Fears were expressed by puritan divines that
to thirst after natural knowledge
luonnollisen tiedon jälkeinen jano was to run the
of elevating reason at the expense of faith
korostamalla järkeä uskon kustannuksella .
Not to do so
Toimimalla toisin however is to run the
of giving inappropriate treatment to different subjects within the same interest category
epäasianmukaisesta hoidosta eri kohteille samassa intressiluokassa .
The fact that
chose to run the
should not give rise to volenti, as knowledge of the risk is not sufficient.
Above all, can
run the
that it will not be able to deliver quality
, että se ei pysty toimittamaan laatua ?
She drove so frantically to begin with that it finally occurred to her that
was running the
of being stopped for speeding
tulla pysäytetyksi ylinopeudesta .
Infants whose parents smoke
Tupakoivien vanhempien pikkulapset run an
of bronchitis and pneumonia
saada keuhkoputkentulehdus ja keuhkokuume , which is doubled in the first year and is highest when both parents smoke.
Peter Cole of SBCI Savory Milln, considering that trust was crucial, thought that
to employ a number of headhunters
muutaman headhunterin palkkaaminen ran the
of losing trust
luottamuksen menettämisestä .
`Then we realised there were plenty of tourists who could also use our products, so
took a
and opened the shop
ja avasimme kaupan .
Mr Anderson said there was a
of entanglement
kietoutumisen during operation
toimenpiteen aikana and the company was required by law to provide covers.
Putting a fist, or other object, into the rectum may result in injury to the lining of this area and therefore can increase the
of HIV transmission
HIV-tartunnan .
by the shopkeeper who deals with a married woman
naimisissa oleville naisille myyvää kauppiasta kohtasi on is that he may find that, though she has property, her husband is insolvent.
run by the shopkeeper who deals with a married woman is
that he may find that, though she has property, her husband is insolvent
se, että vaikka naisella olisi omaisuutta, mies saattaa olla maksukyvytön .
for the truth
kertoessaan totuuden in Yugoslav conflict
Jugoslavian konfliktista
A brave staff member believed
by throwing it into the street
heittämällä sen kadulle .
You want
our lives, our families
henkemme ja perheemme …
our political lives
poliittinen uramme in order to save them
heidän pelastamisekseen .
can cut out the first step generally, and
waiting for the 710710 nu mber to become free
odottamalla, että numero 710 710 vapautuu , then get details of what areas are still not sold out etc.
raced across the road,
knees, neck and most other bent bits
polvet, niskan ja useimmat muista nivelistä to grab her sleeve
tarttuakseni hänen hihaansa .
when they could obtain 20% returns from assured tenancy schemes with non-recourse loans and guaranteed by the bank? ``added Mr Taylor.
is not going
on recommending a poor restaurant
suosittelemalla huonoa ravintolaa .
Aye, such heedlessness -- such invitation to injury, as if to a friendly playmate --
Kyllä, tuollainen päättömyys, tuollainen vammojen hakeminen ikään kuin vaara olisi kiva pelikaveri can imperil our battle planning,
loss of personnel and materiel
sekä ihmiset että omaisuuden .
is stupid enough
his arse
itsensä alttiiksi while others hide behind it
toisten piiloutuessa sen taakse , you let them.
American insurers already reckon there is a $40bn (about £26bn) market for
foreign investors
ulkomaisille sijoittajille brave enough
in the old Soviet Union
vanhaan Neuvostoliittoon .
In 1971 it was rescued by
Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch ,
alone was prepared
to keep it afloat
sen pitämiseksi pinnalla .
The hospital says
serious injury
saada vakavan vamman if he were to fall while using the legs
, jos hän kaatuisi jalkoja käyttäessään .
got better rather than
his wrath
hänen suuttumisestaan by doing otherwise
toimimalla toisin .
Failure is also an essential part of creativity for if one is working on the creative edge
the dire consequences -- weeks or months segregated in punishment blocks, if not further sentences of imprisonment -- which their participation in prison disturbances generally leads to
seuraamuksista välittämättä ja joutuvat viikoksi tai kuukausiksi eristysselleihin tai saavat lisää kakkua, mihin heidän osallisuutensa vankilalevottomuuksiin vääjäämättä johtaa ?
If, however, you can't get it out immediately, don't poke and don't stick your finger blindly down her throat or
doing more damage
aiheuttaa lisää vahinkoa .
Black immigration, recession, and the enormous purses which television can provide have meant there remain a ready supply of
brain damage
aivovauriosta .
Boarding large vessels in open anchorages was often a tricky business and
on many occasions
useita kertoja to put rummage crews on board ships that were laying off awaiting a berth in the docks
palkkaamalla rosvoja miehistöön laivoille, jotka odottivat telakka-altaiden laitureissa .
may lack confidence and feel less able to
This is why
have persisted in using the label cultural-ideological,
the sin of inelegance
tyylikkyyden for the possibility of clarity
selvyyden mahdollisuuden vuoksi .
The issue is clearly of grave concern to
hundreds of thousands of families who
sadoille tuhansille perheille, jotka losing their homes
menettää kotinsa , and to local authorities that will have to shoulder the burden of the homelessness that might ensue.
That my mean
your partner disliking what you have to say
, että kumppanisi ei pidä siitä, mitä sinulla on sanottavaa , but it is important that he or she knows your feelings.
According to Aleksandr Koshelev, Orlov warned the tsar that
destroying the gentry and losing his throne
, joka voi tuhota säätyläiset ja viedä häneltä kruunun .
letting that kind of thing happen again
, että tällaista tapahtuisi uudelleen .
is both a fool and a coward.
Lavender didn't quite believe that, but
was not prepared
it happening
ottamaan sitä .
I think
joutua pidätetyiksi .
Teollisuusministeriö and organised a teach-in for the press on fibre-optic technology.
a £50 fine
saada 50 punnan sakon for breaking the law
lain rikkomisesta .
could not be expected
for a colleague
työtoverin vuoksi .
First we must get him out of
Pierre seeing you
, että Pierre näkee sinut until you're my wife
ennen kuin sinä olet minun vaimoni .
-- and suffered.
From being
little-known property owners
Tuntemattomina kiinteistönomistajina ,
were simply willing
where others hesitated, the Reichmanns were suddenly stars in the financial firmament of America.