- After he had read it aloudKun hän oli lukenut sen ääneen,hehäncrumpledrypistithe notelapunupin his fistnyrkissäänand thrust it into the fire as if the very sight of it was hateful.
- SheHänbit her lip,crumplingrypistithe notelapunin her handkädessään, and into her eyes came a look so desolate that Taggy's heart contracted.
- A year or so later, or it may have been an hourNoin vuotta myöhemmin, tai kenties tuntia,I<empty>crumpledrypistinupfour sheets of paperneljä paperiarkkiaand threw them to the floor, and started another, and I was there.
- HeHänstared out to sea,crumplingrypistäenthe chocolate wrappersuklaan päällyspaperiaslowlyhitaastiin his handkädessään.
- VologskyVologskyseized the form,crumplingja rypistiitseninto a ballpalloksiin his palmkämmenessään.
- CorbettCorbettcrumpledrypistithe parchmentdokumentininto a ballpalloksiand threw it angrily at the wall.
- After a few secondsMuutaman sekunnin päästä,hehäncrumpledrypistithe aluminiumalumiininwith a sudden grip of his fistäkillisesti nyrkissään, as though he had taken an important decision.
- Feeling much refreshed,shehäncrumpledrypistithe tissuespaperinenäliinatwith the empty packettyhjän paketin kanssainto a tight balltiiviiksi palloksiand tossed the lot into the waste basket.
- CrumplingHän rypistithe envelopekirjekuorenin her handkädessään, she tossed it into the fire, watching intently while it blackened and burned before returning to the single sheet of cheap paper.
- All kinds of things can be used as reflectors: projection screens;aluminium foil whichalumiinifoliotahas been<empty>crumpledrypistettyä, roughly straightened out and stuck onto a sheet of hardboard; or purpose-made reflectors bought from photographic dealers.
- DougDougtore the page out,crumpledrypistiitsenand threw it in the waste-paper basket before starting again.
- ItSenwould<empty>crushmurskaisihis carhänen autonsalike an eggshell with its size and the combined speeds.
- The impactIskualmost completelycrushedmurskasithe top half of the carauton yläosan.
- Several officers set out when a car was stolen from Gloucester City centre when a pedestrian hadhis footjalancrushedmurskasiby a police carpoliisiauto, then another vehicle crashed into the stolen Rapier.
- SheHäncrushedmusersiher cigarettesavukkeensain the ashtraytuhkakuppiinand stood up to go.
- HeHänsmiled, then scrambled from the white BMW 728,crushingmusertaenthe half-smoked cigarettepuoliksi poltetun savukkeenunderfootjalkansa alle.
- HeHäncrushedmusersiouthis cigarettesavukkeensa, swallowed some more tea, sniffed again, blew his nose on a large, paisley patterned handkerchief and lit another cigarettebefore he answeredennen kuin vastasi.
- The rootsJuuretare<empty>crushedmurskataanin the local sugar factory to extract the sugary juice.
- Interpol investigations revealed Lisa was in a buggy being pushed by her mum Elizabeth whenthe carautoreversed, catching the pram andcrushingmurskasiitneagainst a pillarboxpostilaatikkoa vasten.
- I<empty>'m<empty>crushingMurskaanthe ballpallonagainst the hoopkrokettiporttia vasten.
- JackJackplucked the flower out of his morning coat and closed his fist slowly over it,crushingmurskatenitseninto a pulphienoksi.
- BricksTiiliärained around him,crushingmusertaenhimhänetinto the streetkatuun.
- The lieutenantLuutnantticrushedmusersiitsenangrilyvihaisestiwith his bootsaappaallaanbefore looking back at Henckeennen kuin katsoi jälleen Henckeen.
- Thenhehäncrushedmusersithe paperpaperinin his handkädessään, making a fist with which he struck once, twice, three times at the floor, saying with each blow, `Damn!
- SheHändropped them on the chopping-board andcrushedmurskasithemneunder the blade of her knifeveitsensä terällä.
- At the time it seemed as ifthe governmenthallitushadolicrushedmurskannutthe nationalist movementnationalistiliikkeenby locking up its leaders for lifetuomitsemalla sen johtajat elinkautiseen vankeuteen.
- The farmers fearedheavy rain thatkovia sateita, jotkawould<empty>crushnujertaisivattheir ripening cropsheidän kypsyvän satonsa.
- Mounting the pipe in a vice makes it easier to cut, but be careful notto<empty>crushmurskaaitsitä.
- The umbilical cordNapanuorashould bepitäisicrushedmurskataand torn, rather than cut,to prevent bleedingverenvuodon estämiseksi.
- Buttheyhedon't literally tryto<empty>deformmuotoillathe old physical objectvanhaa fyysistä kappalettainto the new oneuudeksi.
- They now spontaneously assemble intorods whichsauvoiksi, jotkapress against the membrane of the red blood celldeformingmuotoilevatitsenfrom a roundedinto a sickle shapesirppimäiseksi.
- The result is that after a period of free movement the material begins to harden and ifone<empty>goes ondeformingmuotoiluaitsenit will become brittle.
- THE OTHER reason for tuning into Moran's Manson opera is to hear howhehänhasondeformedturmellutthe music of The BeatlesThe Beatlesin musiikkiato fit inside the mad brain of Charliesaadakseen sen sopimaan Charlien sekopäisiin aivoihin.
- Trees and hedgesPuut ja pensaathave beenovatdeformedturmeltuneetby the fierce salt spray and strong sea windsankaran suolapisaroinnin ja voimakkaiden merituulien johdostaduring wintertalven aikana.
- His head sank so low thathis collarhänen kauluksensadentedpainoihis bottom liphänen alahuultaan, and Sarah had touched his arm in sympathy, earning an even stronger rebuke herself.
- TheyHecreated this distressed finish by marking anddentingkolhimallathe guitarkitaraaall overwith a tool which gave the instrument a used/vintage appearancetyökalulla, minkä ansiosta instrumentti näyttää käytetyltä/vintage-mallilta.
- Moving this took 15 trips in my ancient Renault, which struggled underloads thatsellaisen kuorman alla, ettäthreatenedto<empty>dentpainua kasaanits roof barskaton tukirakenteet.
- The doorOvi, johonyou<empty>dentedsait aikaan lommon,will have to be replaced and the damaged bumper straightened and resprayed.
- Thenshehänturned and walked towards the deep end, turned again and did a perfect back flip, hardlydentingkolhienthe surfacepintaaand coming up into a smooth breaststroke only a few feet away from me.
- Tonight, the moon was shrouded in rags of cloud andthe windtuuliflattenedpuhalsi laakeaksithe grassruohonand swiped at the trees as we passed.
- Rifle in one hand,TomTomflattenedlikistithe crumpled paperryppyisen paperinagainst his kneepolveaan vastenand frowned.
- Put up lengths in the usual way, smoothing with a sponge, thenflattenlitistäseamssaumatwith a seam rollersaumarullalla.
- I<empty>flattenedLitistinmy thin skirtohuen hameenibetween my bottom and the furry seattakamukseni ja karvaisen istuimen väliin.
- Take a piece of the almond paste andflattenlitistäitsein the palm of your handkämmenessäsi.
- You<empty>can marinate the skinned and boned whole breasts in the marinade for the same time, or slice into think steaks andflattennuijiathemneinto very thin paillardshyvin ohuiksi viipaleiksi.
- `I still can't believe you, ``he remarked, but he washed anyway andhehändried himself on the piece of hessian and then spat on his hands andflattenedsuoristihis hairhiuksensa.
- While ditches become filled with silt over time,moundskumpareitaare graduallyvähitellenflattenedlitistävätby weatheringsään vaikutukset, and if a mound is adjacent to a ditch, this will affect the pattern of silting in the ditch.
- Take a tiny ball of fondant andflattenlitistäinto a petal shapese terälehden muotoon.
- SheHänfoldedtaittelinapkinslautasliinatto look like coronetsnäyttämään seppeleiltäand gave the crystal glasses a final polish before positioning them in groups to the right of each place.
- He bustled about with champagne flutes and ice and showed mehowkuinkato<empty>foldtaitellaana napkinlautasliinaround the neck of a bottlepullonkaulan ympärilleand how to pour without drips.
- It might be interestingto<empty>foldtaitellathe paperpaperiin different wayseri tavoin.
- Justfoldtaittelea square of white papervalkoinen nelikulmainen paperiinto fourneljään osaanand cut neat small triangles in the folded edges.
- HeHänfoldedtaittoithe paperpaperinat an article that had caught his attentionsen artikkelin kohdalta, joka oli kiinnittänyt hänen huomionsa,and picked up the beer.
- RenwickRenwickdrew a deep breath,foldedtaittelithe sheetarkincarefullyhuolellisesti.
- `Besides, it always amuses me to see the shirts all stiff so thatIminunhave to take them in sideways through the door andfoldtaiteltavathe sheetsarkitas though they were made of cardboardikään kuin ne olisivat kartonkia.
- As Merrill shook her headKun Merrill pudisti päätään,hehändeftlynäppärästifoldedtaittelithe typed sheetskirjoitetut arkit, replaced them in the envelope and handed it to her.
- He fetched it without another word and watched her whileshehänfoldedtaittelisheets of newspapersanomalehden arkkejainto firelighterssytykkeiksiin the thrifty way Gran had taught hersiihen säästäväiseen tapaan, jonka mummo oli hänelle opettanut.
- HeHänfoldedtaittelithe sheetarkinalong its original creasesalkuperäisten taitteiden kohdalta, and was putting it inside his breast-pocket as Lewis quietly pulled the car alongside the pavement outside number 6.
- Our fingers can imitate the primary feathers andwe<empty>canvoimmefoldkoukistaathe elbowkyynärpäämmein a similar waysamalla tavoin.
- Score on the wrong side and thenfoldtaittelethe cardkorttiin halfpuoliksi.
- HeHängathered six double sheets from the drenched berths,foldedtaittelithemnein halfpuoliksiand left them by the companionway.
- FoldTaitathe ropeköysiin half so that there's a loop in the middlepuoliksi siten, että keskelle jää silmukka.
- Taking care with her napkin,SarellaSarellafoldedtaitteliitseninto eight equal partskahdeksaan yhtä suureen osaan.
- I'll take these clothes down andyousinäfoldlaskostatthemneon the bed theretuohon sängylle,nicelytarkasti, then we'll put them on the cart.
- What's more, when you've finished with it simply wipe it clean and thenfoldlaskostaitseflatlitteäksifor easy storagehelppoa säilytystä varten.
- Swallowing the stiffness in her throat,shehänfoldedlaskostithe towelpyyhkeenneatlyhuolellisestion to the railkaiteelleand combed her hair.
- The badgerMäyräfoldedristihis pawskäpälänsäover his stomachvatsansa päälleproudlyylpeänä.
- Foldinglaskostiher coattakkinsaover the ornate wooden newel post at the foot of the stairskoristeellisen puisen keskipylvään päälle portaiden alapäähän ja,sheHänwent through to the kitchen and the last task of the day, setting out the Copleys' early-morning tray.
- `She was driving very fast, ``he said ashehänfoldedtaittelithe mapkartanround the photographvalokuvan ympärilleand tucked it into the inner pocket of the waterproof saddlebag.
- FoldTaitaeach pleatjokainen laskosby bringing the marked sides of each pleat together on the wrong sidetuomalla kunkin laskoksen merkityt sivut yhteen väärälle puolelle.
- Hehänthen returned to the bedroom andcarefullyhuolellisestifoldedlaskostihis socks, underwear, jeans and other casual wearsukkansa, alusvaatteensa, farkkunsa ja muut arkivaatteensabefore putting them in a drawer by the bedennen kuin laittoi ne sängyn viereiseen laatikkoon.
- TheyNewere so designed asto beolieasilyhelppofoldedtaitellaup, enabling the car to be thoroughly cleaned.
- He proved that all 17,000 verses could be minutely inscribed ona piece of parchment 10.8 in by 8.4 in27,4 x 21,3 cm kokoiselle pergamentille,whichjokacould then bevoitiin sittenfoldedtaitellaup and placed in a walnut shell.
- The pages of the chargeSyytteen sivutwereolifoldedtaitettuback leaving open the page on which she was to signtaakse ja auki oli jätetty se sivu, johon hänen piti allekirjoittaa.
- Its two halvesSen kaksi puoliskoaare asymmetric andcan not beeikä niitä voifoldedtaittaato be superimposed without first turning one of them overpäällekkäin kääntämättä ensin yhtä niistä toisin päin.
- Before I set off for the station for the train to Puno,I<empty>loaded up with imodium to seal my loose, nervous bowels;foldedtaittelinmy chainketjuniand felt its weight in my hand.
- DanaDanashrugged shapely shoulders and,foldinglaskostithe gold dresskultaisen puvuncarefullyhuolellisestiback into its boxtakaisin laatikkoonsa, opened another.
- She sighed asshehänfoldedlaskostiElise's cream linen jacketElisen kermanvärisen pellavatakinover her armkäsivarrelleenbefore making her way along the compartmentennen kuin lähti kulkemaan vaunun läpi.
- LightlykevyestifoldTaitaone half of the doughpuolet taikinastabacktakaisinover the rolling pinkaulimelle, then carefully transfer to the tin.
- SoI<empty>sprinkled this stuff inside every pair of knickers in the drawer and thenfoldedlaskostinthem allne kaikkiupagainjälleencarefullyhuolellisesti.
- The clothesVaatteet, jotkaI<empty>foldedtaittelinneatlyhuolellisestion the chairtuolille.
- Maud's great green-trellised towelsMaudin suuret, vihreäruudulliset pyyhkeetwereolisystematicallyjärjestelmällisestifoldedlaskostettuon a towel-heaterpyyhkeenlämmittimelle.
- `Why `no ``LeeLeesaid,foldinglaskostaenupthe clothvaatetta.
- At that hourSillä hetkellä,Sam McCreadySam McCreadyput down his second cup of coffee andfoldedtaitteliupthe mapkartan.
- And, not quite sure how to take that, Ellie hastily looked down atthe quilttäkkiä, jotathe womannainenwasolifoldinglaskostamassa.
- A simple test for woollen rugs isto<empty>foldlaskostaaor creasethe pilekoko pinoand see how quickly the wool returns to its original shape.
- SheHänsaid, `Well, if there's nothing else for it ``, and beganto<empty>foldlaskostaaand manipulatethe wedding dresshääpukuawhile I stood like a doll, cold and alien and powerlessminun seisoessani kuin nukke – kylmänä, vieraana ja voimattomana.
- Tip it into a food processor ormashmuhennaitsewith a forkhaarukallain a bowlkulhossa, then return to the freezer.
- Liquidise a large, raw carrot to a smooth paste, or boil or steam the carrot thenmashsoseutaitsethoroughlyperusteellisesti.
- Beat in the egg, thenmashsoseutathe bananasbanaanitwith a forkhaarukallaand stir into the mixture.
- Mix butter and sardines very thoroughly,mashingmuhennathemniitäwith a forkhaarukalla,until you have a smooth pastekunnes tahna on tasaista.
- MashSoseutathe potatoesperunat,while still warmkun ne ovat vielä lämpimiä, then add the butter and stir in the dry ingredients.
- Critics seem to view this as a cowardice, as if a boxer should wanthis brainsaivojensapulpedmurskautuvan.
- Within minutes,hehänwas gettingpulpedhakkelustaby the shorebreakvesirajassa.
- HeHänellähad something else on his mind too, but was not allowed to divulge it to anybody else, under the threat of being `pulpedtehtäisiinto mushhakkelusta``.
- TheyNeare destalked andpulpedsurvotaanwith a light presskevyellä painalluksellawhich produces ninety per cent of the must (juice).
- His scream echoed madly inside the tunnel as he fell was slammed against the brickwork then bounced back against the speeding train,his bodyhänen ruumiinsapulpedmurskautuiby the impacttörmäyksen voimasta.
- ``Then just think of it, she said with a superior smile, ``as a few days extra foryou<empty>to go onpulpingtuhotayour brainaivojasiwith galacvid garbagegalacvid-roskalla.
- TheyHepulptekevät paperimassaaall the woodkoko puusta, not just part of it; bleach it with hydrogen peroxide.
- HeHänscrunchedryttäsihis moneyrahansaup again, then went for Henry with both hands.
- FloraFlorablew her nose into the pristine handkerchief,scrunchedryttäsiitseninto a ballpalloksiand threw it onto the linoleum floor.
- `Structure ``sprays are a sort of setting lotion in natural spray form, allowingpermed or curly hairpermanentatut tai kiharat hiuksetto bevoidaanscrunchedrytistääinto shape.
- They are smooth and stiff but will serve ifI<empty>scrunchrytistänthemneupbefore useennen käyttöä.
- Be careful notto<empty>squashlitistäthemniitäwith film wrappingkelmulla.
- In the process my middle was doubled up and it felt roughly as ifsomebodyjokuwere<empty>squashingpuristaisiitsitäbetween two metal plates studded with nailskahden nauloilla päällystetyn metallilevyn väliin.
- Sohehänputs it on the table and triesto<empty>squashlitistääitseninto shapemuotoonsa, and by the time he's got his mouth full of that he can't make a sound.
- Once, in a moment of despair,hehänsnapped his Bible shut andsquashedpusersithemniistäto a pastetahnaa.
- DonorsLahjoittajiaare asked to wash andsquashlitistämäänthe canstölkitbefore depositing themennen niiden jättämistä.
- Even the most powerful cannon is not much use ifits crewsen miehityksenhas beenonsquashedliiskannutby a boulderkivenlohkare.
- The bagKassiwas bundled and squeezed, stretched andsquashedlitistyi,between the legs of the stumbling masskompuroivan väkijoukon jaloissa.
- The Millwall brick, for example, wasa newspapersanomalehti,folded again and again andsquashedpuristettutogether to form a coshyhteen niin, että siitä muodostui pamppu.
- Rubbish or trash compactorsJätteiden ja roskien tiivistäjätcanvoivatsquashlitistääupcardboard boxes, cartons, tins, cans and bottlespahvilaatikoita, kartonkeja, tölkkejä ja pullojato a quarter of their original sizeneljäsosaan niiden alkuperäisestä koosta.
- If you save the scrapings from sharpening,thesenämäcan bevoidaansquishedliiskatahardvoimakkaastion to the paperpaperille.
- That seemed to have been what he had in mind, as he put a paw on the back of my neck and bent me forward untilmy facekasvoniwas<empty>squishedpuristuivatinto the table toppöytää vasten.
- A piece of venison, for example, had not been properly trimmed of its silverskin so that in cooking,the silverskinsidekudoscontracted,warpingvääntäen mutkallethe meat which therefore cooked unevenlylihan, joka sen tähden kypsyi epätasaisesti.
- His gob of salivaHänen sylkipaakkunsadribbled down then clung,warpingvääristäenthe image of the turtle headkuvaa kilpikonnan päästäas though the corresponding section of the enemy Titan was bubbling, rheum leaking from its right eye.