In a final
president Rene Felber said: `A negative vote would compromise our future and hurt Switzerland's image abroad.
And to help mothers come to terms with their grief, money from the
varainhankinta- has bought a special leatherbound Book of Remembrance in which the names of unborn babies can be recorded.
On Feb. 25 Soviet Vice-President Gennady Yanayev disclosed that after the start of the land war Gorbachev had telephoned Bush with an
to halt the offensive
keskeyttämään hyökkäyksen .
The annual parochial church meeting heard the latest report on the £30,000
for restoring outside stonework on the church
palauttaa kirkon ulkopuolella olleet kivityöt .
An LEA adopted the practice of hearing all
secondary school admissions
yläkoulujen ja lukioiden sisäänpääsy- before making any decisions on individual cases.
A councillor who's facing a legal bill of a third of a million pounds after a failed libel case has lodged an
against having to pay
siitä, ettei hänen tarvitsisi maksaa .
Mr Corker's
will be dealt with in written submissions by a planning inspector appointed by the Department of the Environment.
A grant of £400 is to be given to Sedgefield church,
, which has fallen £45,000 short of target.
to `the democracy ``
"demokratiaan" to assert its pacifist instincts
vakuutellakseen sen pasifistista luonnetta was explicitly aimed at capital as well as at labour:
Early in 1937 a group of prominent Liberals pressed such a policy on the Liberal Party Executive,
for ``Unity
"yhtenäisyyteen" being printed by the Party without comment.
Yes I put out an
to er my readers
öh lukijoilleni, to search their attics and their er lofts and their garden sheds for all the things they might have left over from the second World War
jotta he etsisivät ullakoiltaan ja öh parviltaan ja työkaluvajoistaan kaikenlaisia tavaroita, joita heille on voinut jäädä toisesta maailmansodasta .
by the government
Hallituksen urging exiled opposition leaders, in particular Alpha Conde of the RPG, to return to Guinea to participate in the political liberalization were largely ignored.
Fears of violence both before and after the election led to an
on Oct. 18
to the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
Afrikan yhtenäisyysjärjestön (OAU) pääsihteerille esitettyyn to send peacekeeping forces to Zambia
rauhanturvajoukkojen lähettämisestä Zambiaan .
by the Chairman
puheenjohtajan to chambers
kamareille esittämä for extra pupillage places
lisäoppilaspaikoista was undertaken during May after a questionnaire had been completed by all students of the Inns of Court School of Law regarding their pupillage position.
A further 15 RBMK 1000 reactors continue to operate in the Soviet Union, despite
by Soviet scientists
neuvostotiedemiesten esittämistä for them to be shut down to avert a similar disaster
sulkea ne, jotta samanlainen onnettomuus voitaisiin välttää .
Two judge courts will normally deal with
concerning interlocutory matters
jotka koskevat esiprosessuaalisia asioita, and may hear any final appeals with the consent of the parties.
Royal Air Forces Association and Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
Kuninkaallisten ilmavoimien yhdistyksen ja Kuninkaallisten ilmavoimien hyväntekeväisyysrahaston for Dowding House
Dowding Housea koskeva remained open for donations during the year.
The Swedish Prime Minister, Ingvar Carlsson
Ruotsin pääministeri Ingvar Carlsson , had made a personal
for clemency
armahtamisesta to Saddam Hussein
Saddam Husseinin .
On March 22 Traoré broadcast an
, and announced an overnight curfew in main centres.
But the riddle of his identity was only solved after
Scottish police
Skotlannin poliisi issued a nationwide
The conference
Konferenssissa heard an
from a wheelchair-bound representative
pyörätuolissa olevalta edustajalta to enable the disabled to run their lives more independently
joka koski vammaisten mahdollisuutta elää elämäänsä itsenäisemmin .
Moved by
from the public and the Press
Yleisön ja lehdistön , he decided to write the text himself.
It has been estimated that retrospective
from Scottish landowners
skotlantilaisten maanomistajien over previously designated SSSIs
aiemmin määriteltyjä tieteellisesti merkittäviä tutkimuspaikkoja koskevat — there are currently 1300 — could cost SNH £1.5m a year, 7.5% of their budget.
from orders of district judge
Piirioikeuden tuomarin määräyksiä koskevat made on applications are made
to the judge on notice
tuomarille sillä huomiolla, to be filed and served within five days after the order is made unless additional time is allowed by the circuit judge.
Under pressure from earnest appeals and strong personality of the dedicated Rivers, Jane nearly consents to marry him and share his missionary vocation in India, but is prevented by a
from Rochester
Rochesterin .
Credit card donations to the
Ethiopia famine
Etiopian nälänhädän appeal
lievittämiseksi esitettyyn on TV and radio
TV- ja radiovetoomukseen reached £377,882 within hours.
DETECTIVES were yesterday following up a number of leads after an
on national television
kansallisessa televisiossa esitettiin for information about a Darlington building society robbery
tietojen saamiseksi darlingtonilaisen asuntolainarahaston ryöstöstä .
They are fallings away from reason beyond conscious control, which require to be explained by an
to the unconscious
alitajuntaan .
The passenger committee addressed
to political and religious leaders throughout Europe; though its messages now had to be shorter, since the shipping line had withdrawn free cabling facilities.
This was close to
Mr Yeltsin's
herra Jeltsinin initial
that he was forced to act to protect basic principles of the constitution such as democracy and human liberties
jonka mukaan hänen oli pakko toimia suojatakseen perustuslain perusperiaatteita, kuten demokratiaa ja ihmisten vapauksia .
was accused of trespassing and
, who were called by the vicar when they arrived
A real advantage of his girl, McLeish thought grimly, was that
never lied if
were a pair, accepted as a couple and, when
for country weekends, went together and stayed together.
On March 18
the public prosecutor in Genoa
Genovan julkinen syyttäjä the Greek government
Kreikan hallitusta to extradite Khaled
luovuttamaan Khaledin .
As twenty are required it might pay
your supplier
toimittajaltasi for a `bulk discount ``
"tukkualennusta" .
Over the phone
Puhelimessa ,
the dealer
jälleenmyyjältä for a detailed description and size of the copper
tarkkaa kuvausta kuparirahasta ja sen kokoa , and set an appointment the following Monday.
`I can't imagine what she wants, ``Joanna said, `unless, having quarelled with Robert,
's going
During his speech to the Israeli Knesset,
from Jews who may have suffered in the past at Polish hands
juutalaisilta, jotka ovat voineet menneisyydessä kärsiä puolalaisten käsissä .
would stop and
foreigners in the streets
kadulla olevia ulkomaalaisia to explain obscure phrases
selittämään vaikeatajuisia lauseita .
It resisted her attempts to remove it and she asked the patient to wait while
to look at it
katsomaan sitä .
The canon did add an alternative: that
to control it
hallitsemaan sitä .
One drop of water
Yksi vesipisara is not much
, but the king's son had none at all.
“ I haven't got any idea
're going
There have been
writing in
for her fans to stop making excuses for her
hänen fanejaan lopettamaan hänen puolustelunsa .
But she must ask; beg even, or
'd be knocking on the kitchen door at Jarman House,
the Lord knew what favours
Herra ties mitä palveluksia .
In fact
to chair the meeting
toimimaan kokouksen puheenjohtajana .
that their wrists be untied
että solmut aukaistaisiin heidän ranteistaan .
she going
that the `Grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ ``should come down and settle upon me
että "meidän Herramme Jeesuksen Kristuksen armo" lankeaisi ylhäältä minun päälleni ?
took it down when
to have Charles's letter read to her
että Charlesin kirje luettaisiin hänelle .
Please don't tell me we're totally wrong for each other
Ole kiltti äläkä sano minulle, ettemme lainkaan sovi toisillemme ,
I already know
tiedän sen jo .
Move out of the village
Muuta pois kylästä ,
Oh, Fabio, please
Oi, Fabio, ole kiltti ! ``
`Please don't tell anyone in the village that you've seen me, ``
"Ole kiltti äläkä kerro kenellekään kylässä, että olet nähnyt minut", .
Out on the teeming Paris street, she is accosted by
a couple of zealous American tourists who
pari fanaattista amerikkalaisturistia, jotka for autographs
nimikirjoituksia .
for reimbursement
hyvitystä , but none was forthcoming, and for the want of a few hundred pounds the village lost its crop for the year.
from other children in school
koulun muilta lapsilta , eat their apple cores and even scoured bins for food, prosecuting barrister David Hale told the jury.
not to do it
ettei hän tekisi sitä , but he was besotted with her.
gazed at Johnny beseechingly,
, but she knew that it was going to be no good.
By nine that same evening
to go and get them
lähtemään hakemaan heitä !
`You're sure you don't want them to come? ``asked
hartaasti pyytäneet, to make her change her mind
että hän saisi naisen muuttamaan mielensä .
knocked on the door and
All I ate that day was
a piece of bread
leipäpala ,
from a farmer eating his supper
ilta-ateriaansa syövältä maanviljelijältä .
I'd given up about three weeks before but
was ready
from him
häneltä hartaasti .
I hope that gradually we will stop seeing
on the streets without any prospects for their future.
The crisis is hitting so hard that most of the people are unemployed, and you see
in the streets or forced to go out to work.
As Anatole France explained: “ equality of the laws … forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under the bridges,
in the streets, and to steal … bread. ”
Please, Your Excellency
Olkaa kiltti, Teidän ylhäisyytenne ,
give me your permission to enter the convent as soon as I'm sixteen
antamaan minulle luvan muuttaa luostariin heti, kun olen kuusitoista .
Oh no, no tears
Voi ei, ei kyyneleitä ,
`Mrs Heathcliff, ``
"Rouva Heathcliff", ,
`What can I do?
"Mitä voin tehdä?
`Don't give me a hard time, ``
"Älä syytä minua siitä", .
Don't leave me
Älä jätä minua ! ``
One Sunday
the congregation of a Paris church
pariisilaisen kirkon seurakunnalta, not to assassinate him
etteivät he murhaisi häntä .
not to leave her and to go on sleeping with her
ettei hän jättäisi tätä ja jatkaisi vain unia siskon kanssa, that she gave way.
not to leave just yet
ettei tämä lähtisi ihan vielä .
A jury at Winchester Crown Court heard how father-of-two Dr Cox gave a lethal injection to arthritis sufferer Lillian Boyes, 70, after
are always to offer prayers to almighty God, and daily
by singing psalms and celebrating masses for his sins
laulamalla virsiä ja pitämällä jumalanpalveluksia syntiensä tähden , so that after his death through God's mercy and their holy intercession he will come to the heavenly kingdom.
Near the end of May,
, suffering reverses at the hands of the Austrians,
her Russian Ally
liittolaiseltaan Venäjältä .
Each commander
Jokainen komentaja began
his immediate superior
välittömältä esimieheltään for reinforcements
täydennysjoukkoja .
There was
a little crowd
pieni väkijoukko joka underneath him,
with the heavy solemn common-sense of drunks
raskaalla ja vakavahenkisellä juoppojen maalaisjärjellä to `come down and not be a fool
"tulemaan alas eikä olemaan hölmö" ``.
And finally, brethren, let
ask the Almighty to look down upon us and our endeavours with His special favour,
that He may send a blessing upon our daily tasks, and that in His infinite wisdom He may smite our enemies, and destroy those who would destroy us
että Hän siunaa jokapäiväisen työmme, ja että Hän rajattomassa viisaudessaan kukistaa vihollisemme ja tuhoaa ne, jotka tahtoisivat tuhota meidät .
The people, by this time, had also come to regret the whole incident and
The England international has been mobbed by Lazio fans this week,
to shoot down their hated rivals
murskaamaan heidän vihatut kilpailijansa , but he has kept his cool.
The details of that title are nowhere given, beyond a statement that they were set out in the petition of
the three estates which
kolmen valtiosäädyn vetoomuksessa, jossa to take the crown
ottamaan kruunu .
To the Nuer, god appears both as lofty and remote, though omnipotent, while sometimes approachable and near-at-hand: indeed on some occasions
is felt to be too close for comfort and
to withdraw his presence and leave his people in peace
vetäytymään ja jättämään väkensä rauhaan .
You have got to believe me
Sinun täytyy uskoa minua , ``
say not one word but ``yes or ``no till I have said all I have to say
ettet sano mitään muuta kuin "kyllä" tai "ei", kunnes olen sanonut kaiken sanottavani .
if the decision went against him to return to the Upper House and do his bit there
palaamaan ylähuoneeseen ja tekemään siellä osuutensa, jos päätös olisi häntä vastaan .
came to Baxter and earnestly
his forgiveness
hänen anteeksiantoaan .
``Oh, kind sir,
"Voi, hyvä herra", ,
``I am so tired and hungry from travelling through the forest.
"Olen niin väsynyt ja nälkäinen kuljettuani metsän läpi.
`Not for a big, strong boy like you, ``
"Ei sinun kaltaisellesi isolle, vahvalle pojalle", .
`And now, I beg you,
to reassure me that you are not also one of those unspeakables of which I think we both know the name only too well
vakuuttamaan minulle, ettet sinä ole yksi niistä kammotuksista, joiden nimen me molemmat luultavasti tiedämme paremmin kuin hyvin .
In tears
to be evacuated
evakuointiaan ; their one terror to be labelled `untransportable ``.
You could use a
, in which case it is recommended that you verify the copies using BACKUP, or you could use BACKUP and do the copy-and-verify in one operation.
took a step forward, assuming
You'll see that these
have also been applied to this heading.
Another situation where the
is essential is within the home itself.
Alan Norman, slipway superintendent at boatbuilders William Osborne, gave the final
`Slack off winch ``
"vapauttakaa vinssi" .
`I am Sir Alexander Seton of that Ilk, Governor of this town and port, and the cannon are fired on
and with the authority of King David's Regent.
love one another just as I love you
rakastakaa toisianne niin kuin minä rakastan teitä .
On the
of `1-2-3 lift ``
"1-2-3-nosto" , both helpers should stand up and carry the person to a chair or bed.
February 23 -- I am to be made flight lieutenant and given
to `love one's neighbour ``
"rakastaa lähimmäistä" , for example, is a cultural universal.
Even the cameraman ignored
of `Roll 'em ``
"antaa palaa", when Brando was talking to him.
He was on the lawn outside the morning room throwing a ball for Ho who'd obeyed
of `Sit ``, `Wait, `Go ``
"istu", "odota", "mene" , until I arrived.
`Hector, be quiet! ``
"Hector, ole hiljaa! ", came a croaked
from behind the dog, and a veined hand reached for his scruff and tugged him back.
It uses the
rather than GET INTO, but this performs a similar function.
With urgent
, Douglas himself led the way into the river, glad enough now of its noises.
your ladyship
Teidän armollanne has no very important
and I beg to withdraw.
Unfortunately, Durie woke up and subsequently allowed
to take
from the baseline.
The Fiend is
an elemental entity of Evil from the Warp
Poimusta tullut elementaalinen Pahuuden olento ,
can be magically bound and
in various ways
eri tavoin by powerful Evil wizards
voimakkaat pahat velhot .
, ``
as she lifted her head.
`Kneel down, ``
"Polvistu", .
`Look at this skin! ``
"Katso tätä ihoa! ", Dame Edna Everage
Dame Edna Everage , grabbing my hand for an exploratory stroke.
`Look at your hands! ``
"Katso käsiäsi! ", Mr Broadhurst
herra Broadhurst .
`Hold your tongue! ``
"Suu kiinni! ", Lady Merchiston
Lady Merchiston .
The artillery Colonel jerked round, stared at Rebecque for an instant, then bellowed his own orders, but instead of ordering a killing volley into the tall rye,
The greatest love a man can have for his friends is to give his life for them and you are my friends, if you do
`Herein! ``
"Tänne sisään! ", from inside the office.
`Tell me you like it, Mademoiselle de Courmont, ``
"Kertokaa minulle, että pidätte sitä, Madamoiselle de Courmont", ,
with a disdainful smile
ylenkatseellinen hymy huulillaan, ,
`tell me what it is you want.
"kertokaa minulle, mitä haluatte."
`Now the shotgun, ``
"Nyt haulikko", , his glittering black eyes never leaving Grant's.
`Open up, ``
"Avaa suusi", , and fed her again.
Newspaper support of political parties
Sanomalehtien tuki poliittisille puolueille is nowadays volunteered, it
and if he doesn't do it the first time, he is pushed gently into position.
were there to be beseeched and
for their protection and aid in adversity
heidän suojeluaan ja apuaan vastoinkäymisissä , but what if they failed?
`If I tread too presumptuously into sacred places, reprove me, ``
"Jos astun liian röyhkeästi pyhiin paikkoihin, nuhtele minua", , with the submissive sweetness of a brand-new novice.
Miracles can be worked by Him alone, although
mere mortals
pelkät kuolevaiset to perform them on their behalf
että hän tekee niitä heidän puolestaan .
can not appease Olympian Zeus, though
with many words and deep wisdom
monilla sanoilla ja syvällä viisaudella .
If you have a dog that behaves in this fashion, do not encourage it by making soothing noises,
to calm down
rauhoittumaan .
And he beseeched
pyytämään hartaasti your Majesties
Teidän Majesteetiltanne, To hear and see the matter
että kuulette ja tutkitte asiaa .
In the lifetime of the current Westminster parliament, it appears inconceivable that
will go beyond its existing words
fluttered against his lips,
pyysi hartaasti to be let back in
päästä takaisin sisään .
Shouldst thou not cry aloud, and show them their transgressions; and
and beseech
as for life and death
kuin kyse olisi elämästä ja kuolemasta ?
When A sees B in grievous distress, his conscience always urges
pyytämään hartaasti to help him
että tämä auttaisi häntä .
`Oh come on, ``
"Suostuisit nyt", .
`Just go away, will you? ``
"Voisitko vain lähteä? ", .
How one afternoon in the blaze of the Highland summer
one of the airmen
yksi lentosotamiehistä roused the corporal and
``What do you make of yon?
"Mitä mieltä olette tuosta?"
Following the experience of the war, when Britain came close to running out of food,
by successive governments
peräkkäiset hallitukset to increase production
kasvattamaan tuotantoaan .
`The Tommie Atkins they introduce ``, he insisted, `is a drunken, swearing, coarse-minded Hooligan, for whom, nevertheless,
our sympathy
meidän sympatiaamme .
`No, don't be so quick to offence, ``
"Ei, älä loukkaannu niin nopeasti", hastily.
turned to him, lips slightly parted, eyes wide,
Among the delphinium, the snapdragon, the hollyhock and the sweet-pea, on a blanket, by a basket, she will grant me a nostalgic caress -- always followed, on Odilo's part, by hours of
The cry had in it some kind of
, but whether
of fear, or longing, or sorrow at being left alone
pelkoa, kaipausta vai surua yksin jäämisestä , it was impossible to tell.
The British Prime Minister, Lord Aberdeen, was inclined to be sympathetic to
hartaille pyynnöille , but his government was a coalition and some of his ministerial colleagues disagreed with him.
hartaista pyynnöistään he had been `determined to go and go that day ``.
And despite
hartaista pyynnöistään , this Woking housewife achieved instant fame as the first person to miss the deadline for the much-hyped water offer.
`The Red Terror ``, as Phar Lap was to become known, was a freak of breeding: his sire Night Raid failed to win at all in England before being sent to Australia and
was unplaced on her only start.
Prince Sihanouk
Prinssi Sihanouk has been issuing
hartaita pyyntöjä for a peaceful election
rauhanomaisista vaaleista from his Beijing residence.
But despite all
hartaista pyynnöistä for her
hänelle esittämistä to talk more of Callanish
puhua enemmän Callanishista , Minch refused, saying she was tired and must rest.
`I hope you realise that it is only on account of the
that I see you, Huy, ``were his words of greeting.
hartaat pyynnöt to passing travellers
ohikulkeville matkailijoille were not infrequent in lonely country at the time.
If, however,
like Bilinda from My Bloody Valentine
niin kuin My Bloody Valentinen Bilinda 're singing tender
to your partner
kumppanillesi or questioning the nature of love, then you're saying something universal and good.
Could it now transpire, wondrously, that
to the Godfather of All
Kaiken Kummisedälle had only begun to be granted?
Despite all
Mrs Knelle's
rouva Knellen entreaties
hartaista pyynnöistä, that I go westward into the wilder parts of her beloved Galway
että kuljen länteen päin hänen rakastamansa Galwayn kesyttömämpiin osiin , I stuck to my original plan.
chatted incessantly on the journey, oblivious to
hartaista pyynnöistä , and Stephen's impatience when she insisted on stopping at every plantation house -- `Just to have a peek.
With regretful eyes on the sunshine outside, they had reluctantly yielded, though not as reluctantly as
had yielded to
hartaille pyynnöille siitä, to be allowed to interrupt the lesson
että hänellä olisi lupa keskeyttää oppitunti .
, not knowing whom she spoke to, and for a moment her despair went on mounting.
`Briefly, please, ``
"Nopeasti, olkaa hyvä", , to no avail.
`How can you stand it? ``
"Kuinka pystyt kestämään sitä? ", .
`Don't turn it off, ``
"Älä sulje sitä", ;
`that is my favourite song.
"tämä on lempikappaleeni."
from the street.
in an extended da capo air, with nine key-changes the work's musical and dramatic climax
laajennetussa da capo -aariassa, teoksen musiikillisessa ja draamallisessa huippukohdassa, jossa sävellaji vaihtuu yhdeksän kertaa (movements 9b-10: Récitatif Air: D major).
with every kind of entreaty
kaikin tavoin hartaasti rukoillen ,
to let no-one molest the animal
ettei hän antaisi kenenkään ahdistella eläintä .
He communed with his mother,
to drift with him
kuljeskelemaan hänen kanssaan .
shivered in her lavendered sheets,
pyytäen hartaasti , trying not to think of the dreadful thing Finn had said.
Suddenly he was surrounded by
ten or a dozen street urchins in rags
noin tusinan verran resuisia katulapsia ,
to be generous
olemaan antelias .
Instead, he had been answering a barrage of questions from
an invited audience of supporters
kutsutuista tukijoista koostuva yleisö ,
intohimoisesti the amiable Irishman
tältä rakastettavalta irlantilaiselta, to guide their side into the Fourth Division
että hän ohjaisi heidän joukkueensa neljänteen divisioonaan .
in your life, ``Ruth murmured, resting her wet head on his shirt for a second before pulling away and perching on the edge of the lounger.
`Oh, Hank, I'd love to go, ``
"Oi Hank, haluaisin todella lähteä", .
, backing away from the bar,
`be reasonable
"ole järkevä" .
`How much can a man stand? ``
"Kuinka paljon mies voi kestää? ", .
Don't say a word
Älä sano mitään ,
, gazing back at her.
now, on behalf of my hon. Friend the Member for Neath (Mr. Hain),
to save the 4th Volunteer Battalion
pelastamaan 4. vapaaehtoispataljoonan ?
approached the Santuario on their knees for the last part of the journey, saying the Rosary and
the Madonna's help
madonnalta apua .
She called out for their return, she wept convulsively,
. …
`What can I do? ``
"Mitä voin tehdä? ", .
stopped her taxi as it was crossing Montparnasse and
to be allowed to ride with her
että voisi matkustaa hänen kanssaan autossa , and even that was relayed to her readers.
Where a
is made, it is not sufficient for a copy of that to be placed with the title deeds with nothing further being done, for the court order can be misplaced or removed.
If you intend to buy
, make sure you are familiar with the shoe and the correct size or send in an outline of your foot to help the supplier.
It enables him to consider, no doubt on advice, whether there are grounds for challenging the findings made by
made the
does not take
too well, ``Alain growled with a sidelong glance at Jenna's mutinous face.
Already under a
for attacking a songwriter the previous year, he found himself on another assault charge.
was also fined £30 and given a
12 month supervision
12 kuukauden valvonta- for breaching a conditional discharge given last year for a burglary at a cycle shop.
HOW silly of comedy writer Carla Lane to try to save a pit bull terrier which faces an
automatic destruction
automaattisen hävitys- after being unmuzzled in public.
On the way down the stairs they passed a maid and
issued very firm
without stopping for one second.
Ray McClean describes his mild surprise on several occasions, when demonstrators accepted the authority of his steward's armband and obeyed
Sensing a certain self-irritation in Bodie's tone of voice, Cowley said quickly, firmly, `They
, Bodie.
`Let me go, Alain, ``
"Anna minun mennä, Alain", as firmly as her trembling would allow, but he was not at all impressed.
briefly and was off again before he could settle the awkward burden conveniently in his arms.
shrank warily into the background until coaxed or
, and always took full advantage of those times when Buddie showed an interest in him.
`No, stay on your horse, and take mine! ``
"Ei, pysy hevosesi selässä ja ota minun! ", , jumping down.
`Be quiet! ``
"Ole hiljaa! ", .
`Leave me now, ``
"Jätä minut nyt", .
`Stay there while I bring the bathroom scales, ``
"Pysy siellä, niin minä haen kylpyhuonevaa'at", .
`Go in and say we've found her, dear, ``
"Mene sisään ja sano, että olemme löytäneet hänet, kulta", .
`Stay here! ``
"Pysy siellä! ", .
`Gas masks on, ``
"Kaasunaamarit päähän", the commander of Special Services
erikoisjoukkojen komentaja .
The Vichy authorities in Lebanon
Vichyn viranomaiset Libanonissa French troops loyal to Petain
Petainille uskolliset ranskalaisjoukot to stand their ground against the Allied invasion from Palestine in 1941
pitämään pintansa, kun liittoutuneet hyökkäsivät Palestiinasta vuonna 1941 .
to haul down the flags
ottamaan liput alas , claiming they were `excessive ``in a residential area.
Later in 1761
to “ hire a house lately called the New Tavern for his residence, provided the rent does not exceed £20 per annum ”
"vuokraamaan asuinpaikakseen talon, jota viime aikoina on ryhdytty kutsumaan Uudeksi Tavernaksi, kunhan vuokra ei ylitä 20 puntaa vuodessa" .
James, I want a full report on your establishments on Salisbury, ``
James, haluan täydellisen raportin liikeyrityksistäsi Salisburyssa", the Under-Secretary for the Army
armeijan osastopäällikköä .
After a heart-to-heart talk,
home for the rest of the week
kotiin loppuviikoksi , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way.
As to that college novice, Williams,
my attorney to throw him instantly into gaol on an action of debt for money he has borrowed from me.
to circle Ho Chi Minh City to allow him to unload anti-communist leaflets over the city
kiertämään Ho Chi Minh Cityn ympäri, jotta hän voisi levittää kommunisminvastaisia lehtisiä kaikkialle kaupunkiin .
to stop seeing me
lopettamaan minun tapaamiseni ?
`Step outside, Gallagher, ``
"Astu ulos, Gallagher", .
``Keep in touch,
"Pidä yhteyttä", sternly.
`Stop right now! ``
"Pysähdy heti! ", .
`Drew, pour Mrs Templeton a brandy, ``
"Drew, kaada rouva Templetonille brandy", , and his brother complied swiftly.
`Find him, ``
"Etsi hänet", .
his immediate arrest
hänet pidätettäväksi välittömästi .
people killed
ihmisiä tapettavaksi just for the hell of it. ”
Some poor Dutch guy
Jonkun hollantilaisraukan to stand right in the steamy fumes for a photo
seisomaan suoraan höyryjen keskellä valokuvaa varten .
Throughout Europe and in Japan,
Libyan diplomats
libyalaisdiplomaatteja .
, ``he informed her at once.
Nepalese troops, police and medical teams
Nepalin asevoimia, poliiseja ja lääkintähenkilökuntaa to the crash scene
onnettomuuspaikalle -- but faced massive problems.
A spare mount had been brought and Victor
, under the sharp blade of a Cossack sword, to mount.
to be held without bail
vangittaviksi ilman takuita .
that the following questions be certified as points of law of general public importance
että seuraavat kysymykset vahvistetaan yleisesti merkittäviksi oikeuskysymyksiksi :
Kreon, the new ruler
Uusi hallitsija Kreon ,
that his body be left unburied
että hänen ruumistaan ei haudata -- thereby ensuring that his spirit shall find no rest for ever.
However, Ewan Marwick, chief executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, said he was sceptical about the effectiveness of the scheme and questioned whether hard-pressed traders would respond to the
brings in a crowd!
Luxmoore J. ordered rectification as against the daughter but, having concluded that the
non est factum
non est factum failed, he dismissed the rectification claim against the chargees.
His justification for the necessary invasion of privacy
is the familiar-and thoroughly respectable --
tuttu – ja läpeensä kunnioitettava – that politics should and must be personalised
että politiikan on oltava henkilökohtaista .
The `
is according to plot, as is Jacob's response, `I will not let you go, unless you bless me.
Polish historians blame Lloyd George for the unstable and unworkable arrangements imposed on Danzig; they emphasise, quite rightly, his hostility to the Poles and his susceptibility to
Sir Patrick Mayhew was among 90 MPs and peers who heard the
for upgrading the main road to Larne and rail and road routes in south-west Scotland and north-west England
parantaa päätietä Larneen sekä rata- ja tiereittejä lounais-Skotlannissa ja luoteis-Englannissa .
No disrespect to my conveyancing brethren but I wouldn't let them loose on a
heidän tunnustettuaan of going the wrong way round a keep left sign
aja vasemmalla -kyltin kiertämiseen väärältä puolelta .
was in vain.
Terrified of losing his only child, mindful of
not to leave her
olla jättämättä häntä , Bob had fought off earlier legal actions to win his co-operation.
I comply with
and will accept the crown ``.'
And despite
, her offers of bribes, of hidden jewellery, she was sentenced to death.
Module and file transfers between LIFESPAN and user accounts are carried out automatically by LIFESPAN in response to a
to Darlington council
Darligtonin kunnalle for help with housing
asuntotilanteen parantamiseksi have tripled in the last three years, according to Labour.
surprised the old servant very much.
to her
naiselle esittämänsä not
to wash because he was coming
peseytymättä, koska hän oli tulossa, reflects the customs of his time.
to wash the dishes
tiskata astiat is in Caribbean accented English with a Creole grammatical structure (a for Standard it is.)
In fact,
to attend the initial case conference
osallistua ensimmäiseen tapausta käsittelevään kokoukseen had been refused although she was given an opportunity to make written representations.
'd make a
that you don't try to offend brother Tundrish similarly
että yrität olla loukkaamatta Tundrish-veljeä samalla tavalla .
The passport office in Liverpool issued me with a new passport, and, though
had made dozens of
, BBC Radio Manchester succeeded where I had failed.
The characteristics of the clients are described, as are the circumstances leading to
A partner must not be prohibited access to information at
Just after
had made the
for respite care
lisähoito- this daughter-in-law suddenly died.
for emergency international compensation payments
kansainvälisistä hätäkorvausmaksuista were initially frustrated by King Hussein's reluctance to offer support to the United States-led anti-Iraqi coalition.
`We have had 2,200
from women
naisten tekemää .
Namaliu claimed that the landing was in response to
from local chiefs and village leaders, who feared for their safety following a spate of executions carried out by the BRA
paikallisilta päälliköiltä ja kylänjohtajilta, jotka pelkäsivät turvallisuutensa puolesta BRA:n suorittamien laajamittaisten teloitusten jälkeen .
There was the sound of
feet being carefully wiped on the doormat, as
jalkoja pyyhittiin huolellisesti ovimatolla, kuten once sharply
soon after her marriage had taken her into polite circles.
On the question of giving an employee reasons for his dismissal
Mitä tulee irtisanomisperusteiden selvittämiseen työntekijälle ,
need only be given if specifically
by the employee
työntekijä (Section 58 of the 1978 Act).
I can also appreciate that
not all the statistics
tilastoja requested
kaikkia pyydettyjä necessarily will be to hand but hope you can provide as much information as possible.
Some centres therefore decline to disclose the sex of the fetus unless
the obstetrician
synnytyslääkäri specifically
`Half fill this from the tap, will you, ``
"Voisitko täyttää tämän puolilleen hanasta", , passing Maggie a saucepan.
`Please note, ``
"Olkaa hyvä ja huomatkaa", a TM official
TM-virkailija, ,
`that a mantra is only the equivalent of prayer with a fixed wording.
"että mantra on vain rukouksen vastine, jossa on muuttumattomat sanat."
`Do you mind if I use the phone? ``
"Haittaako sinua, jos käytän puhelinta? ", .
If Patterson struts his stuff
just before eleven, so if anything is coming through it should be before eleven-fifteen.
If you have not applied but think you may be entitled to rebate, please
from the Finance Department
talousosastolta .
In most cases,
will be required
from your line manager
linjavastuussa olevalta päälliköltä before engaging in any political activity.
We were soon alongside the small vessel as she pitched uncomfortably in the short Channel seas at about six knots, and
in our usual polite manner
to divert into Folkestone for a customs examination
suuntaamaan Folkestoneen tullitarkastusta varten .
`Unless, ``he said silkily, `
, of course.
I enclose a signed photograph
liitän oheen allekirjoitetun valokuvan .
The Piper pilot
Piper-lentäjä suspected structural problems and
, and made,
a landing at Waddington
laskeutumista Waddingtonille .
The men, who covered 1,350 miles unaided and set two world records, were said to be `more dead than alive ``when
radioed their base camp
In all cases
that the disciplinary findings be published
että kurinpidolliset päätökset julkaistaan .
It is desirable
to specifically
erityisesti from the client's lawyers
asiakkaan juristeilta, that they will advise the Firm where they believe they have a conflict of interest in advising both their client and the Firm regarding the proposed transaction
että he neuvovat Yritystä, jonka suhteen he uskovat omaavansa eturistiriidan, sekä asiakkaan että Yrityksen neuvomisessa, joka liittyy ehdotettuun liiketoimeen .
Opposite each project
the number of man-hours/days
miestyötuntien/-päivien lukumäärä from each department
kultakin osastolta is entered before the meeting.
from directory enquiries
Hakemistokyselyistä are read out to you by a speech generating computer (other than a person).
A few months ago we looked at the Fender Hot Rod Strat, featuring a DiMarzio humbucker at the bridge: an off-the-peg version of one of
the most common custom options
kaikkein yleisimmistä mukautusvaihtoehdoista, joita of guitar repairmen
kitarankorjaajilta today.
`Your dance card, ``
"Tanssikorttinne", .
`If you'll excuse me, ``
"Jos sallitte", ,
`I've a couple of things to attend to.
"minun pitäisi hoitaa pari asiaa."
Turning to Egor
more body parts
lisää ruumiinosia and, to accentuate the urgency required, he physically hurls our hunchbacked hero from the top of his castle into the graveyard below where the game begins.
This allowed
an individual citizen
yksittäinen kansalainen that case be referred to the Constitutional Council
tapauksen saattamista perustuslakineuvoston käsiteltäväksi if he or she felt that fundamental rights were being undermined.
It was envisaged that
to approve a grant-in-aid of 600 million US dollars
hyväksymään 600 miljoonan Yhdysvaltain dollarin tuki , to be spread over three years.
As we were unable to cover any practical work in the January session it
that further time be allocated
lisäaikaa .
The broken arrows represent relationships whereby
, but on an ad hoc basis.
to forward questionnaires to students not in the department during September, and also to those whose grant entitlement had ended earlier in the year
välittämään kyselytutkimukset opiskelijoille, jotka eivät ole laitoksella syyskuussa, kuten myös niille, joiden oikeus avustukseen oli päättynyt aiemmin samana vuonna .
A mail message
postitse viesti, is sent to that user
jossa pyydetään, that the package be approved by the given date
että paketti hyväksytään annettuun päivämäärään mennessä .
And while she knew
to be put down
että hänet laskettaisiin alas , she was enjoying the feel of being held too much to utter the words.
When the figure turns, say `May peace be with you ``, and
to hear who it is and why it is banging at your door
saada kuulla, kuka se on ja miksi se jyskyttää oveasi .
to write a report
kirjoittamaan raportti, will need a clear, and agreed, statement of the problem or issue.
the waiter
tarjoilijan luokseen for the bill
ja pyysi häneltä laskun .
AMBULANSSIHENKILÖSTÖN treating a casualty had
from colleagues
työtovereiltaan by dialling 999 from a callbox
soittamalla puhelinkioskista numeroon 999 , it was claimed yesterday.
a short clear smile
lyhyen, selkeän hymyn , a smile that was chained and brief.
The feint attacks towards Scotland and Ireland, designed to draw off the British warships from the Channel, were also frustrated by
the patrolling frigates
partioivat fregatit , ready
heavier support
raskaampia tukijoukkoja from Portsmouth and Plymouth
Portsmouthista ja Plymouthista .
demonstrated some gadgets -- grandma's tilting teapot, self-adjusting spanner, mini radio transmitter
via telephone and data bank -- and indicated a wealth of similar innovation.
Eleanor sent Richard and Geoffrey to join their brother at the French King's court while
And, like the movers and bustlers they are, when we miss the train at Carmarthen because we are talking too much,
to race the train to Swansea
ehtiäkseen Swanseaan samaa vauhtia kuin juna .
Theodosius, the Eastern emperor
Itäinen keisari Theodosius ,
to meet at Ephesus
koolle Efesokseen .
And then he felt the music's pull again, and thought that hadn't
to help them
auttamaan heitä , and wasn't it sensible to obey him?
Once the messenger reached his destination he delivered the mandate to
the judges who
tuomareille, jotka then proceeded
the parties
osapuolet koolle to appear on a stated day at a stated place
tiettynä päivänä tiettyyn paikkaan .
from ACET or other services
ACETista tai muista palveluista merely
by pressing a button on a pendant worn around the neck
painamalla kaulan ympärillä pidettävässä riipuksessa olevaa painiketta .
At the same time
all £50 landowners
50 punnan maanomistajat to serve without pay
palvelukseen ilman palkkaa .
It was, however, a lucky surprise for
the residents of the Masham almshouse who
Mashamin köyhäintalon asukkaille, jotka to enjoy the breakfast instead
nauttimaan aamiaisesta sen sijaan .
ALLAN McNISH received a late night boost to his Formula One hopes last night when
by Benetton-Ford team owner, Tom Walkinshaw,
Benetton-Fordin tiimin omistaja Tom Walkinshaw to test-drive the team's new Grand Prix car at Silverstone
koeajamaan tiimin uutta Grand Prix -autoa Silverstonessa today.
She only realised that the meal had ended when
The chronicler says that when
for military service
asepalvelukseen appeared they soon disbanded because the king and the citizens of London were not present.
In the end,
the point of view which
se näkökulma, jota prevailed.
Tell me, then
Kerro sitten minulle !
, when he allowed the silence to fall between them.
More salt, ``
Lisää suolaa", our French tutor-chef
ranskalainen opettajakokkimme .
`Throw him into the gutter, Josh! ``
"Heitä hänet katuojaan, Josh! ", .
In the 1960s
the Foreign Office
ulkoministeriö successfully
onnistuneesti the case for joining the EEC
EEC:hen liittymistä .
Mr Delors was able to finish his speech in which
to `rise above present difficulties.
"ylittämään nykyiset vaikeudet".
Mrs Thatcher
Rouva Thatcher !
And still to come, a peace vigil in Belfast,
terrorists on both sides
molempien puolien terroristeja to leave the community alone
jättämään yhteisö rauhaan .
TONY Fitzsimons, the boss of Bristol and West Building Society
TONY Fitzsimons, Bristolin ja West Building Societyn johtaja ,
for a radical change in mortgage tax relief
muuttamaan asuntolainojen verohelpotuksia radikaalisti to boost housing.
It is ironic that even in the UK
the National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS)
eläinkokeita vastustava yhdistys NAVS in its literature
kirjallisuudessaan to look to our own self-interest
tarkastelemaan omia etujamme .
It is always necessary
in the interpretation of examination results and to remind ourselves that they are only one measure of a school's success.
What is certain is that by the late evening of 21 August
had strongly
oli esittänyt vahvan this course
tämän toimintamallin noudattamisesta upon MacDonald
MacDonaldille .
acts of terror
terroritekoihin to destabilize the established social order, and together with some socialists rejected further industrialization and all forms of property.
Tom Clarke, the shadow Scottish secretary,
Tom Clarke, Skotlannin varjohallituksen ministeri, to intervene and to stop denying responsibility
puuttumaan asiaan ja lopettamaan vastuun välttelyn .
to bring in laws on use of video `spy ``cameras
lainsäädäntöä "vakoiluvideokameroiden" käytöstä
They emphasised that they were unable to operate
a reduced load such as
vähemmällä kuormalla, kuten .
that science should progress by the proposal of bold, highly falsifiable conjectures as attempts to solve problems, followed by ruthless attempts to falsify the new proposals
että tieteen pitäisi edistyä ehdottamalla rohkeita, helposti falsifioitavia otaksumia ongelmien ratkaisuyrityksiksi ja pyrkiä sen jälkeen säälimättä falsifioimaan nämä uudet ehdotukset .
was so amazed at
that he obeyed orders and then repaired to the spare bedroom.
I see that
to take a long, unpaid holiday
ottamaan pitkä, palkaton loma .
These seem to me considerations that should be taken with a seriousness at least equal to that for which
the case in favour of the study of language
kielenopiskelua puoltavia argumentteja .
Yet it is hard to think of a worse ordeal for a political leader than
by the party of which he is head
hänen johtamansa puolue to sever relations with his wife
katkaisemaan suhteet vaimoonsa .
was strongly
esitti voimakkaan , in his powerful argument for the revenue,
that we would indeed be trespassing beyond that boundary if we were to accept the argument of Woolwich
että meidän olisi tosiaan loukattava tätä rajalinjaa, jos hyväksyisimme Woolwichin argumentin .
72 per cent said that nutritional information made it easier to choose
the healthy, balanced diet
terveellisen, tasapainoisen ruokavalion ,
has so long been
ovat niin pitkään urged
kehottaneet noudattamaan by health educationalists and consumer bodies
terveyskasvattajat ja kuluttajajärjestöt .
that the RUC must be given a `fraud squad ``as quickly as possible
että RUC:lle on annettava "petosryhmä" niin pian kuin mahdollista .
Some of my men picketed the high ground while
passed underneath, constantly
by the headman and his followers
päällikkö ja hänen seuraajansa not to straggle
olemaan harhailematta .
The moves are part of
by the Headmasters' Conference
Rehtorien konferenssi , meeting in Bruges, Belgium.
by their teachers
Heidän opettajansa to achieve educational success
koulumenestystä or by advertisers to join a consumer society where class differences were blurred by the possession of material goods.
A similar objection to utilitarianism
Samankaltainen utilitarismin vastainen kannanotto by Williams, Alasdair MacIntyre and others
Williams, Alasdair MacIntyre ja eräät muut is that utilitarianism goes with a manipulative approach to human life.
When next they meet
the Foreign Secretary
ulkoasiainministeri upon his European Community colleagues
Euroopan yhteisön kollegoitaan the need for detachment and restraint in their dealings with Iran
puolueettomuuteen ja pidättyväisyyteen Iranin-suhteissaan ?
that he should not resign
olemaan eroamatta .
`And before I go tomorrow
'll compose a joint letter to the two of them, pointing out how well we get on without them and
not to hurry back
olemaan kiirehtimättä takaisin .
adopts two of these creatures and
that they too be named
että myös ne on nimettävä .