- We may have been poor and ignorant in Glasgow butrattingilmiantaminenon our friendsystäviemmewas something we left to the narks, the narks and the prosperous classes.
- `BecauseHattonHattongets scared or fed-up and threatensto<empty>ratilmiantaaon himhänet.
- Would someone with terminal cancer have a better life expectancy thansomeone whojoku, jonkawas publicly knownto have<empty>rattedilmiantaneenon the ManiaxManiaxin?
- `Unless they thoughthehänwas a plant or asnitchvasikka?
- The fact that Coleman was also said to have been `terminated ``further underlined the notion of his unreliability by suggesting that, even as asnitchvasikkana, he was not to be believed.
- `Confidential informant ``, like `cooperating individual, usually means that thesnitchvasikkain question was, or is, engaged in drug trafficking and cooperating with the DEA in order to avoid imprisonment.
- Bonanno, who turns 90 on Wednesday, served nearly two years in prison for obstruction of justice and refusingto<empty>snitchilmiannoistaon reputed leaders of New York's mobNew Yorkin mafian väitettyjen johtajien.
- Asto<empty>snitchingkähveltämiseenon the donorlahjoittajalta,hehänexcused himself to the others later, in my earshot, by saying his loyalties really were to his hosts.