TransFrameNet:Ride vehicle
coast.v 🔎
- Her grip tightened as he accelerated, and after a moment or twohehäncoastedvapaallaslowlyajoi hitaastiinto the kerbjalkakäytävän reunaanand stopped.
- And, ashehäncoastedajoi vapaallatowards Maple Drive through the suburb's still deserted streetskohti Maple Drivea läpi esikaupungin katujen, jotka olivat vielä autiot, Henry thought about nice things.
- Whilecoastingajaessaan vapaalladownhillalamäkeenout of Abergwesynpois Abergwesynistä, three cyclists in yellow and black wasp suits buzzed past.
- Eight miles later, whentheyhewere<empty>coastingajoivat vapaalladown a long hillpitkää alamäkeä, the engine spluttered.
- In no time at alltheyhewere<empty>coastingajoivat vapaalladown the slopeluiskaa alasout of the car parkpois pysäköintitalosta.
- We<empty>slanted across the river, the wind carrying us against the current, andcoastedpurjehdimme rannikon myötäisestiup the far bankkauempana olevaa rantaa seuraten.
- From there the road was downhill, sowe<empty>were ableto<empty>coastajamaan vapaallanoiselesslyäänettömästidown into the sleeping suburbsalas nukkuviin lähiöihin, then dismount and push the bike into the city centre.
fly.v 🔎
- Early next weekEnsi viikon alussa,The Royal ScotsThe Royal Scotsflylentäähome to Invernesskotiin Invernessiin, another tour over, a month's leave ahead.
- Her application was not processed in time forherhänto<empty>flylentäähomekotiinon British AirwaysBritish Airwaysillawith the rest of the familymuun perheen kanssaso the flight was cancelled.
- Letus<empty>flyLennetäänhomekotiinand save Grandfather!
- Former steelworker Stuart McMillan was shot dead in September 1991 just days beforehehänenwas dueto<empty>flylentäähome to Britainkotiin Britanniaanfor a family re-unionperheensä jälleentapaamiseen.
- I would suggestyou<empty>flewlennäthomekotiinfor the actual birthvarsinaista synnytystä varten.
- YOU<empty>canvoitflylentääNorth-west AirlinesNorth-west Airlinesillafrom GatwickGatwickistato San DiegoSan Diegoonvia MinneapolisMinneapolisin kautta.
- President Askar AkayevPresidentti Askar Akayevinwas reported to have toured the area beforeflyinglensito MoscowMoskovaanon Aug. 24elokuun 24. päivänäto ask President Boris Yeltsin for Russian aidpyytääkseen presidentti Boris Jeltsiniltä Venäjän apua.
- His parents whoHänen vanhempansa, jotkaflewlensivätto BritainBritanniaanfrom SingaporeSingaporestaon hearing the newsuutisen kuultuaan,were not in court as the inquest into his death was opened.
- Cheltenham badminton ace Nick PontingCheltenhamin sulkapalloässä Nick Pontingflewlensiout<empty>to the Far EastKauko-Itäänthis weektällä viikollawith the England squadEnglannin joukkueen kanssa.
- I<empty>have only justOlen juuriflownlentänytintännefrom ParisPariisistaand I am very tired.
- Eight of his friends from OswestryKahdeksan hänen ystäväänsä Oswestrystaare<empty>flyinglentävätto AugustaAugustaanthis weektällä viikollato watch his defenceseuraamaan hänen puolustustaan.
- TheyHeflewlensivätto SingaporeSingaporeen, traded in their suitcases for back-packs, and hit the pot trail.
- HeHänfinallyviimeinflewlensihome to South Africakotiin Etelä-Afrikkaanand put down the money on his cluster house.
- Lester, who failed to win any of his four races, and Duffield — who won the coveted Yorkshire Oaks —Lester, joka ei onnistunut voittamaan ainuttakaan neljästä kilpailustaan, ja Duffield – joka voitti himoitun Yorkshire Oaksin –latermyöhemminflewlensiback to Newmarket …takaisin the same planesamassa koneessa.
- WeMe've allkaikki olemmeflownlentäneetin aeroplaneslentokoneissa, driven fast cars, eaten junk food -- things he couldn't even have imagined ``.
- The following daySeuraavana päivänäwe<empty>flewlensimmeinto the swampssuoalueellein a six-seater planekuusipaikkaisessa koneessa.
- My wifeVaimoniwasoliflyinglentämässäfrom Tel -AvivTel Avivistato LondonLontooseenand who should be in front of us at the airport?
hitchhike.v 🔎
- Hitchhikingliftaaminenacross CzechoslovakiaTšekkoslovakian halkiduring a snowstorm, wearing a hot pink Luhta skisuit, has to be one of the memories that will remain with me forever.
- HeHänspent his Rhodes scholarship money on books,hitchhikingliftaukseenaround Britainympäri Britanniaaand trips to London, where he joined anti-war rallies.
- I<empty>hitchhikedLiftasinround EuropeEuroopan ympäri, lived off the smell of an oily rag, as they say.
- Passions have cooled since then, and the committee now recommends that NASA consider building instruments especially forhitchhikingliftaukseenthrough the galaxyLinnunradan halkion ESA spacecraft.
- A passport inside containing the photograph of Eila Karjalainen, a Finnish student who'd disappeared a few months before asshehän olihitchhikedliftaamassathrough OxfordshireOxfordshiren halki.
- He explained about the year off and told her abouthitchhikingliftanneensato GreeceKreikkaanto sleep on beaches beneath the Mediterranean sky.
- YouVoitcould follow my example andhitchhikeliftata poisout of Miami airportMiamin lentokentältä, but only if you're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac, or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America, or both.
- AndI<empty>will betulenhitchhikingliftaamaantheresiellä.
- Spreading themselves out,theyhebeganto<empty>hitchhikeliftata, just as English students had done in the sixties.
- Dropping out meant taking to the road,hitchhikingliftaustaor bikingfar away from homekaukana kotoa, and the landscape became dotted with the beat replacements, the hippies.
jet.v 🔎
- JettingLentäessäänacross the AtlanticAtlantin yli, after two years in America,shehänhad looked forward to seeing her home town from the air, to retracing toy-sized, familiar landmarks, to marvelling at new unfamiliar ones.
- You would imagineSarahSarahdoes more than enough to keep herself fit byjettinglentämälläfrom one side of the world to the otherympäri maailmaafrequently.
- Britt's distress is being made worse by a daunting work schedule and the strain was painfully evident asshehänjettedlensifrom StockholmTukholmastato MalmoMalmöön.
- Funny girl Pamela Stephenson looked like she'd joined the smile-high club yesterday asshehänjettedlensiinto BritainBritanniaanwith pop star George Michael.
- Lesley-Anne, 38Lesley-Anne, 38,whojokajettedlensiinto HeathrowHeathrowlleyesterdayfrom Los AngelesLos Angelesistawith husband Don Fauntleroy, wants to start a family.
- The Baldock Administration teamBaldockin hallintotiimijettedlensiinto ParisPariisiinat the end of October.
- When he's not in the office,hehän's<empty>jettinglenteleeall over the worldympäri maailmaaclinching deals and making money.
- PLACE your bets with Bugsy andyou<empty>could besaatatjettinglentääto Las VegasLas Vegasiinfor a week in the gambling capital of the world.
- Within a few minutes the atmosphere in the bay was normal, andAceAcewasolijettingsyöksymässätowards the shuttle's cabin doorsukkulan matkustamon ovea kohti.
- JacksonJacksonjettedsyöksyiout of his blockslähtöpaikaltaanto leave the rest of his field for dead, crossing the line in 13.07 seconds.
- Certainly astheyhejettedlensivätout of HeathrowHeathrow'ltalast night there was no sign of rekindled romance.
- Other ideas current in London include the sharing of departments between London and New York (one teamyksi tiimijettinglentääback and forth across the Atlanticedestakaisin Atlantin ylito catalogue salesluetteloidakseen myyntejä) and the dismantling of specialist departments in favour of more all-round teams of valuers.
- Relief came whenshehänjettedsuostuioutnopeastito co-star in Christopher Columbus alongside Marlon Brando (space permitting).
- For the moment though, the students will have to take a rest asGlennGlennjetssyöksyyout<empty>to do battle for glory in the world championships.
- Many people imagine that it is a glamorous life,jettinglentäminenaround the worldympäri maailmaafor the big athletics meetings and receiving much media attention.
- While Cindy, 26, married to heart-throb actor Richard Gere,Sillä välin kun Cindy, 26, naimisissa hurmurinäyttelijä Richard Geren kanssajetslentääaround the worldympäri maailmaa, her mother Jennifer Moluf lives in fear.
- The eccentric CantonaOmalaatuinen Cantonajettedlensihastilynopeastiback to Francetakaisin Ranskaanafter being dropped from the side at QPR, although at the time the club claimed he had been given permission.
- Many of the stories were based on rumour, although others, like the ones about A&R men flying all over Europe to see them andhigh-ranking company staffyrityksen korkea-arvoiset henkilöltjettinglensivätin<empty>from the StatesYhdysvalloista, were in fact true.
- Visitors were still mainly local -- the days wheneager buyershalukkaat ostajatjettedlensivätin<empty>from Japan and ParisJapanista ja Pariisistaare long gone -- but the Association estimates that 80% of the sixty-one dealers did `some business, including five to ten sales of over half a million dollars ``.
- The reception, complete with Thai barbecue, was held in a marquee in the back garden of their south London home, andthe newly-wedsvastanaineetjettedlensivätoff<empty>for a honeymoon in New Yorkviettämään kuherruskuukautta New Yorkissa.
- A COUPLE who left their two children `Home Alone ``whiletheyhejettedlensivätoff<empty>for a sunshine Christmas holidayviettämään joulua aurinkolomallawere being questioned by police last night.
- That meansa potential 200,000 customerspotentiaaliset 200 000 asiakastawill be<empty>jettinglentävätoff<empty>to the StatesYhdysvaltoihin.
- And before you know ityou<empty>'re packing your case and ironing your spotty frocks, ready forjettinglentämässäoff<empty>into the sunaurinkoon.
- Youngsters from the Bawnmore and Rathcoole estatesNuoret Bawnmoren ja Rathcoolen asuma-alueiltajettedlensivätout<empty>to HollandHollantiinon Monday for a 12-day stay in Almelo, near the German border.
- Out<empty>to Tormentum MalorumTormentum MalorumiintheyHejettedlensivät, only to be greeted with scepticism by the Navigator ensconced inside.
take.v 🔎
- YouSinätookotita taxitaksinand I was discovered with a length of picture cord around my neck … ”
- MeanwhileSillä välinRachelRachelhadolitakenottanuta taxitaksinto the museummuseolle; she had entered by the back door and exchanged a smile with the doorkeeper.
- He says now that if he'd known what it would involvehehänwould haveolisitakenottanutthe first planelentokoneenout of townensimmäisen kaupungista lähtevän, but I was hugely relieved when he agreed.
- HeHäntookottia trainjunanback to Londontakaisin Lontooseen, anda taxitaksinover<empty>to Charing CrossCharing Crossille.
- From there,we<empty>tookotimmean open top busavokattoisen bussinto Tottenham where my Uncle Arthur lived with his wife, Aunt AnnieTottenhamiin, jossa Arthur-setäni asui vaimonsa, Annie-tädin kanssa.
- It was only a four-seater plane, though, and in the end there wasn't enough room for me, soIminunhadto<empty>takeotettavaa busbussifrom BirminghamBirminghamistaupylösto DundeeDundeehen.
taxi.v 🔎
- Packer and SheehyPacker ja Sheehywere botholivat molemmattaxiingrullaamassaaround Sydney airportSydneyn lentokentälläin their respective corporate jetsomissa yrityslentokoneissaanon Tuesday when they accidentally collided.
- There was an evening to pass before the midnight flight to London and, despite Tucker's adamancy that Miss Kennedy wouldn't see her,shehäntaxiedotti taksinto the Big Bamboo on Wulff RoadWulff Roadin Big Bamboohon.
- WeOtimmetaxiedtaksintowards the buildingskohti rakennuksiaand a little party of figures came to meet us as if they were welcoming a foreign diplomat.
- We<empty>taxiedRullasimmeaway from the palm-thatched hut that was proudly styled as Straker's Cay Airport Terminal Number Onepois palmukattoiselta majalta, jonka nimeksi oli ylpeästi annettu Straker's Cayn lentokenttäterminaali numero yksi.
- Astheyhetaxiedrullasivatinterminaalin luokse, Myeloski decided he would not comment on what had obviously been a most difficult landing with a lucky outcome.