Chironomids, including several species which bite man and other warm-blooded animals
Surviaissääskiä ja monia muita lajeja, jotka purevat ihmistä ja vaihtolämpöisiä eläimiä ,
, forming the main food of arctic char, the single species of fish.
is at its
during the short summer months
lyhyinä kesäkuukausina ,
when the snow melts to uncover the higher mountain pastures
, kun lumi sulaa ja paljastaa korkeammalla vuorilla olevat laitumet .
The swans are attracted by the
supply of food
ruuan määrä and safe lodgings, and Slimbridge is one of the most important overwintering sites in the country.
Earlier I said that on the whole our food was not bad:
salads, fruits and nuts
salaatteja, hedelmiä ja pähkinöitä but I had taken on my parent's tastes.
supply of food
ruuan määrä is particularly important for hedgehogs after hibernation and prior to breeding.
Gauzlin rode there, and when Walter threatened to kill any monk whom he found on the land, Gauzlin replied that he had a
supply of confessors
rippi-isiä .
was cheap and
ja sitä oli runsaasti during this period
tuona aikana , while corn was scarce and expensive.
Afghanistan's opium
Afganistanin oopiumi is cheaper and
on halvempaa ja plentiful
ja sitä on runsaasti .
If news came that gold had been found in Australia or
and well paid
in the United States
Yhdysvalloissa , migration increased.
in the extreme northern latitudes
pohjoisen ääriolosuhteissa , for example, is rendered useless by severe winter frost and an abbreviated growing season.
In high summer
Keskikesällä ,
, but would have to be gathered and loaded.
It was obvious that the fish -- the `lowest ``class within the vertebrate phylum -- must have evolved from a pre-existing invertebrate form, yet this had occurred before
The souterrains
Maanalaiset rakennelmat in Angus settlements
Angusin siirtokunnissa were tunnel-like underground chambers lined with slabs and probably roofed with timber, supporting further slabs.
in Edinburgh
Edinburghissa provide a unique example of the way this classic restructuring of the work process was already operating in the book-printing houses, before the introduction of composing machines.
Small coastal summer ponds
Pienet rannikon kesälammet are rare on the mainland but
in the maritime and peripheral Antarctic regions
Antarktiksen meri- ja periferia-alueilla .
The lobster cocktail
Hummeri-cocktailia but a touch cotton-woolly in texture, and for no visible reason arrived on a plate.
It has ready access to the coal pits of south Lancashire and North Wales, the limestone quarries of Derbyshire, and
supplies of salt
suolavarantoihin `
right beneath our feet
aivan jalkojemme alla .
along this stretch of the Thames
pitkin Thames-joen rantaa .
When food is plentiful, sufficient insulin is secreted for all organs to satisfy their needs, but when
, some organs or tissues are starved.
, animals are correspondingly thin on the ground.
in Derbyshire
Derbyshiressa that the apprentices had to raid dustbins.
When food was short,
, blocks overcrowded and underheated, and war news bad, there were always books.
According to the authorized version in the Christian Brothers' geography books of the sixties,
Irish mineral resources
irlantilaiset mineraalivarat were meagre and
Labour and financial resources
Koska työ- ja rahoitusresurssit , and social status being desirable, there is bound to be competition between different occupational groups.
Relatively few have survived from antiquity, since
and a much sought after commodity
in the late Empire
Empire-kauden lopussa .
But working class women fiercely defended their right to a room which expressed their pride in housewifery and which also afforded additional privacy, a
in working class households
työväenluokan talouksien .
in this period
tänä aikakautena ,
at least in Europe
ainakin Euroopassa ,
the old-fashioned rural insurrection for church and king against the godless and liberal cities
vanhanaikainen maalaisten kapina kirkon ja kuninkaan puolesta jumalattomia ja vapaamielisiä kaupunkeja kohtaan .
Ancient history
antiikin historiaa around these parts
Näillä seuduin , and you take it where you can get it -- even from people you wiped out in more recent times.
at the moment
tällä hetkellä , so you've got to be realistic.
In the harsh terrain of north-eastern Sudan, the Rashida and the Beja nomads compete for
If staff are the most valuable resource then
and dear this year, and I can offer you seven pounds for it.
in the Sinai desert
Siinain autiomaassa , but the acacia is one of the few trees which grow there.