- Away from thatpulsingsykkivänarteryvaltaväylänof East LondonItä-Lontoonit suddenly became quiet.
- Where necessary, new bridges, such as the Pont Saint-Michel, were built to cross the Seine, whose quays were developed at the same time asarteriesvaltaväylätfor trafficliikenteen.
- On my regular trips back home, I am always a witness to the unspeakable hardships which the local population endures as a result of living alongside one ofEurope'sEuroopanmost importanttärkeimmänarteriesvaltaväylänfor the transport of people and goods in the North-South directionihmisten ja rahdin kuljetukseen käytetyn pohjois-eteläsuuntaisen.
- Thisclottedtukkoinentrafficliikenteenarteryvaltaväyläis lined from one end to another with new office buildings of the type illustrated in the picture above.
- It will also mean the diversion of twomajorsuurentrafficliikenteenarteriesvaltaväylänover temporary roadways for three years.
- Almirante Boulevardis aonmainpää-arteryvaltaväyläout of WaldronWaldronista kulkeva, hugging the coastline all the way.
- Almost all the city's factories were gone; its tramway system, themainpää-arteryvaltaväyläfor transportrahtiliikenteen, had suffered 70 per cent total damage.
- Meanwhile, in London, motorists fumed as the M4 themainpää-arteryvaltaväyläto Heathrow and the WestHeathrowlle ja kaupungin länsiosiinwas shut when concrete joints buckled in the heat.
- Think of the passer-by in George Street,mainpää-arteryvaltaväyläof Edinburgh's Golden MileEdinburghin Golden Milen, famed as the second citadel of Mammon in Europe.
- Having decided to press on southwards and finish the day somewhere in the region of Freiburg, I joined theautobahnautobahnilleat KarlsruheKarlsruhen kohdalla.
- A little bright relief on theautobahnautobahnillaaround MunichMünchenin ympäri kulkevallaallowed the Safrane V6 to show its paces.
- Later we'll move on to the E35 -- theautobahnautobahnille,to Basle in Switzerlandjoka johtaa Baseliin, Sveitsiin.
- `Tweed -- with Paula Grey, I assume -- at this moment is driving south along theautobahnautobahniafrom FrankfurtFrankfurtista lähtevää.
- Ahead theautobahnautobahnillaE 35E 35stretched away into the distance.
- The truck was skidding all over theautobahnautobahnin, skating over the ice-rink surface.
- It took him half an hour's fast driving up theautobahnautobahniato reach the disaster point.
- There was a newsflash I caught of a big pile-up on theE 35E 35autobahnautobahnillaoutside FreiburgFreiburgin ulkopuolella… ”
- Lakewood guitars are designed by one Martin Seeliger, and they're built at the rate of about twenty-five per week in a town called Geissen in Germany, an hour or so up theautobahnautobahniafrom FrankfurtFrankfurtista lähtevää.
- He was well west of the Hermsdorfer Kreuz, the major crossroad where the north-southautobahnautobahnfrom BerlinBerliinistäto the Saale River borderSaale-joen rajallecrosses the East-West highway from Dresden to Erfurt.
- A few minutes after restarting he picked up theautobahnautobahninto SalzburgSalzburgiin.
- Theold pre-warvanha sotaa edeltäväautobahnautobahnto StuttgartStuttgartiinonly had a double carriageway and after fifty years of use was often under repair.
- NEAR NINE Maidens, the onlyancientmuinainenstonekivettyavenuepuistokatuin CornwallCornwallin, the little town of St Colomb Major straggles over a steep hill.
- Howard strolls upSixthSixthAvenueAvenueain the afternoon sunlight.
- How do you get from the corner of 168th St. andFifthFifthAvenueAvenuento 184th and First?
- Up theshortlyhyttäavenuepuistokatuato the Hogans' houseHoganien talolle; the ground was wet and covered with leaves.
- The Syrian intention was to move right across the front line and, with tins in mind, the officer with the radio began to lead the way up theavenuepuistokatuatowards Martyrs' SquareMarttyyrien aukiolle.
- He turned right into Caldecott Road, left intoHoward'sHoward'sAvenueAvenuelle, right on to Mainwaring Road and up the wide thoroughfare that led to Wimbledon Hill.
- Its front windows stared along thechestnutkastanjoiden reunustamalleavenuepuistokadullewhich joined the two roads.
- The wind was fresh, and although there was no rain, there were puddles along the length of thechestnutkastanjoiden reunustamanavenuepuistokadun, and water lay in the furrows of the ploughed fields.
- The Chesterfield heirs never lived here; they spurned Brizlincote, and itsradial oaksädemäiset tammien reunustamatavenuespuistokadutand the formal gardens grew up to see no Stanhope carriages bowling down the drive.
- Only a rutted bridle track, where orchids still grow, led to it by way of a dilapidated wooden bridge over a stream; theoaktammien reunustamaavenuepuistokatuwhich once lined the way gradually fell.
- Surrounded by small seaside resorts andredwoodpunapuiden reunustamatavenuespuistokadutis San Francisco, a cosmopolitan town whose many nationalities have inspired a host of restaurants.
- As we drove up thelime treelimettipuiden reunustamaaavenuepuistokatua, a traditional feature of Irish country houses, the rain was reducing visibility to a few inches.
- The name of their streetwasoliFifthFifthAvenueAvenue.
- Acrid miasmas coiled from ventilation ducts andsewage floodedjäteveden peittämiltäavenuespuistokaduilta.
- Tree-linedPuiden reunustamatavenuespuistokadutof boutiques and cafésmuotiliikkeiden ja kahviloidencontrast with the traditional style Medina.
- For the modern visitor, the main approach to the church leads through anavenuepuistokatuaof yew treesmarjakuusien reunustamaaand up an impressive flight of stone steps to the west door.
- The back of the house faces south, anavenuepuistokatuof giant elms and a few old oaksjättiläismäisten jalavien ja muutamien vanhojen tammien reunustamalay over that way.
- THEREIS anonavenuepuistokatuof old oak treesvanhojen tammien reunustamamarking the drive which two hundred years ago led through twenty feet high brick gate piers to this beautiful Baroque house.
- The row began in 1985 when Mr Phillips was granted permission to resite the gates at the entrance to themile-longmailin mittaiselle,limelimettipuiden reunustamalleavenuepuistokadullenearer to the house.
- The guest sitting room opens onto a terrace which in turn leads out into the garden and aromanticromanttinenavenuepuistokatuof apple treesomenapuiden reunustama.
- The rioting began at the junction ofFlorence and NormandieFlorence Avenuen ja NormandieAvenuesAvenuenin south-central Los AngelesLos Angelesin eteläisessä keskustassa, and rapidly spread to neighbouring areas, although many of the most prosperous areas of the city remained relatively unaffected.
- Itwas anoliavenuepuistokatuof crumbling, collapsed masonrymurenevien, luhistuneiden kivitalojenin which eight- and nine-storey buildings had slid into the spaces between ruins.
- Elsewhere, Thomas McEvilley writes: `One day in 1970 fifty thousand women marched downfifthFifthAvenueAvenuetain New York.
- You approach the park down alongpitkääavenuepuistokatua, past lawns carefully tended and set in a girdle of trees.
- The device was inspired by a bus journey taken by Gysin, when the sun flickered through alongpitkääavenuepuistokatuaof treespuiden reunustamaa.
- The parks andmainpää-avenuepuistokatuwere awash with trees in full blossom, and when she looked back up towards the farm she could see patches of cloudy pink where the apple trees were in bloom.
- Those towers, those gatehouses, the bridges over clear water, thetree-linedpuiden reunustamatavenuespuistokadut, the fountain playing in the forecourt … it was perfection.
- An unattractive, cement-filled track in the morning magicallybecomes a welcomingmuuttuu viihtyisäksitree-linedpuiden reunustamaksiavenuepuistokaduksiby mid-afternoon.
- Richard O'Flynn, a training partner of John Treacy's with a personal best of 28:20, made an early surge as we ran down anavenuepuistokatuaof skyscraping cabbage palms.
- When Patsy had walked up theshortlyhyttäavenuepuistokatuaand looked at the square house with its creeper and its shabby garden it seemed to her like a house on the front of a calendar.
- He walks along abroadleveää,straightsuoraaavenuepuistokatualined with luxury shops.
- Scraps of the local railway system, which died in the 1930s, can be seen imbedded inLos AngelesLos Angelesinboulevardsbulevardeihinlike fragments of a lost civilisation.
- Instead they built their handsome new town with itswide tree-linedleveine puiden reunustamineboulevardsbulevardeineen,outside the city wallskaupungin muurien ulkopuolelle.
- Modigliani's studio was on theBoulevardBoulevardRaspailRaspailillawhere Nina lived.
- Turner worked in a security systems retail outlet onRocketRocketBoulevardBoulevardilla.
- Building thebeautifulkauniitaboulevardsbulevardejaof ParisPariisin, Baron Haussmann demolished more than 20,000 buildings.
- As they drove along thewideleveitäboulevardsbulevardeja, Myeloski was expansive in his description of the history of the town.
- The Imperial Palace, former residence of the Hapsburgs, St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Vienna State Opera House, National Theatre and Parliament building all lie along theimpressivevaikuttavallaRingstrasseRingstrasse-boulevardbulevardilla.
- Relaxed by sleep, he allowed his mind to conjure up the big house on theboulevardBoulevarddu Cangedu Cangella.
- THE BARD was striding along theBoulevardpuistokatua, cloak wrapped tight against the rain, iron-tipped stick striking sparks from the sidewalk.
- In themainpää-boulevardbulevardillaof HavanaHavannan, they have armed
- He left the hospital and began to walk slowly along theboulevardbulevardia,leading back to the centre of Perugiajoka johti takaisin Perugian keskustaan.
- Not for him theboulevardsbulevarditof HollywoodHollywoodin, nor the slender, sultry looks of Renaissance Screen Man.
- Thespacioustilavatboulevardsbulevardit, lined with commercial kiosks, now boast Pizza Hut as well as McDonalds, gastronomic evidence of man's inhumanity to overseas man.
- The church was founded to guard theRomanesqueromaanistabridgesiltaaacross the VltavaVltavan ylittävää, chains being placed across the route.
- Jewel-bright windows, veiled in lead, gaze onslender archedsiroille kaari-bridgessilloilleacross the CamCamin ylittäville.
- Trafalgar House plc is constructing abridgesiltaaacross the River ThamesThames-joen yliabove the Dartford TunnelsDartfordin tunnelien yläpuolella, which it runs, using the tolls to pay for the bridge.
- Thebridgesiltaat NulnNulninis the last bridge before the sea, although there are ferries which cross the Reik at various points.
- AsandstoneHiekkakivi-bridgesiltaat the meeting of Newham and Marton West becks in AcklamNewhamin ja Martown Westin purojen kohtaamispaikassa Acklamissahas been known as Devil's Bridge for 200 years but no one knows why.
- The repairs are being carried out to thebridgesillanat KnaytonKnaytoninand the inside lanes of both carriageways are closed.
- Therehad been noei ollutbridgesiltaabetween the roadblock and the turn-offTiesulun ja liittymän.
- With heavily armed gangs roaming the streets, the mixed Serb-Muslim population either hid behind locked doors or fled across theironrauta-bridgesillanover the River DrinaDrina-joen ylittävän, which forms the border.
- Narrow streets lead to aquaintviehättävän vanhanaikaisellebridgesillalle,over the River Nartubyjoka ylittää Nartuby-joen,and a tiny square with a pretty little baroque mairie and a pizzeria with its terrace built round an antique fountain.
- What is the Taj Mahal or theGolden GateGolden GateBridge-siltato a living force with arteries so huge a child could crawl along them?
- Once over the hill, having driven, the view of Amen Corner blooms with its floral dance of pinks and purples, itsgreenvihreäbridgesilta, its blue water.
- Expenditure of £56 million is planned for carriageway maintenance in the eastern region with a further £11 million to be spent on renewing and strengthening theregion'salueenbridgessiltoja.
- If you want a nice long walk you can go by theironrauta-bridgesiltaaand through Ballochbuie forest … `
- The floodwater, carrying branches and driftwood, was over the roadway on thecurvedkaartuvallaironrauta-bridgesillalla.
- In the spring and summer she lived in a cottage on the banks of the river Stour just belowTucktonTucktoninbridgesillan.
- If she didn't go on -- and quickly -- the van carrying the Brownies to their Pack holiday might crash dangerously into thelowmatalaanbridgesiltaan.
- It was five minutes to eight when Yanto cycled over thelow swingmatalaa kääntö-bridgesiltaaon to the wharfs of Sharpness Docks.
- FIVE British tourists to Egypt, including one from Mold, were injured when a bomb was dropped from abridgesillaltain CairoKairossaas their tour bus headed out to see the pyramids at Giza.
- Continue over theironrauta-bridgesiltaaat the junction with the PyrddinPyrddinin liittymäänto reach the Horseshoe Falls and the Lower Ddwli and Upper Ddwli Falls.
- Guy told me not to lower thebridgesiltaafor anyone except the villagers until he gets back.
- The sun had come out fully over the abbey mills and thenarrowkapeabridgesiltaof Meole brookMeolen puron, and in the foregate there was bustle enough.
- ThesmallerPienemmätbridgessillatoffered just a single plank of wood, too narrow to cycle across and too narrow to push the bike from the side.
- A new technical moveis theongraphitegrafiitti-bridgesiltaover the midsole in the HST Stable, its new top-of-the-range stability shoe.
- It was a daring piece of engineering -- arailwayrautatie-bridgesiltaconstructed of iron arches between stone piers, with a road bridge and footpaths suspended below the arches.
- At the request of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council I wrote to you on 25th May concerning the state of the railway embankment on Station Lane Scorton and the mess left around therailwayrautatie-bridgesillanon Gubberford Lane ScortonGubberford Lane Scortonin.
- The river passes beneath High Bridge, a remarkabletwelfth-century1100-luvulla rakennettustonekivi-bridgesiltawhich has half-timbered shops on it -- the oldest bridge in Britain still to support buildings.
- Here the18th Century1700-luvulla rakennettustonekivi-bridgesiltacalled Trafford Bridge takes the road over the small stream which is the young River Cherwell.
- Throughout the late 1890s the police had been bothered by complaints about young boys throwing stones or spitting from theLondonLontoonbridgessilloiltaon to boats and their passengers below.
- Some days ago I saw pictures of theBaghdadbagdadilaisestasuspensionriippu-bridgesillastabeing destroyed.
- Though people have been bungee jumping in Britain for 12 years, most notably from theCliftonCliftoninsuspensionriippu-bridgesillaltain BristolBristolissa, it is only recently that commercial operators have begun to spring up.
- Cross the stream which has been on the left for some time by awoodenpuu-bridgesiltaa.
- Susan Alleyne stopped on thenarrowkapeallewoodenpuu-bridgesillallethat spanned the swimming-pool.
- They've built roads andbridgessiltojaand rail systems.
- A big, flat coal barge was passing under thebridgesillanand I averted my eyes from the sight of it.
- The final afternoon Sheffield-Nottingham `all stations ``was entrusted to B1 No. 61145, seen here on its way out of Chesterfield passing underCalow LaneCalow Lanenbridgesillanon 3rd March 1963.
- `Drivers must stop their cars immediately before passing underrailwayrautatie-bridgessiltojenat Selhurst Station and Selby RoadSelhurstin aseman ja Selby Roadinand conductors must mount the stairs and ascertain that all passengers are seated and warned of the danger.
- Sure enough there was the Marina but this was not pegged and after walking under arailwayrautatie-bridgesillanI came to the first peg, number 65.
- A controversial plan for abypassohikulkutiestäaround AylesburyAylesburyn ympärihas been delayed by county councillors.
- Dealing with the petrol station site on thebypassohikulkutielläat Griggs GreenGriggs Greenin kohdalla, he said councillors make site visits.
- Rain caused a landslide, resulting in theA1A1bypassohikulkutieat NewcastleNewcastlen kohdallabeing closed for 12 hours.
- Since 1979, when construction work began on the Colinton Bypass, the provision of anouter cityulkokaupunginbypassohikulkutiefor Edinburgh by 1990 has been a key element of Lothian Regional Council's transportation policy.
- Both relief roads have been included as a firm commitment in the County Council's forward capital program, with a planned start of construction for the northern relief road andKillinghallKillinghallinbypassohikulkutiein nineteen ninety eight.
- A 20-year-old man from Wardley is seriously ill in Newcastle General Hospital after being hit by a car on theFellingFellinginbypassohikulkutielläin GatesheadGatesheadissa.
- The Welsh Office are proposing the construction of abypassohikulkutiento CrickhowellCrickhowelliin, an attractive small town to the east of the Park.
- The railway station has been re-sited down the line to make room forthe town'skaupunginbypassohikulkutielle.
- Lugg Meadows alongside the river in Hereford is already an SSSI, but is under threat from plans forthe city's easternkaupungin itäisenbypassohikulkutien.
- A public exhibition is envisaged showing those proposals within the overall context of theA3A3:nPetersfield-LiphookPetersfieldin ja Liphookin välisenbypassohikulkutie.
- Our MP Mr Ken Hind (Conservative, West Lancs) wrote to people in Scarisbrick saying that he has pushed the Department of Transport into accepting the need for abypassohikulkutiellebetween Ormskirk and SouthportOrmskirkin ja Southportin välillä.
- Since 1989, the A143 Rickinghall and Botesdale Bypass Action Group has lobbied the Department of Transport and county council to get work on abypassohikulkutienround the villageskylien ympäri kulkevanunder way.
- The mile-long tunnel will carry the newA3 HindheadHindheadin A3-bypassohikulkutienunder the bowl.
- She says it's turning what was presented as alocalpaikallisenabypassohikulkutienäinto a major through-way -- motor-way style -- 6 lanes -- elevated to 35 feet, lit up all night -- slap through Oxford's green-belt.
- Talk of abypassohikulkutiestäthrough HailingHailingin läpibecause of the volume of traffic recalls memories of when I was a boy in the late 20's and early 30's.
- The articulated lorries will use the tank road to Catterick from the quarry entrance at Scarth Nick to reach the A1 and theA66 DarlingtonDarlingtonin A66-bypassohikulkutielleto TeessideTeessideen.
- Next day I was thrashing along theKingstonKingstoninbypassohikulkutietäagain.
- The preparation of theArdrossan-Saltcoats-Stevenstonvälillä Ardrossan-Saltcoats-Stevenstonbypassohikulkutiestäscheme is continuing.
- TheGilmertonGilmertoninBypassohikulkutieterminates at Sheriffhall Roundabout on the A68.
- These will allow northbound traffic to join and southbound traffic to leave theMusselburghMusselburghinBypassohikulkutieltäfor the purpose of serving the Newcraighall industrial area.
- Since the decision of the County Council in March nineteen eighty one, to promote aHarrogate and KnaresboroughHarrogaten ja Knaresbouroughinsoutherneteläistäbypassohikulkutietä, the Council have investigated ways of improving the flow of traffic through the two communities.
- This house on the A41 south of the town would be demolished if the proposedsoutherneteläinenbypassohikulkutiefor the town goes ahead.
- Which would obviously be a necessary change to make if it was going to relieve thewesternläntisenbypassohikulkutien.
- Proposals to build abypassohikulkutiewere first introduced in 1986.
- Continue under thebypassohikulkutienand turn right signposted Eynsham into Eynsham Road.
- A new road running from thebypassohikulkutieltäto the Cleveland boundary is also to be built, eventually providing a link to A66 junction at Long Newton proposed by the Department of Transport.
- This will allow it to be used as a link between thePetersfield-LiphookPetersfieldin ja Liphookin välisenbypassohikulkutiencurrently under construction and the A325 north of Greatham.
- Mrs Bosanquet said traffic from Teesside would be able to use theunderusedliian vähän käytettyädual carriagewaykaksirataistaA66A66bypassohikulkutietäto the new junctionuuteen liittymään asti.
- Sore pedal push to the pagodas: A mountain bike is the perfect way to explore thebywayssivuteitäof NepalNepalin, says David Reed
- I've been known to moan about the state of some of the roads in our neck of the Surrey woods, but thebywayssivutietof darkest Saxonypimeimmän Saksinmake my local rutted tracks seem smooth as glass.
- She commutes 30 miles from the outskirts of Kidderminster, crossingslowhitaita,steepjyrkkiäbywayssivuteitäover the Malvern Hills to Bishop's Frome on the Hereford-Worcester border.
- My father and mother would hunt the highways andbywayssivuteitäof LeicestershireLeicestershirenfor a good pork pie with that particularly rich, crispy crust.
- The USAF will not say how often its charges will go out for a spin along thebywayssivuteitäof central EnglandKeski-Englannin.
- These promise special discoveries along their moretranquilrauhallisempienbywayssivuteidensä.
- The unit argues that traffic on motorways and urban roads is unlikely to increase over 50%, so the main impact will fall onruralmaaseudunbywayssivuteillewhich are not equipped to cope with such a volume of vehicles.
- Equally nobody doubts that theWelshwalesilainenbywaysivutiesits on some of the country's most spectacular countryside.
- Tom Watson believes that if it were located in the middle of thecoursekurssin, it would not be as difficult.
- Screwing up her courage, Polly alteredcoursekurssiavery slightly, turning the winch handle to let the mainsail out just a fraction.
- There was no script, it was planned to start at Craven Arms station and work our way up thecoursereittiäon the old linevanhan radan.
- Margaret is delighted to be making this return trip on what she describes as awarm and friendlylämpimäksi ja ystävälliseksicoursereittiä.
- They put the device on 200 pennants suspended from utility poles, and paint it directly oncrosswalkssuojateillein the downtown areakeskusta-alueen.
- Itwas aolicul-de-sacumpikatuoff Ladbroke GroveLadbroke Grovelta lähtevä, with two restaurants and two large pubs at the top of it.
- Angora II is just around the corner in aquieterrauhallisemmancul-de-sacumpikadun.
- `We bought our homes on Barratt's Candleford Estate because we wanted to retire to aquietrauhallisellecul-de-sacumpikadullein peaceful surroundings ``said a resident.
- This had better be good, I thought grimly as I crossed the road and walked up thecul-de-sacumpikatuato the Parsonage.
- The houses cluster alongshortlyhyidenculs-de-sacumpikatujenfrom distributor roadskokoojateiltä erkanevien, and separate footways and cyclepaths occupy the central open space.
- They were away from the main road, walking briskly acrosscul-de-sacsumpikatuja, and through the small, linking passageways, between the wide, high gardens of the area.
- Situated in aquietrauhallisellaresidentialasuinalueencul-de-sacumpikatua, it is only a seven-minute walk from the town centre.
- IN 1954, after only two years at Allen Street, Minton moved to 9 Apollo Place, a two-storey building in ashortlyhyelläcul-de-sacumpikadullaat the end of Cheyne WalkCheyne Walkin päässä, in close proximity to the river.
- An hour later, she had reached Drumlin Hill, South Lincoln, alushly woodedrehevien puiden reunustamallecul-de-sacumpikadulleof executive residencesluksusasuntojenbeyond Boston's western suburbs.
- Set in apeacefulrauhallisellacul-de-sacumpikadullain this popular residential location in Botley, west Oxfordsuositulla läntisen Oxfordin Botleyn asuma-alueella, this extended semi-detached property is presented in excellent decorative order throughout.
- Vine Street itself appearedto be aolevanshortlyhytcul-de-sacumpikatuthat was hardly more than an alley, and mostly dominated along one side by the towering rear facade of some big hotel.
- Yes I I remember we went down avery longhyvin pitkääcul-de-sacumpikatuaat one stage on self containment didn't we.
- Minutes later 43-year-old Pauline Rees, who works at Trees Park Village at Middleton St George, was shot in the face in herdrivewayajotielläänin Lyonette RoadLyonette Roadilla sijaitsevalla.
- He too went up thedrivewayajotietäinto the house.
- Everydrivewayajotieto the castlelinnaan johtavawas crowded and many of those on foot climbed the boundary walls of the estate and made their way through the policies.
- The former bus driver was found gunned down in thedrivewayajotieltä,to his home in Greta Avenuejoka johtaa hänen kotiinsa Greta Avenuellaon Sunday morning.
- Instead, he did another trick with the steering-wheel, making her lurch forward again as they turned off the road, between a pair of high wrought-iron gates, and headed up atree-linedpuiden reunustamaagravelsoraistadrivewayajotietätowards a fabulous, sprawling, red-roofed villakohti upeaa, rönsyilevää, punakattoista huvilaa.
- Then they were through and roaring round the curves of thewideleveängravelsoraisendrivewayajotien, as they charged towards the enemy stronghold.
- He swung into thehospitalsairaalandrivewayajotielle, and Belinda couldn't find a comforting utterance in response to the deep fears he had just tried to voice.
- Halfway up thelittlePienentarmacasfalttipäällysteisendrivewayajotienI trip a sensor.
- He vaulted over the gate and hurried up thenarrowkapeaadrivewayajotietä.
- `What are you holding, Belinda? ``asked Tom as he reversed rapidly down thedrivewayajotietä.
- Adrivewayajotieof red earthPunertavaled to a white two-storeyed mansion, with nine tall windows on the first floor, each leading on to a balcony.
- When she swung into theleafylehtien peittämälledrivewayajotielleat Cultra, she was relieved to find no other vehicle there.
- Breaking up theconcretebetonipäällysteisendrivewayajotiencame next to make way for lawns, borders and a pond.
- We got under a flat little concrete bridge thatwas theolidrivewayajotieinto someone's garagejonkun autotalliin.
- Alongpitkädrivewayajotie, with a lake on one side and flat, flowered meadows on the other, the dark shapes of cattle grazing.
- Thisis theonmainpää-drivewayajotieup here, opening on what used to be a road down to Florence.
- By design they had entered the grounds quite close to the front entrance, and they angled their progress so as to bring them into contact with themainpää-drivewayajotieas quickly as possible.
- I pulled into thedrivewayajotielleof the third house on the right-hand side.
- They eventually agreed to walk down thedrivewayajotietäand pose for pictures.
- We were driven along thetree and flower linedpuiden ja kukkien reunustamaaexpresswaymoottoritietäinto `Lion City ``"Leijonakaupunkiin"as Singapore is known.
- Vic threads the tunnels, switches lanes, swings out on to a long covered ramp that leads to asix-lanekuusikaistaiselleexpresswaymoottoritiellethrust like a gigantic concrete fist through the backstreets of his boyhood.
- The resort is now even easier to get to, thanks to the newA55A55:nExpresswaymoottoritie.
- It's aonten-lanekymmenkaistainenexpresswaymoottoritie, on a warm mid-summer evening, with the sky clearing after a day of rain.
- The convent, built between 1868 and 1907 has been used as a school, orphanage and convalescent home, but is in a derelict state and in full view of themainpää-A55A55:nExpresswaymoottoritieinto WalesWalesiin kulkevan.
- Early this morning another device exploded under aflyoverylikulkusillanat Staples Corner, Hendon, north London -- the junction of the M1 and the North CircularStaples Cornerissa, Hendonissa, Pohjois-Lontoossa – M1:n ja pohjoisen kehätien liittymässä.
- TheA5A5flyoverylikulkutieis expected to be closed for up to a year.
- In general they are one-way tracks on both sides of main roads between intersections, at which there aregrade-separatedluokiteltujaflyoversylikulkutietäor level junctions with traffic light priority for cyclists (Figure 9.11).
- ConcreteBetonisetflyoversylikulkusillat, wholesale clearance for new routes, and concern over noise and lead pollution, were seen as affronts to living conditions; in the environmentally conscious 1970s new highway planning became politically beleaguered.
- Proceed along the road taking the last turning before theflyoverylikulkusiltaainto Orchard RoadOrchard Roadin.
- He managed to get his question in as he crossed theHammersmithHammersmithinFlyoverylikulkusillan.
- Engineers were quick to shore up the weakenedBotley RoadBotley RoadinFlyoverylikulkusiltaain OxfordOxfordissaas soon as they found corroded support wires in the spans.
- The blaze broke out 50ft up on the road deck of theflyoverylikulkusillanat MiddlesbroughMiddlesbroughin.
- Maintenance work on aflyoverylikulkusillallaon the A19 near ThirskA19-tiellä Thriskin lähelläcould cause traffic delays.
- And on the A forty, Oxford northern by-pass, there are lane closures westbound betweenMarstonMarstoninflyoverylikulkusillanand the Cherwell bridge.
- In the process it invented mass entertainment, the10-lane10-kaistaisenfreewaymoottoritienand smog.
- A bicycle is to the medieval streets of Nepal what a convertible is to aCaliforniakalifornialaisellefreewaymoottoritielle: appropriate technology.
- And that was all that mattered as they cruised down thefreewaymoottoritietä, alone together in Zitney's gleaming red hatchback.
- His friends were bikers who roared around thefreewaysmoottoriteitäof CaliforniaKalifornian.
- 3.30AM I pass under theSanta MonicaSanta Monicanfreewaymoottoritienand breathe a sigh of relief.
- TheBritaxBritaxinFreewaymoottoritie(£89.99) has a harness that adjusts to the correct fit at the touch of a button.
- the continuation of Oxford Street (now Bayswater Road, west London)was theolimaintärkeinhighwayvaltatiefrom LondonLontoostato the west of EnglandEnglannin länsiosiinin the eighteenth century.
- He was well west of the Hermsdorfer Kreuz, the major crossroad where the north-south autobahn from Berlin to the Saale River border crossesthe East-Westitä-länsisuuntaisenhighwayvaltatienfrom DresdenDresdenistäto ErfurtErfurtiin.
- NewUudethighwaysmaantietthrough the rainforestsademetsän läpilead to boom-town development, destruction and dereliction; reservoirs from flooded valleys (intended to generate clean, cheap electricity) silt up, thanks to the soil erosion caused by clearfelling of the protective forest cover on surrounding slopes.
- A prolonged dispute with Wimbledon vestry committee, over developing apublicyleisenhighwayvaltatiento WandsworthWandsworthiin, led to his election as their chairman in 1778.
- This was principally because it contained theoldvanhanBaghdad-TehranBagdadin ja Teheranin välisenhighwayvaltatien.
- Every few minutes a truck thunders down the strategicSalangSalanginHighwayvaltatietäon its way from Hiratan on the Soviet border to Kabul.
- Thehighwayvaltatiebetween Ingleton and Chapel-le-DaleIngletonin ja Chapel-le-Dalen välillä, a distance of four miles, overlays a Roman road subsequently adopted as part of the Lancaster -- Richmond turnpike and now simply classed as the B6255.
- The Jaguar slowed down and he pulled off themainpää-highwaytieltäinto a side road.
- They will carry over 1000 sections of anew four-laneuudesta nelikaistaisestahighwayvaltatiestäacross the river LaganLagan-joen yli.
- Funding for theBR364BR364-highwayvaltatien, to cut across the western Amazon, has also been granted by Collor.
- It snakes in and out of ports, along ourbusiestruuhkaisimpienhighwaysvaltateidemmeand through our most crowded cities.
- I watched her drive out on to thehighwayvaltatielle, thinking many things which are better kept to myself.
- She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house, making for the road that had led here, the long, twisting road from themainpää-highwaytieltä.
- Failure to comply with that instruction might give rise to a charge of obstructing the police in addition to that of obstructing thehighwayvaltatielle.
- But on thehighwayvaltatielläinto BeirutBeirutinwe pass a shanty town on the left-hand side of the road, a place of destitution, of tiny concrete huts, their corrugated iron roofs held down by stones.
- East of the towns of Biggleswade and Sandy, both of which lie onthe A1A1highwayvaltatielläfrom LondonLontoostato the northpohjoiseen, the county of Bedfordshire abuts Cambridgeshire.
- The old man was walking beside theNationalkansallisenHighwayvaltatienone evening four years ago on his way to a religious drama in another village.
- Thelanekujaat the side of the car-parkpysäköintialueen vierestä kulkevaleads straight down to the river.
- The path is 600 yards long and connects to atar-surfacedpikipäällysteiseenlanekujaanat the north endpohjoispäässä.
- He walked 100 yards to nearby cottages inSt MarysSt MarysLaneLanenat West Horndon, near Brentwood, EssexWest Horndonissa, lähellä Essexin Brentwoodia, with his clothes alight.
- Itwas somewhere along thejossakinlanereitinbetween Nunes and HadleighNunesin ja Hadleigh'n välisenbut so much vegetation had grown up that spring that everything looked different.
- Thus aminorkapeaalanetietäbetween two Iron Age villageskahden rautakautisen kylän välillämight have been improved and linked with others to become a road between a Roman estate centre and one of its dependent farms.
- Mrs B, just down thelanetienfrom the farmfarmilta johtavan, described them as rather wild.
- Thelaneskapeat tietin the dalelaaksonwere full of people trying to locate Hannah, some in caravans.
- Thebacksyrjä-lanestietin the North Road areaNorth Roadin alueenhave been atrocious, people were dumping their rubbish in them.
- Carol ran down thelanekujaato the car.
- Continue up anoldvanhaalanekapeaa tietäto a modern farm trackuudenaikaiselle farmitielle.
- As director since 1979, he has overseen a transformation of Filmhouse from a small 90 seat cinema inMorrison StreetMorrison StreetLaneLanellato the current two-screen complex, with a main cinema seating 285, and cafe bar.
- We stayed a couple of nights in London, in a small hotel situated in the street extending from the top ofSt Martin'sSt Martin'sLaneLanen.
- So ourflowerykukka-lanekujammewas not our own secret discovery after all.
- As the past meets the future in thesestylishtyylikkäilläshoppingkauppa-laneskaduilla, there's a continental feel in the air.
- Eventually they pulled into thelanekujallebehind the housetalon takana sijaitsevalle.
- They were all three standing in thelanekapealla tielläoutside GreystonesGreystonesin ulkopuolella olevalla.
- He passed through thelanekujanat half-past one this morning, on his way home.
- Their destination lay patiently in wait on the grey crest of the downs, while below, across the broad green Kennet valley, they approached alongwindingmutkittelevia,laneskapeita tietäthrough slumbering villagesuinuvien kylien halki.
- Anyone who has travelled thecountrymaaseudunlanespikkuteitäaround Holt, near WrexhamHoltissa, Wrexhamin lähellä, may well have seen a tractor working that they couldn't quite identify.
- They fled after calling at a house where the vehicle was blocking anarrow countrykapean maaseutu-lanetien.
- Tanya Probyn's car had been driven along alanekapeaa tietäat Stonebench in GloucestershireGloucestershiren Stonebenchissäbefore reaching the River Severn.
- She'd have to go down themuddymutaistalanekapeaa tietänow.
- `Take thelanetielleto ChurchtownChurchtowniin johtavalle.
- They turned into amuddymutaisellelanepikkutielleleading to the kennels.
- The report also says councillors may wish to consider plans to allow taxis to usebusbussi-laneskaistojabecause they are usually carrying more than one passenger.
- Proposals are emerging once again for electrification of thelineradanbetween Manchester and PrestonManchesterin ja Prestonin välisen.
- It was to be linked to alineraiteellafrom CroydonCroydonistato Wallington, Carshalton and SuttonWallingtoniin, Carshaltoniin ja Suttoniin.
- Despite their expertise in such field craft, though, there was a limit to the area the Australians could control, and they had to send more men south to protect theirsupplyhuolto-linereittiäfrom the coastrannikolta.
- It will be needed if the railway is to succeed in its plans to extend thelinerataafrom Blaenavon station up the mountain side to its present terminus at the Whistle Inn or beyond.
- True; but the government has already decided that the fares charged wherever private railways have a near-monopoly (for example,commuterlähiliikenteenlinesjunatinto LondonLontooseen) will be regulated.
- However, a faster alignment through a new King's Cross station remains a possible alternative in spite of the opposition of the Treasury, which prefers a cheaper butroundaboutkiertotietä kulkevaalinerataainto St PancrasSt Pancrasiin.
- No 37109 brings a freight off theDundeeDundeenlineradaltathrough platform No 1laiturin nro 1 kauttaat Perth stationPerthin asema-on 8 September 1987.
- He had not seen the correspondence about thelinesratojathrough DenbighDenbighin halki kulkevia, as his men no longer worked over, nor signed the road to Denbigh.
- WORK IS now proceeding on the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway's 1.4 mile extension to Far Stanley, which is part of the long-term aim of re-opening thelineratato CheltenhamCheltenhamiin.
- When a railway policeman came to move them on, an officious, spiteful man, Tom thought, they went two stations down theCentralpää-Linerataato HolbornHolborniin kulkevaa.
- It accelerates pencil-sized beams of electrons and their anti-matter equivalent, positrons, to near the speed of light in opposite directions around a 17-mile circular tunnel, roughly the length ofLondon Underground'sLontoon MetronCircleympyrä-lineradan.
- It follows the recent IRA bomb on abusyruuhkaisellacommuterlähiliikenteenlinelinjalla.
- Thetubemetro-lineslinjatdo not, of course, lie at right angles to one another like the streets of Manhattan.
- AUGUST BANK Holiday saw the Gloucester Warwickshire Railway springing a surprise on visitors by staging a re-enactment of the `Cornishman ``service along part of theHoneybourneHoneybournenlinelinjallebetween Toddington and GrettonToddingtonin ja Grettonin välille.
- One of their biggest fears is for the loss makingCotswoldCotswoldinLineradanwhich has eleven rural stations between Oxford and Worcester.
- Thetwenty-three-mile37 kilometrin mittainenbranchhaara-linelinjafrom NorthallertonNorthallertonistahas survived only because of the Tarmac quarry terminal located at Redmire, supplying limestone for use as flux in the steel-making process.
- ONE railway which has progressed from strength to strengthis the `onCoal Yard Branchhiilipihan haara-Linelinja``at Kidderminster Town Station on the Severn Valley RailwayKidderminster Townin asemalla Svern Valleyn rautatiellä.
- John Mowlem was well to the fore with the proposal for abranchhaara-linelinjaato SwanageSwanageen.
- Much of this went to Hull for export, but trains for Lancashire had to go up the formidable Worsborough bank avoiding Barnsley, and joining themainpää-linerataanjust south of Penistone.
- British Rail closed themainpää-Stafford-WellingtonStafford-Wellingtoninlineradanin the mid 1960s.
- British Rail has not yet put an investment proposition to the Department for thewest coastlänsirannikonmainpää-lineradasta.
- But I found the home which his cousin Ibrahim owned next to theTel Aviv -- JaffaTel Avivin ja Jaffanportsataman välisenrailwayrautatie-linereitin.
- There were, in addition, three French companies, and the Argentine State railways which controlled a number oflocalpaikallisialinesratoja.
- They've also blocked off therailwayrauta-linetien, and British drivers say they've been threatened at knife point.
- The Paignton & Dartmouth Steam Railway will be run onfully commercialtäysin kaupallisillalinesradoillaand will be improved in all departments.
- This was a process which fascinated George Curzon, the future Viceroy of India, when he travelled on thelinerataain 1888 soon after its opening.
- TheM5M5motorwaymoottoritieat TauntonTauntonin kohdallais undergoing major repairs that began in 1980 -- five years after the section was opened.
- It seemed a daft notion as we hurtled west along themotorwaymoottoritietäfrom NiceNizzastawith Porsches and Ferraris whistling past our ears.
- The 113 kilometres from Bucharest to Piteŝti is the only stretch offour-lanenelikaistaistamotorwaymoottoritietäin RomaniaRomaniassaand the national speed limit of 100 k.p.h. applies on it.
- The Department of Transport has announced plans for the improvement of Junction Twelve of theM-FiveM5motorwaymoottoritienin GloucestershireGloucestershiren.
- The A5 meanwhile would be converted into amotorwaymoottoritieksithrough SnowdoniaSnowdonian halki.
- Even if we force it past our lot by getting the Whips to chew a few backbench bollocks, the rural lords will junk it, they don't wantmotorwaysmoottoriteitäthrough their game parksriistapuistojensa halki`
- The hospital, moreover, is perfectly located for a swift getaway, just yards from the Brussels ring road and themotorwaymoottoritieto ParisPariisiin.
- At the roundabout outside the town, I saw the entrance to theM2M2motorwaymoottoritielleto BelfastBelfastiinblocked by three overturned motor cars, including one which was burning fiercely.
- New York: THE United States' worst winter storm of the century killed at least 66 people and paralysed the east coast of the country, closingmotorwaysmoottoriteitäand airports and leaving millions without electricity, officials said last night.
- Within minutes they were travelling under themotorwaymoottoritien.
- Around 9.00 a.m. most mornings, the M40is aonparticularly busyerityisen ruuhkainenmotorwaymoottoritie.
- This week John MacGregor launched a debate on a scheme which could, in the medium term, turnBritain'sBritannianmotorwaysmoottoritietinto money-earners by charging motorists to drive on them.
- However, he defended the widening of theM25M25motorwaymoottoritienaround LondonLontoon kiertävän, and the building of bypasses in rural areas.
- A man who drove a stolen car the wrong way along amotorwaymoottoritiellänear BristolBristolin lähelläwas killed when he crashed into another car.
- The call had been traced to one of a bank of three public booths in Saffron Walden, a market-town in western Essex, just off theM11M11motorwaymoottoritienfrom London to CambridgeLontoosta Cambridgeen kulkevan.
- The Plough Hotel offers its guests relaxed surroundings within easy access to theM1M1Motorwaymoottoritielle.
- It would run through Taplow, crossing the main A4 road between Slough and Maidenhead and the main London to Bristol railway line, through Dorney, crossing theM4M4motorwaymoottoritiento Eaton WickEaton Wickiin kulkevan.
- The problem with Channel 5 is that it is not lying empty, like anewuusimotorwaymoottoritiejust waiting for somebody to cut the ribbon.
- However, this development would require public support in the form of anewuudenEast Coastitärannikonmotorwaymoottoritien.
- UrbanUrbaanitmotorwaysmoottoritiethave proved no solution to Britain's chronic traffic congestion -- indeed some say they have made it worse.
- Protestors are claiming that proposals to enlarge a trunk road are part of plans to build anewuudenmotorwaymoottoritien.
- Let's all go down theMotorwaymoottoritietä
- Driving onGermanSaksanmotorwaysmoottoriteilläcan require strong nerves and does not leave much attention for observing the countryside.
- The Department of Transport's being criticised for starting roadworks on abusyruuhkaisellamotorwaymoottoritielläat the height of the holiday season.
- But nobody who regularly uses themotorwaymoottoritietäcan say they haven't been warned about the dangers of driver fatigue.
- Weapon convoys regularly use theM8M8motorwaymoottoritietäthrough central GlasgowGlasgow'n keskustan halki.
- Overpassesylikulkujaat Heathrow and FarnboroughHeathrowlle ja Farnboroughiinwere requested during the flight.
- Past the bovine and technological detritus, however, where the road narrows into a little lane pressed up against ahighwayvaltatienoverpassylikulkua, a different sort of merchandise is on display.
- There were 30 Pakistanis and five Iranians working on theoverpassylikulkusillallaat the time of the shooting, said Mohammed.
- The bunker, though tiny and primitive, sits beneath aconcretebetonisenhighwayvaltatienoverpassylikulkusillanand is flanked by rocks two meters (six feet) thick.
- Officials said one of the top priorities would be to relieve the transport bottleneck by removing debris and shoring up bridges andoverpassesylikulkujawhich survived the quake.
- The migrants who gather at an unofficial labor market on theYongding GateYongdingin portinoverpassylikulullein BeijingPekingissäare near the bottom of the new social ladder.
- The 37-year-old jumper, who was not identified, missed the interstate entirely when he leaped from theJefferson DavisJefferson DavisinHighwayvaltatienoverpassylikulkusillalta, police Sgt. Barry Fletcher said.
- The county's mainline stations are at Nottingham, Newark andAlfreton/MansfieldAlfreton/MansfieldParkwayParkwaylla.
- Work starts on theA174A174Parkwayparkwayllain Cleveland on Monday.
- A spokesman for the Department of Transport said both routes proposed by the NGC ran close to the A19 and could interfere with improvement plans for theNortonNortonParkwayParkwaynsection of road.
- Suppose they lost thesolidkatkeamattomanpathpolunbetween these pools?
- On his way up thepavedkivettyäpathpolkuabetween walls of rose bushes he picked up a piece of old iron pipe with his gloved hand.
- This sculpture is beautifully situated beside a reservoir noted for its fishing, on the convertedrailwayrautatie-pathreitilläbetween Caldercruix and BlackridgeCaldercruixin ja Blackridgen välilläin West LothianLänsi-Lothianissa-- an area socially devastated by the closure of its pits.
- The estuaries are part of the East Atlantic Flyway, a vitalmigrationmuutto-pathreittibetween the Arctic and the southern hemishphereArktiksen ja eteläisen pallonpuoliskon välillä, which is used by one and a half million waders and half a million waterfowl.
- The weather continued in an extremely unsettled mode, another vigorous depression on thewell-troddenpaljon kuljetullapathreitilläbetween Iceland and ScotlandIslannista Skotlantiingiving the strongest winds of the month on the night of the 21st.
- Thepathpolkufrom Billy's cottageBillyn mökiltäwound downtowards the river bankkohti joentörmää.
- Changes in trace organics are being sampled and identified at various distances along agas migrationkaasujen leviämis-pathreitilläfrom a landfill in Suffolksuffolkilaisen kaatopaikan.
- Some men would already be at the boats, others coming down thesteepjyrkkääpathpolkuafrom the villagekylästä.
- The charity Sustrans has produced a feasibility report looking at the possibility of linking existingrailwayrautatie-pathsreittejäin West Cumbria and Country DurhamLänsi-Cumbriassa ja Country Durhamissavia a network of minor roads, bridleways and disused railway tracks.
- He thanked the boy, then went out into the gathering darkness and across to thetroddenkuljetullepathreitilleon the inner perimeter of the campleirin sisäkehälle.
- Turn right to get to thepathpolulle,on the leftvasemmalla olevalleleading to Studlandjoka johtaa Studlandiin.
- It was in March that the winner was revealed of a competition to build a bridge at Bloomer's Hole to link theThamesThamesPathPathinon the GloucestershireGloucestershiren-- Oxfordshire border.
- Tamar turned along the track which led away from the village and the harvest fields, choosing instead thepathpolun,through the thick woods which stretched down to the river bankjoka kulki joentörmälle asti ulottuvan tiheän metsän läpi.
- Greeted by record breaking ice floes, the ship is pictured here en route to Montreal with the Canadian ice breaker, Terry Fox cutting apathreittiä,through thick patches of icejoka kulkee paksujen jääsaarekkeiden läpion the S Lawrence RiverSt Lawrence -joella.
- She patted down the earth in each pot, watered them from a slimy tin, arranged them in a row on the ledge, and darted back along thepathpolkuato the housetalolle.
- Then as fast as her legs would carry her, she shambled down thepathpolkuatowards the gateporttia kohti.
- So off we set, full of hope, along thewoodedmetsäistäpathpolkuatowards the hideskohti piilopaikkoja.
- `Miss Smithers -- so nice to meet you -- ``the donkey was gently pushing them both up thepathpolkuatowards the plateaukohti tasannetta-- `changed plans suddenly and -- I'm so sorry --
- Leading the animal by its reins, she descended thesteepjyrkkääpathpolkuatowards the place of tentskohti teltta-aluetta.
- SIDE BY SIDE: The lovers stroll along acountrymaalais-pathpolkua, facing the future, just happy to be together
- For the two steep kilometres up themuddymutaisellamountainvuori-pathpolullathe rain was relentlessly Scottish.
- Few men have been able to resist their strength and beauty, and at one time would congregate at the base of thezigzagsiksakki-pathpolunwhich led to the French village of FayeFayen ranskalaiseen kylään johtavan, hoping for a glimpse.
- But really it was the buzzards and the kestrels circling overhead that caught my eye as we made our way down thecoastalrannikko-pathtietä.
- An Almond Bank link would thus enable cyclists to getfrom Edinburgh to the Forth Road BridgeEdinburghista Fourth Roadin sillalleonquietrauhallisiaroads orpathspolkuja.
- Each house had an iron gate and ashortlyhyttiledlaatoitettupathpolkuup to the front dooretuovelle.
- The first job was to scythepathspolkujathrough the nettlesnokkosten läpiso the children could play without being stung.
- We were then on thecoastrannikko-pathtiellä, near an old abandoned aerodrome and could see ahead in the distance Wooltack Point near a cluster of islands.
- Where the road bears left continue straight on to pick up thecoastrannikko-pathtielleabove Caerbwdy BayCaerbwdy Bayn-- look out for the purple sandstone around the bay.
- Threecliff Bay -- one of the highlights on thecoastrannikko-pathtienwest of MumblesMumblesin länsipuolella sijaitsevan.
- Suddenly there was a commotion outside as Nigel and Elinor hurtled up thegardenpuutarha-pathpolkuaand through the front door.
- Thatis theongardenpuutarha-pathpolkudown which Bill and Ricky will come.
- Top: The original concretegardenpuutarha-pathpolkuwas bricked over to complete the cottage garden scene
- We set off through the lovely village of Stonethwaite and up thesteepjyrkkääwoodlandmetsä-pathpolkuatowards Great Cragkohti Great Cragia.
- He followed thepathpolkuathrough the old orchard.
- Angrily, Bernice picked herself up and went off down thewindingmutkittelevaapathpolkua.
- I ran along thestonykivistäpathpolkuato Sam's large shed in my socks and hardly felt the discomfort, and found to my relief that I could get inside easily enough -- no lock on the door.
- They were to follow the track that skirted the south of the swampy depression and were then to take apathpolkuto the right which was marked by a great stone shaped like the head of a horse.
- Walking back along theweed-riddenrikkaruohojen täyttämääpathpolkuaalongside the housetalon vierellä, he unconsciously rubbed the muscles of his midriff; they were still bruised from the Wee Doc's elbow jab when he'd tried to arrest her
- Here the waters are split and piled up either side of apathwaytienacross the sea bedmerenpohjan halki kulkevan.
- Mary could see a row of white stones marking thepathwaytietäacross the marshsuon halki kulkevaa.
- It was a farm track, little more than aroughvaikeakulkuinenpathwaytieacross the fieldspeltojen halki.
- Li Yuan called back, not turning, breaking into a trot as he crossed theflaggedlippujen reunustamanpathwaytien,between the hangar and the Northern Palacejoka sijaitsi lentokonehallin ja Pohjoisen palatsin välissä.
- However although the diagrams presented identify the stores and thepathwaystietbetween the storesmyymälöiden välisetthey do not effectively represent the dynamics of the runoff-producing system.
- He heard many voices as people passed on thepathwaytielläfrom the bridgesillaltato the ramprampille kulkevalla.
- Fabia exclaimed as, more strolling than anything, they ambled alonghilltopkukkulanhuipunpathwaysteilläthrough an avenue of silver birch trees.
- So had these cunning little creatures marked out theirpathwaytiensäto foodruuan luoksewith a species-specific street lamp system that only they could perceive?
- She walked cheerfully along theflower-linedkukkien reunustamiapathwaysteitäto the medical centreterveyskeskukseen, dressed in her working sister's uniform of dark blue dress, neat white shoes and silver-buckled belt.
- Security of thesecommunicationviestintä-pathwaysreittienmeant headaches for the British -- some real but more frequently imagined.
- Traffic free urban squares connected bypedestrianjalankulku-pathwaysteidensurround the site and will become the focus for a free entertainments programme during the summer, involving a host of street performers.
- Bending double, he ducked beneath the window and was moving towards the door … when a long man-shaped shadow moved across the bar of light thrown out onto thepavedkivetyllepathwaytielle.
- When a flurry of snow lightly dusts the roads andpathwaysteitäof the urban and suburban areasurbaanien alueiden ja esikaupunkienyou can be sure that Baldersdale and the rest of the high Pennines will be thigh deep.
- Ideal for arusticmaalais-pathwaytiellethrough tumbling foliagevarisevien lehtien halki kulkevalle: Marshalls' Heritage Antique paving in Burnt Brick colour looks like old handmade bricks
- There is acentralkeskeinenherringbone brickkalanruotokuvioisilla tiilillä päällystettypathwaytie,with flower beds on either sidejota reunustavat kukkapenkit molemmin puolin.
- There is not apublicyleistäpathwaytietäalong the riverJoenvarttato the southetelään, but if there was, the bridges built for the barge houses could be seen over the drainage dykes.
- Kirkella, Westella, Northella, Southella and Willerby were all originally separate villages and settlements connected byruralmaalais-pathwaystietand cartroadson the approaches to the Yorkshire woldslähestyttäessä Yorkshiren ylänköjä.
- I followed alongpitkääharbour-wallsataman muurin reunustamaapathwaytietä, then took a gate into a park.
- But some, following one of theseancestralmuinaisiapathwaysteitä, find that the land stops, unexpectedly.
- Willie ran up thepathwaytietätowards the cottage, through the graves and under the oak tree, his shoes squelching.
- Neither did he hear Zach repeatedly calling him from outside or the sound of his footsteps running up thetinypikkuruistapathwaytietäto the back door.
- Thepavementjalkakäytäväbeside Alen Glen'sAlen Glensin viereinenwas smashed and a Corporation junction box that had stood outside Jackson's Dog House in Dundas Street lay up a close.
- In theSt. Nicholas StreetSt. Nicholas Streetinpavementjalkakäytävälläin fact, they are on a square background and are given bulbed tips between every second petal.
- There were nopavementsjalkakäytäviäin the little village of Samanapienessä Samanan kylässä, four or five miles from the complex, and chickens and goats wandered idly along the dirt roads, scavenging for scraps.
- He came to a halt on thepavementjalkakäytävälleoutside his blocktalonsa ulkopuolella sijaitsevalleand checked his pulse, before climbing the stairs to the flat.
- And police were drafted in to control the traffic which was brought to a standstill by the numbers of people lining thepavementjalkakäytävälläoutside the Seacombe churchSeacomben kirkon ulkopuolella.
- The constructed path is to help keep visitors off thebasaltbasaltti-pavementsjalkakäytäviltäwhich are delicate and fragile, taking aeons to create and seconds to destroy.
- It seems probable, therefore, that three workers were employed in making theSt. Nicholas StreetSt. Nicholas Streetinpavementjalkakäytävääand only one (possibly two) in the making of the Blackfriars mosaic.
- He walked onglisteningkiiltelevilläpavementsjalkakäytävillä, across streets where the rain spat back from the tarmac.
- Big sparks sprayed off the brick walls and tyres screamed on thewetmärilläpavementsjalkakäytävillä.
- They build almost wholly with the granite used in thenewuusillapavementjalkakäytävilläof the streets of LondonLontoon katujen…
- Thefrostykuurainenpavementjalkakäytäväin front of the Royal Technical College in George StreetGeorge Streetin Royal Technical Collegen edessäwas crowded and the ice in the gutters cracked by countless tackity boots marching into George Square.
- Emergency admissions as a result of road traffic accidents or falls onicyjäisilläpavementsjalkakäytävilläcan not be arranged.
- Two ambulance-men crossed thepavementjalkakäytävän, carrying a stretcher.
- I was running along thepavementjalkakäytävääof Rochdale RoadRochdale Roadin, just after midnight, wearing, among other things, two quilted anoraks, one of which had fourteen pounds of sand sewn into the lining.
- They went their separate ways but I stayed where I was, standing on thepavementjalkakäytävälläby the bus stopbussipysäkin vieressä.
- She's walking along thepavementjalkakäytävääahead of me, holding onto this woman's hand.
- Frances had been walking along apavementjalkakäytävääin OxfordOxfordissawhen she was hit from behind.
- Therailroadrautatieis in all its relations a matter of earnest business, to be got through as soon as possible.
- The Spanish style, favoured by the Santa Fe and otherrailroadsrautateidenin the Southern Statesetelävaltioiden, can be divided into two streams, the baroque and the mission.
- Therailroadrautatiebetween Armagh and BelfastArmaghin ja Belfastin välilläopens up another important commercial communication.
- It looked like somewhere waiting for a film to happen, Jasper thought, like a Western on television where two gunmen will come out of the badlands and hold up the mailtrain on theSanta FeSanta Fe'nrailroadrautatiellä.
- Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and John D. Rockefeller, Sr followed suit in their massive restructurings ofUSYhdysvaltainrailroadsrautateidenand industries.
- In a parallel dispute over land claims, freight and passenger rail traffic was seriously disrupted by Ojibwa Indians who blockaded twotrans-continentalmantereen halki kulkevaarailroadsrautatietänear Thunder Bay in north-western OntarioThunder Bayn lähellä Luoteis-Ontariossafor five days.
- There usedto be aolirack-and-pinionhammastankokoneistolla toimivarailwayrautatiebetween Funchal, Monte and Terreiro da LutaFunchalin, Monten ja Terreiro da Lutan välillä.
- The Somerset and Avon Railway, which is working towards reopening therailwayrautatienbetween Radstock and FromeRadstockin ja Fromen välillä, holds its sponsored walk and fun day at its headquarters in the sidings in Radstock.
- Darlington Waggon and Engineering Company (DWEC) won many bridge building contracts on theAssam BengalAssam BengalinRailwayrautatienbetween Chittagong, Syhlet and DaccaChittagongin, Syhletin ja Daccan välillä kulkevanfrom 1884-92.
- He also announced that the scheme for ahigh-speedsuurnopeus-railwayrautatienbetween London and Heathrow airportLontoon ja Heathrow'n lentokentän välillewould proceed.
- And there's nothing better to stimulate the mind and develop creativity than thisbrightly colouredkirkkaanvärinenWoodenpuinenRailwayrautatiefrom BrioBrio-.
- Therailwayrautatiefrom AlbertAlbertistastops at Beaumont.
- But the traffic was so heavy in the North-East that theNorth-EasternkoillinenRailwayrautatiefrom 1905 on ran a `pigeon special ``every weekend from Newcastle to the South.
- In May 1858 the Knighton Railway was incorporated, providing for the construction of arailwayrautatienfrom Craven ArmsCraven Armsistato KnightonKnightoniin,on the English/Welsh borderEnglannin ja Walesin rajalla, a distance of some 12 miles.
- The basic network was supplemented by the opening of 2 further lines by theLlanellyLlanellynRailwayrautatiellefrom LlandeiloLlandeilostato CarmarthenCarmartheniinin 1864 to 1865; and from Pontarddulais to Swansea Victoria in 1866 to 1867.
- Five years later the actress Fanny Kemble sat beside Stephenson on a trial trip on theLiverpool to ManchesterLiverpoolista Manchesteriin kulkevallarailwayrautatielläin 1830.
- It is my impression that the Department of Transport has not so far been sympathetic to the potential plight of some of the preservedrailwaysrautateidenin ScotlandSkotlannin.
- At least onenarrow-gaugekapearaiteinenrailwayrautatiein BritainBritanniassaoperates on a gauge of 10.5 in, and there may well be others.
- Moreover, therailwaysrautatietin both countriesmolemmissa maissahave served as instruments of broader macroeconomic goals such as price and wage control, employment stability and the health of the supplier industries.
- Beyond, the line turned right into Boundary Road, crossed over therailwayrautatienon the Wallington/Carshalton boundaryWallingtonin ja Carshaltonin rajalla, where the bridge had to be widened.
- HUNDREDS of runners turned out for the annual Race The Train cross country event on theTalyllynTalyllyninRailwayrautatielläon August 15.
- Aheadis theonfunicularköysi-railwayratato the Petřín HillPetřínin kukkulalle(see p. 66).
- But by land the roads and the onerailwayrautatieto DublinDubliniinprovide many easier links between people who are Irish on either side of the frontier.
- Farther north, Fifth Army's forces had advanced astride theYpres-RoulersYpres-Roulersinrailwayrautatiento a point just short of Zonnebeke.
- At Beckenried is anaerialköysi-railwayratato the Klewenalp, a winter sports and summer resort on the high plateauKlewenalpiin, talviurheilu- ja kesälomakohteeseen, joka sijaitsee korkealla ylängöllä.
- Thisis now the neareston nyt lähinrailwayrautatieto Bishop's Castle and ClunBishop's Castleen ja Cluniin, but its future can not be assumed.
- In the transport debate Mr Parkinson said more investment inBritain'sBritannianrailwaysrautateihinwould not solve the problem of congestion on the roads.
- The bulk ofGermany'sSaksanrailwaysrautateidenwere established between 1848 and 1877, but even then they served the west of Germany far better than they served the east.
- Judicial sources said the arrests were made in connection with Fiat's Cogefar-Impresit construction arm, which is suspected of illegal dealings in the building ofMilan'sMilaninmetrometro-railwayrautatien.
- He was ordered complete rest and convalesced abroad for eight months before resuming work as consultant for theSkipton-LancasterSkipton-Lancasterinrailwayrautatien, at first jointly with Charles Vignoles [q.v.] and then as sole consultant.
- In 1915 thePrussian StatePreussin valtionRailwaysrautatietemployed 35,000 women; by 1918 this had risen to 89,000.
- So ferocious was the wind that the trees blew down and blocked the roads andrailwaysrautateitä.
- Connecting with therailwayRautatiehenat AberangellAberangellin kohdallawas the Hendre Ddu Tramway network.
- Railside Revival was developed to improve the old industrial sites bordering therailwayrautatietäthrough DarlingtonDarlingtonin halki kulkevaa.
- It's at a lovely venue it's at theGreat CentralGreat CentralRailwayRailwaynat LoughboroughLoughboroughin.
- Plans are also in hand to extend therailwayrautatietäto BecktonBecktoniinin the far east.
- Then there was the ex-train guard who lost his job when the countryside lifelines -- thelocalpaikallisetrailwaysrautatiet-- were abolished.
- There is an excellent network of cable cars,mountainvuorille kulkeviarailwaysköysiratojaand chair lifts making the highest mountains accessible to everybody with the minimum of effort.
- We scrambled up the track and found ourselves beside the inevitablelittlepienenmountainvuorelle kulkevanrailwayköysiradan.
- In its day it built the world's first by-pass and dug the world's firstundergroundmaanalaisenrailwayrautatien.
- At about this time Peter Barlow was promoting the idea of a network ofundergroundmaanalaistenrailwaysrautateidenas the solution to London's street-traffic problems.
- Thomas Brassey built theParis to RouenPariisin ja Rouenin välisenRailwayrautatienin the early 1840s and held contracts in fifteen other countries.
- Frederick went on the newrailwayrautatielleas far as the railhead at the diamond mines of Kimberley, and had to join an ox-wagon train the rest of the way.
- On September 19 and 20, Erich Thomsen, who runs theRedwood ValleyRedwood ValleynRailwayrautatietänear Berkeley, CaliforniaBerkeleyn lähellä Kaliforniassa, is making a repeat visit to Ravenglass with a second loco from his line.
- For the return trip to the hotel in Kaprun, we take thenarrow gaugekapearaiteisenPinzgauPinzgaunrailwayrautatien.
- We will encourage new schemes, usinglightkevyitärailwaysrautateitäand trams in cities.
- A not dissimilar design was used by theHighlandHighlandinRailwayrautatiessäin ScotlandSkotlannissa.
- Beyond thelittlepienenroadtienat the end of the graveyardHautausmaan perällä olevanstretched green and yellow fields and on the horizon stood a clump of woods.
- Homes in east Kent were flooded and abandoned cars tossed in the air as the sea crashed over thecoastalrannikko-roadtietäat Sandgate.
- TheB6255B6255roadtietäfrom IngletonIngletonistato HawesHawesiinis followed to a large open area of ground, Storrs Common, where it is possible to leave cars.
- Natural obstacles litter the150-mile240 kilometrin mittaisellaroadtiellä,from southern Swedish port of Helsingborgjoka johtaa Etelä-Ruotsin Helsingborgin satamakaupungistato Neneh Cherry's house in the tiny hamlet of HassleholmNeneh Cherryn talolle pieneen Hässleholmin kylään,.
- Start-rite say itis aonprivateyksityis-roadtiein a traffic-free parkpuistossa, jossa ei ole liikennettä.
- It can (with the consent of the Kent County Council) make traffic regulations controlling the use of these and otherroadsteitä,in the immediate vicinity of the portjotka sijaitsevat sataman välittömässä läheisyydessä.
- Reynolds gave his address in court asSt Mary'sSt Mary'sRoadRoadin OxfordOxfordissa.
- The canal men at Gairlochy advised me to keep to the south-east of Loch Lochy and follow the disused rail track to Laggan instead of theforestrymetsänhoito-roadtietäon the other sidetoisella puolella olevaa.
- There was a house, set in aquietrauhallisellaroadtielläon the outskirts of a commuter town not forty miles from the centre of Londonalle 65 kilometrin etäisyydellä Lontoosta sijaitsevan nukkumalähiön laidalla.
- Just off theChipping NortonChipping Nortoninroadtienon the edge of Stow-on-the-WoldStow-on-the-Woldin laidalla sijaitsevanthere's a curious four storey tower.
- Limited parking is available in bays and pull-ins along theroadtielläthrough the woodmetsän läpi kulkevalla.
- There was talk some time ago of constructing amotormoottori-roadtiethrough the passsolan läpi, extending the present road alongside Loch Arkaig through Glen Pean and over the pass.
- If this were achieved, it would sever the Warsaw-Kiev railway and also give Austria command of theroadtiento Brest-LitovskBrest-Litovskiin johtavan, thus threatening all the Russian positions to the east of Warsaw.
- Unmarked police cars will be patrollingthe county'skreivikunnanroadsteitäand using video equipment to catch the culprits.
- It was dark when they stopped near thecoastrannikko-roadtien.
- Figures released for the first time by the Home Office prove our city streets are more dangerous for women thanlonelyyksinäisetcountrymaalais-roadstiet.
- Probably the best place to start is Murlough Bay, reached by one of thosenarrowkapeaa,,windingmutkittelevaaroadstietäthat unnervingly dips out of sight so you wonder whether it continues or not.
- A day driving them over Spain'shillymäkisiä,,windingmutkitteleviaroadsteitä, and around a slippery off-road course, told a convincing tale.
- He shut the gate then just ran straight out on to theroadtielle.
- After Stalin's fall itbecame thetuliRoadtieof the HeroesSankarienand then was changed to the Road of Youth.
- The cattle-truck moved down theconcretebetonipäällysteistäroadtietäacross the industrial estate and came to a halt beside the knot of boys outside the refrigerator warehouse.
- Theroadtieltäaround the reservoirReservaatin ympäri kulkevaltagives good views and woodland trails are always open.
- ThefeederSyöttöliikenne-roadstietfor it now end in empty air.
- The scheme for atollmaksullisestaroadtiestäfrom near Whitburn, West Lothian, to Douglas, Lanarkshire, appears to have been in the doldrums since the Scottish Office accepted the concept in 1990.
- The originalthroughläpikulku-roadtieis still in existence at the top and the bottom of the picture.
- Cambo is on both the river Nive and themainpää-roadtiefrom BayonneBayonnestato Saint-Jean-Pied-de-PortSaint-Jean-Pied-de-Portiin, and you might call it a centre.
- Particularly well known is the planned central core at Corbridge, developed in the later second and early third centuries on either side of themainpää-east-westitä-länsisuuntaisenroadtien.
- Official signs for a cycle path connecting Baird Road, Ratho Station, to theminorpikku-roadtiehenfrom RathoRathostato NewbridgeNewbridgeenhave been up for some time.
- High inflation rates in the early period of the Wilson government settled it: newprimarypää-roadsteitäfor LondonLontooncould not be afforded.
- Therefore a newlinkyhdys-roadtiewas created joining Westburn Avenue to Baberton Mains Hill by passing beneath the Edinburgh/Carstairs railway line.
- In fact the proposal which he's promoting needs athree mileviiden kilometrin mittaisennewroadtiencutting across the landscape.
- It was not his mind, but some other essence that was longing now for peace on aquiethiljaisella,shadowedvarjoisellaroadtielläwhere no guns sounded.
- I think it's important for you to to recognize, you'll see form that plan that all the major radials end up on theYorkYorkininner ringsisemmälle kehä-roadtielle.
- Do you relish the prospect of theopenavoimenroadtien?
- He now has his long-awaited independence and theopenavoinroadtiestretching before him.
- He turned over passages of the interview as he drove back toRegent's ParkRegent's ParkRoadRoadille, committing them to memory for later recitation.
- Gyggle was driving me along thecoastrannikko-roadtietäto BrightonBrightoniinas he spoke.
- `No friends anywhere, ``Tweed repeated, twisting the wheel as he followed thelonelyyksinäistäroadtietäthrough the limestone gulchkalkkikivirotkon halki.
- Follow theminorpikku-roadtietä,leading south from Godshilljoka kulkee Godshillistä etelään,and turn left on the path signed Sainham and Wroxhall.
- Suddenly she knew that she could not make the haul uphill to Hampstead and went across toCharing CrossCharing CrossRoadRoadillefor the 24 bus.
- I'll go down theroadtietä.
- At Hillsford Bridge cross the bridge and take themainpää-LyntonLyntoninroadtieuphill and as the road bends sharply take the path to the right heading north.
- From here descend south following a thin path to Troutbeck Park Farm, then take thefarm accessmaatiloille kulkevaroadtiesouth which leads to the village of Troutbeck (4.5 miles).
- In principle, it might have been quicker to take thedirectsuoranorthwardpohjoissuuntainenroadtiethrough Andalusia and southern CastileAndalusian ja Etelä-Kastilian halki.
- They turned off themainpää-roadtieltäand caught sight of the cottage.
- Did she turn off on to thesingle trackyksikaistaiselleroadtielleacross the valley, or take the easy option and drive on towards Villereal?
- Here's what happens when loggers move in: -- bulldozers cleartapahtuu, kun metsätyöläiset tulevat paikalle: – puskutraktorit raivaavatroadwaysteitäthrough the forestmetsän halki,so the lorries and other equipment can get in.
- Set back into a thick hazelnut hedge across astonyKivisenroadwayajotien, facing these buildings, is a structure which, again, the sun never blesses: the garden's fruit house.
- You'd take in an incapable because if he fell in theroadwayajotielle, he might get run over.
- They began to build aroadwayajotietäusing very large hollow blocks.
- Mrs Miller had booked them both into a small inn on the outskirts of Street and from the window beneath the sloping roof of her room, Eline could see along themainpää-roadwaytienof the townkaupungin.
- I followed his gesture over the buried walls, across thenarrowkapeanroadwayajotienbetween the ploughed-out snow dunesaurattujen lumikinosten välisento where the fell rose steeply in a sweep of broken white to join the leaden sky.
- `If he is, ``remarked Rose, as the van was driven along thenarrowkapeaaroadwaytietäto the Allýes de la LibertýAllýes de la Libertýyn, `I'll eat your straw hat, Auguste.
- Its strategic value lay in its situation, ideal for commercial use of thetradekauppa-routesreittiento England and France in the west and Russia and Europe to the eastlännessä Englannin ja Ranskan välisten sekä idässä Venäjän ja Euroopan välisten.
- Hamish Brown describes the creation of a newtrekkingvaellus-routereitinin Morocco
- We planned to use thenorth-southpohjois-eteläsuuntaistaroutereittiäthrough TamanrassetTamanrassetin halkiin AlgeriaAlgeriassaas it had the greatest number of watering points.
- Shortly afterwards the rebels asked for US troops to help them to defend theroutesreittejäto the military headquarters they had seizedsotilastukikohtiin, jotka he olivat vallanneet.
- However, it is misleading to think of the Central Wales Line as having developed originally as aroutereittinäfrom NW EnglandLuoteis-Englannistato S WalesEtelä-Walesiin.
- One ofthe country'smaanmainpää-routesreiteistäto the south coastetelärannikollewill be affected for months when part of the bridge is rebuilt.
- It forms an important link in acyclepyörä-routereitilläfrom the centre of EdinburghEdinburghin keskustastato Cramond Brig and the Forth Road BridgeCramond Brigiin ja Forth Roadin sillalle.
- The walkway provides an interesting anddiversemonipuolisenroutereitinfrom the woodland area of WarristonWarristonin metsäalueeltathrough the former industrial area of BonningtonBonningtonin entisen teollisuusalueen läpi,along the enclosed cutting to the river bank at Coalie ParkCoalie Parkin joentörmän suljetun kallioleikkauksen vierestä.
- ThisTämäwas theolimost directsuorinroutereittifrom RomeRoomastato ByzantiumBysanttiin.
- AFTER seeing your article (Echo February 20) about the proposedDarlingtonDarlingtonincross-townpoikittaisliikenteenroutereitin, I was surprised to see that councillors have agreed to a bridleway between Haughton Road and McMullen Road.
- Brin and 14 colleagues are about the follow that sameroutereittiäby bicycle and on foot in 3 months time.
- While the Penge lines were being completed and opened, work was already in hand on theMitchamMitchaminroutereitillä.
- They're not building thatrunwaykiitorataaat PotosiPotosiinso that we Bolivians can travel, as if we had the money!
- Or a man with her husband's build parading down aParispariisilaisenrunwaymuotinäytöksen lavaain Calvin Klein's latest skivvies.
- Overseas Contracting performed well due to the Kosice contract in Slovakia where we laid 118,000 tonnes of asphalt from July to November and successfully completed ourfirstensimmäisenasphaltasfaltti-runwaykiitoratammein Eastern EuropeItä-Euroopassa.
- Ardmore'sArdmorenrunwaykiitoratais more generously dimensioned and better levelled than North Shore's but North Shore is perfectly adequate too.
- First a shallow dive, then a sight of the target, with itscrossedristikkäisinerunwayskiitoteineenlooking like old stickingplaster on the wrinkled terrain, then the nose steadily down and the speed steadily up.
- Troughton Island was a sight to see, with an853 metre853-metrisinerunwaykiitoratoineenand threes houses!
- To lose height pilots have to spiral down to therunwaykiitotielle.
- He took the central avenue, along theoldvanhanrunwaykiitotien.
- It just sort of come in to land and it veered off therunwaykiitotieltäas such.
- It now nests beside thebusyruuhkaistenrunwayskiitoratojenof the American fighter-bomber base at RAF Lakenheathamerikkalaisen hävittäjäpommittajien RAF Lakenheathin tukikohdan, and resignedly lays its eggs amongst the corn, beet, pea and carrot crops growing in its traditional haunts.
- One of the jobs the new drains operation was recently called on to do was to clear the rubber from therunwaykiitoradaltaat Gatwick AirportGatwickin lentokentän.
- Under the direction of the control tower, all went as normal and the Stratocruiser was aligned for a landing onrunwaykiitoradalle3131.
- Engines roaring, it swooped in to land, braking hard as its wheels touched thewideleveäärunwaykiitorataawhich was crossed halfway along by the single road connecting the British colony to the Spanish mainland.
- Harvey helped me up and pointed to aconcretebetonipäällysteistärunwaykiitorataajust below us.
- Appropriately the figure looks towards the approach of whatwas the<empty>Croft airfield'sCroftin pienlentokentänmainpää-runwaykiitorataa.
- On Wednesday night themainpää-runwaykiitoratawas closed for maintenance and flights were switched to the emergency runway.
- What I saw from the airwas aolinewuusirunwaykiitorata, freshly mown and very inviting.
- Taking off from London's Heathrow you can pilot a 300-ton Boeing 747-200 to New York, landing on therunwaykiitoradalleof JF Kennedy AirportJ. F. Kennedyn lentokentän.
- `I saw the girl lying on thesidewalkjalkakäytävälläwith blood gushing from her head.
- A man lies on thesidewalkjalkakäytävälläoutside Tiffany'sTiffany'sin ulkopuolella, passers-by just stepping over him.
- The sweet-voiced harmony group, whose first LP Cooleyhighharmony sold 4.5 million copies this year, began life by busking onPhiladelphiaPhiladelphiansidewalksjalkakäytävillä.
- A body didn't change if it had been blasted with an automatic weapon in a robbery on Lenox Square or gunned down on asidewalkjalkakäytävälläin Athensateenalaisella.
- The wide main street, which the Berner Gate bounds and which forms a market place, hassixteenth-century arcaded1500-luvulla rakennettujasidewalksjalkakäytävillä arkadeineenand houses, with seventeenth- and eighteenth-century facades.
- Astrangely-desertedOudon autiosidewalkjalkakäytävä, Rex noted as he leapt out of the cab and stalked over to the fallen driver.
- It climbs steeply through trees, intoquiethiljaisillehillsidekukkulanrinteenstreetskaduillefrom which little lanes and stairways drop suddenly down into the blue distances of the city.
- Same thing with MEMO, Middle East Media Operations, just down thestreetkadullafrom the embassy in Nicosia.
- Thomas Land his five-year-old brother slept in one of two small bedrooms in a small farmhouse which joined aterracedpengerrettyynstreettiehenin the tiny hamlet of Watchfield, Berkshirepienessä berkshireläisessä Watchfieldin kylässä.
- There were twoAbu KhadraAbu KhadraStreets-katuain JaffaJaffassaand there still is an Abu Khadra Mosque in Gaza.
- In 1976, 100 people were killed when another cargo jumbo jet ploughed into acrowdedtäpötäydellestreetkadullein Santa Cruz, BoliviaSanta Cruzissa, Boliviassa.
- There had previously been a plan forgaslitkaasulyhdyillä valaistuistasubwayalikulku-streetsteistäthrough which horse-drawn traffic could pass.
- Nevertheless, they were in London just before mid-day, followingWhite CrossWhite CrossStreetStreetiäthrough Cricklegate.
- Satellites and cellular telephones allow us to converse instantaneously from aLondonlontoolaiseltastreetkadultato the Australian outback.
- He took the horse down thesteep windingjyrkkiä, mutkitteleviastreetskatujato the waterfront.
- As you are probably aware, the actual network of lines and stations beneathLondon'sLontoonstreetskatujendoes not conform to the neat, straight lines with regularly spaced stations depicted on the map.
- She directed herself to her father'sstreetkadulle.
- The rubbish tip has been part of the scene since we moved to ourmarketkauppa-streetkatummeseven years ago.
- London is one of the most exciting cities in the world, famous for its parks, gardens, monuments, museums and galleries, itsshoppingkauppa-streetskaduistaanand malls.
- El Balyana was a town ofdirtpäällystämättömienstreetskatujenfull of donkey carts and horse-drawn barouches.
- At that time North Shields had a set ofVictorianviktoriaanisen ajanshoppingkauppa-streetskatuja.
- At the same time most of thestreetskadutof the centrekeskustanwere cobbled.
- Only 20% of electric cables are buried beneath thestreetskatujenin TokyoTokion, compared with 100% in London and Paris.
- Or maybe it's just that Scotland is too familiar with lads from thebacksyrjä-streetskatujenof EdinburghEdinburghinclaiming they have a license to kill.
- I cross the park, as I crossed it so many times in the past, and regain themodest Edwardianvaatimattomia edvardiaanisiastreetskatujabeyond Maze HillMaze Hillin takana.
- Thesidesivu-streetkatuat Frenchay on the edge of Bristol where I liveFrenchayssa, Bristolin laidalla, missä asun,is my retreat.
- The guard glanced down thedesertedautiotastreetkatua, and now caught the glimmer of moonlight on something lying in the mud a few yards away.
- Few great cities have aprincipalpää-streetkatuwith such a spectacular setting as Princes Street.
- When we protested that ours was a dirt track and not apavedpäällystettycitykaupunginstreetkatu, they seemed uncertain of the rules and phoned their chief.
- Every morning we travel through thebusyruuhkaisiacitykaupunginstreetskatujaby car from the hotel to the Foreign Language Institute, where we teach.
- We wound our way through thecobbledmukulakivisiästreetskatujaof LeicesterLeicesterinpast the great, four-storeyed houses of the merchants, jutting out above us, and into the Newarks.
- ThenarrowkapeaHighHighStreetStreetis easily blocked as traffic builds up behind the heavy goods vehicles trying to get through on a route avoiding the increased toll on the Severn Bridge.
- On the far side, a narrow arch leads to themaintärkeimmilleshoppingkauppa-streetskaduille:Grote Markt, Spuistraat and the classy NoordeindeGrote Marktille, Spuistraatille ja tyylikkäälle Noordeindelle.
- I thanked him, and soon we were making our way alongAnani'sAnaninmainpää-streetkatua, from which lanes led to the houses in the foothills behind.
- A temple at Wroxeter, on the west side of themaintärkeimmännorth-southpohjois-eteläsuuntaisenstreetkadun, was excavated by Bushe-Fox in 1913.
- It must be packed at times, but in the honey-gold light of early eveningitssennarrowkapeat,car-freeautottomatstreetskadutwere hauntingly empty.
- Easily Accessible: Shaldon is a pretty village well-known forits<empty>narrowkapeistastreetskaduistaan,of Regency and Georgian cottagesjoita reunustavat regency-tyyliset ja Yrjöjen aikaiset pienet talot.
- Everynarrowkapeat,cobble-stonedmukulakivisetstreetkadut, every white-pillared ruin, every little ristorante, reminded her of Nicolo and the time they'd spent together.
- We drove along thebacksyrjä-streetskatuja.
- Carrie watched him go up thesteepjyrkkäämainpää-streetkatua.
- Kelly parked in asidesivu-streetkadulleand walked.
- Nobody is surprised when the two coats turn down mystreetkadulleni.
- By the time she turned into thelongpitkällestreetkadulleto her flat, however, she had herself under control.
- She was aware of faces staring at her as she walked along thepavedkivettyjästreetskatuja, and she swayed over the uneven surface like a seasick sailor.
- They were walking down thesmall terracedpientä, pengerrettyästreetkatua.
- The basic plan was simple;straightsuorat,wideleveätthoroughfarespääväylätwould connect the main points of the city to provide easy movement of traffic, and would also, given their dimensions, provide light and air:
- I walk down thebroadestleveintäthoroughfarepääväylääon the islandsaaren, that which leads to the harbour.
- He turned right into Caldecott Road, left into Howard's Avenue, right on to Mainwaring Road and up thewideleveääthoroughfarepääväylääthat led to Wimbledon Hill.
- Sheviock was then a typical Cornish church-town, isolated from the newer and busier settlement of Crafthole, which held a regular fair and was described as “ … a poor village but amuch frequentedsuosittuthoroughfarevaltaväylä”.
- The Constable was walking along abusyruuhkaistathoroughfarevaltaväylääwhen a crowd assembled owing to the breakdown of a motor car.
- The huge hand-built limo, flown in especially fromMoscow'sMoskovanwideleveiltäthoroughfaresvaltaväyliltä, found Downing Street a handful.
- Thisvibrantenerginenthoroughfarevaltaväyläis lined with shops, bars, coffee houses, restaurants, beer cellars, clubs and hotels.
- Canongate had its own Tolbooth, which has survived because it was set into the building line instead of blocking thethoroughfarepääväylää.
- It ran like anemptytyhjäthoroughfarevaltaväyläbetween the Nile and the Red Sea.
- At this hour the old railway linewas aolibusyruuhkainenthoroughfarevaltaväylä.
- NewUusiathoroughfarespääväyliäwere proposed, together with a variety of measures for street widening, parking and design of intersections.
- The house in Conduit Street was just two minutes walk from Berkeley Square in one direction and, in the other, thebustlingkihiseväthoroughfarevaltaväyläthat was Regent Street.
- He walked across thethoroughfarepääväylän.
- He saw the pig's bladder lying at the boy's feet, very similar to the one he had seen two children playing with onHolbornholbornilaisellathoroughfarevaltaväylällä.
- After hearing pro-Yeltsin and anti-Gorbachev speeches they set off towards the Kremlin down Tverskaya (formerly Gorky Street),Moscow'sMoskovanmaintärkeinthoroughfarevaltaväylä.
- Waterways provide themaintärkeimmänthoroughfarevaltaväylänin the Upper MazaruniYlä-Mazaruninand many of these are already blocked.
- They shopped inQueen StreetQueen Streetillä, themaintärkeimmälläthoroughfarepääväylälläof AucklandAucklandin.
- Fairfax is driving down the sametrackreittiäin the opposite direction.
- We drive along atrainjuna-trackrataain the middle of maize fields in clear luminous darkness.
- Head south and turn left at the point where you see atrackradanon the rightto North ApplefordNorth Applefordin.
- Meanwhile, Samsonov's fully stretched men, spurred on by Jilinski, were pressing northeastward, over exhaustingsandhiekka-trackstietäthrough forests and between numerous lakesmetsien halki ja lukuisten järvien välistä.
- `This road is awful, ``said Ricky as they bounced down theroughvaikeakulkuistatracktietäto Snow CottageSnow Cottagelle.
- Down thetrackTieto their leftheidän vasemmalla puolellaancame a powerful Japanese off-road four-wheel-drive.
- Luke strode furiously up thetracktietätowards the Westport road.
- It usedto be anoliaccesskulku-tracktie, but a replacement road now runs inland, improving the place immensely.
- It was at least fifty kilometres to Beda Fomm and the first twentyodd would be overtwistingmutkittelevaa,dippingalaspäin viettäväätrackstietä, so Lampard drove with the headlights on.
- The bottoms of the valleys contained dashing streams,windingmutkitteleviatracksteitä, and picturesque little villages made of pretty wooden houses huddling together.
- The Blackpool and Fleetwood line opened in 1898, thetrackratafrom the GynnGynnistäto Talbot Road StationTalbot Roadin asemallebeing constructed by the Corporation and leased to the Company for twenty-one years.
- The connecting curve from Lower Church Street continued as single track to join thedownalaspäin kulkevaantrackrataanfrom CroydonCroydonistain Tamworth RoadTamworth Roadin kohdallaand there was a crossover for up cars to rejoin their correct track.
- Walkers and cyclists can be attracted tolong-distancepitkän matkantracksreitteihinby the chance to discover and learn about the history of the local communities they pass through.
- I was told that there were wintersledgekelkka-tracksreittejäfrom the townkaupungistato the Sea of Okhotsk, to Vilyuisk, the Kolyma river and to Irkutsk, some 1,200 miles awayOhotanmerelle, Viljuiskiin, Kolyma-joelle ja vajaan 2 000 kilometrin päässä sijaitsevaan Irkutskiin.
- It was extended to Deanshanger in 1888, but this only lasted a year and then it was closed, as was thetrackratadown Creed StreetCreed Streetinto the Wolverton Goods YardWolvertonin rahtipihallein 1893.
- While this was being completed, the Central Wales Extension Railway obtained an Act in July 1860 to build a further 26 miles ofsingleyksiraiteistatrackrataato LlandoveryLlandoveryyn.
- The road -- little more than atrackpolku,with deep ditches on either sidejonka molemmilla puolilla oli syvä oja-- was elevated above the surrounding countryside.
- My concern in this case is the public's access toforestrymetsänhoito-tracksteillefor walking, cycling and recreation.
- All paths andtrackstietarewell defined and mostly signpostedselvästi erottuvia ja suurelta osin kyltein merkittyjä; route-finding quite easy.
- Obediently, the little Welshman turned the car off the A11 on to awideleveälletracktiellethat looked as if it led straight into the heart of nowhere.
- During the first few months he worked with a gang of local road-menders, filling pot-holes on the highway, smoothing cambers, paving thedirtpäällystämättömiätracksteitäthat led to ranches.
- When we protested that ourswas aolidirtpäällystämätöntracktieand not a paved city street, they seemed uncertain of the rules and phoned their chief.
- Higher the Suzuki climbed, and higher, until the lane petered out into adirtpäällystämättömäksitracktieksiand gradually the trees became fewer.
- From Keld to Wain Wath Force was a quarter-mile of road-walking and, leaving the road below the force, I sat by the bridge on thetracktielläto West Stonesdale FarmWest Stonesdalen farmillewith my milkless tea and sandwiches.
- Who in their right mind would avoid a road or arailwayjuna-trackrataasimply because it had once been the scene of an accident?
- It argues that the M25 and other major radial routes around the capital should become toll routes, and that alight railwaykevyt rauta-tracktieshould be constructed alongside the motorway to ease congestion.
- From here you follow atractortraktori-trackpolkuaclimbing the opposite slope which passes through a gate and continues through the birch woods beside Allt Gleann Chaorachain.
- In 1864 the river Ystwyth in Wales was straightened to run parallel to arailwayrauta-tracktien.
- They came to the edge of the moors and turned down asteepjyrkkäätracktietätowards the beach.
- The eighteen year old woman was grabbed by a man in his thirties as she walked down theisolatedsyrjäistätracktietä.
- Apart from the increased pressures on fuelwood, rubbish disposal is disfiguring the landscape, especially along thetrailreitillä,from Luklajoka kulkee Luklasta,through Namche BazarNamchen basaarin läpi,to the Everest Base CampEverestin perusleiriin.
- We've deliberately stayed away from theofficial nationalvirallisilta kansallisiltatrailsreiteiltäin England, Scotland and WalesEnglannin, Skotlannin ja Walesin.
- These were first designed to keep out horses and motorcycles from theBernwood ButterflyBernwood Butterflyntrailreitiltäin OxfordshireOxfordshiressäwhile allowing access to wheelchairs.
- The crowds who gathered on Alexanderplatz and then moved off on awindingmutkittelevaatrailreittiäthrough East BerlinItä-Berliinin läpiwere in any case convinced he was their man.
- Atrailpolkuthrough several Saharan oasesuseiden Saharan keitaiden läpibrought us to Nefta, close to the Algerian border.
- By a lucky accident we had already trekked (with Mohammed) from Imlil westwards to the Nfis, discoveringsuperberinomaisiatrailspolkujathrough a bold landscapeäkkijyrkän maaston halki.
- After some 30 minutes of driving towards the jagged mass of the Troodos Range, we turn and plunge down asteepjyrkkäätrailpolkuato a river bankjoentörmälle.
- ThetrailPolkuto the cemeteryhautausmaallewas familiar from the time before.
- But, for those happy to amble away from the beaches, Torbole is also surrounded by miles ofpeacefulrauhallisialakesidejärvenranta-trailspolkujaand paths leading to waterfalls and mountain villages.
- However, the Front was increasingly built up and reinforced by the North via the route which became known as theHo Chi MinhHo Chi MinhinTrailreittinä.
- The money was left on the parapet of a bridge carrying the track over an old dismantled railway line theDove ValleyDove ValleynTrailreitillä.
- Our forests also have someinterestingmielenkiintoisiatrailspolkuja, but in some places a strong person is needed to push the chair.
- A five mile forest route called thePhoenixPhoenixTrailTrailiksihas been opened in Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk.
- His bicycle was found close to the start of aforestmetsä-trailpolun.
- After twisting our way up thelongpitkäätrailpolkuawe finally reached the North Rim just after midday, feeling like redeemed souls struggling out of a magnificent inferno.
- I recall years ago visiting anatureluonto-trailpolullawith my then young family.
- The road around the reservoir gives good views andwoodlandmetsä-trailspolutare always open.
- Just outside Dorchester near Higher Bockhampton you can go on great walking ormountain bikingmaastopyöräily-trailsreiteilleand discover the cottage where Hardy lived.
- You can take theMalt Whiskymallasviski-Trailreittiäand visit seven excellent distilleries and enjoy the stunning countryside at the same time.
- The glen is a sort of spooky, secret place, said to be haunted by monks walking thePilgrimpyhiinvaeltajienTrailreittiä.
- Mrs Kewish vowed that she would never, ever travel throughBlea MoorBlea MoorinTunneltunnelinagain.
- The site made use of theMount RoyalMount Royalintunneltunneliaand of the considerable falling away of the land, so that although the platforms were below the station building, none the less they were above ground.
- Therewere alsooli myöstunnelstunneleitawith an electric light-railwaysähkövaloin valaistuja rautatie-to whisk the leadership away in the event of danger even here deep below the ground.
- Certainly many gangers refused to work in, or near,Box HillBox HillinTunneltunnelin, such was the reputation it earned.
- For the best part of an hour I sat swearing in a blockedtunneltunnelissaunder WestwayWestwayn alla.
- On the French side the short 3.2 km stretch ofservicehuolto-tunneltunnelito the Coquelles terminal siteCoquellesin terminaalillehas already been driven and work on the southern runnel tunnel is well advanced.
- This unexpectedly burrows beneath the grounds of Ingleborough Hall in twolongpitkäntunnelstunnelin muodossa.
- And, when we were driving back towards thetunneltunnelia, do you know Upper Parliament Street?
- TheChannelKanava-Tunneltunnelinconstruction is moving rapidly from the plan to the site and the new terminal represents the first definite move to link the region with the continent.
- When the plotters decided to abandon their scheme after failing in an attempt to dig atunneltunneliunder the House of Lords, no-one was more concerned than Salisbury.
- TheEdgware RoadEdgware Roadinunderpassalikulkutunneliwill stay closed all weekend.
- ConcreteBetonisetunderpassesjalkakäytävätand plastic shopping precincts are not the stuff that dreams are made of.
- It should be clear that what is being suggested here is not the creation of new precincts as islands in the traffic-orientated city, or indeed the forcing ofnewuusienpedestrianjalankulkijoidenunderpassesalikäytävienthrough the existing road netolemassaolevan tieverkon poikki kulkevien.
- The victim, aged 31, was attacked by a gang of four men in thepedestrianjalankulkijoidenunderpassalikulkutunnelissain Crouch Street, ColchesterColchesterin Crouch Streetillä, at 10.45 pm last Friday.
- It says Stonehenge is a disgrace:concretebetonisiaunderpassesalikulkutunneleita, a café with nowhere to sit, rotting lavatories, and a cramped shop.
- A popular hotel on the seafront the Royal has a garden, swimming pool andprivateyksityinenunderpassalikulkutunnelito the beachuimarannalleopposite.
- It was possible she had never been in a tunnel before, except perhaps in a car going quickly through someunderpassalikulkutunnelin.
- Some years ago when St John's Market was being restored after a fire, the market traders were given temporary sites underneath St George's car park on the large paved area near theLime StreetLime Streetinunderpassalikulkutunnelin.