For the past 30 years almost all
of decision making in situations of risk and uncertainty
päätöksenteosta riskien ja epävarmuuden aikana has been based on expected utility theory.
But the scant dynamical evidence requiring the existence of this planet is largely refuted in a new
by Myles Standish of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jet Propulsion Laboratoryn Myles Standishin .
The study of bureaucracy has formed part of the
by economists
ekonomistien of public choice in the non-market sector
julkisista valinnoista markkinasektorin ulkopuolella .
by the officers
virkamiesten of what additional funds they felt was needed for them to fulfil their statutory duties
siitä, mitä lisärahoitusta heidän mielestään tarvitaan lakisääteisten velvoitteiden täyttämiseksi .
for the former relationship
Aiemman liikesuhteen indicates a decrease of around $400 per capita GNP for a 1°C increase in temperature.
In the following chapter, we shall use relatively short passages for exemplifying the
of prose style
proosatyylin .
carried out some very
yksityiskohtaisen of every movement made by people during a conversation
jokaisesta liikkeestä, jonka ihmiset tekivät keskustelun aikana .
of presidential power
presidentin valtaoikeuksista highlights the importance of the strategies employed by the president of the United States and the contingency of presidential influence.
We support the emphasis of data collection and
on coastal resources
rannikkoalueiden luonnonvarojen prior to preparation of the development plan.
concerns itself principally with the opportunities opened up for the left by these changes, with more direct contact between service providers and consumers through neighbourhood offices.
They argue that
is too simplistic to account adequately for the complexity of social inequality.
Although still recognisably human in shape, and with a skin covering of normal human skin,
had revealed a new and scientifically impossible internal network of industrial steel and plastics.
This has naturally been reflected in changes in methodology, particularly in a movement away from course impression analysis towards
student performance
opiskelijoiden suoriutumisesta .
There is an
of how these criteria may be used to identify segment boundaries
siitä, kuinka näitä kriteereitä käytetään tunnistamaan segmenttirajat .
led Sir John Hoskyns to support both the concept of political `think tanks ``to assist ministers and the nomination of some senior civil servants on a party political basis.
Gareth Jenkins -- `
The freshest, most innovative Welsh
uusin ja innovatiivisin walesilainen of modern rugby
nykyaikaisen rugbyn ``.
of these matters
näiden asioiden has noted that `Stalin had little reason to expect that control of Communist countries would differ markedly from control of Communist parties.
strengths and weaknesses
vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia and a master of the unexpected bowling change or field placing.
Well placed at the time of Alexander II's accession, Dmitrii Miliutin
a penetrating
tyhjentävästi of the empire's military weaknesses
keisarikunnan sotilaallisen heikkouden at the beginning of 1856.
Imports: The composition of imports will be closely examined by a
According to
UK database
Ison-Britannian tietokanta- Martin Butler, disagreement among the SQL Access Group members over common development goals, and the establishment of labyrinthine committee structure has laden the organisation with bureaucracy.
And a leading
, Walter Patterson, has calculated that IGCC plants cost more to build than natural-gas stations but much less than coal stations.
County Nat West
County Nat Westin Neil Thomas said that the inquiry's decision could be affected by the furore surrounding the planned closure of Point of Ayr colliery a short distance from the Connah's Quay station.
BLOODY-MINDED rivalry between America's two biggest car makers explains at least some of their renewed interest in European producers like Jaguar and Saab, say
John Campbell,
at County NatWest WoodMac, suggests that sucralose's contribution will reach £14 million by the mid-1990s and perhaps double that figure by 1998.
On those figures, reckons Joan D'Olier,
at County Natwest, the business must be on the market at £350-£450 million.
Mr Linacre said the audit answered many of the criticisms voiced by
about standards at some Caird acquisitions.
Since 1987, when he had a difficult first few months while the recently arrived Jonathan Davies was recovering from injury, he has established himself as the freshest, most innovative Welsh
of modern rugby
nykyaikaisen rugbyn .
Commentators and
of all persuasions
Kaikkia vakaumuksia edustavat are becoming aware of the need to rethink many of the basic intellectual tools and resources necessary for understanding international relations.
Apart from his official work as
, McLachlan had a wide range of other scientific interests.
The Middle East Economic Digest of Nov. 13, citing Western
, reported that Syria had recently signed a ``major military supply agreement with the Russian Republic.
But, for the
who is prepared to use judgement as well as arithmetic, smoothing can clarify many otherwise ragged situations.
While some linguists may concentrate on determining the formal properties of a language, the
is committed to an investigation of what that language is used for.
With the help of Loughborough University's department of management studies, we asked 1,800 of Britain's businessmen and
to name their corporate heroes
A former
with Ford, Mr Power set up shop in 1968.
The senior
Scotch whisky industry
skottiviskiteollisuuden , Alan Gray, said he was not relieved, `just pleasantly surprised ``.
The quality of the full product range is assured because Fluka
every chemical and bio-chemical
jokaisen kemiallisen ja bio-kemiallisen näytteen , and subject all products to exacting tests in their well equipped quality control laboratories.
transiently expressed several cDNAs in mammalian cells, then
both cell lysates and conditioned medium
sekä solulysaatit ja kunnostetun alustan in a Schwann cell proliferation assay.
Tyrosine phosphorylation
Tyrosiinifosforylaatio by western blotting
WB:lla as described, using precast 4-12% gradient gels (Novex, San Diego).
The purified protein
Puhdistettu proteiini at the indicated concentrations
indikoituina pitoisuuksina for its ability to hydrolyse p- nitrophenol phosphate (pNPP) either in the absence () or presence () of 200 sodium vanadate
sen kykyä hydrolysoida p-nitrofenolifosfaattia (pNPP) joko ilman () tai () 200 natriumvanadaatilla .
All samples were assayed in triplicate and the mean value used; lines represent standard errors. b and c,
as described
kuvatun mukaisesti .
Immunoprecipitates were treated with 1.0% deoxycholate and
the released material
vapautunut materiaali for DRTF1/E2F activity in gel retardation
DRTF1/E2F-aktiivisuuden suhteen geeliretardaatiomäärityksessä .
using intact COS cells expressing the cloned human NK-1R or its mutants
käyttäen ehjiä COS-soluja, jotka ilmaisevat kloonattua ihmisen NK-1 R:a tai sen mutantteja .
Pancreatic contents of DNA and RNA
DNA:n ja RNA:n haimasisältöä by the fluorimetric method of Boer
Boerin fluorometrisella menetelmällä but using an excitation wavelength of 536 nm and an emission wavelength of 602 nm.
Extracts and supernatants
Tiivisteistä ja supernatanteista for bile acids
sappihappoja using a fluorimetric enzymatic assay (Sterognost 3α-flu, Nycomed AS, Oslo, Norway)
käyttäen fluorometristä entsyymimääritystä (Sterognost 3α-flu, Nycomed AS, Oslo, Norway) .
After two washes,
the stained cells
värjäytyneistä soluista for fluorescence intensity
fluoresenssi-intensiteetti on a FACScan cell sorter (Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, CA, USA).
Queen Victoria appointed him
, and he took his job seriously, persuading millers to install salmon ladders over their weirs.
The workhouse will be visited by one or more very important people -- perhaps a magistrate, an
of workhouses
köyhäintalojen , or a wealthy benefactor.
The post offered, that of general
, was a good one, and the intended recipient, Deacon Murray, was well pleased, although he declined to accept.
Mr Gummer also announced strict upper price limits for
teurastamon of £40 for up to four livestock units, and £6.30 per livestock unit thereafter.
In 1896 he was appointed chief
of factories and workshops
tehtaiden ja työpajojen , the first medical man to hold this position.
Dr David Walker, Chief
of Historic Buildings
historiallisten rakennusten , has been appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE).
Usually the grant is paid to the applicant when the work is finished to the satisfaction of the council's
, but sometimes it is agreed that the council will pay for it in instalments.
merely called for visual inspections and dye penetrant checks, as opposed to the ultrasonic testing called for in the UK.
Farmers shall be heavily fined for accidental seepage of silage when our
(take you out, take you out, in the slurry with the hinge unlocked).
And Matt Camplisson, a recently retired
, will also be there with his keen sense of humour.
Details of the police inquiry into the death were given by acting
at the resumed inquest in Newcastle.
The deeds, the solicitor and the local
will confirm the position.
This government has cut
by nearly 20% while at the same time increasing DHSS fraud inspectors by 160%.
Interestingly, after September 1987
factory and mines
tehdas- ja kaivos- were forbidden to speak to the press on pain of disciplinary action.
No one was injured but
say there could easily have been casualities.
were also concerned about the constant risk of epidemic diseases resulting from poor sanitation.
The problem was a very narrow entrance to the platform and a very efficient-looking
They are less welcome than a troop of
At the bottom of the escalator we meet the
riding down and frowning as he approaches us.
will be answerable to the Inspectorate, which will also have a new role as Education Ombudsman.
So far, all the
tutkimukset of definitional overlap
määritelmien päällekkäisyyksistä using the MRDs have been based on one sample of data, which was selected at random from a corpus of business letters.
Confirmation of the official safety review came after a n
by Channel Four television
Channel Four -television into the deaths of patients
potilaskuolemia koskevien .
It all began in the summer of 1990, when
tutkimukset by various groups
eri ryhmien , including the International Primate Protection League, led to the confiscation, of the orangs at a port in Taiwan.
was still subject to
by the Department of Justice
Oikeusministeriön .
by a Commission taskforce
Komission työryhmän into the implications of the single market
yksittäismarkkinoiden vaikutuksista also concluded that existing systems are inadequate to ensure the protection of the environment.
This, as it happens, has turned out to be fortunate, because her brother is now one of
the many public figures
monista julkisuuden hahmoista in Italy under
More detailed stream sediment surveys are used by the BGS Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP) to define smaller
worthy of
for specific targets
erikoiskohteita koskevan .
De Lorenzo,
a Liberal who
liberaali, johon is under
for vote-rigging
vaalivilpistä , quit after the arrest of his father on an unrelated corruption charge.
Summing up, the coroner praised the police for
tutkimuksistaan of what he described as `a most unhappy and distressing case ``
tapauksessa, jota hän kuvasi "erittäin onnettomaksi ja murheelliseksi" .
Although Gates claimed that the incident was an aberration, records showed that there were 1,294
of police brutality in California between 1984 and 1989
poliisin käyttämästä brutaalista väkivallasta Kaliforniassa vuosina 1984-1989 , making it second in the country only to Texas.
No power was given to conduct
tutkimusten on its own and it had to advertise in the local press for information to be brought to it.
But neither of them felt particularly inclined to get back and tell Evelyn the results of
tutkimustensa .
`I've been involved in
tutkimuksissa , ``he said, clearing his throat.
was sparked off in 1991 when a Sheffield woman made a detailed statement to police alleging abuse by the Hanbys while she was in their care as a child.
The theme selected for the research
into social factors affecting output
sosiaalisista tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat tulokseen .
The Metropolitan police
Metropolitan police are conducting a major
into alleged war crimes
oletetuista sotarikoksista .
AI called for an independent
into `Akkawi's death
Akkawin kuolemasta and urged Prime Minister Shamir to intervene swiftly to stop torture and ill-treatment.
Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water, and
rowed away
Her thinking grabbed her and
raced down to the beach, and followed the rocky shoreline
for signs of him
merkkejä miehestä , but saw nothing.
But she didn't know where it was either and soon
the whole family
koko perhe up on their feet
jalkeilla for the source of the noise
melun aiheuttajaa .
`They're all Copts, ``said
, but went
For details of the series
Lisätietoja sarjasta in the Radio Times
Radio Times or get a list of the programmes, either from Radio Brighton or by writing to me, Doctor Brian Smith at the Physics Building in the university.
`Er, ``Gurder said, `
in all the rooms
kaikista huoneista , didn't we?
After the service, when everyone had filed outside,
for the strange curly-haired boy that he had seen at the Post Office
kummallista, kiharatukkaista poikaa, jonka oli nähnyt postitoimistossa .
For many people it is a matter of
for the car they want
haluamaansa autoa and then frantically trying to arrange the finance, whilst the `offer ``still holds.
for another glass
toista lasia , walking over to a wall cupboard and looking inside.
for Mr and Mrs Gould
herra ja rouva Gouldia but there was no sign of them.
My hat ain't on my head, and
He found
as she put one hand on the mantelpiece and slipped her shoe back on, fastening the strap again.
jumped to her feet,
, but he stood directly between her and the door.
I suspect that that is not so, and
in more detail
yksityiskohtaisemmin in Standing Committee.
On the only occasion when
on the origin or true nature of his relationship with Minto
hänen suhteestaan Mintoon, sen alkuperästä ja todellisesta luonteesta he was shut up with great vehemence.
how travellers consider and weight personal security among the various factors affecting journey decisions
, kuinka matkailijat kokevat ja arvottavat henkilökohtaista turvallisuutta eri tekijöissä, jotka vaikuttavat matkaa koskeviin päätöksiin .
He winced slightly as
for any sign of infection
tulehdusten varalta .
Whenever I believed I had come up with something,
for every sort of oversight
kaikista näkökulmista , tested it through from all angles.
Like most birdwatchers, I have only seen them in pictures -invariably in supremely elegant poses,
their long, thin beaks
pitkät, ohuet nokat for weeds
heinän löytämiseksi .
We watched one fellow as
the soft mud
pehmeää mutaa with a steel rod
terästangolla and then shouted excitedly.
It was interesting to keep Gambale's own sound at the back of my mind while
the capabilities of this guitar
tämän kitaran ominaisuuksia .
Cars streamed along the Embankment,
; a barge slapped its way along the shimmering river.
Kate smiled sweetly as she saw
the possibilities of her figure
hänen vartalonsa mahdollisuuksia .
by handwriting analysts
käsikirjoituksen analysoijien .
with monoclonal antibody supernatant
monoklonaalisella vasta-ainesupernatantilla at a dilution of 1:2.
the ideology of modern capitalist society expressed the philosophy of the Enlightenment in a way that simultaneously proclaimed and negated liberalism.
Her head ached, too, and
kokeilevasti .
Lindsey leaned forward,
beneath the man's jaw
miehen leuan alta .
There is already evidence that
mining corporations
kaivosyhtiöt are interested in
beneath the sedimentary rocks
sedimenttikerroksen alta to find new deposits
uusien esiintymien löytämiseksi .
beyond the superficial veneer of economic growth and prosperity
pintaa syvemmältä talouskasvua ja vaurautta by examining the impact of recent economic trends on the changing types of jobs available to workers in the city-region
tarkastelemalla viimeaikaisten taloudellisten muutosten vaikutusta kaupunkialueella tarjolla olevien töiden muuttuessa .
The small talk
Jutustelulla for some common experiences
joitakin yleisimpiä kokemuksia .
also use sticks or grass stems
, and in particular they use them to `fish ``for giant termites.
began to prowl uphill along the edge of the path,
, and then downhill again on the opposite side.
In Committee
into that issue
tähän asiaan .
She was still crying when she lifted her head and began kissing him passionately,
her salty tongue
hänen suolaisen kielensä between his lips
miehen huulia .
Biography is in that sense a convenient fiction since
, without the risk of farcical failure,
those hidden perceptions or experiences which run alongside the observable life but may not necessarily touch it
sillä niihin on piilotettu käsityksiä tai kokemuksia, jotka kulkevat elävän elämän rinnalla, mutta eivät välttämättä kosketa sitä .
and you'll deserve all you get.
Before getting off the bed,
to see what reading matter Vic preferred
nähdäkseen, mistä kirjoista Vic piti .
The range decreased to three hundred yards, and
the traffic ahead
edessä olevan liikenteen seasta for a tall man on a small motor-cycle and wearing no crash-helmet
pitkää miestä pienen moottoripyörän päällä ilman kypärää .
for lurking strangers
lymyilevien muukalaisten varalta as I came near, and no one was there.
had moved back a little to stand in front of one of the shop windows,
with knowing eyes
tietävällä katseella .
picked up the menu and
with the air of a gourmet
herkkuruoka mielessään .
the small darkroom
pienen pimiön from floor to ceiling
lattiasta kattoon .
Guido took a mouthful of his whisky,
over the top of his glass.
can, of course, usually
voivat tietysti yleensä the entire field
koko pellon by moving the head
päätä kääntämällä , and the owl's head is so mobile that it will turn through 360 degrees.
Lucy had reached the stage of feeling relaxed,
katse suuntautuneena the distant hills
etäisille kukkuloille , her hands holding the reins lightly, when they came upon a rabbit lying in the grass.
Each morning
, hoping to spy the vultures gathering above us.
In a binary file,
has been converted to the machine's internal number representation and
much more rapidly
paljon nopeammin by analysis programs
analyysiohjelman avulla .
The fax machine is bugged and
TV videos of their lab
heidän laboratorionsa tv:n videot for clues
johtolankojen löytämiseksi .
with eagle eyes
haukankatseella .
while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich, the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers.
They had arrived during his absence and
the erect pointed ears
pysyt, teräväkärkiset korvat for further clues as to the quarry's line of movement
uusia johtolankoja saaliin liikkeistä .
I believe that
this arrangement of letters
tämä kirjainten ryhmittely is even easier to read and
for items of particular interest and relevance
erityisen kiinnostavien ja tärkeiden seikkojen , both for the general practitioner and during further hospital follow up.
for fungal lesions
Sienileesioiden .
Here houses looked to me like Monopoly chips: seeing a man cycling over the pathless tundra
for a possible point of reference he might have
mahdollista kiinnekohtaa, jonka hän esittäisi .
`She'd have a lot to get used to at first, ``Rose said absently as
through the letter
kirjettä .
Aveline, I'm not even checking for figures there
'm just looking through, just
, erm I'm I'm, I haven't said how we're gon na check these.
for a moment.
She stopped and looked at
the other three who
noita kolmea, jotka were
tutkiskelivat in amused silence
huvittuneen hiljaisuuden vallitessa .
in return.
Nelson's had just issued a short book of mine on Turkey, and
, holding it high up and bending back the spine as if to test its durability.
Dexter took the jacket to the window so that
by natural light
luonnonvalossa .
should be summoned
the small growth on the pantry's outer wall
pientä kohoumaa komeron ulkoseinässä , and her husband had informed her that the bank had made another balls-up and requested her to deal with it.
haukankatseella .
, pointed to the steps and asked, ``Is this all Caroline's work?
It was during that time
the lady Primaflora
kun lady Primaflora was summoned to the palace at Nicosia
tarkasteltavaksi by the King's mother
kuninkaan äidin .
which Lovat bought as gifts
by the fierce mentor
ankaran mentorin , to make sure that they were adequate and sufficiently costly.
The exercise of statutory powers
Lakisääteisen toimivallan harjoittamista and any procedural or substantive defect was generally found to be sufficient to nullify a decision.
Teaching material
Opetusmateriaalit for equal representation of gender in illustrations and text
, jotta sukupuolet ovat yhtäläisesti edustettuina kuvissa ja teksteissä .
Cardiotocography records
Kardiotokografiset tallenteet and sometimes pivotal in expensive legal actions.
Pam hugged me and
each other's wardrobe
toistemme vaatekaapit , as usual.
the fiction and poetry being published this year
tänä vuonna julkaistuun fiktioon ja runouteen .
The field of housing
Asuntoasioita for its attitudes to older people
ikääntyneiden ihmisten kannalta .
tarkastelluista in this book, studying is one of the most impersonal.
By December
, kept a very low profile about it.
Apart from personal attacks,
overseas materials in the English language departments
Englannin kielen laitoksen ulkomaanmateriaaleja .
The Lords
Ylähuoneen jäsenet use their modest powers
and amend
non-financial bills sent to them by Tories in the Commons
Tory-puolueen heille alahuoneessa lähettämiään laskuja .
Later I turned a page and uttered a gasp of stunned surprise that made Edward look up from
the manuscript
käsikirjoituksesta .
A close
of films showing lions killing zebras
leijonia tappavia seeproja esittävien elokuvien does not bear this out.
Each process
Jokainen prosessi had to undergo
by the Environmental Health Department
Ympäristöviraston , and the cooks had to pass medical tests.
And less than two years after Woking sent Brian Talbot to the Job Centre, Albion's Cup mettle will be subjected to nationwide
by Sky cameras
satelliittikameroiden .
All company resolutions
Kaikki yrityksen päätökset are subject to
by the court
tuomioistuimen .
They have demonstrated publicly, through
by their peers
ikätovereiden , that they know what they are talking about.
The new Pro Arte Acrylix brush
Uusi Pro Arte Acrylix -harjaa comes under
from acrylic expert Richard Smith
akryyliasiantuntija Richard Smith .
Despite, or perhaps because of, these successes
Channel Four
Channel Four -kanavaa is also under
from the ideologues and reformers
ideologit ja uudistajat .
Being a costly enterprise and having many uses to the modern state, research has at the same time come under increased
from the paymaster
rahoittajan .
Lucien did so, and behind him he felt a kindling of
from the musicians
muusikoiden .
Thus there was no
House of Commons
Alahuoneen of public expenditure
julkisten kulujen and virtually no understanding of how the decisions had been reached.
`Who knows, ``she murmured, `what a
might have revealed?
His brows drew together, uneasy at
Such lobbying has always gone on, but now with closer
, things are more in the open.
His football club, Olympique Marseille,
Hänen jalkapallojoukkueensa Olympique Marseille, has come under
Nelson's detailed account
Nelsonin yksityiskohtainen selonteko is well worth
kannattaa hyvinkin for it illustrates many aspects of socio-ecology most cogently.
The new select committee system has strengthened
parlamentaarista over government departments
ministeriöissä : why should there not be a similar advance in relation to nationalized industries?
A free press and the close
of freely elected assemblies
vapaasti valittujen ryhmien will help to root out corruption and mis-management.
In 1964, when
again came under
, there was a total of ninety-two families living in the camp but some of these had moved in subsequently from the rural area.
Further south he hoped
his scuffed reefer jacket, corduroy trousers, boots and forage cap
hänen kulunut merimiestakkinsa, vakosamettihousunsa, saappaansa ja suikkansa , worn by so many German farm workers, would escape
The operation had been planned the previous day after close liaison with the local RUC Headquarters, and was to include a
yksityiskohtaisen using dogs and helicopters
koirien ja helikoptereiden avulla . 1 on the ground, having been flown from their barracks in Omagh some twenty miles away.
by the Wordsworths
Wordsworthsin for a Somerset home
Somerset-talosta brought the unexpected discovery, probably made by Tom Poole, that Alfoxden was both empty and available.
by divers
Sukeltajien tekemä was put off yesterday as experts continued checking the area.
She must have known the contents of the crates, for she asked for no details, no reason why a
by the French
ranskalaisten suorittama spelled complete disaster.
It is a manifestation of the
by the ruling class
hallitsevan luokan for a solution to the problem of under-consumption
alikulutukseen ratkaisun .
Tania Probyn's white Renault car was discovered in the murky waters of the river Severn after two days of an
led to grandiose plans for African economic development, most famously the groundnuts scheme, though that was not the only madcap project to surface in this period.
Christina Onassis suffered in spades and there is something of Greek tragedy about
increasingly desperate
yhä epätoivoisemmassa for the human affection of which she was starved as a child
löytää kiintymystä, jota vaille hän lapsena jäi .
The door closed and she was probably back at her desk before Jenkins moved, having abandoned
for a good come-back
hyvää paluuta .
Twenty-eight UDR members were arrested during
in October; 22 of them were released without charge, and senior UDR officers are bitterly critical of the police operation using hundreds of officers.
Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency have found documents mentioning red mercury during
News reports from Washington said troops took part in a
house to house
talosta taloon in an attempt to capture Aideed, blamed by Pakistan for the killing last Saturday of its `blue helmet ``peacekeepers.
It's important as a hostess that
conduct a
of your guests' cars
vieraiden autossa for malt whisky, smoked salmon and interesting cheeses
mallasviskin, savulohen ja kiinnostavien juustojen löytämiseksi before you let them undo their seat-belts.
of the man's flat
miehen asunnossa revealed a tin containing 35 condoms.
A further
revealed mill-stones and a stone bridge some 20ft long, slightly arched, but with each end perfectly jointed into the bedrock on each side of a rushing stream.
of the Sea Rover
Sea Roverin revealed only the charred remnants of what was later analysed as cannabis, blowing around the decks.
seized drugs and goods and made a
yksityiskohtaisen .
of protein databases with the predicted Drosophila amino acid sequence
proteiinitietokannoista ennustetulla Drosophila-aminohapposekvenssillä revealed homologies consistent with those previously reported for the human protein.
through her handbag
käsilaukun brought no success.
He looked at her carefully to see he had made himself clear, then resumed
through the file
tiedoston .
“ The sensor pods … have completed
… ”
Soon afterwards he may realise his mistake and continue
hits virgin forests
Have plenty of coins, a phonecard and pen and paper at the ready when you begin
Wags commented on a
for `closet Christians ``
kaappikristittyjen among the bishops
piispojen joukosta .
checked passports with the minimum of fuss, made no
and waved the British car on.
During the month of November,
resident waterfowl
siellä asuvia vesilintuja can be seen
the increasingly barren landscape
yhä köyhtyvästä maasta .
Volker's glance dismissed their antics as normal as
for their mother
heidän äitiään but she wasn't there. ``.
, and found him, his head stuck through the bars unable to move.
A pistol was found in a garden at Ava Parade, off Ormeau Road, by
yesterday after a car was abandoned by two men.
the resultant database
tuloksia tietokannasta by means of a computer terminal
tietokoneella has almost instantaneous access to every item in the newspaper.
the whole area
koko alueen in the future and hope that other finds will provide more information.
You see,
with my telescope
teleskoopillani , and although I have not actually seen the prisoner, I have seen the person who is taking him food.
Mercedes's offices
Mercedeksen toimistoja have recently been
ovat hiljattain by state prosecutors
Valtionsyyttäjät , acting on anonymous tips that Daimler illegally exported weapons-carriers to Iraq and that a senior manager had evaded tax.
She was found to have cannabis and ecstasy when
These were the parents who had not been questioned, nor
their house
heidän taloaan on the morning of 27 February.
When you go in,
and look at your files, in front of you.
If Anna's not with the navvies I'll try to get
some of their men
jonkun heidän miehistään to
between your camp and the new road
leirin ja uuden tien välistä .
between the sheets and under the mattresses
lakanoiden välistä ja mattojen alta , and gave no answer when she asked what they were looking for.
Duck and Frog
Ankka ja sammakko for their friends
ystäviään and it takes quite some time to find them all.
LINGERIE departments at Christmas are full of
bewildered men
hämmentyneitä miehiä for the perfect gift for their partner
täydellistä lahjaa kumppanilleen .
His rear wheel
Hänen takapyöränsä spun
on the loose stones
irtokivillä ,
, then he pulled away.
for mutations
Mutaatioiden in a candidate gene
geeniehdokkaasta probably remains the best approach, albeit a labour-intensive one.
The dog should return within a few minutes, but if not,
in the direction where you last saw your pet
siitä suunnasta, jossa viimeksi näit lemmikkisi .
It should not restrict
in other directions
muihin suuntiin .
had reached the corner of his street and
, when a dark figure came out of the shadows and crossed the road towards him.
in her overall pocket
päällystakkinsa taskua .
`Hark forrard to! ``she called to
the hounds
metsästyskoirille , still
And if
through magazines and papers
sanoma- ja aikakauslehtiä he was looking into boxes, bags and bundles to find more magazines and newspapers to search through.
through the pannier
satulalaukusta for a musichip to put into the helmet's sound system
musiikkia laittaakseen sen soimaan kypärän äänijärjestelmään , but only found Selections from John Phillip Sousa, The Best of Kate Smith, and John Wayne's America.
For the rest of the morning
through the town
kaupungilla , visiting the place names he had found in Ixora's diary.
Although it is quite reasonable to ask
through a moderate number of drawings of artefacts
kohtuullisen piirustus- ja artefaktimäärän it is not reasonable where thousands are involved.
left the main group and started
on the first floor at the west side of the house
talon länsisiiven ensimmäisestä kerroksesta .
His second-in-command re-divided the men and sent them back for a second search of
I've never had
For example, if
'm starting college and
for somewhere to live
jostain asunnon , I might come up with a dozen possible ideas.
No one was jumping for joy because they'd finally got
for years.
At the moment
, and retrieved,
an ancient, rotting tyre
ikivanhan, mädäntyneen renkaan from the bottom of Gallanach Port
Gallanachin satama-altaan pohjasta , using various knots and a lifting bag.
Problems would be carefully defined, and
and no doubt soon found.
Not only that but when we found
, one corner had been completely eaten away.
It isn't feasible just
aimlessly and at random
ilman päämäärää ja sattumanvaraisesti .
Once they took one away from the woodpile and hid it in the stable and
, growing more and more distressed.
`We'll have more chance of finding it if
, ``Donna suggested.
and moving on quietly for some time, they reached a place from which they could see that the field below them broadened out.
using documents and inscriptions as evidence
käyttämällä asiakirjoja ja kirjoituksia todisteina , and historians have recorded and interpreted events from the earliest days of writing up to the present day.
Berger and Mohr's
Bergerin ja Mohrin of migrants travelling from Turkey and other peripheral regions to the more affluent regions of Europe
maahanmuuttajista, jotka matkustivat Turkista ja muilta reuna-alueilta Euroopan vauraammille alueille .
A follow-up
, based at the Royal London Hospital, is expected to reveal links between carers who abuse and levels of stress they are under.
have indicated that their communication is very complex, possibly as complex as human speech, but these sounds have proved difficult to decipher.
The initial results of an independent
on Oxford and it's traffic problems
Oxfordista ja sen liikenneongelmista have been put on show in the City today.
An alternative approach was adopted by Heuer and Reisberg (1990) in
In terms of what they seek to achieve, but not in details of their design, they are parallel to
and telephone survey.
Indeed, in one
in normal women, significant metabolic differences could be found over only one month in the third trimester.
On the other hand, a
of how well deprived children fare as parents 20 or 30 years later
siitä, kuinka hyvin kaltoin kohdellut lapset selviävät vanhempina 20 tai 30 vuotta myöhemmin would require not only individual interviews but careful measures of parental competence.
of experimentally induced acute pancreatitis
kokeellisesti aiheutetusta akuutista haimatulehduksesta have shown an improvement in the pancreatic enzyme response after the infusion of cyclic somatostatin or octreotide.
He also repeated the NGC's argument that
had concluded there was `no proven link ``between electro-magnetic fields and cancers.
The chapter tells the story of
a small-scale research project which
pienimuotoisesta tutkimusprojektista, joka set out
how experienced teachers were developing `collaborative ``methods of working
sitä, kuinka kokeneet opettajat kehittivät "kollaboratiivisia" työskentelymenetelmiä .
It was certainly possible
what would now be called ecological relationships
nykyään ekologisiksi suhteiksi nimitettävää aihetta before the founding of scientific ecology.
how eleven schools of varying types responded
, kuinka yksitoista erilaista koulua vastasi .
Anyone who has enrolled himself as a disciple of Jesus
Jokainen, joka on ilmoittautunut Jeesuksen opetuslapseksi, will want
to discover his teaching about prayer
tutustuakseen Hänen opetuksiinsa rukouksesta .
It took many years for
to realise it was the mosquito that was important, not the messenger from the martians.
'd need
to discover the body on the ground
löytääkseni ruumiin maasta .
The ozone layers and erm the advent of carbon dioxide and these sorts of things,
all the time
to see how it affects the atmosphere
nähdäksemme, kuinka se vaikuttaa ilmakehään , how it therefore affects our weather.
Her eyes darted back to his and
before parting her lips to give him his answer.
was then permitted a short time during the lunch interval
this new material
tätä uutta materiaalia before being cross-examined on it.
It was still possible
natural objects
luonnollisia kohteita without infringing on the theologians' treatment of those same objects as signs of God.
This mass of paper is the most obvious difference between the problems facing the recent historian and those facing
his colleague who
hänen kolleegaansa, joka earlier periods
aikaisempia kausia .
by interview of a number of selected families
haastattelemalla useita valittuja perheitä …
This approach led to a new series of studies in which
visual celts
visuaalisia celt-järjestelmiä quantitatively
kvatitatiivisesti using `grating ``stimuli instead of bars and edges
käyttämällä ritilä-ärsykkeitä tankojen ja palkkien sijaan .
sank down into a chair and
, controlling the urge to slap the insolent hussy's pretty face.
I am grateful to my hon. Friend for
those figures
noista luvuista, ,
by the Brussels Commission
Brysselin komission found 28 per cent of people in the UK want the EC scrapped.
In one mountainous region of Greece a
into the causes of youth migration in the early 1970s
nuorten maastamuuton syistä 1970-luvun alussa indicated the problem as lack of social and recreational amenities.
She spoke out after a new
into adult literacy
aikuisten kirjallisuutta koskeva revealed the scandal of the `forgotten millions ``struggling with the written word.
of 1,000 women across the country
, joka koski 1 000 naista eri puolilta maata found that the vast majority think the women's movement has helped women become more independent and is still improving their lives.
Yesterday The Northern was contacted by an ET trainee living in Darlington who has been carrying out
of trainees' attitudes
harjoittelijoiden asenteista .
A computer salesperson
Tietokonemyyjä may carry out a
of customer requirements
asiakasvaatimuksista prior to suggesting an appropriate computer system.
A working party in Ayrshire and Arran recently invited consumers to meetings and commissioned a
on consumer views
kuluttajan näkökohdista .
Using the employment information contained in SPIR and in the responses, and from a
on the exporting status of non-respondents
ei-vastanneiden vientiä koskevasta , it was possible to estimate the overall employment in all exporting companies in Scotland.
If the Minister does not know the details, I direct him to the
on this issue
tästä asiasta get the best response from staff at all grades ``.
At the time
was carried out, the social fabric of Zambia was undergoing great changes.
It says
show the road can take extra vehicles and that the site would be tastefully landscaped.
examined the latest measures introduced by the Turkish government to encourage private investment in industry, regarded as crucial to the success of long-term economic restructuring.
He worked with Smeaton on the improvement of the Aire and Calder river navigation, and assisted him with a
in Ireland in 1773.
also intends to carry out a
into how the procedures are understood
prosessien ymmärtämisestä , and follow it up with a training and familiarisation programme.
The Irish National Teachers Organisation, which organised the
of about 500 members
500 jäsenen keskuudessa during the first two weeks of this month, said Education Minister Jeremy Hanley must now delay statutory assessment.
also asked companies a series of questions on what sources of market research they used and also what barriers companies felt had inhibited their export performance.
Selected by MaryAnn Stevens, the Academy's Librarian and Head of Education, and Christopher Lloyd,
of the Queen's Pictures
Queen's Picturesin , it comprises seventy-one pictures, but no pastels nor drawings.
was appointed
of Trinity House
Trinity Houselle , and clerk of works at Chelsea Hospital in 1792, and surveyor of Ramsgate harbour in 1794.
Appointment as
of the roads to the General Post Office
Postilaitoksen teiden (1794) led to the publication of authoritative road measurements in Cary's influential New Itenary (numerous editions from 1798).
has looked at the tell-tales and thinks we will have to do some work on the pinnacle, which isn't too big a job at all.
McAdam's system, which involved his
checking the size of stones by passing them through a two-inch ring, was soon adopted by the turnpike trusts.
The builder's
will either check the information supplied by the sub-contractor or measure the work carried out during the payment period, usually weekly, but occasionally for longer periods of up to a month.
Please find enclosed for information a copy of my letter to Mr Callery,
and Bridgemaster concerning footpaths in the Scorton area.
It will become an essential reference for specifiers, architects,
, maintenance engineers, building owners, contractors, building control officers and professionals in training.
The information provided will assist the
in the preparation of the final account.
He succeeded his former master as
to the estates of All Souls College, Oxford
All Souls Collegessa, Oxfordissa , and continued in the college's employment until 1605.
Yesterday Suzannah's husband,
Peter Marshall
Peter Marshall , refused to comment.
can offer guidance on any problems you anticipate as far as structure, planning and building regulations, and cost are concerned.
An early government
mis-spelled Mosgiel with a single `s ``and so it has remained.
He thus became one of the first modern