilaalle .
£975 million worth of goods
tuotteita 975 miljoonalla punnalla from the UK
Isosta-Britanniasta .
Star Micronics
Star Micronics now
a lot of salami
paljon salamia .
Like his predecessors Arthur started out brewing ale, taking note all the while of
a new black beer
uuden mustan oluen by the London brewers
Lontoon panimoista .
Around 230 tons of ``highly toxic chemicals
Noin 230 tonnia "erittäin myrkyllisiä kemikaaleja" have been illegally
on laittomasti since the beginning of this year and the German authorities have been aware of the transports, Greenpeace has claimed.
There are accounts of
dogs of Mastiff type
Mastiff-rotuisista koirista through an agent known as the Procurator Pugnacium (provider of dogs)
Procurator Pugnacium (koirien hoitaja) -nimellä tunnetun agentin kautta .
In the summer of 1989 during the ``lamb war, the government permitted the export of live sheep to France, and
thousands of calves and pigs
tuhansia vasikoita ja sikoja to the Continent
mantereelle for slaughter.
The wild safari park in Winston, Oregon,
Villisafaripuisto Oregonin Winstonissa intends
one of its lar gibbons
viimeiset lari-apinansa through an animal dealer
toisen eläintenvälittäjän kautta to a Mexican zoo known to have bought wild-caught gorillas on the black market
meksikolaiseen eläintarhaan, jonka tiedetään ostaneen villeinä pyydystettyjä gorilloja laittomilta markkinoilta .
When he was Chancellor in the Thatcher Cabinet, he wrote to Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown that
the machine tools
työstökoneet by Matrix Churchill
Matrix Churchillin were `not lethal.
Does my hon. Friend agree that some of
the best beef
parhaasta pihvilihasta comes from the less-favoured areas and hill land?
Roquefort-juustot are often well salted to improve their keeping qualities, but the variety produced in France has a well-balanced, almost delicate flavour.
The share of
woollen goods
villatuotteiden was 2.5 per cent in value in 1720, but 5 per cent by 1770.
Countries which currently use drift-nets will be obliged to provide documents certifying that
have not been drift-netted.
The report dated 27th June, 1857,
kesäkuun 27. päivänä 1857 päivätyn raportin , who said he did not receive it until the following Monday evening, 29th June.
The original estimate
Alkuperäinen arvio by the Policyholder
vakuutuksenottajalle .
To obtain details of one or more courses and an application form,
the tear-off slip at the end of this brochure
tämän esitteen lopussa oleva irtirepäistävä lomake should be completed and
to the University
Yliopistolle .
`In that case, will
my application to join either the Parachute School or the Independent Companies
minun hakemukseni eteenpäin joko laskuvarjokouluun tai Independent Companies -joukoille ?
They gave copies to selected show visitors --
, jotka toimittivat a specially bound copy
erikoissidotun kappaleen to the Prince of Wales
Walesin prinssille -- and pasted copies on the door of an adjoining box.
lähetti edelleen the day she received it.
lähetin eteenpäin your little “ message “
pikku "viestisi" to the others on the group
ryhmän toisille jäsenille … just for a laugh.
The above quotations are part of
a large batch of letters
suurta kirjeiden sarjaa forwarded
, jotka on lähetetty eteenpäin which arrived on my mat ten days after the programme went out
ja jotka kolahtivat postiluukustani kymmenen päivää ohjelman loppumisen jälkeen .
No doubt he will wish to have
the money orders
maksumääräykset forwarded
lähetetyksi eteenpäin to some post-office box in West Ealing
johonkin West Ealingin postilokeroista .
Meetings were minuted and
lähetettiin eteenpäin for report to heads of department.
The NSC examined American policy towards Japan in
lähetettiin eteenpäin to President Truman
presidentti Trumanille in October 1948.
Video messages
Videoviestit can be recorded to the hard disk and
lähettää eteenpäin via the Unix mail subsystem
Unix-postin alijärjestelmän kautta to parties who can not attend conferences
osapuolille, jotka eivät pääse osallistumaan konferenssiin .
However, as
on Monday, he has been caught in the suspension trap, and it could be at least a month, before there is any prospect of seeing his money.
to another country a few hundred miles along the West African coast
toiseen maahan muutaman sata kilometriä alas Afrikan länsirannikkoa : it will be hand-sorted in a sorting office at the back of st Paul's cathedral in London.
Married New York State Judge Sol Wachtler
Naimisissa oleva New Yorkin osavaltion tuomarin Sol Wachtlerin is said to have sent socialite Joy Silverman bizarre letters and
to her 14-year-old daughter
tämän 14-vuotiaalle tyttärelle .
the finished text
valmiin tekstin to his publishers
kustantajalleen from Istanbul
Istanbulista about three weeks after he arrived there.
to Middy Masters, Angler's Mail, IPC Magazines, King's Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS
osoitteella: Middy Masters, Angler's Mail, IPC Magazines, King's Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS .
without delay
in the `YES' reply envelope provided
saamassasi Kyllä-kuoressa .
I sent it inside an envelope addressed to Ann in the flat below in Russell Square, asking
on to wherever Alison was living
sille, jonka kanssa Alison sattui asumaan .
within 14 days of the payment being received
14 päivän kuluessa maksun saapumisesta .
to the company concerned
kyseiselle yhtiölle -- without a stamp, of course.
Service is deemed to have taken place seven days after
by first class post
ensimmäisen luokan postissa if this method of service is used.
Mr Gardiner said that while he was in Gloucester prison in 1988, he recieved
packages of cannabis
kannabispaketteja by his estranged wife Maggie
hänen entinen vaimonsa Maggie .
, joka on postitettu to bondholders
osakkeenomistajille this week, says that the company intends to formulate a proposal `aimed at ensuring equitable treatment between the bondholders and the banks ``.
thought he was perfect for the story and
with about as much hope as those who put messages in bottles and toss them in the ocean.
The letter which
Kirje, jonka to John Common
John Commonille , acknowledging the return to work, congratulated him on ``the manly and frank tone in which you intimate the termination of the dispute.
I admit you do not see the copies of
or the reports spies send me.
Please amend the declaration on your Application if you wish to see any report before
promptly placed it in an envelope with his official report and
Business secrets, which may include the offer price, where
have not yet been
ei ole vielä , are protected.
When a customer sends in a rare letter of complaint,
the Profitboss
rikas yrittäjä an apologetic, defensive, stereotyped letter
anteeksipyytävää, puolustavaa vakiokirjettä .
across the Atlantic
Atlantin toiselle puolelle from the metropolitan country
suurkaupungista .
`I wouldn't have known about it at all, except that
a little note
pienen kirjeen to tell me he'd passed away
, jossa ilmoitti hänen kuolleen -- in his sleep, she said.
kyselylomake six months after giving birth
kuusi kuukautta synnytyksen jälkeen ; 1493 of 1977 (76%) responded.
had done this by
his half-brother, the Duke de Morny,
velipuolensa kreivi de Mornyn to St Petersburg
Pietariin in order to sound out Alexander II on the prospects of a Franco-Russian entente
Aleksanteri II:n luo kuulostelemaan ranskalais-venäläisen sopimuksen mahdollisuuksia .
a letter or a card
kirje tai kortti .
Neuvostoliitto will probably
tulee luultavasti a new crew
uuden miehistön to man the Salyut-7 space station
Salyut-7 -avaruusaseman miehittämiseksi .
Monday is your last chance
to the US, Italy and Spain
Yhdysvaltoihin, Italiaan ja Espanjaan and Wednesday for the rest of Europe.
At the completion of the offline run
Offline-ajon päätteeksi ,
a mail message
sähköpostiviesti to the Offline Manager
Offline Managerille .
Then when I was eight years old
Kun minä olin kahdeksan vanha ,
to a co-educational school
yhteiskouluun .
the old guard in the leadership
johdon vanha kaarti and introduces a new phase of vicious repression.
Médecin resigned as mayor of Nice and as Alpes-Maritimes Council president in
an open letter
avoimessa kirjeessä from Osaka in Japan
Japanin Osakasta , where he was on an official visit.
Yachting World readers are being offered a 10 per cent discount on the price of the service, providing
this page of Yachting World
tämän sivun Yachting World -lehdestä .
Kyselykaavakkeita to 300 employees and timekeepers
300 työntekijälle ja ajanottajalle in order to gather data on the problem areas
, jotta voidaan kerätä tietoa ongelma-alueista .
After August 31st,
will no longer sell or
, passing all orders, inquiries and support requests over to Cleo, a division of Interface Systems Inc specialising in IBM connectivity.
the English language version of UnixWare, its shrink-wrapped SVR4.2-based operating system,
englanninkielisen version UnixWaresta ja sen tiiviisti pakatusta SVR4.2-pohjaisesta käyttöjärjestelmästä on 30th November
to European distributors
Europpan-jälleenmyyjille .
is planning
bomb-grade uranium
pommiluokan uraania despite fears that it may be working on a nuclear weapons programme.
A longterm shutdown, however, could force
around Cape Horn
Kap Hornin ympäri .
It has also been slow in reacting to the threat posed by
rival PC manufacturers
kilpailevat PC-valmistajat shipping
, jotka toimittavat similar machines
samanlaisia tuotteita at lower prices.
This ban did not include Madeira and so
British merchants
brittiläiset kauppiaat were able
to the American colonies
Amerikan siirtomaihin .
Seventy-two years ago,
in a sealed train
sinetöidyssä junassa , like a dangerous bacillus,
from Switzerland
Sveitsistä to make a revolution.
The Chief of Federal Police, Romeu Tuma, who was under investigation by the military police allegedly for favouring
salakuljettajien shipping
, jotka toimittavat , announced on April 1 that he intended to resign.
Along with the main cargo
Varsinaisen lastin lisäksi , however,
a quantity of tiles
laattoja .
by small companies
Pienet yhtiöt .
for burial and the remainder deposited at the place of death.
But it's possible
the antiques and art
, että antiikkia ja taidetta out of the country
pois maasta .
along the Stroudwater canal
Stroudwaterin kanaalia pitkin to Oil Mill
öljynpuristamoon , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable.
The animal was
A fine white wine
Hienoa valkoviiniä was produced around Niort, St Jean d'Angely and La Rochelle and then
from La Rochelle
La Rochellesta .
to customers in Europe (apart from the UK)
asiakkaille Euroopassa (Isoa-Britanniaa lukuun ottamatta) on May 18, and North American and Far Eastern ships apart from Japan started on Thursday.
was dismantled on May 4, 1919 and
to Newfoundland
Newfoundlandiin on May 8, 1919, safely installed on board the SS Glendoven along with the majority of the Vickers technical crew.
has recently bought and
to the UK
Isoon-Britanniaan one of the rare remaining Mooney M10 Cadets, which he flew solo from Los Angeles to Miami, the 2,267 nm journey taking almost two weeks
erään harvoista jäljellä olevista Mooney M10 Cadet -malleista, jonka hän lensi yksin Los Angelesista Miamiin 2 267 meripeninkulman, lähes kaksi viikkoa kestäneen matkan. .
The Solair 10 model 41
Solair 10:n malli 41 and is configured as the Sun box, the company says.
with A/UX 3.0, the new release of the company's implementation of Unix
versiolla A/UX 3.0, joka on yrityksen uusi Unix-pohjainen sovellus .
now; no prices were given.
“ hundreds of thousands ” of Pentiums
"satoja tuhansia" Pentiumeja , and reach a manufacturing rate of 1m in 1994.
100,000 of the Old Farmer's Almanac tubes
100 000 Old Farmer's Almanac -putkia on Monday -- just in time to catch their customer's filling lines in California
maanantaina juuri ajoissa asiakkaiden täyttölinjoille Kaliforniassa .