comb.v 🔎
- Much of the West End was still sealed off early today aspolicepoliisicombedharavoithe areaaluettafor more bombsetsiessään lisää pommeja.
- Another groupToinen ryhmäcombsharavoithe refusejätteistäfor tins, bottles and plastic containers to be sold on junk stallspeltipurkkeja, pulloja ja muovisäiliöitä pihakojuissa myytäviksi.
- A Red Alert swung into action and an Army Lynx helicopter and a police search helicopter hovered over nearby woodland as mounted police anddog handlerskoirat isäntineencombedharavoivatthe areaaluetta.
- The two menKaksi miestäcombedharavoithe moorsnummia, squelching through the soggy ground until they were satisfied that all the sheep had been rounded up and brought down to the lower pastures to safety.
- Home Office officialsSisäministeriön virkamiehethave admittedcombingkäyneensä läpithrough dusty immigration files from the 1960spölyisiä maahantulokansioita 1960-luvultalooking for evidence that Mr Clinton considered applying for British citizenship to avoid the Vietnam draft.
ransack.v 🔎
- There is no point inransackingpenkoathe cellarkellariafor the finest bottled sunshine that has been put away for the special occasionja etsiä hienointa pullotettua auringonpaistetta, joka on jätetty odottamaan erityistä tilaisuutta.
- As she went,shehänransackedpenkoiher baglaukustaanfor her keysavaimia, and almost bumped into Rebecca, coming in the opposite direction.
- The menMiehetransackedpenkoivat kokothe housetalonbefore making off with mainly jewellery valued at £2,000.
rummage.v 🔎
- Grabbing her toilet-bag and towel,shehänrummagedpenkoiin her bagkassistaanfor her combkampaa.
- AsIminärummagedpengointhrough the chestmatka-arkkua, gathering up as much as I could carry without dropping any, I found knitted scarves, blankets, gloves, socks and all sorts of garments of varying sizes.
- MitchMitchrummagedpenkoiin a drawerlaatikkoa.
- Pushing himself with indolent grace away from the door,RourkeRourkecame into the room and beganto<empty>rummagepenkoaabout the shelves beneath the countertiskin alla olevia hyllyjä.
- SheHänsmacked her lips with an air of finality andrummagedalkoi etsiäfor her pipepiippuaan.
- SarahSarahrummagedpenkoiunder the bedvuoteen altafor a tin boxpeltirasiaa, opened it and brought out a piece of patchwork lined with blanket.
- MademoiselleNeitirummagedpenkoiviolentlyrajustiamong the books in the desktiskillä olevia kirjoja.
- He reached into his bag with one hand, and with the other pushed the radio in whilehehänenrummagedpenkoessaan.
- AsSelwynSelwynrummagedpenkoiaround the shedvajastafor his toolstyökalujaan, Barney Summerville came out of the garage wiping his hands on an oily rag.
scour.v 🔎
- HeHänscouredkolusithe townkoko kaupunginfor a carautoa etsiessäänbut, ironically for a man who owned one of the oldest automobile companies in Europe, there was not a vehicle to be found anywhere.
- Getting more and more desperate,PerditaPerditastopped at every house andscouredkolusievery fieldjokaisen pellon.
- Such societiesNiitä piirejäwere<empty>scouredkolusivatfor individuals to whom some shreds of legitimate authority appeared to clingihmiset, joihin näytti tarttuvat jäänteitä laillisesta hallinnosta, with sometimes comic, sometimes tragic, results.
- SoRitaRitascouredkolusijunk shopskirpputorejafor second-hand pieces to fill the roomslöytääkseen käytettyjä huonekaluja huoneiden kalustamiseen.
sift.v 🔎
- Committees for four subject groupsKohderyhmäkomiteatwill<empty>siftseulovatthe applicationshakijatand suggest short lists to the Royal Society's Council, which should make the final decisions in May or June.
- Because of the enormous volume of motions for constitutional review, each Senate has since 1963 hada committee of three judgeskolmen tuomarin muodostama komiteato, jokasiftseuloothe applicationshakijat.
- Untilwemesiftkäyneet läpithe evidencetodisteetourselves, we can't comment objectively except to say that as far as the publicity campaign is concerned, Microsoft had better think again.
- TheyHehadolivatsiftedkäyneet läpiminutelyseikkaperäisestithrough the circumstances of her deatholosuhteet hänen kuolemansa ajalta.
- Firemen found the charred remains of the two sisters astheyhesiftedsiivilöivätthrough the debrisjäänteitä.
- HeHänsiftedetsithrough junk shopskirpputoreiltafor cardigans, jackets and hats for the sketches by dayvillatakkeja, pikkutakkeja ja hattuja päivän sketsejä vartenand pinned me into paper versions of the dresses by night.
- An elaborate fraud has been uncovered bysharp-eyed staffTerävänäköinen henkilökuntasifting, joka kävi läpithrough student paperworkopiskelijan papereita.
- If it could be computerised,anonymous documentsnimettömät asiakirjatcould bevoitaisiinsiftedkäydä läpito find those with the same author.