eventually agreed
a small factory in Watford
pienen tehtaan Watfordista , in which I set up my new company.
`If we don't sell,
to the Italians
italialaisille as they wanted.
to a Nigerian company Holdtrade
nigerialaiselle Holdtrade-yhtiölle on a short-term basis
by Montreal-based Nationair
Montrealilainen Nationair .
When trade was good, Brookhouse expanded and thrived and when times became hard,
lost value and
to many different tenants
useille eri asukkaille .
Because they've been good boys we've helped them extend their landholdings and
to their own peasants
omille talonpojilleen at exorbitant rates
kohtuuttomalla hinnalla -- that's why their own people call them pirates.
Next Thursday's club E.G.M will debate a plan for
chairman Wallace Mercer
puheenjohtaja Wallace Mercerin to buy the ground and
therefore sought to raise money by
the soil of the forests
metsien kasvumaata to `improvers ``
"kehittäjille" .
could be sold or
to public or private bodies
julkisille tai yksityisille tahoille for any purpose, even if the purpose was different from the one for which the land was purchased.
Twenty works
Kaksikymmentä teosta, jotka by the Australian Guarantee Corporation
Australian Guarantee Corporation have been repossessed; Heavside Clark's early watercolours of Aboriginal Field Sports, and the group of Conrad Martens watercolours bought from Kerry Packer in 1987.
To get round this, the plan was for
these employees
nämä työntekijät to the railway
rautateille at less onerous rates
edullisemmalla hinnalla .
I thought in my ignorance that Lorcomb would be just down the road from Norwich; when I discovered that it was an hour's drive I persuaded
A man called Wilson murdered a Mrs Henrichson because
`Well, then, would
to a holiday company
matkatoimistolle , perhaps?
I had
The place had belonged to
a Polish woman
puolalaiselle naiselle ,
'd lived there as a child and then
to students
opiskelijoille for the past fifteen years
viimeisten viidentoista vuoden ajan .
The Labour Party is in favour of loosening the tax and legal inhibitions that stop
spare rooms
ylimääräisiä huoneita .
Bill and wife Sally, 35, are waiting to hear if
a housing association
asumisyhdistys will buy the house and
Cottages -- even one described as decayed --
Mökkejä – jopa lahonneiksi kuvattuja – for 3s. 4d.
hintaan 3s. 4d. , houses and tenements for 6s. 8d. and 11s. 8d.
(I am told
the two storey six-bed house first on left as one descends the hill
kaksikerroksista kuuden sängyn taloa, joka on ensimmäisenä vasemmalla mäkeä laskeuduttaessa, for £350 or so, yes £350,
suunnilleen 350 punnalla, kyllä, 350 punnalla in high summer).
`I have had a bit of an accident and
this morning is now a burnt out shell!
However, fired with enthusiasm from the successes in Sheffield, we opened for business in
a church hall
seurakuntatalossa, jonka by a sympathetic vicar
myötämielinen pastori .
The police had gone to the house and had entered
to the dead woman
kuolleelle naiselle .