Class time Discussion and
about railway lines, straightness and gradients
rautatiekiskoja, suoruutta ja kaltevuuskulmia koskeva .
on this topic
tästä aiheesta is much less complete.
on the detection of foetal abnormalities
sikiöpoikkeavuuksien tunnistusta at St Bartholomew's
St Bartholomewissa , then moved to the Royal Free Hospital and began his crusade to offer women a more holistic approach to giving birth.
Drawing on
on heroin `epidemics ``
"Heroiiniepidemioita" , we can also add empirical `meat to this conceptual framework.
The history of
on Scottish rocks
Skotlannin kiviä käsittelevän by the Survey
Surveyn tekemän is obscure.
Three months of
on the ground and on the mainland
maalla ja mantereella tehdyn resulted in the programme nearly half the UK television audience watched last Tuesday.
These developments were linked with more critical and
tinkimättömämpään into the outcomes of interventions
interventioiden tuloksista .
into group dynamics
Ryhmädynamiikan indicates that a group of high achievers, for example, do not perform as well as a mixed-ability group.
into the use of liquid hydrogen as the means of propulsion
nestemäisen typen käytöstä työntövoimana would subsequently be pursued by CNES, ELDO and ESA, prior to its successful use in Ariane.
The London Food Commission in
into 299 permitted additives
joka käsittelee 299 sallittua lisäainetta, , discovered that in 25 cases evidence existed of severe toxic hazard.
Dr Focos is currently Fulbright Fellow in Sweden, and is completing
for a book on Zorn
Zornia käsittelevää kirjaa varten .
I regret that during
for this debate
tätä debattia I found that, in the field of computers, one of the least well-equipped police forces is that in my own area, Greater Manchester.
The use of
for such overtly sexist purposes
tällaisiin avoimesti seksistisiin tarkoituksiin may seem unlikely; but even now there are indications that something more subtly worrying is happening.
It will set back the public status of
for years, ``Mike Wooton, the editor of the UFO Times concluded solemnly at the post-show party.
in neutral networks
Neutraalien verkostojen has become a growth industry.
in the US
Yhdysvalloissa suoritettu has shown women are more conscious of the environmental implication of the products they buy than men, and women buy 60 per cent of all disposable batteries sold there.
want to do
in schools — especially in schools other than your own
kouluissa – etenkin muissa kuin omassa koulussasi ?
Nowadays, the Chemistry Department is amongst the largest in the country, with an international reputation for
in many fields
monien oppialojen .
is mostly conducted
on an individual basis
yksilöpohjalta and it is not possible to do full justice to this activity here.
from Grendon's psychology department
Grendonin psykologian laitoksen shows 33% of Grendon graduates offended again within 2 years of being released, compared to 40% from normal prisons.
More recently, anthropologists and others sensitive to this kind of criticism and conducting
from this perspective
tästä näkökulmasta have become much less assertive and deterministic.
aiheeseen liittyvästä by the same team
saman tiimin is reported in Language in School & Community (ed N Mercer; Edward Arnold 1981).
by Pure & Simple
Pure & Simplen has shown that today's women prefer the no-fuss approach to skin care.
by Leakey and Lewin
Leakey and Lewinin shows that the most characteristic feature of early human beings is their large brains.
Again, the
of June Sheppard in Yorkshire
June Sheppardin Yorkshiressa tekem suggests something of the timing and the occasion of village planning in that area.
Funding for
of this kind
Tämänkaltaisen has been on a scale not approached by any other area of sociological enquiry.
This article reflects the ongoing,
henkilökohtaista, classroom-based
luokkahuoneissa tehtävää of teachers involved in the projects
projekteissa mukana olevien opettajien .
Indeed, it is interesting that a good deal of
mainstream American
valtavirran yhdysvaltalais- on teacher thinking and the improvement of teaching quality
joka koskee opettajien ajattelua ja opetuksen laadun parantamista, treats this particular version of transmission teaching by and large as representative of teaching itself.
The thrust of
was eventually to culminate in a position summarised by Rudolf Bultmann of the University of Marburg, one of the most important, most famous and most esteemed of twentieth-century biblical commentators:
IBM engineers in Europe claim that
Euroopassa tekemä on satellites
satelliiteista is ahead of its US counterpart.
has dismissed such speculation.
I think we would have advanced to the stage we are at had we not used animals in the earlier stages for
It is also worth overcoming an approach to
computer- aided
tietokoneavusteiseen historical
historialliseen which assumes that the complexities inherent in disambiguating and interpreting fuzzy information and of representing idiosyncratic data types are at all unique to history.
He reviewed warnings and advice issued to the public over recent years and concluded with a plea for
monitieteisestä .
is widely acknowledged to be in very bad shape.
While much
in the area
tällä alueella has proceeded on the assumption that this is the case (see, for example, Schmidt and Strauss, 1976), this work has lacked any microeconomic foundations.
into the effects of controls
joka koskee säätelyn vaikutusta, proceeds on the basis that the decision is unexpected by those operating within the economic system.
The latest
has revealed that there is a delicate interplay of hormones that affects our sexual desires.
In the field of research and development, a new programme has been launched under the LINK initiative to support
yhteistyönä tehtävää into the biological treatment of soil and water
maaperän ja veden biologisesta käsittelystä .
The two houses of Congress employ a bureaucracy with a huge appetite for
Woolgar, in a study based on the growth and development of
in astronomy
tähtitieteessä , contends that scientific discovery can best be portrayed in terms of a process with an indefinite beginning and end.
About £1.5 billion is spent on
each year.
He later returned to Britain to work at Manchester airport, but 10 years of
by Professor Ivan Smith
professori Ivan Smithin has drawn a blank about his present whereabouts.
was a firm atheist and was interested in, though unconvinced by, the paranormal, and also did
has been relatively little
ovat tehneet suhteellisen vähän by sociologists
Sosiologit into child abuse
lasten hyväksikäytöstä .
into prevention
käsittelee ennaltaehkäisyä , ``he said, rather than the simulation of what might happen in an accident.
is to be carried out
among 5,000 people who survived childhood cancer and were born before 1969
niistä 5 000 ihmisestä, jotka selvisivät lapsuusajan syövästä ja ovat syntyneet vuoden 1969 jälkeen .
Fortunately, there is a lot of
being conducted
into this topic
tästä aiheesta and new ideas and information are constantly emerging.
to discover what other researchers have found before you
sen selvittämiseksi, mitä muut tutkijat ovat löytäneet ennen sinua .
Those airlines with an independent safety branch conduct their own research into safety problems or commission
universities or specialist organisations, both private and governmental
yliopistojen tai sekä yksityisten että valtiollisten asiantuntijajärjestöjen ,
particular aspects of safety in the air
tiettyjä lentoturvallisuuden näkökohtia .
new and rewarding ways of proving day services to people who are Asian with learning difficulties
uusia ja palkitsevia keinoja tarjota päiväpalveluja oppimisvaikeuksista kärsiville aasialaisille .
, the opening exchange of conversations was so invariable that I learnt to recite it at once to save time.
This could arise, for example, in
tutkimukseen, joka kohdistuu into the voting behaviour of, say, white-collar workers, or the differential rates of absenteeism among workers within a particular plant
esimerkiksi valkokaulustyöntekijöiden äänestyskäyttäytymiseen tai tietyn tehtaan työläisten poissaolojen vaihtelevuuteen .
Ten years ago when
into the role of women in trade unions
naisten roolia ammattiliitoissa , it would have been quite surprising to find such a subject included in a sociological textbook.
Marcel Berlins writes: `I'm pleased to see that the Bar has set up
to monitor and
into sex discrimination in the profession
sukupuolista syrjintää tässä ammatissa .
in a non-experimental way
ei-kokeellisesti .
Unsuitability might mean that
these universities
nämä yliopistot in areas not covered by the mainstream journals
alueilla, joita valtavirran tieteelliset aikakausjulkaisut eivät käsittele, , but inspection of the thesis titles does not support this.
moved to Birmingham for his early clinical experience and to
on aspects of hypertension in diabetes
diabeetikkojen kohonneeseen verenpaineeseen liittyviä näkökohtia which formed his MD thesis.
Teen tutkimusta , ``he white-lied, `I wonder if you could help me?
by Matina Horner
Matina Horner in the United States of America
Yhdysvalloissa .
Problems faced by part-time women shop stewards
osa-aikaisten naispuolisten luottamushenkilöiden ongelmia by this same group of men
Tämä sama miesjoukko .
how sex-role attitudes affect therapy
kuinka sukupuolirooleihin kohdistuvat asenteet vaikuttavat hoitoon , calls on Bakan's and Reason and Rown's anti-objectivist methodological programmes.
Rather than taking as gospel what the manufacturers tell us,
is busy
what levels of system security users actually want
minkä tasoista järjestelmäturvallisuutta käyttäjät tosiasiassa haluavat, so that CEC can make recommendations
jotta CEC voi tehdä suosituksia .
There seems to be no technical problem in taking the switchboard away from reception and
where else it could be sited
minne muualle se voitaisiin sijoittaa .
Here is a list of
19 helpful behaviours that
19 hyödyllisestä toimintamallista, joita have been carefully
on huolellisesti .
This is a relatively short broadcast time, but
and prepared
by volunteers from the neighbourhood
lähiympäristön vapaaehtoiset .
Before our trip to Mexico
Ennen Meksikon-matkaamme all the available material on the Yellow Sword
kaikkia saatavilla olevia aineistoja, jotka käsittelivät Keltaista miekkaa .
perusteellisesti the markings and colour scheme of Sugar
Sugarin tunnuksia ja väripalettia , in which he received assistance from several sources, including Harry Holmes, then Market Information Officer of Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd, Manchester.
and documented and for some topics material is very thin indeed.