TransFrameNet:Remembering to do
forget.v 🔎
- Don'tÄläforgetunohdayour baglaukkuasi. ”
- In stark terror at the approaching Armageddonhehänforgotunohticautionvarovaisuuden, advanced to meet the ball, and gave it a mighty drive in the manner of the great W. G. himself.
- With that settled, they were back by the outbuildings near the house when she again remembered her car and thought she had better find out where it was garaged beforeshehänagainjälleenforgotunohtaisito bring it uptuoda asian esille.
- It was when I was voted off the school council and I was really broken up about that and I supposeI<empty>forgotunohdinto post itlähettää sen…
- `Don'tÄläforgetunohdato send me Pete's letterlähettää minulle Peten kirjettä.
- She thinkshehän'sonforgottenunohtanutabout itasianin the rush of leaving for America.
- `I will, ``shehänpromised, and promptlyforgotunohtiabout itasianuntil Sarah said during the week, `That girl Ella that you know, Anne.
- `Good luck today, ``she said, `anddon'täläforgetunohdaabout tonighttätä iltaa.
- `Haven'tyou<empty>forgottenunohtanutthesenäitä?
- `Probably got talking to a neighbour andforgotunohtivatallabout yousinut.
- `You<empty>'re<empty>forgettingUnohdatZoser's wifeZoserin vaimon.
- SheHänhad completelyoli täysinforgottenunohtanutnowabout the rest of the classmuut luokassaolijat.
- Also,don'tÄläforgetunohdaon Saturday nightlauantaiyönäto put your clocks forwardsiirtää kelloja eteenpäin.
- It's about tonight --Iminunshould have mentioned it earlier butforgotunohdin.
- The DoctorTohtorinhad been all butkaikki muut paitsiforgottenolivat unohtaneetby the Chelonianschelonialaiset, which suited him perfectly.
- He was hungry, the smells of food reminded him breakfast had been skipped andlunchlounasforgottenunohtunut.
- and if you're not really committed to it i mean me i'm you know i'm real committed to it for about a week and theni<empty>forgetunohdanabout itasianfor a weekviikoksiand then i go oh yeah i need to do something and by then it's burned up you know
- i can't imagine you know the diapers after three daysforgetunohdaitkoko juttu
- well we've got a pet rabbit in the housei<empty>forgotunohdinto mention thatmainita siitäand uh
- Now we, now we didn't, we didn't pay attention to the kids,we<empty>hadolimmeforgottenunohtaneetabout the kidslapset, we were going to attend to my brother.