amends.n 🔎
- A great roar from the 15th green had suggested thatAndy KyleAndy Kylewas makingamendshyvittämässäfor his disasterkatastrofiaan.
- `And if possible try to makeamendshyvittääfor the rude way you spoke to Lucyse, kuinka rumasti puhuit Lucylle.
- A week laterViikkoa myöhemmin,I<empty>am makingamendssovitan asioitaat collegeoppilaitoksessa, working out at the gym, and seeing people-friends who do not, to my astonishment, resent me.
- The DonDonmadeamendshyvitti tilanteenin the second inningstoisessa vuoroparissawith a memorable 103 not outunohtumattomalla 103 not outillaand the crowds held a `bob in ``collection to buy their idol a piano.
- MummiusMummiusmade someamendshyvitti asianto the Greekskreikkalaisilleby generous dedications in their sanctuariesantamalla runsaita lahjoituksia heidän pyhäkköihinsä.
- And in any case, the time had come forherhänento makeamendshyvittääwith JoeJoelle se,for deserting him when he needed herettä oli hylännyt tämän silloin, kun Joe tarvitsi häntä.
- The Middlesex manMiddlesexiläinensoonpianmadeamendshyvitti tilanteen, however,with a brilliant saveloistavalla pelastuksella, later repeated by Hick, as the runs/time equation narrowed.
- LynchLynchmadeamendshyvitti tilanteenbefore longennen pitkääand equalised from close range, but that was all the reward Southwood were to see for their efforts.
- NORTH Down will put the memory of their Senior Cup final defeat behind them astheyhetry to makeamendshyvittää tilanteenby winning the Schweppes All Ireland trophyvoittamalla Schweppes All Ireland -pokaalin.
- Nenna was ashamed, butshehäncouldn't makeamendshyvittämään asiaa, not now.