feel.v 🔎
- Her left elbow was tingling too and asshehänfelttunnustelifor itsitäwith her right hand she found that the sleeve of her blouse had been torn.
- Then quietlyIminäwalked down the steps andfelttunnustelinfor a seatistuintaon one of the wooden formsyhdeltä puisista penkeistä; after being hissed at by several people I found one empty, next to an old woman.
- Sun glinted off the water and the golden light was so pellucid, so dazzling, thatshehänfeltetsiin her baglaukustaanfor her sunglassesaurinkolaseja.
forage.v 🔎
- If you summon up the courage to investigate, you might find not alien creatures but a friendly hedgehog or two, emerging from hibernation andforagingetsivätfor foodruokaaamong the shrubs in your borderstonttisi rajapensaista.
- McLeish joined Catherine in the comfortable modern kitchen wheretheyheforagedetsivätcompanionablytoverillisestifor coffee and milkkahvia ja maitoa, waiting until they heard Jennifer Morgan come down again.
- They are not necessarily closely related; but have come to look alike becausetheyheforageetsivätfor foodruokaain places such as wetlands and grasslandssellaisista paikoista kuten hetteiköistä ja preerioiltawhere these physical features have an advantage.
- Among the weaver birds polygyny occurs in territories within a colony but these do not include a foraging area becausethe birdslinnutforageetsivät ruokaain flocksaway from the breeding locationpoissa pesimäpaikaltaan.
- Plots of vegetables were fenced in by mud-brick walls to keep out the hobbled donkeys andcamels whichkamelit, jotkaforagedetsivät ruokaain the wadiwadissa.
- The rushes on the floor were none too clean:hungry wolf-houndsnälkäiset koirasudetforagedetsivätamongst themheidän luotaanfor bits of foodruuan murusiaand Corbett heard the squeak and scamper of rats.
- Railway embankments are a favourite because there's little to disturb them astheyheforageetsivätthrough adjoining gardensnaapuripuutarhoistafor foodruokaa.
- The murdering sun had dipped below the horizon, and this was the time whenshehäncouldsaattoiforageetsiäfor foodruokaa.
- TheyNeare big strong birds, adequately equipped by natureto<empty>forageetsimäänfor foodruokansaby the seaside where there is food in abundancemeren rannalta, jossa sitä riittää.
fumble.v 🔎
- DorcasDorcasfumbledpenkoiin his pocketsmiehen taskujauntil he found a stub of pencil lead.
- Electing to leave him to his own devices, I wave through the windscreen buthehänis stilledelleenfumblingpenkoothrough his camera bagkameralaukkuaanand doesn't say goodbye.
- ThereI<empty>fumbledetsinunder my costumepukuni altafor my pendantriipustani, and called Posi.
- I<empty>fumbledtavoittelinfor my gunasettani.
- IMinunhadto<empty>fumblehamutafor the torchtaskulamppuain the darkpimeässäand work out for myself how to fix my bunk.
- ``Nettlerash,Iminäreplied,fumblingetsinamong my bottlespullojeni seastafor the adrenalinadrenaliinia.
- Aunt EmilyEmily-tätifumbledpenkoibeneath her pillowstyynyjensä altaand pulled out a small fat volume bound in red morocco.
grope.v 🔎
- It was only aftertheyhehad peered into andgropedhapuilivataboutin what they felt certain was the right cavejoka heidän mielestään oli oikea luolabut found nothing that they decided to withdraw into the trees and wait for the dawn.
- IMinägropehapuilinin the darknesspimeässäfor the phonepuhelinta.
- SheHängropedhamusivaguelyajatuksissaanfor her handbagkäsilaukkuaan, then found that Luke was putting it into her hand.
- SheHängropedhamusifor the light switchvalokatkaisijaa, but could not find it.
- HeHänsat up andgropedhamusifor his watchkelloaanon the bedside tableyöpöydältä.
- SheHänsnapped her bag shut andgropedhamusiunder the bedvuoteen altafor her shoeskenkiään.
- SheHängropedtunnusteliunderneathalapuoleltaand found something angular in his tunic pocket.
hunt.v 🔎
- LITTLE Laura Konan, four,pikkuista Laura Konanin, neljä vuotta,was being<empty>huntedmetsästiby InterpolInterpollast night after her French father failed to return her to her mother Rosalyn Wigham's home in Blyth, Northumberland, after a day out
- Housekeeper Anne Jackson told how Mr Elton had turned the sitting room of his £750,000 London flat into an office ashemiesdesperatelyepätoivoisestihuntedmetsästifor a new jobuutta työtä.
- Election `92:Party aidesPuolue avustaahuntmetsästämisessäfor their leader's lost mobile phonejohtajansa kadonneen matkapuhelimen
- `We couldn't think where you were, ``said my mother, `wemehuntedmetsästimmefor yousinuafor hours.
- RachelRachelwas<empty>huntingmetsästiin her baglaukustaanfor a twenty-dollar billkahdenkymmenen dollarin seteliä.
- Tell you what,youkäy sinähuntläpithrough the filekansio, see if we have a case history on Miss Duncan.
- HeHänregularlyhuntsmetsästääthrough supermarket shelvessupermarketin hyllyiltäfor home produced itemskotimaisia tuotteitaafter deciding six months ago to boycott foreign products.
- The camerasKamerathuntedvaanivatround the teamtiimin ympärillä, trying to locate the intruder.
listen.v 🔎
- The idea behind radar was to send out radio waves andlistenkuunnellafor echoes from enemy craftvihollisalueen kaikuja.
- HeHänkeptlisteningkuuntelifor sounds thatääniä, jotkawould tell him Blackbeard and his henchman were in the vicinity.
- At last Hazel heardwhatmitähemieswas<empty>listeningkuuntelifor<empty>; a rabbit -- or was it two? -- approaching from the wood.
pan.v 🔎
- `When he told mehehänwashänpanninghuuhtoifor goldkultaa, I simply didn't believe it.
- `And if Gloria's anything to go by,Iminulla'd have more joypanninghuuhtoessanifor goldkultaain the MerseyMersey-joestathan extracting information out of you lot.
- Find wherethe old timersennen vanhaanpannedhuuhdottiingoldkultaa, and go to look for what they missed.
- A weekend's sport in California no longer requires a surfboard:panninghuuhdontafor goldkullanis now the sport of choice.
seek.v 🔎
- In the second half of this century,wemeidänhave hadto<empty>seeketsittäväpartnerskumppaneitain the US and Western EuropeYhdysvalloista ja Länsi-Euroopastato overcome our technological and industrial limitations.
- Whichever word in the term is used as the main entry point in an index,the userkäyttäjämight firstsaattaa ensinseekhakeathe subjectasiaaunder the other word in the termmuun termissä olevan sanan kohdalta.
- Some of the most fascinating demi-caractère ballets are those wherethe choreographerkoreografihasonsoughthakenutinspirationinspiraatiotafrom oriental danceitämaisesta tanssista.
- The men named by the dwarfkääpiön nimeämiä miehiäwere beingolisoughtetsinytby Burun's provostBurunin rehtori, but it was already apparent that they were no longer in Kinsai.
- She saida third mankolmas miesbeing, jotasoughtetsiiby the policepoliisihad telephoned a Kirkby inspector and said he was sure the case would end because witnesses were not brave enough to give evidence.
- WitnessesSilminnäkijöitäare being<empty>soughtetsitäänand a reward is being offered.
- On landingI<empty>soughtetsinfor the cottage occupied by the Duke of Hamilton's piper, in which some friends had found most comfortable quarters the season beforemökkiä, jossa asui Duke of Hamiltonin säkkipillinsoittaja ja josta jotkut ystävät olivat löytäneet erittäin mukavat asunnot edellisellä kaudella.
- Terrified,theyheseeketsivätfruitlesslytuloksettafor a means of escape from their hunterskeinoa paeta metsästäjiään.
- Instinctivelyshehänsoughtetsithrough the whole cosmoskautta koko maailmankaikkeudenfor FennaFennaa, and knew she would not find him.
- SheHänsoughtetsiroundfor some sobering thoughtlohduttavaa ajatusta.
- The answersVastauksetyou, joita sitäseeketsitare all buried in your past -- if you could only remember precisely what went on when you were younger and you'd have no problems.
- In the next second his arms were iron bands around her, andhehänwas<empty>seekingetsiand findingher mouthnaisen suun.