these last two days
näitä kahta viimeistä päivää .
Old friends who
Vanhat ystävät, jotka had
during the hard times
vaikeina aikoina .
Although Common have been riding high on top of division one for the best part of the season, with luck
their 3-0 home defeat by Alton Bass in October
3–0-tappiotaan kotikentällä Alton Bassia vastaan lokakuussa .
It's funny
how quickly
kuinka nopeasti what it's like out here
millaista ulkona on . ”
being in hospital
sairaalassa oloa .
M. B.
being called by a superintendent, who said: `Sergeant Bullock, you're acting inspector over the weekend.
sitä, kun poliisikomisario kutsui minut luokseen ja sanoi: "Ylikonstaapeli Bullock, sinä toimit komisariona tämän viikonlopun.
entering the brilliantly lit theatre, gilded and hung with great chandeliers, and seeing the women in ethereally lovely dresses
kun astuin kirkkaasti valaistuun, kullattuun, suurilla kattokruunuilla valaistuun teatteriin ja näin naiset eteerisen ihanissa mekoissaan .
going to the pictures with Vernon to see The Song of Bernadette
sitä, kun kävi Vernonin kanssa elokuvissa katsomassa Bernadetten laulun .
sitting beside her in the night air watching an open-air performance of The Parvenue and listening to the band at Fort House on Thursday evening.
sitä, kun istui torstai-iltana yöilmassa naisen vieressä katsellen Nousukkaan ulkoilmanäytöstä ja kuunnellen Fort Housen yhtyettä
A hi-jacking of that magnitude
sen mittaluokan kaappausta wouldn't be likely
by the police in whose district it had occurred
Poliisit, joiden piirissä se oli tapahtunut, .
What happened next
Sitä, mitä tapahtui seuraavaksi, by anyone who witnessed it
kukaan paikallaolijoista : in an instant Arkle swept contemptuously past Mill House to open up an unassailable lead.
The undramatic origins of my particular badges
tiettyjen rintamerkkieni vähäpätöiset alkuperät , as it were,
by everyone except myself
Itseäni lukuun ottamatta kaikki muut .
The next two weeks
seuraavaa kahta viikkoa by all those who were privileged to work on Too Long a Winter
Kaikki ne, joilla oli etuoikeus työskennellä Liian pitkässä talvessa, .
This ploy
tämän ajanvietteen, had been completely
oli täysin until released along with the tension in the neck muscles by the cervical reintegration.
kunnes hänet kotiutettiin ja hän ei enää kärsinyt kohdunkaulan uudelleenyhdistämisen aiheuttamasta kaulalihasten jännityksestä.
seemed to be haunted by a fear of
by his friends
hänen ystävänsä and Gould became one of the many objects of an obsessive correspondence.
Humorous memories of childhood
Hassunkuriset lapsuusmuistot, jotka forgotten
olivat unohtuneet, along with the appeal of a modern television character.
Mlle Bernardi
Neiti Bernardia in the excitement; she received a reported 50,000 fan letters.
A Burmese proverb sums up what I felt about Burma: `If you fall in love when young
through ten thousand years
kymmenessätuhannessa vuodessa .
when they'd seen Lucille
Lucillea hänet nähtyään .
just how strong he was
kuinka vahva mies oikein oli .
the little River Twyver (and the Horsebere Brook)
pieni Twyver-joki (ja Horsebere Brook) is largely
ovat suurelta osin forgotten
jääneet unohduksiin , much of its lower section completely culverted.
for the next two and a half years
seuraavan kahden ja puolen vuoden ajaksi .
because one i
one spring we had a real big dust storm come in
yhtenä keväänä meille saapui tosi iso hiekkamyrsky and it started raining and uh it was like raining mud out there you know
and it's it's such a distinctive smell when it burns
i mean i
When he got famous, I was sure
, ``says one old playmate, ``but he hasn't. ``
Let's talk about his good works and
about that affair with his kids' baby sitter
se hänen suhteensa lastensa lapsenvahtiin .
yes but people grow up and
If anything,
things of a traumatic character
traumaattiset asiat are more likely to be remembered than
. ``
what a hoot i
about this thing
tämän asian i have been so bad oh good
Although this is a family tradition and ritual, some families use the occasion to lavish on their daughters an extravagant day, never
, ``the director wrote, ``How do we impeach Kenneth Turan? ``
i have done that once and i did it uh gosh
i i guess i
In these, however, no special attempt was made by the interviewers to evoke
of grandparents or other old people.
I can see how those faded images might suggest sultry nights of Mediterranean passion even if to me they now evoke only
of sunburn and Retsina hangovers
auringonpolttamista ja retsinakrapuloista .
Distantly this springtime snow stirred
of other Springs
toisista keväistä , and later blossom, like but unlike this, when the hawthorns came into heady, drunken sweetness, drowning the senses.
of days filled with happiness and laughter
onnellisuuden ja naurun täyttämistä päivistä .
The line back to
is elastic.
Anyway it didn't Spoil anything, and
the whole event
koko tapahtuma for ever.
vivid and compelling
eloisia ja vakuuttavia of being abused
hyväksikäytöstä .
She said: `
of that church
siitä kirkosta but we won't be there this time.
has fond
of those early struggles
näistä varhaisista kamppailuista .