TransFrameNet:Secrecy status
- Suchclandestineluvatonsupporttukiwas channelled through South African farms in the border area.
- He was a wanted man in the Lebanon and UNACO couldn't do anything publicly without endangering their ownclandestineluvatontaexistenceolemassaoloaan.
- Paris was behind us, and with it Mme Guérigny's Sunday lunches, Félix,clandestineluvattomattelephone conversationspuhelinkeskustelut, and the plundering of my belongings.
- GedgeGedgestalatermyöhemminbecametulimuch morepaljonclandestinesalaperäisempiand unpretentious when asked about the lyrical content of his songs.
- It could only be assumed that the prints were obtained in aclandestinesalaperäisellämannertavalla.
- `As the full-time mother of pre-school twins, I just thought that Ihad to put up with Sam'spiti kestää Saminbarelyhuonosticoncealedpeittämääfling with a neighbourflirttailua naapurin kanssa, ``says Tina.
- The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05 occurred because thepartiallyosittainconcealedpeitossa ollutrivalrykilpailuof a decade before was now overt.
- Other collaborative work includes a study of trends in theconcealedsalaisessabasementkellarissaof eastern England.
- An edge ofbarelyhuonosticoncealedpeitettydispleasuretyytymättömyysto his tone, he answered, `Turn our romantic little episode into a farce.
- Sure enough I found what I was looking for: aconcealedsala-pockettaskuninside the quilted jerkin.
- But I want noconcealedpiilossa oleviabugsbasilleja-- they'll probably think of that.
- WHITEHALL 'S most expensiveconfidentialluottamuksellisenmemorandamuistionare written by Mr Nicholas Ridley, the Trade Secretary, and cost £4.86 a time, an official investigation revealed yesterday.
- He said he had some news, but it was only for my ears and I must keepitsenconfidentialluottamuksellisena.
- The names of the proposer and seconderEsittäjän ja kannattajan nimiäwill not be published andwill remainpysyvätconfidentialluottamuksellisinato the scrutineerstarkastajille.
- It says each local authority will be issued with its own set ofconfidentialluottamuksellisiacodingskoodejafor registering unmet need, for example `members ``special clothing requirements' or `grass collection services.
- In May 1950 Yoshida dispatched ahighlyerittäinconfidentialluottamuksellisenmission to Washingtonvaltuuskunnan Washingtoniinheaded by the Finance Minister, Ikeda.
- The due diligence reportDue diligence -raporttiisonconfidentialluottamuksellinento the Purchaserostajalle.
- Debt advice: A new leaflet, and aconfidentialluottamuksellisentelephone servicepuhelinpalvelun, have been launched by Birmingham Midshire Building Society to help homeowners in debt.
- To help investigate gill net use and bird deaths elsewhere around the coast, the Society has set up aconfidentialluottamuksellisenphone linepuhelinlinjan.
- For free,confidentialluottamuksellisiaadviceneuvojaand help you can ring the National AIDS Helpline on, any time, any day.
- The findingsTuloksetareovatstrictlytiukasticonfidentialluottamuksellisiaand we do not know if these athletes were allowed to compete.
- No,itse'sallkaikkiconfidentialluottamuksellista.
- In some greatcovertsalaisessalaboratorylaboratoriossaorbiting the outermost ball of frozen rock in some uncharted system?
- `Okay but did you ever reread Hamlet as power politics destabilisationcovertsalaistenoperationsoperaatioiden?
- Thecovertsalaisetreasonssyytwhy the scheme drew widespread support from Cardiff solicitors was that it was part of an internal power struggle.
- As a sponsored athlete you become involved in a variety of promotional activities, from press conferences and hospitality functions, to launching new products andpublicjulkisiinspeakingesiintymisiin.
- Another, equally sinister, is the way in which mostpublicjulkisiameeting placestapaamispaikkojaand telephones are assumed to be bugged; even the family is no longer a safe environment in which to talk.
- It was cold but her face burned with the humiliation ofsosellaisenpublicjulkisena rejectionnöyryytyksen.
- The full picture will not becomepublicjulkiseenknowledgetietoon.
- Details of 1990 perormanceYksityiskohdat vuoden 1990 tuloksistawill be madepublicjulkisiksilater this yearmyöhemmin tänä vuonnaand will include information on solid, liquid and gaseous emissions.
- Details were revealed as Mr Bush madehis tax returnveronpalautuksensapublicjulkisuuteenyesterdayeilen, something he has done every year since he became vice president in 1981.
- Mubarak visited China on May 11-13, meeting President Yang Shangkun, Premier Li Peng and the nominally retired veteran leader Deng Xiaoping, reportedly Deng's firstpublicjulkinenappearanceesiintyminensince Feb. 17.
- ``I think you were wise to make nopublicjulkistamention of themmainintaa heistä.
- Even if the US kept up the pressure, wouldpublicjulkisetstatementslausunnotfrom France about her intentions be enough? particularly in view of what they had told the US so far?
- Attractive posters have been supplied by the organisers -- please get them displayed inpublicjulkisilleareaspaikoillewith a request to sponsor yourself or a Medau member (other classes in an Institute/Hall/Club could be very fruitful).
- But thesecretsalainenagentagenttiis only as good as his or her arch-rival, and the evil organisation in this game is a doozy.
- So far I've kept her away from thesecretsalaisistafileskansioista.
- The identity of the soldierSotilaan henkilöllisyyswas being keptsecretsalassalast nighteilen illalla.
- The detailsYksityiskohdatremainovatsecretsalaisiauntil all the patents are sewn up, kunnes kaikki patentit ovat varmistuneet.
- My agent explained that it was ahighlyerittäinsecretsalainendocumentasiakirja, but that he had a friend in the London office who might be able to sneak out a copy.
- ItSe'sonstillyhähighlyerittäinsecretsalainen.
- Is this whyitsewasolisoniinsecretsalaista?
- At the climax of a blood-chilling ceremony he swore even moresecretsalaisiaoathsvaloja.
- The draftSuunnitelmaisonstilledelleenofficiallyvirallisestisecretsalainen, but church sources said that leaks about it in the Italian press were generally correct.
- This explains why `camp ``, thesecretsala-argotkieliof homosexuality, is also the lingua franca of theatreland.
- Thesecretsalainenlifeelämäof Selina
- The writer andsecretsalaisenservicespalvelunexpert, Chapman Pincher, says the evidence re-inforces what he already knew -- that Oxford-based spies caused serious damage to national security.
- Almost broke, she had worked as a telephonist at an escort agency whisperingsecretsalaisiapromises to paying clientslupauksia maksaville asiakkaille, and as a hostess in a Soho club catering for Japanese businessmen.
- This was not the operations room of a naval warship or asecretsalainenroomhuonein the White House but my modest office above a restaurant in north London.
- And Ben had been ashadowyepämääräinenfigurevarjorepresenting that other world; the world into which Johnny could not pass.
- She saw theshadowyepämääräistämovementliikettäout of the corner of her eye and she was still reaching for her Beretta when she was struck heavily on the shoulder, knocking the Geiger-Muller counter from her hand.
- Marek had been led to Graham Mills partly by his former lover, Taczek, but the conclusive evidence was provided only by theshadowyhämäräperäinenHugh CapronHugh Capron.
- Little wonder Suzie had fallen in love with this modern city which proudly displayed so much of its past -- or was it theshadowyhämäräperäinenSvendSvendwho had really captured her sister's heart?
- THEshadowyEpäilyttävätmenmiehetof the SAS made no secret of the fact it was Christmas party time -- neighbours could hear the noise a mile away.
- Asurreptitiousvaivihkainenstudytutkiminenof the timetables revealed that there was a bus at 2 p.m. which got to Darrowby at five o'clock, and another leaving Darrowby at six which arrived in Scarborough at nine.
- But beneath the surface of resolution she knew he would regain his former self and enjoy again the shame of hissurreptitioussalamyhkäisistäwaystavoista.
- Low wages were supplemented by gifts of clothing, gratuities or `vails ``from guests, andsurreptitioussalamyhkäisilläpaymentsmaksuillafrom tradesmen.
- The result was that we all kept makingsurreptitioussalamyhkäisiätripsretkiäto the staff room to refill our plastic beakers.
- Ellis today admitted five charges in breach of the 1984 Video Recordings Act relating to the possession and supplyunclassifiedluokittelemattomatvideosvideot.
- HAILES CASTLE Off narrowunclassifiedluokittelematonroadtienear East Linton.
- It has sown confusion and anxiety among researchers by giving birth to the ambiguous concept of sensitive butunclassifiedluokittelematonresearchtutkimus.